Blender Tutorial for Beginners - Hard Surface Model Texturing and Rendering - Part 4

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hi guys here welcome to part four and then this one we're gonna be designing some floor and hopefully wrapping this thing up so let's uh shift a and the plane and let's drop it down a bit and in fact we're gonna go to right view auto graphic and go really tight here jay-z drop it down jay-z and go really tight and make sure that this plane is underneath this device now we need to make it bigger so we can scale it right and we're going to solidify to it so add solidified to it and before we do that ctrl i apply scale and then add solidify to it and if you don't solidify to a plane right if you're going to look from the side view you will see that it becomes invisible because planes are infinitely thin so you need a bit of thickness now i'm thinking that maybe a bit more thickness is good because i might be carving something into the floor so a little bit thicker like that um grab this bit here by the edge and gg and slide it in hold shift and then e and extrude it up okay it's a little bit maybe too close so we can grab these two edges and gx and move it in here grab this edge ctrl b and sort of uh chamfer it so we got this kind of a situation and so we can you know make it uh narrower a bit or even here a bit smaller so gx so it's not that big like small you know small flooring okay and we're gonna be shooting now from probably this side like this so we need to move this g y this way so the camera is gonna capture the whole image make it bigger later if you need to okay so now we need some pillars okay so let's go to edge mode and ctrl r click and move it in here right and ctrl b and split it ctrl r and maybe run another one here and select these and uh ctrl click here and shift d okay then p selection and then grab this bit at the top and turn on the solidify and then go to edit mode and we're going to switch this path through okay in in machine tools go to front view and b and extruded e x and then easy right and then uh let's just create something like this here and then e x and then we're gonna combine them here together so uh create select them all and press f okay now you see that this geo is flipped okay it's flipped right so we're gonna have to flip it inside out so let's first select this one press f and select this one press f right then select everything with a alt n and flip outside so now we got proper geo going on i'm gonna make it like a pillar out of it so let's uh you know select these two in fact i think this one maybe should be perpendicular not angled let's go to front view and let's see that click here select this g x and move it here to snap to this right so we have this vert snapping turned on right from last time so g x hold ctrl and select this vert hover over here so it's gonna snap perfectly to this vert and i think this is gonna be a bit better um then we can grab these two and ctrl b them like that okay we're gonna get this kind of a pillar we can bevel this now so let's apply battle and also three segmented battle smaller one let's smooth it and apply auto smooth and then apply weighted normals right cool so here we need a bible too so we need a battle in 23 segments and smaller battle all right right click smooth and auto smooth right and then wait a normal cool so that's that and um let's see here what a very simple pillar let's mirror this to the other side okay or in fact what we could do is g select them both and guy move it a little bit here and then select this one collapse the stack add a mirror and mirror this across y-axis like that now it got mirrored across its own origin because originally in here but i would probably prefer this origin to be inside of the pillar so let's remove the mirror and shift s and origin to geo then let's add a mirror again and then let's mirror this across this all right boom right so we got this going on we have some pipes as well so we could simply add a cylinder and we could rotate it on x by 90 so rx90 then you can scale it move it to top view orthographic move it in here and sy to make it longer right and then we're gonna scale this s shift y so let's get it on all x's except y g y move it in here g z move it down so it pops behind it right and then i'm gonna do straight smooth and auto smooth now let's go to edit mode and shift r and move this here ctrl b and then go to face mode you can turn off this pause through e console alt s and move your mouse out and then s y and scale it in like this okay so we get this kind of a situation and then what we can do is mirror this across so we can just you know grab a mirror here and simply mirror across itself uh it didn't work because it should be nearing because z-axis because we rotated this object so it should be technically a z-axis i think yeah there you go so z-axis all right perfect so we got that going on we can move this point a little bit deeper in here okay and then shift d as shift y make it smaller and then s g x and move it in here and g z move it down and sort of misalign it so it's you know kind of this situation g x move it in and s shift y and make it even smaller g z drop it down and you get kind of two pipes going on this one is barely visible something like that you know okay cool um these pillars could be a bit more interesting but well we could do something with them to be honest so we could cut them and so that's the cube and go to top view orthographic move this cube here and scale this we can actually move cursor here so shift s to select it and this one to cursor s y and then g x and then s z skeleton g z scale like that it's a bit too thick so scale it in a little