Blender - Abstract Tunnel Animation Loop In Eevee (Blender 2.8)

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alright so in this tutorial we're going to be tackling this really cool fun loop super simple let's get into it if you want to see the loop some more you can head over to my Instagram I posted it there along with a lot of my other designs you can go check those out and get me a file if you want and also send me your work if you do some of the renders from the tutorials now just a heads up if you want to download this project file you can get it on Gumroad for a dollar you can see what I did in case you missed something or you don't quite understand so you can go ahead and grab that so let's get on with the tutorial so first thing we need to add is our camera simple as that and we need to add a curve and that would be a circle so what we're gonna do is we're going to set up the camera rotation so we know what's going on before we start doing anything so we need to attach this camera to this circle so we're gonna go right down here to the constraints tab this will look sort of looks like a slingshot and select follow path right here on target select your circle and it snaps the anchor point to the circle but if we click offset the camera is not really doing what we want in terms of where it's pointing so click follow curve and now it's doing that so all we have to do is set up our camera what I do is I hit R twice and I just sort of fix them to where I want with this particular loop we don't need a lot of precision so you can just hit R twice and move them around so now when we click offset he is pointing and going around the curve and so if we were to expand this curve like this click on the camera again it's doing what we want and I'm gonna move him a little bit more this direction and as we're working we can move it around so that's not super specific and it's going around just like we want so that's perfect and we're gonna animate this later alright now we have this if you look at the UM so if you look at it it's kind of low poly you can see how there's these bumps and when we're inside of the camera view you can see the camera will see those bumps and that's not gonna be very smooth so all we have to do is hit tab right click and subdivide and we'll give this a number of cuts maybe ten so now we have a perfectly smooth circle and our camera is going to be going around it nice and smooth but first hit ctrl z to go back and so back towards the low-poly just four-point curve and I'm gonna move this guy around a little bit so he can give it some shape so first I'm gonna expand it some more rather about I'm gonna make them about maybe that big I'm gonna hit tab and click any of these points hit any of these points and just bring it down bring it up and just sort of move it around so the camera can have a little bit of fun when it comes to actually this being an animation so now we can play around with the camera here and just to make sure that it works correctly it looks like it's working just fine so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this and first let's make a duplicate and then click on the first one and of course go back hit a just select them all and we're gonna subdivide this guy just like that and we'll name this one and we'll rename that one one just to keep it clarity and this one let's go ahead and add some geometry to it to go around our camera so of course our cameras being a little weird so I wanted to engulf the camera so click on the second Bezier circle click on the curve settings and let's go down here to geometry and add some depth so just like that let's go into the camera view let's make the depth a little bit bigger I think right around there it looks good and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna hit the operator search so edit operator search type and convert convert to mesh so now it is a mesh so we're gonna decimate this so let's go over to the decimate modifier but before we do that right click click shade flat so let's take this guy go to the decimate modifier and right now these are square we want them to be vertices or sort of polygonal polygons triangles basically so let's go to the decimal auto-fire and bring it down to right about that I think that looks pretty cool and let's also add wireframe and click replace original on the wireframe so we can keep that piece you now in the camera let's go ahead make this guy a little bit wider I'm gonna give him a 20 millimeter range and move them up now click on the camera go back to the constraints and just sort of play with the offset and see how that looks so that looks really good it's looking really really cool so now let's go ahead and design this so keep your offset here for the camera here at 0 let's go ahead and add a light so let's go over here light point light and I'm gonna go to wireframe view so I can see where my camera is so right there and I'm gonna add this light and I'm gonna give it a constraint and attach it to the first curve so click on the light and we're gonna use a constraint right here follow path and we're gonna click one boom now before we preview let's go ahead and switch to the Eevee render engine and writter it so the problem so our light is behind our camera so what we can do is we can just go back to the constraint here and bring them forward just like that so now let's start adding the shading so let's go to the shader editor here so click on shading go to rendered click new and let's add metallic boom and let's make it really dark like close to down here now we can't see anything so our point light form up from my settings I'm gonna give it a strength of a hundred so now it looks really really cool let's add some fun here so what we're gonna do is we're gonna add a color ramp we're gonna add a color ramp plug it into our roughness just like this and add a noise texture and plug that noise texture right into the color ramp so once we bring it down bring