Making an Abstract loop animation in #Blender

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hey guys I'm Mad and today we're gonna talk  about how to make a procedural Loop noise in   blender so if you're interested let's dive in  before we start I want to apologize because   of my voice I caught cold and I know that my  voice is not fine and hope you like it (the video)thanks   for watching oh and I forgot you can download  the file of this project for free on my gumroad   the only geometry we are going to need on this  project is a play put it on for me there and   after that we're going to need two subdivision  modifiers the first one is going to be three on   Wheel port and 600 and the second one is going to  be also 3 on viewport but 400 there don't forget   to put both of them on simple one let's make a  new material and after that two fortnite texture   put the first input on 40 and second one on F2  and then duplicate it for making this placement   animation loop we're going to need four value the  first one name is frame counter and for the value   we have to add a frame driver and the command is  hashtag frame and what it does is actually adding   their frame number as a value here so if we put  it on for example 120 we can see that the value   is 120. the second one name is speed and what  it does is controlling the speed of movement and   for the value we can use at a fixed number like  0.002 the third one is Loop frame and for Value   we have to add the middle of the frame range  so here we have 250 and the half of it is 125.   and the last one is a scale like speed we have  to use a fixed number in this case I using 10.   for connecting these two voluntary texture to  these four values we need five math node it's   going to be a little complicated but don't worry  I put the file for free on my gumroad you can   look it at it yourself and whenever you want  you can pause the video and connect the nodes   like what I do okay the first math node we need  is a multiply connected to the W of first world   and then the top socket of multiply going to be  connected to another math node which is a medulla   for the second socket of the multiply  connected directly to a speed   connect their first socket of module to do a  frame counter and the second one to the loop   frame duplicate the multiply and connect it to the  W of second Warner texture add another math node   connected to the First Circuit of multiply and put  it on subtract for the second Circuit of multiply   connected directly to the speed and for substrate  the first socket going to be connecting to the   output of modulo and the second socket going to  be connected to the loop frame add another math   node and a mix RGB it's going to be connected as  a factor of the mix RGB put the method on divide   and connect the first socket of the light to  medullo and second socket to the loop frame   connect the scale value directly to the scale of  the both Vernon texture and the last note we are   going to add is a mapping node press shift T to  add it and connect it directly to the vector of   the both warning textures so the looping the  Warner texture is over let's connect it to the   this release and see what happened so if we put  the timeline on the end of the frame range and   press play as you can see there is no jumping  between the end and the start of the animation   so let's select everything and put them in a group  to have a more organized Shader editor okay it's   the second part of the making Loop this time we're  going to make a wave textured Loop before we are   starting to looping it we have to setting the  texture appearance for the scale I use 0.5 for   Distortion I use 13.2 for detail I used 9.6 for  detail scale I used 2.2 and for detail roughness   I use 0.477 I like the warning texture making Loop  in wave texture is easy the last parameter of wave   texture is face offset so we're going to the first  frame and then make a keyframe on zero then we go   to the last frame and then make another keyframe  and change value until we see the the pattern that   we saw on the first frame you can use shift right  and left Arrow to go to the first and last Cube   frames now if I press play you can see there is  no jumping between the last and the first frames   okay it's time to mix the wave and Varner texture  with a mix RGB note and then put it on multiply   connected to the scale of this place node and we  can see it on the viewport so if we add a color   ramp node we can Define better the warranty map  okay now we are going to work on the render put   the render engine on cycle and the device on  GPU and before we put the viewport on render   I don't like to see what we have here to  see the actual result of this placement   go to Shader and then set it and surface tab  put the displacement on displacement and pump if you see polygon effect like this hit  the right click and choose smooth okay   let's select the light and put the power on 50  and then duplicate it select the new light put   the power on 75 and reduce about one to make it  bigger to have more soft Shadows for the color   of the surface we're going to need a color wrap  connected to the base color and for input use   the opponent that we animated put the method  on bsp line and start adding colors for the   color I try to find that the color are matchable  together the color I choose here are not the final   ones after that I connect the color ramp to the  subsurface color and put the subsurface parameter   on 0.1 and then it's time to add a camera I  choose a 33 millimeter camera and then I start   testing different angles until I satisfy  I'll repeat changing the color and camera   angle after about half hour changing the  color and camera angles this is the result and if we keep exploring different texture and  colors we can achieve different results together foreign
Channel: Mad Bat
Views: 35,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, animation, loop, cg, abstract, voroni, wave, blender cycles, make cycles faster, make cycles render faster, blender rendering tutorial, blender render settings, best render settings blender, blender render tips, blender 3.0 render tips, blender cycles x render settings, blender cycles render settings, blender cycles render, blender quick render
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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