How to Create Abstract Particles in Blender!

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hello everyone and welcome back to another blender made easy tutorial today we're going to be creating these abstract particles using blender 2.8 now before this video begins I want to tell you guys that I started a discord recently and you are welcome to join the link is down in the description you can post your art there and give critiques ask questions and all that so if you're interested link is down in the description ok so here we are in blender 2.8 and they've finally added color to the icons over here and I also think they rearranged them because the physics panel is right here instead of at the bottom which is a little confusing but I'll get used to it I think it's pretty cool you might notice if you're using a newer version of the beta that these ones up here have color but the one that I'm using currently does not so the first thing that we're gonna be doing is deleting this cube and then press shift a we're gonna be adding in an eco sphere this is going to be the emitter for the particles and then we'll add another eco sphere that will be the particle itself so press shift a we'll go to mesh and then eco sphere right here I'll press the G actually before you do anything open up this thing right here and change the subdivisions down to one once you do that you can press G X and move it over to the left or to the right and then scale it down we can also move this to a new collection so we don't see it in this first collection so hit the M key and go new and we'll just type in particle for the name and then enter now if you want to switch between these two collections fast you can hit the one key on the top of your keyboard and then two to go to this one it's just how layers worked in blender 2.7 if you want to bring both layers in you can press shift two and you can see they're both in here now so I'm just gonna go one to hide that one then I'm gonna right click on our ecosphere I might scale it down a little bit then go over to the particles which are right here then hit the plus sign for a new particle system the number of particles that we'll be using is 50 so fifty one two three fifty thousand the end rules set to 100 and the lifetime we can also set to let's go with let's go with 100 so the particles will last for 100 frames they'll start emitting at frame 1 and at frame 100 and they'll last for 100 frames next let's open up the render settings and under here render as we're going to be setting this to object the instant object will go ICO sphere 0 0 1 and that is the ecosphere on the particle collection so now if we were to play this we can see all of these particles are coming out of this emitter and falling straight down now currently they're pretty big so what I'll do is I'll set the scale a little bit lower then the random scale I'll bring up as well something like that we'll mess around with the size in a little bit but we'll leave it at point 0 3 for now next open up the field weights and turn off gravity so now if we turn off gravity restart the animation and play this you'll notice all of the particles are now spreading outwards that's looking pretty cool so far next I'm gonna press shift a go to force field down at the bottom and turbulence also I'll scale this down a little bit more I think probably around there is good now let's right-click on our force field go over to the physics settings the strength of this will set to 13 and the flow we will set this to for the flow option basically what that does is it just sets a path for all of the particles to flow into so if this was off they would all go in like a random direction but with the flow set on they'll kind of follow each other and you'll see what I mean if I play this you can see these ones are kind of going this way if I set this to zero and let's play this again you can see they're just going everywhere so with this set to 4 they'll kind of follow each other and make it a little bit more uniform something like that and that looks pretty cool actually next I'm going to right-click on our particle system again I think the size is just a little bit too big so I'll go point to zero - there we go not too bad at all okay so now that we've done that let's select our ecosphere over here and open up a new window so open up this window and we'll give this ICO sphere which is all of the particles a material so if our ship f3 shift f3 right here and go new so now we have a new material with this material I'm going to delete this principal shader press shift a go to shader and then emission shader take the emission output plug it into the surface next I'm gonna press shift a go to input and then particle info node right here I'll move this over to the side next press shift a go to converter and color ramp so basically what I'm gonna do right now is I'm going to set a certain color for the particles that were just emitted and the end of the particles the ones way out here they're gonna be a different color so the longer they last they'll the color will go from this side all the way to this side and we'll control that with the color ramp before this works though we need to add one more node so press shift a go to converter math node take the age output and plug it into the top and then the lifetime and plug it into the bottom input and then set this to divide then take the value and plug it into the color ramp then the color into the emission and set the strength to like let's say 10 all right so now that we've done that let's press Z and go into rendered view and I think we have to control okay so it's actually this side is where it starts and then the white is where it ends so for the start nut color I'm going to set it to maybe like a let's go blue somewhere around here and then the end I'm going to set this color to like a pink red somewhere around there I think would look pretty cool also I want to make sure the world is set to black so go over to the world settings and turn this all the way to black also we can delete the light so come up here and select the light then hit the Delete key and that will get rid of it all right looking good so far I might want to go a little less saturated on this color somewhere like that I think we'll be good there we go you can also play around with the strength if you want it to look more bright you can turn that up I might grab this blue color lighten it up a little bit and make it less saturated actually let's bring it up you can do whatever colors you want right here some combinations can look really cool for example if I go to green you can kind of see it gives that effect yellow gives that sort of look I think it looks pretty cool but I for now I'm gonna leave it at like the pink somewhere around there and then also you can set this from linear to ease and that will just kind of give it a better transition from this blue color over to the pink so with these handles you can control when it starts so if I want there to be just a tiny bit of blue I can drag this over here and you can see it kind of closes in that gap or if I want more I can drag it out this