Create A Sci-fi City Looping Animation in Eevee (Blender Tutorial)

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how's it go guys so a couple days ago I posted this animation on Instagram the response was huge and I got tons of tutorial requests so I'm gonna break down this animation right here if you wanna get the project file it's in the description for a dollar if you are on patreon you'll begin to that file for free if you don't know about the patreon there's tons of project files on there exclusive tutorials I just dropped a pack of fifty looping animations of the project files for all that stuff as well as a glitter pack which is ten procedural Clips material it's the iridescent pack and I'll be dropping the wood pack this month on patreon as well so if you want to grab all that stuff you can head over the patreon it's in the description now let's get into the tutorial alright so first off we're gonna make the sort of building type of things so we're gonna take a cube here and then I'm going to hit this little icon right over here and I'm just gonna scale it to however tall I want my building to be something like that I'm gonna hit ctrl a and apply scale i'ma hit tab right click subdivide but before that you can see how the this face is very long in this face is square and I kind of want to even it out so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to get a loop cut here and just gonna click these loop cuts right here just like that and now we have even faces all over because now I'm going to be using some extrusion so what I'm gonna do is make sure I'm in face select mode up here click one face then right up here go to select select random and I bring this percent slider down a little bit and I'm just gonna click the random seed till I like the selection of squares I have I kind of like that now I'm gonna hit I to inset but I'm gonna hit it twice so it in sets the individual scared square it's not all at once so I I bring it in like this something like this i'ma hit now I'm going to extrude but if you just hit E it does that and we don't want that so right up here you're gonna see individual origins now hit E and then just use your mouse to do that I'm a right-click subdivide again it's something about it quite a few times like this I'm gonna hit I again to subdivide that and then I'm gonna hit E and bring it in so they're in like this alright now I'm gonna hit ctrl + like this so it selects all those now that all of these are selected I'm gonna hit ctrl I to invert that selection so now we're not messing with the thing that we just modeled I'm gonna hit I again like this and then I'm gonna hit E and bring it out just a tad bit and now we have the basis of our sort of Griebel building thing now we can start adding even more detail with a procedural material so let's hop on over to the shading tab and I'm gonna hit this little drop down and bring my background out so I can see better and then I'm gonna zoom in here I'm gonna click new make it metallic now i'ma hit shift day and add a bump node B um P or here and I'm gonna plug this normal into the normal here on the bottom of the principle then I'm going to get a brick texture or here and I'm gonna plug the color into the height and then first off I need to unwrap this so I'm gonna hit tab hit a to make sure everything selected I'm gonna hit you and I'm gonna click right here cube projection that's sort of an automated system so we don't actually have to unwrap everything and then if you have the node Wrangler add-on enabled ctrl T it adds a mapping node and a texture coordinate and to use that unwrapping we just did we're gonna use the UV coordinate and what that's gonna do is now you can see the squares I mean the bricks are now evenly placed unlike on the generated one or they're even and then stretched out on here so that's what the unwrapping just did and unwraps at any cube pattern so what I want to do is get my row height the same as my brick width so 0.5 so now everything's even we can bring up my scale by a pretty significant number here and then bring my strength down a little bit and then bring up my mortar smoothness so now we get even more details on this now we just need to add two more nodes to add just a little bit more sci-fi-ness to this and that's gonna be right here with adding a Voronoi node plug that there and we're gonna change a lucid Ian to chebychev and then we're gonna add a mix RGB because we don't want this void I know to be taking over everything we just want to use a little bit of it so we're gonna add the mix right there and then get the UV socket and put it in color too what that's gonna allow us to do is to bring the factor to one you can to introduce that Voronoi know just a little bit bring up the scale just and now we've added just another component of sci-fi agreeableness to the model we created and adds just all this crazy detail which is what we're looking for and then now when we now we're gonna add a color ramp up here to color some of these plug the color ramp right here into the color and then take this brick texture add that there so now we get all this I want to take this black portion and bring it closer to the gray so there's not so much contrast alright now we're gonna add some little glowing squares in this so we need to add two more notes a mix shader' we're gonna add an emission material the M right here and what's that what that's gonna allow us to do is alright so now we have these two things set up we need to sort of tell them where to show up now they're just mixing together and doesn't look very good so I'm gonna get a color ramp right here we're gonna get a brick texture so we'll just duplicate this one just like this and then we'll plug the color into the color ramp here and then ctrl T to add that scent setup and then use the UV coordinates and then now we can start bringing in this black portion to make those windows and then bring our scale way up something like this we change it from linear to constant which is going to allow it to be just a hard edge so just some windows show up like this and this sort of gives us the semblance this sort of hint of Windows but doesn't actually look like physically correct windows because this is motion graphics and a lot of things are just zooming by really quickly and it just gives you that hint I'm gonna make my windows kind of blue because we're gonna be working on more the blue side and we'll bring up the layer and Venom maybe remove some of these windows something like this so now we have our sort of Griebel spaceship thing just so much detail on here it's hard to make out what's going on but that's what we want to look now we can go ahead and start making the rest of this scene so we're gonna hit G to move him just out of the way I'm gonna hit shift a and add a cube i'ma hit I'm gonna hit sy8 that scales it on the Y just by eight I'm gonna hit tab make sure I'm in face select I'm hit this guy hold shift at that guy X and click