Blender - 80's Style Animation Loop in Eevee

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okay so in today's animation we're gonna making an 80s sort of tank battle style animation it's gonna loop seamlessly let's get into it okay so first thing shift a mesh and add a plane hit s 8 and scale it all the way up so this is what we're gonna be working with here hit tab hit subdivide on left click and give it a number of cuts at about 30 I think 30 is sort of the sweet spot for this now we're gonna add our mountains so right up here you're gonna want to add proportional editing so right here in the circle click connected and then right here click random so now right here on the right and left just click and hold shift and click a couple spots right here on the edge now we're gonna scale it up you can use your scroller wheel to sort of depict how it's gonna work so right about there I'd say that's about right and then go in and sort of randomize how high they kind of go we don't want them all looking the same sort of takes away from the design makes it look very sort of automated all right so now we have this we need to add a mirror modifier so that these connect and looks like a seamless loop so go to an empty got a plain axis hold down control and it'll snap right to the edge of our of our plane here so right there messed it up all right click on your plane and add a mirror modifier now here mere object can click your empty uncheck X and click Y so now they connect perfectly right here and so when we add our array modifier it'll be seamless next thing we need to do is add our camera we're gonna animate this real quick so click your camera hold down shift and bring it all the way to the edge of our our plane here we want it to snap to grid and if you messed it up if you're following along it's a negative 8 that's the spot like I'll put it on a random one just click negative 8 and it snaps right here to the edge so go to your rotate settings give it 90 zero and zero and I'm just bring it up just slightly so if you're following along you can do that exactly and you'll get a perfect perfect loop here so now we're gonna animate it really quick so by default your frame rate should be at 24 frames a second and then right down here on end I'm gonna give it 120 that'll make a 5 second animation go to your user preferences on animation make sure your default interpolation is on linear now click on your camera make sure it's selected right here on Y click the keyframe click all the way to the edge of your animation right here on this button and then click the right arrow once so that you skip a frame now hold down control and bring it all the way to the edge we're going to want to go to 24 on the Y so it's right there on the edge of our plane and then click keyframe now it should be moving right down the mountains and then let's add our array modifier really quickly then we can see if it loops seamlessly so go to the array but the 0 there and one right here so you can see sort of there's no seam here on the edge I'm gonna give it ten real quick to see if this loops perfectly I'll just watch it real quick yes perfect loop all right now let's click on a camera real quick I'm gonna make my lens wider so camera and then focal length we'll make it right about there and then I'm gonna gonna make our camera look up a little bit just like that ok now let's get into designing this so first thing we're gonna add the classic wire frame and the modifiers wire frame just like that I'm gonna scale it down a little bit click replace original and let's add our materials so let's add a metallic material real quick I'm gonna make it dark and then make it metallic and then we'll add an emission shader so click new emission and I'm gonna make it blue well strength of 50 and then we'll make it blue all right now let's go back to the wireframe modifier click material offset to hit Z and check out the render so there it is let's go to our world settings real quick and make it black I don't know why it's great by default but we're gonna add a HDRI in just a minute so we don't really have to worry about that okay so this design let's add an HDR eye so let's go to HDR I Haven I'm gonna link it in the description and let's pick a sky so an HDR I Haven it should have a little thing right here that's a skies that's what we want we need some clear skies so I'm gonna pick I'm gonna pick this Kiera dawn and I'm gonna click for Kate and download it okay so now save your HD writer wherever you want click on the world settings right here where it says color click that if it's not there first you want to click use nodes then click right here by the color and click environment texture okay so it's gonna kind of its gonna overpower a scene out quite a bit so first we're gonna give it zero point one on the strength actually let's bring it up right about there and then let's go to our shading preset right up here if not just bring the shader editor with a new window so click shading I'm gonna hit the zero so we can see what's going on and right up here in the shader editor go to world so we're gonna add a mapping node and a texture coordinate node now let's just put the generated on the vector and the vector to the vector so if we scale the Z around you can kind of see what's going on so it's sort of scaled around a little bit on the Y sorry on the X bring it down so we can see the sky I switch the HDR I real quick I didn't like that one so we're gonna go with this one pick whatever one you want but generally you kind of want a clear sky for this because we're gonna change the color so add those two nodes and right here right behind the background node we're gonna add hit shift a right here on color click hue/saturation and place it right there if you want to see it better turn off bloom and we're gonna change the color of our HDRI sky so right here on hue just click it till it goes I'm gonna make it purple but you can make it whatever color you want so I'm gonna make it this purple because that's the other that's sort of a classic look for these 80s sort of designs alright let's go back to layout click your mountains hit tab and I'm just gonna select a couple of random vertices here and we're gonna make our ground just slightly bumpy make sure you still have proportional editing on it we'll just scale it up like that and now we have kind of a bumpy ground and that's what we're looking for alright next thing we're gonna do go to your shader click on this material right here go back to the shading preset and click object and so we're gonna add a bump node to this ground to make it a little bit more interesting so hit shift a tie-pin bump plug it into the normal and let's get a noise texture and let's plug that noise into the height all right here on the node bring out the detail bring up the scale I'm gonna make this a little bit less rough so you have some nice reflections and that's what we have and we're gonna bring down the strength just a little bit as well alright the last thing want to add is sort of a little Sun so bring in a UV sphere shade smooth and just bring it pretty far back here we're gonna want to bring it to the end the end of our animation and let's scale it up quite a bit it's right about there and I'm a subdivide a couple times because you can kind of see it's low poly alright let's add an orange emission shader so give it a mission make it kind of orange and we don't we don't want to make it too bright so I think right about there works and make sure you parent it to the camera so select your sphere then select the camera control P you can click object so that it looks like it's so far in the horizon you can't see it moving but it's just following the camera it's a little bit of an optical illusion right there so now we have our render I'm a I'm a click render to see how it looks real quick the preview is always not quite as good as the render all right so that's what our render looks like and that that about sums it up we have some nice color going on nice VJ loop that you can add to whatever you want and there you go I hope you learned something I hope you use it if you make it send it to me on Instagram I'll add you to the highlight and you can see other people's work in my work as well thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 829,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, 80's style, vapowave, blender 80s, Blender Loop, Blender Animation Loop, Blender 2.8, Blender eevee, Eevee Animation, Abstract, Blender Abstract tutorial, Blender Modeling, Blender Easy, Blender easy tutorial, Blender cycles, Blender 3D, b3d, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro to Blender, CG Geek, Olav3D, Olav 3D, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve, Gleb Alexandrov
Id: hnLsktA4gmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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