HARD SURFACE tutorial for Blender with Hard OPS, Boxcutter, and Decal Machine

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hey guys we're here with another twitter for blender let's model something with addons hard dubs box cutter mesh machine digital machine in action let's grab a hundred hertz in here what we're going to be making is some kind of a maybe energy cell or something like that all right so we got a battle now what we're gonna do is control click bevel to get another bevel on top of it so now we have two bevels and we're going to slice it so let's slice it from the top go to turn on these options these are snapping tools this distance here you can change either typing or just hold the control and scrolling should do i mean object mode is best for this one okay and i'm just going to go to circle and go with the circle i'm going to change number of uh words to i don't know 80 should do i guess some minor scale it down a little bit change to uh um extrusion and then x slice it through there we go this snapping tool allows you to slice things very precisely so it's pretty cool all right so you know what let's just uh select all of them and literally apply it because um not this one i want to i want to actually battle this one so sorry the one in the middle and let's go back to local and actually you know what i'm just going to do we have two bevels in here so we should have two bellows as well oh we have on the one fascinating okay then so let's click another bevel and bevel this like that see what we got here yeah we're doing pretty pretty cool we're doing pretty cool so now let's grab this one and move it outside just a bit something like this let's actually make ourselves some space so tab i mean control space and t to remove these parts i don't need them and let's see the search actually used to be a little bit larger so what we're gonna do is uh go to machine tools on chamfer and we're going to actually chamfer this again right a little bit larger and what we're going to do is actually scale the exterior so control plus go to top view and orthographic and we're gonna scale this outside but shift c so something like this i should do select everything and i see skeleton z as well perfect so now what we're gonna do is uh cut some holes in it so let's go to select this outer one and run to the middle where is the middle do it again there we go smaller circle and maybe not 80 let's go to 40 44 will do double v for circular array and let's radius a bit wider here will do not too deep so just a little bit this should do let's recall this cutter and select top face and cue mark and let's just bevel it's a little bit outside so something like this peachy now let's see let's save this because blender and we're gonna run the power save because reasons and now let's see let's make it more interesting shall we so let's grab this in fact let's grab all of it so all of it right yep and let's simply um extract it inwards notice and then let's let's actually uh sharpen this and then select this edge on the top come on as zero to flatten it peachy now this one is too big right so um let's scale this a little bit to shift z so it scales only on on the uh x and y this one's a little bit too tall so we're gonna cut it so let's go here let's grab a box shift to view and slice it just a little bit below so sharpen it are we done what is this junk remove oh just array right uh let's just hide it because oops reasons let's go to cutters because it's gonna annoy me and uh shift to there we go so now let's see um what we're gonna do is this we're going to um draw a cutter in here like this right i'm gonna bevel it and i'm gonna run it through and then i'm going to uh recall it and i'm going to actually go to orthographic top shift d and rotate it and i'm going to rotate it by i think 45 and shift r and if it's not not perfectly aligned i'm just gonna do a perfect alignment manually so ctrl r l i mean and just you know let's move it like that peachy hide it and show up in this whoa come on blender there we go what's this let's just select everything and ctrl i and delete junk okay so now what we're gonna do is we're going to actually cut it so let's grab a circle and grab this one and just you know oops let's actually um draw it on the surface so object and you know somewhere here now let's draw it in right so through basically and where is the cursor we need to break cursor back here um to the center to the center and then let's go back to hard ups and control click and that got messed up so let's align rotation try this again it's better and now we need to increase the number of cuts and see how we're looking yeah we're looking pretty peachy so sharpen this let's bevel this thing just a little bit yeah now in an ideal situation what you want to do is run some loops here but i can't be bothered so um there should be a loop across before we cut but to be honest really i just can't be bothered uh because it'd be easier to connect them right um but it's gonna be inside so it's gonna be invisible it's fine it's fine well let's play a little bit with this one shall we so let's go to object object orientation in box cutter all right let's cut it 112 is too many 100 is perfect okay let's uh let's cut it like this and we call the cutter and shift it to slice here and now sharpen both that's okay now let's see okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna delete this oops delete faces delete faces and we're going to combine them okay i don't know if it's going to work but we can try on the misaligned [Music] well we could do is this um select this one no not this one combined there so remove the faces on the bottom um select the middle part delete it now grab this piece in the middle and what we're gonna do is actually select the top part right combine these two actually and these two and then select them and face it and then let's go to occlude and let's see move them in a little bit and then extrude it down and go up see how we're looking yeah we're looking pretty peachy looking