Easy organic scifi modelling tutorial for Blender 2.92 - subd + bools

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hey guys we're here with none of it and in this one we're gonna be designing uh some kind of an um very simple organic spaceship okay so we're going to be doing it with sub d technique a little bit different and something different than you know just hard ups but we're probably going to be using hard up some books color anyway because who doesn't just very quickly before we start guys we have patreon as blender bros together with josh three tiers awesome perks lots of tutorials decals critiques all that jazz check the link in the video description and hope to see you there thanks now let's actually mirror this so let's drop the cursor here let's drop the origin to cursor then cursor to origin and then select it to cursor complicated but effective merit is across boom we cooking now let's grab this here and let's extend it on y hold ctrl and then press shift r a few times right and why my mirror isn't working now it's working okay then select these and um e z and drop it down and gx and move it here wait a minute something is not right with the mirror what kind of mirror is this oh it's on symmetry press x to reset boom now we're talking let's actually do it with a bicep guys so now it should be working there we go so let's grab these and um let's kind of rotate them like that and move them in here and scale them and bring these up a little bit and maybe bring these up too just for fun and this should do and then we're going to narrow these two so gx move them in awesome and we're gonna make the back a little bit flatter so gx i'm just gonna get it in fact you know what i drop um select this edge drop a cursor here and select this whole line go to top view orthographic switch people point to cursor or and just rotate the lattice okay okay cool so we got this kind of a shape going on and in fact we can do the same thing with this one so go to side view r and not z bar and just rotate around the cursor and make this one you know kind of fatter in the back okay so now select these and let's just um switch to individual origins and maybe uh we're going to select all these and the last one here alt a with machine tools and do something like that and then we're going to combine them back here g x and then four four four with machine tools and combine the front i don't know what happened here but uh we can fix it four there we go combine these two and bob jonko and we gotta fix the rest later it doesn't matter okay cool so we got this going on um now let's apply this mirror and let's run the symmetry on this one so d symmetry boom it's perfectly symmetrized now let's grab this one in the middle and split it and select um select these okay and drop them down cheesy drop them down like that awesome um select this bit here in the middle in the back make it smaller um cool let's drop a loop in here in the middle or maybe you know what maybe not yet let's select these and let's go to front view and um let's extrude it in here on x-axis okay scale it down right and sx0 okay pg and now what we're gonna do is go to the top view and let me see this let's actually apply a sub d and smooth it so you can see better a bit better what's happening we need some loops in here for sure okay and now we can play with this shape of the wing a bit so we could select all these okay switch pivot to cursor top view orthographic and start curving this a little bit right so select this edge and curve it a little bit select this actually curve it a bit right and then we can do is um relax them so loop tools and just you know relax okay so we can actually select all these and uh relax them and press shift r to you know repeat this process the same as this one press three to clean it select this loop here and right click and relax it and just shift r a few times to relax it awesome and we're going to drop that cursor here switch cursor it's already switched select this whole thing here right and rotate it like that okay so one more time uh we're going to drop a cursor somewhere here select this edge and literally rotate it kind of move it in here so they kind of spaced evenly okay this is probably the easiest way to do it now the trick always subdi modelling is if you didn't know that is the uh is the fact that all the um all the quads here should more or less okay be of equal size okay and that's quite important and this will ensure that when you subdue the mesh you're not going to be running into weird problems now these wings are way too thick right so let's see and just scale them down that is this one too so let's see scale it down and a scene scale it down just cut it down and just grab this one right and you know come on just scale it up right and now we need to relax this one as well so relax not flatten look tools relax and repeat it a few times there we go this one is fine though could be moved a little bit so select these bits maybe just this one and gg and just move it a little bit here uh same with these you know just move them a little bit here and this one definitely has to be moved so gg put a bit here you know just to relax these quads a little bit this could be moved a bit to the middle so somewhere here same as this one's you know just to space them out a little bit better so we got this basic shape the wings maybe a little bit too thin so maybe we can make them a little bit thicker so select these okay side view and gc and just make them a bit thicker okay right how we're looking from the front let's um mirror this we don't look too bad now we're gonna have to you know we're gonna have to fix this shape a little bit okay because it's a bit of a pick so let's uh select this edge and let's in fact go back to bisect okay so let's go to bison with modifier and do this so we can have an update on the other side immediately let's grab this one here all of it and shift b this in fact this one could be a bit thinner here so we could grab these two and gc and move them up i think it's gonna look a bit better this one could be rotated just a little bit okay like this and maybe squashed right and this whole thing here could be longer okay i think it's gonna be interesting so uh grab this and literally elongate it somewhere here like this right grab this loop here and do