Create a Black Hole in Blender - Iridesium

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey what's up guys Joel Adams with ear at SEMA and I am back with another pretty dense tutorial today we're going to be taking a look at creating a black hole now we are not going to be recreating the super detailed high-resolution image that nASA released of a black hole instead we are going to be creating a more attractive black hole and that is the one from interstellar the majority of this tutorial is going to be making materials and that can be a pretty time-consuming process so I'm gonna be moving a little bit fast I can also guarantee you there's almost no puns in here so let's jump right in and start pulling stuff together so I'm going to open up a black new scene then I'm gonna hit a X delete or you could just scale it all to zero then I'm gonna go shift a add mesh and add in an eco sphere I want to turn up its resolution maybe something like five right-click shades smooth we're done modeling our black hole so let's now go and open up a new window here I'm gonna switch this to the shader editor now going to go to the world settings set this to black and we'll add in a plane this plan is just to preview the effects of our black hole shader go ahead and switch to rendered view and then switch to cycles I'm going to make this plane and emission just like that and that I'm going to select the black hole material I'm gonna delete be principled and add in a refraction psdf plug this into the surface and this is what we've got so you can see that there is sort of a black hole in there somewhere I'm going to actually control the index of refraction here with a Finnell node so let's go input and add in a layer wait actually plug the facing value into the index of refraction here and you can see our entire sphere has now become a black hole basically if you turn this up so like 0.9 you can start to see something that sort of resembles a black hole however what we want is for this accretion disk to sort of Bend over the top so let's add in a converter color app and turn up the size of the black hole look at the refraction yeah so this Center is the black hole itself and instead of going from black to dark gray and then to white we want it to go from completely black which is the black hole to a really bright white and then to regular white so in order to do that I'm going to add in a converter math node and set it to divide and set the top value to one go ahead and control shift click on the refraction and now we're kind of getting it we've got the accretion disk or what is going to be the accretion disk bending over the top the black hole is sort of reflecting itself and we don't want that to happen so go under visibility and if you're in cycles render you should be able to uncheck all of this so it's just the camera now you've got this and it looks pretty good other than the fact that there's like this slight gray color here and that's just because our refraction psdf is not set to completely white go ahead and set that to completely white and now it should look correct so now we're going to add a photon ring and in order to do that I'm just going to add in an emission shader duplicate this layer wait add in a shader mix shader' plug that in here and then plug the facing in again right here I'm gonna set this to bluish maybe and up to maybe five so then let's go converter color app and you want to drag this forward first of all drag this forward and then add another flag right here make it black this middle one completely white turn it to contrast up and you want to be very very thin if that's not thin enough you can just move this all back and add in a second color app and then crank this up until it's thin enough and I'm gonna leave it at this something pretty extremely thin so go ahead and delete this plane now that the black hole is it's time to create the accretion disk and for that I'm going to add in a cube s Z to scale it down and as shift Z to scale it out and we get this now I'm going to go into the shader editor again hit new for a new material and I'm going to delete this principled add in a shooter principal volume and plug this into the volume here first thing I'm going to do is turn the density to zero and then I'm going to turn up the emission strength to one just so we can see it that looks nice I'm going to add in a texture gradient texture change this to spherical and hit ctrl T to add in texture coordinates here if you have node Wrangler enabled you're going to be able to do that go ahead and plug this into our emission color and you've got that I'm going to plug this into the object and that should give us this so that that's basically our accretion disk so that looks not bad it needs texture now so if I go and add in a texture noise I'm going to duplicate this setup here and I'm going to set the Z scale to zero we control shift click on this basically what that's going to do is it's going to give us a giant infinitely tall cylinder and that's exactly what we want I am going to plug this into the vector and if you control shift click on that it's now spinning the Voronoi around if you add in a color mix RGB and plug that in with the original result to sort of help the spin chill out a bit so you want to be spinning pretty good not too much but enough so that it's obviously looks like it's spinning around the black hole duplicate this and I'm going to go ahead and plug this in here as well control shift click on it turn the scale up now I can go color mix RGB mix these two together and you can choose any of these I'm going try overlay see what that does and then I'm gonna control shift D to duplicate this one more time from this up to maybe 20 and color mix RGB set it to overlay try that you got to kind of add some detail you'll set it to 60 so you can add other textures as well I think in some of the other materials I made I actually used a Moz grave and you can keep doing this to add more detail to the black hole but I'm gonna leave it at this and mix this in with the original result so if I go and plug this into the emission color we get that and it looks fine but there's no fall-off like there was with this so what you need to do is add in a color mix RGB plug this into here mix multiply crank that up now what's happening is you've got this