pretty peachy so now we can probably use it as uh because now we have the um see those tiny faces so now we can actually use a bevel on them so select the inner part and then check or deselect and now let's try it again there we go because now we got a support for it see perfect all right then so that's that let's grab this top piece and let's slice it and remove this bevel for a second so we're gonna do it manually so let's grab this one and chamfer this and now let's actually slice this line up but i want to slice it in a way that it's actually becoming some geo what the so let's slice this in addition let's slice it here okay and then let's recall this cutter let's symmetrize it and apply the mirror and everything i'll remove this middle edge because we don't need it now what we need is a ring in here and a ring in here okay that's too close somewhere here okay now let's go to top view and we need to make it shorter and bring it in here apply the rotation go to hard ups and that's actually a radius around whoa that's too many yeah that will do but it's too big so i mean it's too uh too long there you go that's better and what we can do is actually select the fighters how are we looking we're looking pretty good what's happening here uh we got this uh geo problem so we're gonna slice it here with a knife so we're gonna do slice it with a knife i mean gucci and now we can simply move this one up sorted and let's see this could be a little bit lower to be honest i'm gonna introduce some kind of just tiny you know irregularity in the shape which is cool and [Music] ah it's gonna come out in here that's not good actually right wait wait wait wait maybe taller make it taller yeah why not all right so now let's uh let's cut this middle shall we we need something funky in here so let's let's just you know let's just apply these things because reasons and let's go in maybe by that many then inwards again to the middle and actually let's it's just gonna make sense i don't know really the other way around maybe we're gonna meet with meet with this middle here which is not a problem because we can cut it so we can go to object mode and simply slice it with circle change to cut and circle and cut it through boom another other thing is peachy right so what are we doing in here ah inset it and extrude it down it should be larger yep even larger than that and then i'm gonna do the same thing so extract it up maybe even a bit more that should do not after some cards shall we so let's cut it like this really close okay keep the cutter live switch it to box we need some cavity and shadow so you can see what we're doing um slice it here like that and this should be really flat by the way so um cheesy move it up right that's better let's grab an end gun and do something fun mirror this to this other problem so let's grab this cutter and let's multiply and copy this okay now we're going to grab an end gun turn the cyclic off and let's have some fun oh it's mirrored from this side right yeah hmm actually you know what let's delete this one yeah that's pretty cool actually i like this that is pretty cool let me see that oh yeah that's awesome sharpen this and waited normals nice now let's grab a circle and drop one in here in fact you know what let's make it one just one opening so let's grab this grab this one and let's bevel this shift to sharpen this perfect now let's grab this uh this whole loop oh this one doesn't matter which one come on blender shift d rip it to its own selection grab it select all shift one now get invert in the middle extrude which were we going we have to go this way so easy this way and guy yeah and then e e y one more time e y there we go and this needs to go down and of course this seems to be bigger so gz and there we go all right so we got this shape right now i'm thinking we could use a split here and then curve extract and one s and ctrl two or even control three this should be a little bit longer something like this will do geo to mesh and face and let's see i have an idea come on sy0 right i'm gonna select this and expand selection up to here and delete the words grab this face ey uh e y move it in here split it like this split these e console alt s sy switch to individual origins and bob john call drop a face in here sharpen this and bevel it done and definitely we need something in here so i should do all right guys let's keep going because we know when they are finished right so let's grab this one and select this let's insert it a little bit and let's grab it sharpen this now let's see select this again insert again check and deselect now let's see individual origins this will not work there we go now it's sinking in we got some issues in here this is probably caused by let's supply this bullion and let's deal with this chunk in here what's going on let's clean it first that didn't help let's go with the uh 3d uh 3d toolbox cleanup maybe it's going to help no it didn't okay fine what's going on double verts same here are we good not yet oh that should be fine sweet okay now we wanna what we're gonna do is we wanna add some uh handles here in the middle so let's grab another plane oh actually you know what we're gonna do we're gonna grab the uh we're going to grab a edge from this one so let's rip this edge off here this one shifty and drop a p on it and on selection and orthographic move it in here just collapse it a little bit inwards and extruded also they shouldn't be sharp and this should be beveled we're going to drop these down so gz and drop them down like this right now we're going to curve this and now i'm going to apply a curve 1s and ctrl 2 and gz let's go to um panoramic i mean orthographic scale it a little bit so shift s and to geometry and scale it a bit and make it thicker i'm gonna scale it manually here like this are we looking yeah we're looking pretty peachy okay so what we're gonna do now come on we're going to clone this um around the cursor so select cursor is pivot move cursor to center and shift d and r hold ctrl and shift r and we're done