How to Loop An Animation in Blender | TutsByKai

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so you want to make a looping tunnel so you want to make a looping tunnel so okay I'm just joking with you guys hey guys welcome on back that's why I'm cutting today we are back in blender once again take a look at how to make a looping tunnel a looping - and I'm sorry um so pretty much I get this so often you guys want to know how to make a scene look like it's looping or it's um it's never-ending it's endless and you guys always ask me about like tunnels and stuff like that and I figured we'll do this really cool abstract like neon thing so you got so many people been asking this I figured we might as well just do it today so we're gonna be doing is we're using default cube today happy day for default cube I'm gonna tab to go into edit mode and then go up here to the top left and choose face select mode grab the front and back face just middle mouse button to pan around my scene middle mouse button people think I say Minnie Mouse button or other weird things they don't they don't understand I'm saying middle mouse button middle middle middle mouse button there we go we're gonna hold down shift and left-click to grab the front in the back of the cube hit delete on your keyboard and then go to faces and click faces now the cube is hollow hello but it's you can go through hit tab to go back out of edit mode and now we can go ahead and hit s to scale this bad boy up and I want to grab our camera and hit alt G and alt are to clear the rotation and location of the of the camera then hit our X 90 on our numpad and hit enter to confirm that movement so I can zoom on in here and I'm gonna grab our cube in an H to hide it for a second I'm gonna 3 on our numpad and then we're gonna select our camera once again now this is the front of the camera over here and this is the back of the camera and now I don't want the point to be in the middle I want the the actual this part of the camera to be on the line in the blue line in the middle so I'm in it G Y to move this back and so the front of the camera is resting on the blue on the blue line that's pretty that's pretty close first try I'm gonna zoom in as close as I can get here which is really close might as well be just exactly on the line and I hit G Y to move it exactly that line then that'd be perfect but I think I just got it perfect but that's cool so close but it's fine um so I think what is that one point it's probably one point four butts probably not exact so don't worry about that number if it's not perfect because it's probably not gonna be exact but that's cool all right so now that that's done I'm gonna zero to go back into the cameras view to go into the cameras view rather and then hit alt R to undo the the hiding so now we can see the cube once again so I'm going to make sure this is in the center of the canvas which it is still the the cube is in the center stone I'm gonna go to the modifiers tab and add a modifier this modifier is gonna be an array modifier and because we don't want to go to the side I want to go front and back I'm gonna turn this value from one to zero and then we're going to put this second value on one hit enter boom now we got that one going forward but we need more than just two of these bad boys to actually make this thing loop so I'm gonna go ahead and hit and choose the count I'm gonna turn the count up to 30 hit enter on that and now you can see this goes out pretty far we don't really need anything farther than 30 because anything farther than 30 is not gonna be rendered by the camera anyway that's where it kind of cuts off so yeah we're gonna just do 30 I mean it shift a to add in a mesh plane and then I hit our X 90 to rotate that and hit enter to confirm hit ask to scale it up you can see it down here yes we'll scale it up and then hit G Y to move it all the way back behind the cube now you can just zoom in here and you can see area just move it just move it up close to it enough to be exactly perfectly on it it's fine the way that it is all right cool now with the long cube that we have array modified out I'm going to hit period so I can zoom in to it actually hit tab first and then hit period sorry and she selected one of the adversities go to vs. like mode select one of the vertices then hit tab then hit period sorry all right now we're assuming in so it's not it's not difficult to move around because this thing is so big we can go ahead and open up the tab on the left hand side here and then go to loop cut grab the loop cut tool make sure it's going lengthwise like this and then just click once create a loop then go back to select mode up here hit G Y to move this a loop about right there looks good to me go back to face select mode we can select all these faces now so if I move my camera about right here and then hold down and I hold down I'm gonna hold down alt and shift hold on alt and shift and then just click a couple of times until it selects the whole loop or you can just do it the easy way hold down shift and select each one of these faces cool now go to the material tab with all four lows selected hit this little