bit like this and then we can apply scale apply auto smooth shade smooth shift click and ctrl minus and then with this one we're going to move these modifiers up so collapse it and move the boolean modifier up here and we're going to slice it okay so select this one and let's go to uh right view orthographic shift d right click rotate it holding controls you can snap it okay scale it down and move it up here like this okay and then we're going to select uh s sx let's just scale it select this one with shift okay and we're going to press ctrl minus and what it's going to do is going to cut the cutter okay see so then what we're going to do is we're going to go to edit mode select everything with a shift a z and drop it down and then let's try to rotate it holding ctrl like this and maybe drop it a bit lower and now what i want to do is grab this and put it into cutters grab this one and we're going to apply this boolean okay so we'll apply the boolean that cuts the boolean and then go to edit mode go here and we're going to edit this okay so we're going to grab these right with shift okay i'm gonna battle them like this all right so you're gonna get something like this and then we're gonna grab this one let's grab this one as well and double this okay and the rest can be straight so then press m and cutters and you got these pillars here last thing we're going to do is we're probably going to do something on the wall so we could uh grab this wall and cut some pallets on it so select this bit here in fact uh let's select the whole thing shift d and then p selection and then we're going to move the solidify outside so the other way right so move it outside this in this way okay so now let's go up a plane okay and s y and scale it here go to edge mode select this edge here in the middle this one and then go to right view orthographic e and scale it like this and then object mode and bring it somewhere here okay ctrl i apply scale modifier solidify and then we're going to apply auto smooth and shade smooth right so we got this bit going on and then we're going to select this panel here and control uh minus okay so then grab this panel and let's move the uh bevel i mean bullions are about to solidify boom and you're gonna get this kind of a situation so you cannot cut pounds right so we're gonna go to edit mode select everything and shift d and we're going to be moving this uh we can you know cut it uh without slicing again because it's in edit mode right so rz and 118 which we're gonna flip this around and and we can so rsv 180 okay and we can move it somewhere here like this and um did it work actually gz there we go okay let's grab this edge here and gg move it down and then e y and extrude it on y axis here and you're gonna get this kind of a situation which is interesting and we can move this to the right so select this ctrl select this guy and move it in here like this right select edge and gui and boom and you got this kind of an interesting cut which is pretty cool so now we can adjust these cards you know to our liking um all right we can drop it down if you want to a bit we can drop it up and the app is better i mean it depends on how camera is gonna be you know working here there could be some kind of additional device in here but quite frankly i can't be bothered so i'm just going to leave it like that but it could have something floating the same could be you know sliced uh what we could do is grab a regular cube and just move it in here and do something like this so it could be a you know one floor panel maybe like this and we can slice this floor through so let me just see that and there you go and right click shoot smooth and then auto smooth okay we don't need this to be so tall so let's go to face mode g and drop it down right and then we can slash it so or yeah slashing is going to be good so ctrl forward slash right and then grab this and move this boolean above right well above oh hang on hang on hang on hang on oh i think i know what i've done i've cut the wrong panel i made a mistake see i moved this panel certified pallet inside whereas it should be actually outside so let's do it again you might get confused here but bear with me we need to move this outside because otherwise it will not work and then this panel which is just the polish removed to the front right so put this panel in the back here gx move it here and make it bigger so it's going to be kind of like a um like a wall so a shift s and move origin to geo and then just make it bigger so it's going to be some kind of a background over there um but yeah i was meant to cut this one not this one so anyway so um with this cut i think well we could still do this you know we could still do this we could still fix this so we could remove this boolean from here right move this plane to the front g x okay and grab this one and slide this with ctrl minus then select this front panel and move the um move the boolean to the top there you go and then we can slice this floor so select this one and drop it down okay and then select this one and let's drop a control minus and then we can move the boolean on top of solidify it should work there you go it's a bit too deep so let's move it up jay-z and you know kind of cut it in a little bit okay there you go that's what that should work and what we can do is copy this right so let's go to edit mode on the cutter select everything with a shift d y and move it in here okay so we got two panels and this only could be of a different shape okay so g x and you know make it a little bit um less um long and then maybe shift the x move it in here and then e and extrude it here and sort of snap it to this one all right we got this kind of