let's save this let's keep going start looking pretty decent start looking pretty decent so now let's see this one is a bevel and there's some issue in here with bevel for sure double verts there you go here probably two there we go and the rest is fine let's drop a nut on top of it so let's grab a let's grab a circle and 100 words and let's strip a face and let's actually scale it inside so 1 2 and shift r and that will do it's enough and now what we're going to do is select all the faces outside so control i ctrl i come on there we go and let's poke them and oj then insert them delete the faces we don't need the middle so we're gonna delete it make it smaller orthographic it's not big enough uh let me think let's do this let's uh let's go to local and select the middle so circle select expand the selection you have to be in the middle skill it okay one more time cool cursor but shift cursor to select it and shift c let's try now there we go gg and move it up and scale it down a bit more jay-z go to local there we go that's pretty cool and now we need to remove it from here right so so just draw a circle and simply delete it peachy this one could be a bit lower to be honest but um the only problem is that i will need to actually insert this one so what we're gonna do is easy and drop it down so we can actually drop this one in cheesy drop it in like this all right peachy so let's see what does we can do here could create some cool indentation in this one so where is it uh yeah this one right so we could separate it right like this grab this piece right and create some cool stuff in here so let's grab this and i'll um check our deselect will it work come on check our deselect there you go and circles let's see if it's going to work yeah it's working and what we can do is e console alt s and turn off the proportional editing and drop it in change to individual origins and scale them boom nice let's save it okay now we need some exterior right so let's grab this power cell and let's um let's actually let's actually slice it here like this and let's grab this one and sharpen this and let's battle this right and let's make this a little bit smaller so i'll say scale it in but um where is the origin point shift c to geometry come on seriously now oh these are two two p i mean this is one piece so let's select separated now we're talking now we're going to scale it in on all x's but z just a little bit not too much the top is a little bit larger that's what i want i'm gonna give this one a little bit of a of a chamfer too on both sides just a little bit gucci and let's see now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go with an end gun but a normal one so let's make it a symmetrical for fun just cut it in now what we need to do is make sure this is in the middle right so we need this and cursor to select it and this one too this one to cursor and we need to move it up and we need to mirror this and wait to move it out all right perfect now we need to solidify this probably and mirror this to the other side or we could do something fancy like for example go ctrl align to view and stay here and align this one to view and mirror this on all sides the magic of hard-ups the magic of hard-ups do that with vanilla blender so now before we apply this we need a lot of loops to release the tension on the booleans some of the loops gonna go through so you might actually move them a little bit and bob jean could apply sharpen and fix a bit of a boolean i mean bevel it stays a bevel in here at all there is right it's kind of like uh i think wait wait wait that two bubbles in here right um i'm i'm selecting the wrong one sharpen this pedal there we go now these are solidified pieces right which means they can be uh split into separate pieces correct so let's just do that separate them let's have some additional fun with them shall we so let's grab an end gun we are in an angle mode perfect so let's just cut them here and to geo and then we call the cutter it across the cursor active origin this way there we go work with me all right so now we need to make it shorter and bring it up here and do the same trick so alt q okay fine so let's select cursor to select it and let's copy this across view and cursor now now we're talking oh wait movement because this one is a mirror right now i know the problem apply the mirror first there we go now we're talking so um there we go is it working okay let's see so let's grab this and uh curve extract a little bit and let's grab a glass here i like it make it a little bit bigger so there's no z fighting there we go preferably a bit taller fine jay-z sorted you can grab this one on this edge and chamfer it a little bit all these openings they uh they really improve uh how light falls on an object this one is a bit of a pig because of the lines but to be honest i just you know remove the mirror from this one there we go mirrored the wrong one this chamfer might go wrong but we will see shocking i love this one too cool so just as visual complexity with a very simple very simple um simple cut now this this one we could make a little bit more interesting okay so we could grab this one and um remove this one you could grab this one and move it a little bit higher here gg and f and close this one and move it lower here and now we could actually have have fun with this one so by the way what can you do um so grab this one again and curve extract outside it's just too thick there we go that's good scrub an ending on and give me the um this one my favorite one this is way too thick so something like this now let's grab let's grab these and by the way before we do anything let's let's do this okay let's grab these two so alt h and select these two combine them into one and then you know uh let's grab these two again local mode select this grab this one and then let's try to let's try to make it smaller so i'm going to cut it you know so i'm going to cut it with a box here blender crushed see what i mean that's why you should be using power save so ctrl s most