plus button and then hit add new material change the surface from principal psdf to emission and then change the color to whatever color you want to change it to I'm gonna change it to I did green in my test but I'm gonna change it to yellow for this because we haven't had a yellow thumbnail in a while I'm gonna hit assign now I'm gonna change the strength from 1 to 10 hit enter on that now if we hit tab to go out of edit mode and then go to material mode you can now see that we have the yellow stripe on every single one of these cubes going all the way down which is super cool because we have array modifier that we don't have to do that for every single one now we have a tunnel but I don't want this to be white so I'm gonna select our right material go down to base color and then change this to almost black all the way back black almost black and then we can just turn the specular all the way up the roughness almost all the way down and then go to my rendered viewport shading now you can see we got something like this I'm gonna turn roughness down just a little tiny bit more cool now with our world tab and put the world tab right here I'm gonna go to color and change this to solid black there we go so now I'm gonna also go to the render properties tab here and check bloom on which is the bulk of the awesomeness of the scene as you can tell now I'm gonna reach all the way back down to the back of the tunnel here and click and that is now our plane so be flipped on my plane I'm gonna go to the the material tab once again it is a little drop-down and then select the yellow material now you can see the yellow materials back there as well which is what I want hit zero to go into the camera's view and you can see now since it is a little bit off like I said the camera is not rendering it's too far away so I'm gonna I'm gonna hit zero then gy until the plane is in plane is in view which is about right there I tested this in 30 was fine but 30 is even too much for this right now so I'm a couple off there we go yeah you can just this back a little bit because I don't need that many of those you just probably leave it about right there maybe even well just leave it on thirty who cares it's fine all right now for the actual looping part it's not moving it's not doing anything right now why this is what we need to do all right with our long cube selected without a long tunnel cube selected I'm going to go and open up the timeline here and change the start frame to zero and change the in frame to 100 and then on frame 0 I'm gonna hit I location then I'm gonna go and hit this button right here to go to one frame 100 I'm hit G Y 10 negative so we know that's that's our marker so if I hit G Y to move this piece until the yellow is resting on the edge of the camera I can I location didn't go to the front of the first frame and then hit G Y until moving backwards this time G Y until the yellow line is resting on the camera there we go I location now let me play this you can see that it is moving and that is exactly what we want which is nice and now it does loop but you can see it slows down and it starts up which is not what I want at all so we can fix this super easily by going head pausing this splitting eye window into 2 by dragging up from the bottom at the top or the left to the right wherever as long as your cursor turns into a little plus like that I change this editor type to the the graph editor sorry and now you can see this this is a curve that's why this is slowing down and starting up and getting you know smooths out we don't want that I'm gonna double tap a until everything is selected I'm gonna hit key and then go to interpolation mode and change this to linear now you can see the the camera will not slow down and will not start up and as you can tell we are having an infinite loop right now which is the super coolest thing I'm gonna select our camera go to the camera tab and go to viewport display open this up and change the opcd all the way up to 100 sweet now we can all see the same thing with rotation just really quick I'm gonna leave this open because we have to do that in a second well on the a0 frame I'm hit i rotation go to the last frame hit our Y 180 hit left click hit I rotation and now you can see we play this and the the tunnel is rotating but it is speeding up and slowing down the same way it was doing before it's not completely looping all the way so make sure everything selected hit key go to interpolation mode and change it to linear now you can see this loops 100% it is fully looping now and it is gorgeous now just put some house or club music to this and you got every single music visualizer in the world that's that's house for club very cool hope you ladies and gentlemen enjoyed today's tutorial I will see you in the next one but until then [Music]
Channel: TutsByKai
Views: 37,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutsbykai, tuts by kai, kai, tuts, beginner, tutorial videos, tutorials, tutorial, how to, beginner tutorial, easy tutorial, simple, easy, animation
Id: p02ozHB-tJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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