Make easy car renders in Blender

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all right so you want to make cool renders like this uh first of all just go to blender and create a general project um get rid of the default cube and everything uh add a plane let's get it up something like that uh go to edit mode to select two of these edges extrude them up something like that maybe maybe even a little more something like that should be good for now uh we we're gonna make a a roof later on but not now all right so next time we gotta download uh the blender kit add-on by search playing and your kit uh let's go to this uh the website and just download this addon by pressing here once it's downloaded just install i'll just go to edit preferences add-ons and just press install and just navigate to wherever you downloaded it press install and just uh click that check mark right there so once that is installed i'm just going to go here uh to blender kit add-on you're going to see a new thing here uh just type in car and search filters i'm going to search free first because i don't want to pay for this model uh you can obviously get a paid one if you want um just wait for it to load it just doesn't load for some reason just press again press enter again and press this i button right here all right so now we have all these models i'm just going to go with this one because it's a vintage look and that's exactly the car which i used for this one uh just drag it in and just click it and it's going to appear in your um scene so now one thing you're going to notice is that the wheels are a little below the ground so either you can move the ground low or you can move the car up so i'm going to move the car up a little bit go to side view gz and a little bit something like that should be good perfect so um just save your project by the way okay so now if i go to go and render this um let's just change your render engine to cycles and gpu compute if you have a gpu just turn on denoise and set it to optics if you have an rdx graphic card if you don't then oh well just don't use just don't use denoise because it's very slow as you're going to see it look trash looks trash because we don't have any lighting just press this to turn it off and by the way a quick tip for you guys if you go to preferences and make sure that your system inside your system only your graphic card is checked if you have a graphic card because i realized that if i turn my cpu on as well both of them are i'm just go to 100 uh usage and it often crashes so i'll just turn on the graphic card and that does the job just fine so i'm going to add the lights now um so for that what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a cube create a cube scale it down a little bit something like that and just move it off gz let's go to the front view go to edit mode s r n z something like that move it right here let's go down something like that s z something that should be good so i'm going to move it back grx something like that should be good cool so and i'm gonna just take this and i'm gonna g y move it here i'm gonna press shift alt shift d and y so i can duplicate it something like that and just press shift r to repeat that action two more times and there you have it the lights are done and i'm going to add the lights at the top as well so i'm just going to be um clicking this plane and let's just uh pick one edge and just extrude it in the y axis something like that and there you have the um what do you call it this uh the roof as well i'm just gonna duplicate one of them uh let's go to let me just go to the front view uh shift d over here r 90 to right at 90 degrees and just move it right here i s and x just kill it up something like that and move it up a little bit g z in fact i'm going to get rid of these and i'm going to duplicate both them simultaneously shift d y a little bit and shift r shift r perfect so lighting setup is also done and after go ahead and render this you're going to see the material is not applied the lighting is not not applied so i'm going to select one of these i'm gonna go to materials menu i'm gonna create new material name it light light um and i'm gonna go down to emission turn the emission to one and the mission strength to like something i don't know seven i guess uh and now just select everything else all the other um light cubes and the select other one which you apply the materials to at the last and once you've done that just press ctrl l and link materials now it's gonna apply all the materials to uh the same example to get all the lights right now you're gonna see this car looks pretty sexy and um you can see the lighting is pretty cool but we don't have any texture for the ground and the walls so for that what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go to i'm going to be using a free texture from here although you can obviously pay for all these if you want i'm just going to go to this free menu free tab and you can just pick anything you want what i used was um for the walls i used uh this one for the walls i used this one for the ground i use this one all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go back to blender and just like this plane and just um click if you don't have the bollywood material converter installed just go to the search polygon material converter and just click the first link and just press down this download button right here once it's installed you can just once it's downloaded you can just install it the same way you did with the plain record just go to edit preferences add-ons and install and just navigate to wherever you want however you um have it downloaded press install add-on and just press that check mark right there perfect so once you have that installed you're going to see this new menu pop up and just go just press this browse button right here and navigate to wherever you downloaded that texture but if you haven't downloaded that already just go to uh just select any texture and the resolution i would suggest you to go with 3k because anything above that is just a waste of resources in my opinion because you can always title these um textures although it depends on how strong of a computer you have so the workflow is metalness that's fine just press free download and it's going to download that so and then i'm just gonna just navigate to wherever you have that downloaded i already do have it downloaded and assets materials i i have this whole um folder made in which i store um all polygon textures uh the free ones obviously um so i'm just going to go and find that metal floor this one and once you get to this just press accept and with this uh plane selected load and apply material now if i go to my looked up mode you can see all of it is going to have my bad um all of it is gonna have that um material applied but the bottom is what we care about oops what the bottom is what we hear about and that has the material properly so i'm just press tab a u and then smart uv project so it's gonna uv project everything uh it's gonna give you unwrap everything for you guys and the scale is way too high so i'm gonna go to scale and i don't know like 10 10 is way too high five i think that should be good uh maybe even like three yeah three should be fine all right uh but we don't want this material on the walls as well right so i'm just gonna select uh go to face select mode select these walls and uh then i'm gonna create a new material by pressing this plus button right here and