a situation right so m cutters and this one in colors and then we can fix this floor by raising it or we could change the boolean into into slush okay so instead of going with the uh uh cut boolean we can go with the slot so select this one ctrl forward slash and we can select this and move the blue on the top and this one here with the blade on top right and you got this floor slashed here and the cool thing is that we can now go to edit mode we can actually adjust this floor and sort of play with the you know play with it a little bit right let's go to local view and kind of create a little bit of interest on the floor so select these vertical edges and except this one and ctrl b and you know do something like that right and you're going to get this kind of it and cutters uh shift too whoa this one is actually geo so collection this one is cutters there we go so we got kind of a flooring and you know a little bit of paddling and just you know just a bit of a scene that kind of looks a bit cooler than nothing in it so let's drop a camera shall we so before we drop a camera let's you know align our scene maybe like this and then page down in smart come to view and then we're going to zoom in a little bit press page down lock the view hold ctrl press middle mouse button and zoom out okay now we're going to change the focal length to maybe 85 and we're gonna have to zoom out a little bit again very nice right and uh you know we can actually change the focal length a bit more maybe 85 is cool something like this so i got a bit of flooring a bit of piping um you know something like this this kind of a scene so something like that maybe a little bit deeper here more of a floor let's change the focal lengths to 100 see how this is going to work for us maybe it's going to be a bit better okay page down let's just unlock this and we can extend the floor a little bit you know so grab this floor here go to edit mode and wait a minute we need to apply the boolean so let's go here and clear the data and apply the boolean right all right so now we can grab this edge here because it's still solidified here and then g x and just simply extend it here and uh you can click on the camera then ctrl numpad 0 to jump in the camera view and zoom in and you know you pop jungle you're done so this will be our framing i think it looks pretty cool this cut here is a bit close to the camera view so we might zoom in a bit a bit more such as you know kind of like just just a tad or out either way will work um maybe in it's gonna be a bit more interesting something like this maybe this could work so page down and unlock from view let's drop some maths on it so let's go here okay select an object right and add new material it's going to add a default material and if you want to preview that now if you want to preview that you want to go to look def here which will give you a random kind of like a default lighting for that scene now you can't see anything because the material is white but if you're going to make it darker you'll start seeing the difference okay but you want to change lighting here to something a bit more civil so what i suggest you do is you go to hdr and you download abundant slipway hdri 4k size click here go to install in my case it's going to be azuri files this one and double click and simply save preferences and then you can change it to this one the reason why i do that is because this one is a flat light it just presents itself a bit better okay sun usually distorts you know uh colorizes the textures etc so let's make it a bit darker you can make it metallic if you want to right you can change the roughness and all these settings here if you want to so make it too dark and then this is going to be our main color so we want to kind of go with it okay uh so for example this panel i would imagine gonna be the same color so you can do is select the panel shift select this one click this arrow and copy mud okay if you want a new mod you simply press new and then we can make it metallic as well a little bit darker but not as dark so it's gonna be kind of different here now we can start designing this you know but this one technically could be the same so copy this one could be one of these two i mean this the one who created just the silver one is going to be in the memory so you can actually select it um these ones could be the silver ones as well same with the maybe the hinges maybe same with this ones could be brighter these two or even three could be could be brighter too maybe these framings here could be even different colors so another one and metal and make it darker you know and then simply select this select this and copy so you got third material going on right for like accents and stuff so same with these this could be darker too so boom right the cylinders in the middle could be darker as well so select that and copy and this one could be even darker you know so we could make it even rubberish or something like you know could push this the roughness of this material so let's just copy this one here and i think i copied the wrong mat i wanted to the dark one here it's a bit confusing because it's not really that much of a difference so let's make it really dark to make it stand out there you go these hinges could be also really dark so we could just do that come on this one and this one should be the same so copy all right let's see if this hinges couldn't be darker as well maybe it's gonna be better hmm i don't know how i feel about that i have to think about it the pipes could be one color as well so we could just you know simply run another one here so simply add material and we can make it darker too it doesn't have to be metallic or could