recent and there we go let's see these modifiers here weld solidify boolean fine let's let's use them and then alt alt s to geometry there we go now we can move it to cursor and then we can move it back here and then we can rotate it apply rotation no that one badly oh the cursor is down there we need to move it up here so gz and move it up and move cursor to this one to select it okay to geometry to select it is it in the middle like hell it is to select it that's in the middle okay now let's try this again play rotation one more time there we go so now we're going to increase the count see how we're doing oh moved a little bit higher getting some hot lining in here here too we could actually remove one or two and uh we don't need that matter right so this one could be a little bit lower or something there you go remove this one and and this one too already just keep one this one is hotlining too so gg moved in here should be fine now okay so remove that now we're looking yeah looking pretty cool looking pretty cool let's grab this cell underneath see right yeah let's actually uh slap some degas on it let's so to lobdev and it's a material because you can't see anything there we go and that's not what i wanted let's grab some decals shall we all right now what we're gonna do is we're gonna select uh the decal the glass right and then ctrl i alt m and ctrl click this so we apply materials to all of them and now we can play with it well look at that lottery was actually kind to us because this is perfect um in fact this could be darker this is uh this needs some work because it looks like garbage we need to actually sharpen this this is not gonna work already now fine so sharpen this much better and i really don't like reflective materials you know so let's bring the panel up here and let's see materials let's make it a bit more you know civil also this hdri is it's junk so let's grab a better one there we go that's much better boom oh thank you now i can work okay so now what we need what we need is some screws right so [Music] kit ups and i'm going about is my kit up inserts not connected let me see that i was purging the blender recently and then like a few hours ago file path script yeah it's the wrong path okay whoa so we need to go here and grab this save prefs let's see now yay okay grab this one and small is fine okay let's um actually you know let's do it properly so it's gonna be more accurate and now let's actually um bring the uh cursor to the middle and just so it's a radius and how many do we need bingo this should do well this should be much actually you know what this could be uh yeah there we go this could be a bit darker yeah or not now let's see that these colors are a bit boring here there's gotta be something else man let's see let's run the road lottery on this one come on none of them appeals to me okay tell you what where is this glass this glass is awful by the way let's um share the compositor i mean shader editor seems to be bluish and darker there you go it's much better this one is boring as hell so let's make it interesting you know what like it's metallic all right how about we're gonna make it the glass too this handle could be the same as this one actually or not this one is boring too let me see that so it's a little bit too metallic i think hmm it's not too bad not too bad you could drop some decals on the two range so let's see how we're looking in cycles by the way because it's kind of important what the hell is this oh there's a black oh that's a black one wait wait wait wait wait maybe we could uh maybe we could make this one black maybe maybe how are we looking yeah maybe it's a little bit too dark maybe it's a little bit too dark that's pretty cool this could be actually the same yep that's pretty good and then interior this one where is it this one no this one this one this one actually could have uh cool stuff going on in here so um let's grab a let's grab a sphere and ctrl m alt to make it illuminate illuminationary to make it a mission come on there we go and um not to sign um add new one and materialist sign there we go go away please oh come on how are we looking they're looking pretty cool we're looking pretty cool where is the uh i need the notes so shader editor and strength it's making a little bit you know more azure like yeah wicked wicket we're looking peachy we're looking peach you know this one should be a little bit darker but what i'm gonna do actually is um [Music] a macro without inside is actually okay yeah perfect it should be darker though should be darker how about if you're gonna switch these that's actually not too bad but this one should be brighter than right yeah all right this is pretty cool this is pretty cool you can definitely have some much more more fun in here so let's bring this up small details okay so now let's grab some some details on it show me so let's rotate it again and i'm just going to do the same trick wait yeah so alt x view and active origin and just copy bingo i love this hop smear is so good i mean just too good okay so now let's add some more stuff here this should be on both sides so local and then we need to fix the mirror because it's going to be flipped so you need to grab this decal and flip them there there you go now it's mirrored properly so like this cursor to select it in fact um uh let's apply this again okay and then let's try to do this again and apply rotation i know let's do it differently let's apply it first so [Music] so project it and then we're gonna rotate it bingo and now we're going to actually uh eradice around and this should work dick always a dre um let's just actually adjust it and bring it up a bit perfect nice and then um let's drop some stuff in here so this will do and adjust it bring it in here make it smaller not too small i already need it in the middle or at least more or less in the middle so because otherwise it's gonna um it's not going to um mirror well yeah it went pretty well went pretty well we're good we're good now watch this what we're gonna do it's