i'm just gonna create a dummy material for now and just press assign i'm gonna see all the only these source faces of that material and with this material slot selected i'm going to go down to the polygon material converter and i'm going to be pressing this browse button again and i'm going to be going back to my material folder and i'm just going to go with that um wall texture which you just downloaded this one right here and just press accept and press load and apply material now you're going to see that it's applied but it's way too um big uh some skill i'm going to set it to like 10 something like that should might be good uh maybe like seven i think or eight i don't know okay and now i'm just gonna rotate this texture as well so there are two ways of rotating this either you can go to the shading menu and you can um change this rotation to um 90 degrees and that just works perfectly or another option that you have is that you can just um go to edit mode select both of these faces go to uv editing uh press a to select everything and just press r 90 to rotate it to 90 degrees and i'm going to see that same exact thing is going to happen so both both options are available for you guys and once that is done i'm just going to render it and you're going to see look it's going to look pretty good already uh however we do have some problems i'm just going to highlight them in a second but before that let me just create a camera go to add camera go inside your camera go to view lock camera to view so that um we can move the camera with our uh viewport and just go to other properties and just set the resolution to whatever you want i'm going to set it to 400 because i want to render it actually no i'm going to render it at 1080. yeah that should be fine because uh i want this to be the youtube thumbnail as well right so i'm just going to render it and uh now i'm just going to check off check off that now if i press ctrl b and if i just select this whole region so only that's going to render that's going to be helpful for us to visualize what's actually going to render and um it's also going to save some resources so apart from that i'm going to go to camera local length i'm just going to select it to 28 millimeters because i want the shot to be something which is like taken from a camera taken from a phone camera or something like that although you can go obviously go higher if you want something like that should be good perfect so apart from that uh i think we are good to go just another light i think we need um or maybe we can just select all these lights and we can probably move them up but like i don't know um how about we uh how will we create another one shift d uh and press x press y to lock it to the y axis something like that should be good yeah perfect so one thing which you might notice is that this render looks pretty flat and to fix that i'm going to go to render properties go down to color management and your transfer must be filmic uh if it's stranded standard or anything like else it's gonna look trash uh just make sure it's filming and this look i'm gonna set it to medium high contrast or maybe even high contrast uh so that it's gonna look pretty good but one problem which you're noticing right now is that this area is way too black and we have a lot of shadows um in this area right so to fix that what i'm going to do is i'm going to be duplicating one of these lights let's just go back to material menu uh material preview mode and just go press gz uh shift d g and z and now rotate it 90 degrees in the z axis and move it something like that so that we have an extra light source uh acting on our car from there um i'm just gonna help diffuse some of the shadows but now it's way too much so i'm gonna reduce uh go to material menu and i'm gonna be going to the surface and i'm gonna be pressing this button right here uh to make it a separate material so that if you change this for example it's not gonna affect the other materials as well right just press that button and permission strength i'm going to set it to like three i think that should be good perfect so now we have our render and you can just go ahead and post process this as well um but i'm going to be just i'm just going to render it so just go to the render menu uh whether i'm just going to go to my this render and let's see if everything is everything is similar it is although this surrender is much sharper and much um much more vibrant why is that um i have no idea anyway so i think we're good to go okay i think just center it perfect cool so one thing which i'm going to be doing is that i'm going to go to render view of render properties and i'm going to go down to the samples i'm going to reducing this i'm going to be reducing the samples to something like 500 and that should be good um then just go and render image so i'm going to wait for it to render and just wait for it to render and then we're going to be compositing this we're going to be adding some glitter right there and hopefully it's going to look pretty good another thing which i forgot to mention was that you can probably change the number plate uh you can change the text on the number plate it's pretty simple if i just minimize this and if i go back to my viewport you're going to see that if we just come here and select this text press tab to go to edit mode and it's just a normal text right so i just write enough a um whatever half a yt something like that i don't know uh and then you can obviously position it properly as well cool um and i think that was the camera position okay so if this render is almost complete um it obviously depends on the speed of render obviously depends on your hardware and the stronger you can the stronger computer you have the faster it's going to render so that's that and once it's done just don't uh save the image right now just cross it out go to go to compositing use nodes and then i'm going to be first of all i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to be creating a viewer node press the rear node okay and i'm going to be creating another another node uh press shift a to add i'm going to be creating the clear node right so i'm going to be taking the image input and i'm going to be plugging this in and in this image input image output is going to go out to the composite and it's also going to go to this um viewer so you're going to see the glare is way too much it's way too sharp i'm going to move it remove this by the way if it's too big if the image is too big press v to scale it down and press ctrl not control me uh press alt v to increase the size and this looks ugly so i'm just going to change it from streaks to fog low and the size i'm going to set it to i don't know 6. something like that should be pretty good yeah i'm going to do that i'm going to go back to layout render do not press render image just press review render and instead of this render result i'm going to go to the viewer node and then you can see if you go to image save as and disable wherever you want yt car save as image and it's going to be good to go you can obviously post process this you can obviously um render it and put it or edit it and edit it in photoshop or something like that but i'm not going to do that so that's basically it and i'll see in the next one goodbye
Channel: Nafay 3D
Views: 23,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h_bnANbesUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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