be could be a bit more reflective and select this and this and copy if you want color you can also add color if you want to for example you could make it you know metallic sort of yellow but dark industrial yellow if you want to but i'm going to be keeping this within the grays a bit like a craze so that's my thing um you can make it brighter here that's okay or maybe darker to bring more attention to this cupboard or whatever it is this device this could be the same as a silver one to be honest could be um although we could click this number which will duplicate this material and we can then just kind of fine tune it see select this one and this one and you know copy and then floor could be the same as this pillar or the other way around this could be darker right and this could be brighter it's you know whatever you decide let's see how we're looking in the camera so click on the camera control zero and let's zoom in and this would be our render right so looks pretty cool now let's uh you know let's add some more interest here so we're going to add another plane okay and we're gonna drop it up here and we're going to grab this edge and guy and extend it grab this edge and gx move it in here and we're going to flip it because you see this flipped right so we can flip it by selecting the face alt n and flip so the correct orientation is going to be here ctrl a apply scale and let's apply solidify and then let's apply auto smooth and shade smooth right and then we can create some lamps or whatnot here so you can drop it down a bit too drop it down here and we can do something like this you know go to front view and e and drop it like that so it kind of drops behind over there so how we're looking looking pretty good the color doesn't matter but we can just you know create a copy so we can copy this one and go to mod and copy and we can create some lights over there on top okay so lights i'm just gonna grab regular cubes because you can we can see the light so it doesn't matter right so just like this okay front view and just drop them in here and a bit too big so something like this maybe a bit towards the front so gx and jay z move it up and i'm going to i'm going to copy the darker color for this right and i'm going to rate this okay so shift take apply scale and then i'm going to apply auto smooth and shade smooth and i'm going to array this all right so a radius on y axis right we don't need that many so this should do right cool maybe one more all right and then what we're going to do is we're going to select this one and insert it okay and then e to extrude it and scale it like this right and what we're going to do with this we're going to apply a different mod to it so we're going to click on a plus press new click here and switch to mission switch the submission to something kind of warm ish and increase the value and then go to face mode right and we're going to assign this one to this face boom and you're going to see kind of an emissive material going on now we're going to switch here to evie click here this is eevee we're gonna assign embitter closing bloom and space spin reflections and uh shadows i would recommend 2k i'm gonna go with 4k it depends on your machine guys right so height bit dress for sure and we want to turn off this one settings i want to turn off turn this off because it's going to lower the quality but turn on the fraction and these are my settings for easy okay you can go with more samples here i'll suggest maybe 256 should do and then we need more lighting okay because it's a bit dark you see so we're gonna go here right pull it up go to shader editor and switch from object world now because we have node wrangler add-on installed we can click here press ctrl t which will add a note group everything is pink because we don't have a hdri so we're going to drop the same one that we used for our look boom now you can see this hdr right here in full view because we have the film on the film okay we have the transparency turned off but if you turn it on you just disappear but before we do that we want to rotate it so the light actually comes at the specific angle because the light source is over there that's where the sun is setting you can't really see because it's overcast but it shines kind of almost you know straight at the the model i wanted a bit more of an angle so i wanted somewhere here so i'm going to hold the z and i'm going to rotate it like that so the lighting shifts a little bit okay it's a bit more dramatic you see see how the light shifts something like that we're gonna drop this here to maybe 0.3 okay or maybe even 0.2 because we're going to pump the lighting from these now to make this these lights pop what we need is lights so we're gonna collapse this for a second okay and press go to light so area light right and gx moved in here sy scale it a bit and we need to fit it into you know into this face okay so sy and gz all right and sx and gx and uh sx and this will do more or less right now important thing so we're gonna copy this okay by pressing alt d not shifty because rd will allow us to change one light settings and they're gonna all update so alt d and and press um y then set it and then press shift r shift r and shift r which will repeat the last operation okay um then select one of these lights okay and we're gonna go here and we're gonna change this to be a bit more you know a bit more logical you can make a bit um just like a bit warmer or you can go with a bit more bluish light whatever you want a bit warmer probably makes a bit more sense um and there is a lot of cost on this wall so we can change this wall from being metallic to being a bit more rough okay like this and darker so we