up the scale a little bit and now you can see some fun happening just like this so we have this let's add a bump node let's plug this bump node into the normal and plug and then also add the noise texture to the height of the bump node so now we get this weird liquidy stuff let's put the detail up on the noise and bring the strength down pretty far down so let's make the strength really really small to right about there that's looking pretty good and we can play with the roughness some more right about there just play around with it till you like what you see and I'm gonna give it a little bit of distortion right around in this area so now we have this alright so now I have this fun stuff going on let's add those red sort of dots you saw in that animation that gives it a little bit of pop so let's take this base color here and bring it down some more and bring our strength of our point light up say 120 okay so that's looking really cool so what you do is go up here and add a mix shader' so in my ex mix shader' and we'll bring it up and we'll add an emission so emission right down here and plug the emission into the second slot of the shader I'm gonna make it red for now probably keep it around that anyway and keep it this drink that one just for now but that's gonna be upped fairly far once we go up so what we need to do is add a color ramp so we can squash what's going to we're going to be putting behind it to tell the emission where to go so plug that into the factor let's add a Voronoi texture and a musgrave texture and what we're gonna do is we're gonna take these two nodes and have them interact with each other via a mixture shader so let's just take these two hit G to move them over and add a mixed shader so a mix RGB specifically not a mix shader' we don't do that so add the color here add the color there and plug the mix into the color amp so now we have this going on look let's give the Voronoi him some scale right about here and bring the detail play with that and so we're gonna play with this here so we have this we're gonna take the color ramp and bring the black portion all the way over here kind of like that and then let's just play around and let's change this closest part here on the Voronoi to crackle so now we have all these little dots going on and then we can play with the factor and mix it with the musgrave to give it that sort of breaking apart sort of look we're gonna bring the musgrave texture down so now you can see those little particles let's go ahead and make the mission let's give it a strength of 10 there we go and let's bring the scale up much farther so now it looks like these little cracking little particles we want see it right that's too much so bring it over and now we have these little particles so now we can actually start animating this so we can watch it move but first let's take this Bezier circle so let's take our camera go back to solid view and I'm gonna right down here I'm gonna give it 120 frames actually now I'm gonna keep it at 240 frames for now go up to your edit preferences and make sure in your animation tab that your default interpolation is set to linear that's very important so what we're gonna do is right here you can see it's on frame 1 hit the left arrow to go to frame 0 and that's really important for when we add motion blur normally I would actually go to the end and go to frame 241 if you've seen my older torus but we're going to the opposite we're gonna start at frame 0 so we knew that insert keyframe and then click this arrow right here go to frame 240 and on the offset type in 1 0 0 then right clink right click insert keyframe all right so let's check it out so now it is much smoother after we add that subdivision to the curve and adding all that stuff there so now it's much smoother we have this going on we have our material we have our lights you can go ahead and you can play around with those quite a bit if you like and yeah so this is pretty much the animation now one of the problems here is the point light alright so now that we have this let's press play and our point light is gone so we need the point light to follow the camera and we can't parent it because that'll cause problems we want the point light to follow the curve so if you go to the constraints we can see the offset on that light it's right here at 34 so I'm going to keep it at 34 and so what we have to do is add a 100 to that 30 so go to frame zero right-click insert keyframe go to the end and add 134 and what that's going to do is gonna do a perfect loop around the curve and so that you don't actually have to start at offset of 100 you can start at any offset you want and just add a hundred to it and it'll go around that curve perfectly in a loop alright so let's go ahead and show you the motion blur really quick so you can see it's right there if you want at if it's too much motion blur for you can mess with the shutter the shutter of 0.1 is just no motion blur all the way at 1 and you get a really nice shutter so that's pretty much the animation I'm gonna show you how to export it really quick so you can go to this printer icon and then go down here save or you want this little file switch to ffmpeg video on container switch to mp4 and then video codec h.264 and switch to high quality and then right up here you would render render animation so there you go it's super simple I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 101,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender Animation, Blender Abstract, Blender Particles, Blender Lines, Blender Cinema 4D, Blender Abstract Tutorial, Blender loop, Blender VJ Loop, project breakdown, blender breakdown, Blender 2.80, blender 2.8 tutorial, Blender Eevee, Blender 3D, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro To Blender, Blender Procedural, Blender nodes, Blender Procedural Shading
Id: sovCZ8fwUQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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