something like that you can select this bit and scale it in right and then what we can do is do something fun so insert it oh we can't do it like that e i i no it's not gonna work okay we're gonna do it after the bicycle is finished uh we got some pinching in here which is a problem uh which we will need to fix so let me just see the flow i'm gonna fix this problem here so combine these two um this should be running across so i'm just gonna simply run this manually okay and then we're gonna fix the flow over there so i'll fix the front later and then we need to fix this here this disaster so uh combine these two and in fact remove this one and it's gonna be a quad here and with peachy um it's a little bit pinchy but uh i think it's not terrible i mean it could be a bit better so we could do something like this gg and relax it in here you see that's a bit better and this flow could be a bit better in here as well so something like this yeah so it's a bit more relaxed here this wings these wings need to be fixed they need to be bigger by the way so let's just grab them from the top and you know grab them here and move them outside drop another loop or two awesome and we're gonna bring them down yes so we're going to select uh select these okay and go to the front view press o for um proportional editing and sort of whoa and sort of curve these wings a little bit maybe rotate them down a bit move them out like this just to add some interest and then we're going to select these two or one actually two um loops and bring them up turn up the proportional gc bring them up a little bit bring this one a little bit how are we looking we're looking much better we're looking much better we're looking much better this whole thing could be longer so we could extend it make it a little bit less you know more interesting i really like this peak that's awesome um and then we can you know start to start tiding this shape up so for example we could uh tied tie this thing up so split it here now this okay definitely split it in here right on on this on the edge this is cool uh i'm cool with that now bottom could be a little bit better you know um well defined so we could do something like this here and in fact grab these all right and move them down so gz all right move them down a bit so we're gonna get this kind of like a separation in the bottom which looks pretty awesome we can move the mirror above the subdivision and apply it and then we can have some fun here so let's let's grab this bit and you know insert it and it's and once we insert it actually a little bit more okay then we can extrude it inside in fact it's a little bit still too too narrow so maybe a little bit more we need to be careful with these okay so we need to do it manually here all right fix this a little bit all right we can measure it to the other side later on so select these okay e y and extruded on y axis right and insert one more time and then we probably gonna have to copy this to the other side so uh you know mirror this right and then we cook it with fire so we we good here we got a bit of a pinching in here which we need to fix so we need to see what's happening oh yes these are not connected right so uh connect them you have a triangle here but you can see it's fine it's not a big problem you can go to sub d3 so ctrl 3 to make it really smooth right and now the subject is really smooth we could remove it from here so we could remove this entire edge right and make it a bit more flat so we don't need this up to here not necessary okay this is not needed this one on the bottom is fine so that's that and we got some separation here in the middle so what we need to do is simply select these right go to top view and gg and relax them a bit okay select this whole edge and simply loops and relax and then click you click a few times and you should be fine then we need to select back and ry 0 flatten it out so select this and separate it here i'm gonna go to the back and select these two and bring them to the same height so um select this one and select this one and alt a top select this one select this one out a top come on it's like this one this one i'll take top bingo and the same in the bottom so yeah this one is a little bit pinchy here so we can just relax it you see like this um okay and bring this in so you know right either way either one works it's all good we could relax these two though um so move them a little bit away from one another so it's gonna relax and this ridge here kind of falls off and the rest is fine i think cool i don't like this pinch in the middle here so we're going to take care of this in a minute so let's apply the mirror again right come on one more time go up and apply the mirror there we go this sub d was causing this pinching here the middle uh one we do need so we're gonna keep it we could remove it if you wanted to actually let's see if we can remove this if this would help probably not now we need to fix the top here so um let's uh you know let's select this one and uh fix it with machine this one could be fixed as well we could relax it you know so relax it and press r a few times and then we will need to fix these so bring them back up uh we can do it with a mirror over there the top needs to be flattened so what we're going to do is select these so we're going to do sc0 right and we're going to um flatten these so as y 0 right and these okay s y zero and we're gonna have some kind of uh flat top and we need to bring these uh higher right so select these select this one out the top and you sort it how we looking and it's fixed you see on this edge in the middle you don't really need it if you don't want to we could remove this uh these ones should be fixed like that uh bring them a bit up that's cool in fact you know what we could actually bring them higher to create some sort of uh uh maybe front maybe it's too much maybe a little bit less crazy and you know run some separation here where is shift b separation here maybe uh from this point to this point not a good idea let's run it in here i like that okay cool and we need to take care of this pinching here so oh chihuahua let's combine these and bring this up and combine these so make it into a triangle and this will work and it will gently fall off here which is fine bear this to the other side and we're good now the rest