gonna be select these right go to edit mode where's where is this decal go to edit mode select everything shift d and gz and move it down can you do this z move it down and boom decor you know what that's the money that's too much that that doesn't look good on the bottom we're gonna do something else okay we're gonna do something else we're gonna do um where's the decal park uh i was using for that's a decal pack actually for the new uh for the new course that we are working on this thing's gonna be savage and it's the only way you can get these decals guys you have to get the chorus sorry so um let's project it nice and i'm going to flip it to the other side so boom here and this one doesn't need it spank tacular awesome all right now we need some stuff in here because boring and let's go to [Music] my japanese decal park and see what we got in here um electric shock hazard yeah why not that could that could work that could work so we could drop it [Music] well we could drop it somewhere here that's fine let's change the color because boring let's make it black awesome also we need to change this um go to machine and change this to closest interpolation it's going to change how how decodes actually being displayed so it's pretty cool it removes this kind of like a hot lining and bleeding effect so now let's see let's do it on the corners to annoy all the people who who ask me again dude are these bullions and i say yeah man how did you do it just you know practice do it practice what can i say all right let's grab these and let's copy them um again so rotate this same trick alt x local change to view and boom just this mirror and align tool is just it's better than sex especially at my age so um see that let's grab some number in here because why not some text small one doesn't have to be big one small one is fine and just make it black boom the stunning details guys still look amazing okay here we need to you know add something because boring so let's um let's see what we got all right and we need to bring it to the front more or less and then project it and then we need to array this nice cursor in the middle we could bring it up here select it and then around the cursor and apply rotation and increase the count and bump your ankle now we'll need to do is adjust it okay awesome let's see how we're looking in uh what i call this thing cycles because it's important if he's not important if he's garbage anyway so we all want cycles aren't we if you do not render in cycles you're doing it wrong enough said because with uh correct settings you can just render stuff also almost instantly in cycles i mean this will take like probably a minute or two max to render um let's see these buggers could be a different color you know these right so what we could do is ctrl l this and ctrl i and select it and this could be actually glass you know sort of cool i think yep this was definitely cool i like it alright so let me see now well it doesn't look too bad it doesn't look too bad we need we need to still feel a few more decades because you know it's a little bit boring right so this text should be standing out a bit more so perhaps brighter and maybe this gloss is a bit too dark so change it to shader editor and object and lift it up a bit let's transparency i mean yeah maybe it's gonna be better like this could be could be could be could be could be okey-dokey that's good that's good so it's gonna brighten up as well and what's inside actually hmm let me bring this for a second here what do we have in here we could actually know i try this one parameter and inset them like this and extrude them out right and select them and then add sign not a sign um menu of new material where is that mission and a sign right and see hey is this gonna work yeah see now it's cool it shines through pretty cool we'll see how it's gonna render anyway um [Music] let's go back to rendered i mean look deaf because we need a few more few more decals here so let's grab this and drop it in here let me see this should this should do yep let's fix this black is fine drop one in here rotate it let's make it really small like tiny yeah i have a better idea um let's go back and where's the cursor here what we're gonna do is we're going to change change rotation to cursor we're going to rotate this thing in here i'm going to shift shift d and shift r a few times select all of them and r and rotate them a little bit this side okay ctrl j and then select these and fine uh i'll take um clear the mirror and then there we go i'm pretty good with this you know i'm pretty good with this bottom doesn't matter plain in fact scroll plane circle uh hundreds and put a face inside drop it to the bottom when you place something on the ground make sure it's you know well placed because it's important solidify down drop some color on it and that's way too dark just make it brighter so it actually reflects no no no not blue what are you doing okay perfect now i'm just going to grab a plane let's rotate it on x by 90. let's make it larger and maybe not that long but longer drop some loops in here come on one more time perfect and now we're gonna do is deform it apply rotation and angle it let's actually um let's solid device i can see this and bring it somewhere here make it bigger and copy the materials and shade it smooth and let's see let's grab the camera to view lock camera to view change the size to 560 and let's go children let's let's first let's position it properly how big is this floor um what this should do actually is it the same color let me see that kinda is um let's make it all metallic might be more interesting although yeah it's all right make it maybe reflective there we go clear coat remove the reflections this could be a bit darker though you know like this for example and bring the photographer add-on because that thing is amazing let's pump our exposure a little bit okay now i think 50ml is fine the lens should do so let's try this and let's see we could actually drop a drop a reflector here from this side so drop