faces so now we have our tube that we're gonna fly our camera through to make this a looping seamless animation so let's add in our particle system to this guy so right over here click particle system click new we're gonna use hair go down to go down to render from path to object and then select our object which is the first cube now you get all this if you go to mute your material preview you get this really cool looking board spaceship thing but that's not what we're going for all right right here on source we're gonna go from jittered to random and then right here on the scale randomness bring it all the way down and then make sure that right here on object make sure object rotation is enabled so that we can rotate our object a little bit later and now let's go ahead and click on our object here go to the settings and play with the rotation so we'll have him here and then we'll rotate him like this which is how I got that rotation so if we just look inside of our scene here we'll just go to look def and if you rotate your cube on the y-axis you get all this really weird cool-looking movement I'm gonna bring go back to the particle system all right I'm gonna bring the the hair length down just a little bit so we can get some better scale now we can start shading this first off on the cube here I'm just gonna add that same at material we made just to add some just to sort of make him it kind of invisible now let's go ahead and add in our camera so I may hit the tilde key go to front view so that when we import our camera he'll be facing the way we want so camera and uh you can see now he's looking down this direction he's right there so what I'm gonna do is click him I'm gonna hold down control so it snaps to the grid and you want him if you scaled your box by 8 it'll be on the negative 8 or the positive 8 it doesn't matter so let's animate him really quick so on end here we're gonna add 120 keyframes 1 to 0 that's gonna make this a 5 second animation so I'm going to hit the back arrow to go to frame 0 I'm going to click this little dot right here go to the very end and type in eight now if your camera was sitting on the positive eight then you will go to negative eight and that's how you're going to get a perfect seamless loop here when you press play but before we make it actually seamless we need to click on this box hit M new collection click ok what that's going to allow us to do is instance this so it makes a nice instance duplication so if you hold down control hit this little green arrow you'll make sure it snaps to view I mean it snaps to the grid and place it right there it's very important because you want this to be a seamless loop so you want to make sure that it is going to be snapping to the grid that you want it to snap to so I'm gonna go to material preview and just make sure that this does in fact loop seamlessly so let's just check it out everything's going fine perfect okay now we can start shading the way we want so first off go to the little camera icon to switch on over to the evie render engine and I'm going to make make sure ambient occlusion blooms screen space reflections is on i'ma turn off motion blur I don't want that I'm going to take my camera here and just make my focal length pretty wide and then I'm gonna hit G and bring it down and hit R twice to sort of angle him up and then we can see how that's looking it's really really cool now let's animate our box our sort of our particles so on the cube here I'm gonna bring my Y to zero make sure that you are at the at frame 0 to animate I'm gonna click him here go to the very end and give it 360 degrees that'll make this another seamless loop now all the boxes are rotating the way we want them to rotate let's go ahead and start adding some shading to the world.the this whole thing right now it's just looks insane and not very good so make sure you go to the world settings and bring your world down to zero I mean you're down to all the way to black go to object mesh and add in a cube hit s8 because we're gonna add some volume to this hit M and add it to collection to puts it on there I'm gonna go over here to shading make sure I'm in a rendered view click new I'm gonna delete the default principle and I'm going to add in a volume a principal volume and make sure the volume is plugged into volume here on the material output and bring your density something like this now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit shift a and add a light and add a point light now I'm gonna go to the light settings and we're gonna power up pretty far and then it's too far away from my camera to what I like so I'm gonna go here to the transform options and on the Y just bring him closer or something like right over here I'm liking that and then we're gonna make the light in the blue region something like this and already we are getting a really cool animation now click on the point light hold down control click on camera control P parent that object to the camera so whenever the camera is moving the object follows with the camera now one thing I'm gonna add some contrast into the scene to make it less washed out now you can make the light a little bit darker but I like to do this first so click on the camera go to the color management and make sure that you are at very high contrast and then I'm gonna bring the gamma down to add some pretty harsh contrast into the scene which makes it really really nice and cinematic and then you can just press play it sees how it's looking of course when you press play because of the e V real-time preview it's gonna look really washed out and bright but when you pause it that's how it's gonna look in the render so design based on the pause don't design based on when you press play because Evie is gonna be a little bit weird on that so this is pretty much what we have going you can play with the scale and things like that you can play with the camera position on how you want this whole scene to look but this is the design I'll show you how to export it so click on this little printer icon click here to save wherever you want the file to be located go from PNG to ffmpeg video encoding to mp4 and then on medium quality go to perceptually lossless render and render animation and there you go that's how you make this really sci-fi you looking city spinning animation I hope you learn something and thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 151,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Loop, Blender Animation Loop, Blender 2.8, Blender City, Blender eevee, Eevee Animation, Abstract, Blender Abstract tutorial, Blender Modeling, Blender Enviornment, Blender Easy, Blender easy tutorial, Blender cycles, Blender 3D, b3d, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro to Blender, CG Geek, Olav3D, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve, Gleb Alexandrov
Id: L6jMlmlbiVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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