of it could be done with you know with um bring it up a bit come on just one of them you know the rest of it could be done with a way you call this thing let's just do a separate planet maybe let me fix this there we go that should work i'm not sure about this uh maybe i'm gonna make it dissipate a bit you know a bit more gently so gg and uh come on guy and move it up here there's some kind of a beef over there which we need to fix there we go and there's some sorting out to be done in here there we go are we looking that's much better it's a bit long though um maybe too long so what we're gonna do is select these and uh gui and you know move them somewhere here yeah that's much better i think okay now this one is a little bit too you know too chalky maybe we're gonna remove this all together um these should be lined up and this one this one could be a little bit lower so grab an edge and jay-z and drop it down here to create like a neck sort of thing all right all right guys well that will do it looks pretty cool in my opinion the back should be it could be i mean it should be could be a little bit longer so what i'm going to do is uh this is going to be problematic in fact you know what these should be moved a little bit here g and move them up here to the local slide um we could extend the back a little bit you know so we could just select uh select the back here like this right and actually extend it a little bit to make it a bit more interesting like this right i think it's gonna be cooler yeah and um you know maybe even rotate it a bit okay like this right and insert another loop here where is it uh yeah here another loop right and uh drop it a bit down don't even leave it like that it's pretty cool kind of like a lifted back looks a bit more aggressive um so there you go and you know then you need to do some tidying up like for example this shouldn't be so many edges in here so i could just remove this one uh you could just combine them here like this if you wanted to you know triangles are fine you know occasionally okay it's not it doesn't have to be all quads for some d doesn't matter um there you go uh you could add some rather or not here but you can do it later now this is fine for um you know for bullions okay and and uh i'm not kidding i'm actually gonna show you so let's you know uh visual to mesh which means i got deployed um subdino which is insane and and you can slice it you know um it's it's perfectly fine so you could just go in here now with handguns and have some fun okay and it's perfectly fine and then you can you know battle them and you of course will need to clean this right i mean duh but you can you know you can do it so i can grab this piece right and then i can apply the boolean so i can go to operations multiply right and you're gonna be limited on bevels of course i mean you know this is obvious right that you're gonna be limited on bevels but you can still run bevels and if you need to clean them you need to clean the money you got to do what you're going to do right so you might want to you know run another edge here for the b weight or you could simply remove one of the loops you know because this really dense in here so you can just remove one or two and it should be fine boom c sorry so like i said so you can run booleans on zero like this with bevels it's not a problem you just need to learn how to control this okay yeah so before you apply it you know or like um you know you will need to clean some stuff like for example this one needs to go you could use the machine tools um i mean mesh machine for cleaning so when i apply a bevel to it right this one you will need to run cleanups here of course right so again this one probably will need to be get cleaned so move this one here so like this remove it you know let's see boom clean edge right and here too you you'll you will need to do a lot of cleaning that's no no no no brainer but uh it's not impossible okay so you can remove this you see you could remove this whole bit in the middle and replace it with just plain geo it's not a big deal okay so before you apply sub d you could remove this face here clean it and you can replace it with a regular face i could you know for example run it from you know run it from here right up to here and around right and simply remove faces okay and then select this one ctrl l oops select this one ctrl l x remove words and simply replace this with a you know with a plain face so you have to deal with this um but other than that you know no problem stuff like this gonna have to be fixed of course so like i said you could use a mesh machine for it so you could go to uh boolean cleanup and you could run a boolean cleaner right and once you do that you're just going to have to do a bit of a manual tidying it's just simply too many words in here right but once the sub d is applied you know you can start removing stuff that you don't need as long as you don't don't lose the uh don't break the shading like for example here see the shading breaks so we need to fix it so we're gonna pull it like this and pull it back in right and let's see if this is gonna help maybe it didn't release so what we're gonna do instead is running like this okay and remove these two and i guarantee the shooting is gonna be fine all right boom see what i mean so this is how you do it okay and like you see that you know you can just run booleans with sub these no problem just requires a bit of a cleaning so you can create an organic form like this um with subdi and then simply slice it this is how i create my um the ship this is exactly how i did it okay so i simply created uh where is it i cannot find it this one right i created the base mesh with something that simply slides the hell out of it with billions and clean it up and there you go bob's uncle so you know it can be done just requires a bit of work um if you interested in buying a heart up some box cutter link in the video description and uh you know that's it for this video thanks for watching catch you next one you
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 11,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 2.92, organic, modelling, tutorial, boolean, subdivision, subd, workflow
Id: sViHcoMOHWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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