a new material and let's see that i mean not too much because it's going to be also i want to remove it from this floor because it's gonna affect the uh shading it's a little bit too long this should help a little bit with the light now let's see if it's not too bright because too bright it's going to be bad let's reflect a little bit of light not too much maybe that should do maybe a little bit more all right so let's try to render this um let me see if i'm in correct settings [Music] nope i want to be in optics and let's go oh yes important save let's see how we're going to do say it's like only two minutes it's gonna be probably faster than that so i catch you in a few year all right before we finish rendering this i can already see the top is a little bit dahlia so i'm going to stop this stop this madness and i'm gonna drop the color on this one because this is garbage okay it looks like plastic and i just don't like it so um let's drop rafters on this one first of all and let's make it darker yeah and let's make it more interesting shall we um maybe just gonna be better well it i'm gonna make it silver let's see how we're gonna do so make it brighter brighter kind of like a gun um gunmetal steel that's what i'm gonna do reduce the roughness on this one it's specular and make it darker or brighter maybe this one is good me likes uh let's grab this color here for the screws because now it's too dark sexy and let's go save because reasons and render see sometimes uh sometimes you gotta try things before you decide and you know make sure that that's what you want try not trying things out usually produces the best results now that is pretty cool actually it's much better than the previous one the text could be a little bit more uh rotated so what i'm gonna do is um we need to apply the mirror and then rotate it everything should be p3 let's just place it outside yeah let's render this you know what still annoys me i tell you what annoys me you're gonna laugh but it annoys me it annoys me that this text is not actually it's a little bit cut off i mean the distance between the edge of this battery and the end of the text is not it's not ideal okay it's just not ideal that's better not enter it again let's see that the focal length is a little bit in my opinion it should be a little bit larger so maybe let's try 70 okay i'm gonna have to actually move it backwards but that's fine my point was that uh it was distorted which means the top was actually less visible it was differently angled and it was kind of like a battle like shape and i think this is gonna be better that's just my humble opinion i could be wrong but i'm usually always right let's see that let's bring it back in here so you guys can see yeah it's a bit better we got some bleed over here on the on this side you know and the back could be a little i mean the the background could be a little bit darker so let's uh move this garbage a little bit outside and these are the just the same note that different uh okay so you know what let's actually let's actually unify this uh backgrounds and make it darker and see what's gonna happen what's gonna happen see if it's darker is better right so let's render it now i can do it for hours guys i'm just you know just saying i can sit here playing with these renders for us i can already see that the floor is so i need to change it it just doesn't look good it's it's bland yeah so it's not terrible but the same one right how about we're gonna drop backgrounds on this one so same as this make a background darker i mean brighter sorry or grab this one don't like it all right let's grab the bright one and see how we're gonna look i don't think it's gonna be amazing but it's gonna clash with the top you see how about gonna grab a black one the very dark one right or assign a new color so add black material and make it dark see like this so we're gonna have a contrast between the floor and the ground just like we have a contrast between the top of the battery and uh and the bottom it's pretty good the only problem is now that i think it's actually too dark and also we got a bleed here from this reflector and reflector doesn't do a good job because this one is really dark okay it let's go back to uh the bright uh the bright side of the force let's go back to the bright mods and this one really this one really needs to you know what let's just remove it screw it um let's render the image again you know i could actually stand behind this maybe it could be like a really bright kind of bright battery pack kind of like it then dark text like black or something yeah i could stand behind that one hmm fascinating okay i think we're looking pretty good so uh let's grab this one and save this and all right now let's bring it to photoshop shall we thanks for watching and there are links in the description to the store of master 01001 where you can buy uh hard ups and box cutter and at the moment there is a discount so hire the hell up and get it before it's you know before it goes up again because if you want to get into the add-on workflow that's the best time to do it and also links to machine add-ons machine decal machines so if you're interested go and get them if you want to play with some decals i have decoys on my store on gumroad link in the description there's a free pack as well over there uh so you can download it and play with my decals if you want and if you're interested you can buy more uh there's a lot of packs or four or five packs online i can't remember anyway thanks for watching hope you enjoyed the vid give us a like and sub if you did and i'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 5,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hardops, hard surface, blender, tutorial, scifi, boxcutter, decal machine, blender tutorial, hardops tutorial, boxcutter tutorial, hard surface tutorial
Id: PSFqthzJwLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 9sec (4629 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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