way and it's a cleaner transition also another thing that I want to do is the end of the particle is the ones that are way out here I want them to become transparent and disappear so to do that I'm gonna press shift a go to shader and then prints mix shader' right here plug that in then press shift a go to transparent and then plug it into the bottom input of the mix shader' next right click on this math node press shift D and duplicate it take this value plug it into the top and set this to multiply next take the value and plug it into the mix shader' so now we can control how this works with this multiplied value right here if I bring this up you can see that the it closes in on that gap and we can kind of find a nice part probably a little bit more probably around like a two point four or five that's too much let's go to point two there we go so you can kind of see the ones that are out here are a little bit more transparent and they kind of disappear and I think that looks pretty cool all right so I think this material is done you can mess with the color if you want to I think I'll grab this pink color make it a little bit more red something like this there we go that's starting to come with together a little bit more all right I'll leave it there for now and I'll close this off we're done with the material another thing that I want to do with the particle system is I'm going to get rid of this emitter so I don't want to be able to see that so over in the render settings turn off emitter and once we do a render that sphere in the middle will be gone all right let's go back into solid view we'll play this and we'll find a nice frame to pause somewhere around there and then we'll render this see how it looks well toggle overlays not too bad okay so now let's find a good position for the camera so I'll just kind of find a nice angle maybe like right here and I'll hit ctrl alt 0 to snap my camera into place then I'll right-click on the edge rotate it a little bit kind of place it somewhere around here something like like this DoubleTap our to move it around and just find a nice angle maybe drag it back the next thing I'm going to do is place a focal point so with the camera selected go over to the camera settings turn on depth of field and select the this sphere right here so just select that echo sphere and we can see it's now focused on that change the aperture to f-stop and then the value will try 0.4 for starters we'll see how that looks going to rendered view you can see it's working these particles over here look really blurry these ones in the middle look pretty good and they kind of blur out I think that looks pretty cool let's try a little bit more let's go point three and there we go we can see it's really coming together I might drag the camera up a little bit and rotate it like this and go into rendered view again you can also press the end key and go lock camera to view in the view section and then maybe rotate this around and you can find an easier you can find an angle easier instead of trying to move the camera manually so I might kind of just move it around like this till I find something kind of cool something like that I think will look good then I'll press n to close that off and I'll turn it off as well so now that we've done that I think we are good to go now I wanted to mention you can do this in evey if you wanted to but I for some reason I could not get the the color ramp if I go over back to the material let's select this I go sphere where is the material right here for some reason this part would not work I could only get a single color and I don't know why that is but an EB it just it wouldn't let me control the color of it it would only be a solid color so if you want a solid color and you're fine with that you can use evey but if you want that gradient look I could only figure out how to do it in cycles so now that that's done let's do a quick render I'm gonna go over to the render settings I'll open up the sampling and set the render let's go with 500 because I want to make sure these particles down here they render really nice thing and there's no noise and I'll use my GPU and everything else is good to go so I'll save my project I'll in tutorial all right now that you've done that go over to render and click on render animation ok the render has finished it only took about a minute so now that this is done let's go over to the compositor and give this some nice glow effects so I'm gonna close this off go over to compositing use nodes and backdrop it's turned on I'll press end to close off that panel and then I'll drag this down so we can have a little bit more room I'm gonna hit ctrl shift left click on this render layer to bring in a viewer node and I'll press V a couple times to bring it into the view so the first thing we want to add is the glow so press shift a go to filter and then glare I'll place that right here and I'll take the glare plug it into the composite and I'll set this to fog glow and you can see it gives it a cool effect let's set the mix to 1 and we can see where this glare is actually applying it so this threshold controls the amount I might drag this down a little bit to give it more glow a little bit more somewhere around there once you're happy with it you can set this back to 0 and you can see what that does I'm gonna control left click this and control up quick this and you can see the differences it just gives it a nice glow effect I think it looks pretty cool the next thing I want to do is a color and then color correction no not color correction color balance place this right here place it in the viewer node the image into the image and I'm gonna brighten up the highlights so over here is the gain this is the highlights I'll drag the lightness up a little bit and that will just give the overall brightness a little bit more there we go you can see its effect what happens if we darken the shadows a little bit yeah I don't really like that I'm gonna ctrl Z you can also give it a nice blue mid-tone color something like that maybe down here alright that looks pretty cool and the last thing you can do if your image is just a little bit too it's add-in a gamma node and turned this to maybe like 0.9 something like that and it will just brighten up the whole image so there you go guys that is how you create an abstract image using particles in blender 2.8 if you create something cool I would love to see it to make sure you go follow me on Instagram I'll show it right here this right here it's add blender Made Easy and you can see some of the stuff that I've done already so there you go guys that is going to be it for this tutorial make sure you like comment and subscribe for more and I'll see you guys in the next video take care good luck
Channel: Blender Made Easy
Views: 223,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, new, learn, free, 2.80, blender 2.8, blender tutorial, blender made easy, particle, particles, system, abstract, render, cycles, eevee, animation, blender 3d, 3d, art, how to, create
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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