see that yeah something like this and these slice needs a bit more punch here so let's just punch them a bit more cool and then let's go to the front view here and we start looking pretty good so now let's add volumetrics because it's going to be fun okay so let's go here to again to shader editor go to world all right and shift a and type um volume okay and go this principled volume drop it here and connect it and everything's going to go dark but it goes dark because it's just too dense so let's switch this density to 0.00 maybe 2 or maybe 3 maybe even 5 maybe even higher than that eight you see it getting more and more fuzzy sort of like maybe one yeah that could work and let's make it blue so the haze gonna be bluish right and we could also add some emission so we could add a little bit of emission uh at maybe 0.001 and this emission could be maybe warmer or yeah some warmer something like this it's gonna glow a bit all right and you can adjust this uh you know density a bit more if you want to maybe you could go with maybe three maybe that's a bit too dense maybe two maybe this could work i don't know let's see let's grab the camera and get in maybe that's a bit too hazy you know i mean it's a bit too hazy let's uh let's go to shade editor and world and change it to um maybe one yeah i think that's a bit more natural cool okay this also could be not metallic but let's say you know kind of rough so the light will not bounce it heavily from it okay now we definitely need some lights here you know like lights on this right so what we can do is go to object mode and let's just save it and what we're going to do is uh grab a cube okay and make it really small gx and so gy move it in here gx right and then g sorry s y and s and gx gy i'm creating like a tiny you know a light okay so just move it in and we're going to apply scale we're going to ctrl alt click on the edges bevel them like this right and then we're going to apply auto smooth and shade smooth right and we're going to also apply battle and the bubble is going to be small 0-2 there we go and it almost okay then we're going to insert this a little bit like this okay and we're going to apply a color to it and lighting so let's grab first of all let's um see what color is this this is dark so let's make it brighter okay so it stands out and then we're going to assign a color to it so another material and msf and we're gonna make it warm okay and bright and side the face and the side okay and then we're going to shift dz move it up okay and we're going to mirror them to the other side so let's grab a mirror right and let's move this mirror here and copy them across here on y-axis okay and the same here can actually copy modifiers shift select this one ctrl c copy modifiers all right and then what we can do is we can move these slides whatever the hell i want shift d and we can you know move them down here let's switch to snapping to face and rotation so then when we go down here you can g and hold ctrl and snap it the only thing is we need to rotate it now r y hold ctrl and rotate it around until it snaps g z z or y y or maybe x x x i never know which one it is boom and we got something like this in the mirrored range so we got these lights which is cool we could have these buttons glow blue so we could just insert this one insert it one more time and we could create another material here okay so plus um new material emissive okay and make it blue make it blow then you're gonna select this one without an assign and you can grow in buttons right which looks pretty bloody cool so there you go and you know these canisters here in the bottom could glow as well so you could you know create something like this so ctrl r scroll mouse ctrl b to split them scroll down to this and then you can add the same material the same blue or the same you know the warm one whichever you want but we can go with blue one and you know do something like this right and then let's uh let's maybe this is a bit too strong so just turn it down a bit and then let's go here ctrl 0 and let's go to our render and there you go it's a really cool model so now if you want to render this right with these settings let's just double check them everything is fine volumetrics right uh we could decrease that the more the lower the volume the higher the the quality volumetric shadows that's important and i think we're going to be good here so now let's set our resolution i want to go with 2560 by 1440 and i want to render in tiff 16 bit and low compression okay and then just simply click here and render and there you go that's our render looking pretty decent so next thing we're going to bring it to photoshop and have some fun over there so anyway guys that's it for this one hope you enjoyed it um i will see you in the next video and as usual uh make sure to check out our ebook a free ebook for vanilla blender it's there's a lot of cool information over there thanks for watching us in part five in which we're gonna be editing this and i suggest you don't skip that part because editing is probably as important as modeling and rendering because that's what's going to end up on your final portfolio rate so you really want to make sure that it looks decent so thanks for watching i'll see you next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 1,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, 3d, hard, surface, tutorial, scifi, blender tutorial, eevee render, blender for beginners, hard surface basics, hdri, renderig in blender, volumetrics
Id: 3XXxv1HL-Ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 59sec (2339 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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