gradient texture which is already got really dark edges and a light inside and it's getting this all multiplied with it and you've kind of got this nice fall off so because we made this into a really tall cylinder there's there's no Z depth so if you turn this back to one it's gonna give you all that depth back now it's gonna give it to you really squashed so now there's too much detail on the Z basically it's it's been squashed so I'm gonna turn this down until it looks closer to right point one looks pretty good you know I'll leave it at that so now you can go converter color ramp and this will control your fall-off I'm going to set it to b-spline and crank that up to here and then maybe move this forward a bit and this to make the inside brighter and the and the fall-off more gradual basically add in another color ramp crank this up maybe I'll turn this strength up now let's color it I'm gonna add in another flag here and set this to away we go with some interstellar colors that something like that now I can go here to the white value and make that reddish and I can set this value to two and that would make it brighter so this looks really good and it's rendering nice and fast however there's no real thick materials in here so you can see the bottom of the black hole right through it it's just all light it's all additive and I want some actual debris inside that sort of blocks out the light from the bottom so the way we're gonna do that is with this density so if I just go ahead and plug this right into the density and add in a converter math node set this to multiply and crank this up maybe 100 you've got this which looks okay but it's basically it's the same exact place where the light is being applied is getting volumetric detail as well and that's not working out too well for us so you've got to change it you've got to offset it a little bit so either the light needs to be on top or just inside of the volumetrics so you could just offset it with a color ramp however I'm not going to do that I'm going to sort of mess with the actual texture here so what we can do actually is we could recreate this whole thing so if I were to just grab all these nodes and duplicate them up here ctrl J again then you get this and this is the same exact setup here however we want to just change it up just a tad so what you can do is you can just mess with the scale of all these so maybe I'll turn this down or I'll turn this one up a tad this one down a bit and now it should be offset enough that we're not going to get some direct overlapping so now what you want to do is you want to grab this same thing so if I go color mix RGB plug this in here and this in here and set it to multiply now we've got the same fall-off that we're getting for this you could actually grab this one turn this up and plug this into here take that out yeah so now you can see that it's not overlapping exactly and we're getting something that's much nicer and it's blocking out the bottom part of the black hole so that's pretty cool now if we add in a light Sun we don't necessarily need to use this in the final render I'm just going to set it to 12 so that we can actually look at our volume metrics and see what's going on so I'm going to set this to maybe a thousand something like that now one of the things that I want to do is make sure that the center of the black hole is mostly light and the edges are mostly darker as if when it gets closer to the black hole it starts spinning maybe faster and heating up more add in another color amp here set that to multiply is fine converter and color wrap plug this in here and this in here and then I'm going to invert this so the color app is actually flipped and if we're multiplying that on top then what its gonna do is it's gonna make sure that the in the side has less volumetrics something like that now what I can do is go to my render settings go under volumes and set this to point zero three just to see more detail and let's see what it looks like without the Sun so now I'm going to turn this down to maybe a hundred maybe 300 you can go to a thousand if you want you're gonna want to set this even lower probably 0.1 with the 0 1 sorry and then you're going to want to turn this strength up as well so maybe 50 I'm going to actually drag this forward turn this one saturation up I'm now gonna pick a camera angle so shift a mesh camera and I'm gonna go something like this maybe ctrl alt numpad 0 you go far away and then zoom in it's gonna look like a telescope shot so I'm gonna go ahead and render this out and then I would really recommend doing some compositing when you're done compositing is really important and you should get good at it just because it can really take your image to the next level anyways that's basically it you can see that it's actually quite simple to create a good looking black hole it's almost all in the accretion disk another trick I did is I actually added in a couple planes with a star texture on and then I just animated those to spin constantly turned on motion blur and that made it look like there was a ton of spinning debris inside the black hole which I thought looked pretty cool anyways that's all I've got for you guys today I would like to encourage you to join the iridescent community they helped me get the look of this black hole dialed in and if you have questions or problems you are much more likely to get answers in the discord just because I'm not terribly active on YouTube join the iridescent community with the link in the description it's definitely one of the best communities I have ever been in and if you make a cool black hole I would really love to see it thank you guys for watching and I will see you next time this is Iridessa [Music]
Channel: Iridesium
Views: 719,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackhole, blender, space, stars, intersteller, 3d, vfx, animation, iridesium, cg, sun, moon, earth, star wars, star trek, Why you still reading the tags?, smoke, glass, gravity, simulation, accretion, disk, blender guru, cggeek, accretion disk, photon, sphere, eventhorizon, event, horizon, black, hole, iron 56, mist, ether, eather, universe, universal, space man spiff, pull, tesseract, joel, adams
Id: 5naMFeWTBeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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