Blender - Easy Eevee Environment for Beginners (Blender 2.8)

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okay so in this video we're gonna making another environment it's really good for beginners if you've never done an environment this will be a good starter for you so let's get into it so this is the scene we're gonna be making we're to make this big sci-fi looking alien structure and this right here and yeah so let's open up blender so we're gonna be using the Eevee render engine so click on this little camera icon switch it over to Eevee and then right here I'm gonna zero out everything so we're gonna be using volumetric screen space reflections bloom and ambient occlusion for this render and then in your color management make sure you're in filmic and on very high contrast all right so let's model that structure so shift a let's add a UV sphere we're gonna hit tab and we're gonna try to cut this thing in half so right up here we want to be able to see through it so click this little these little two squares so we can see through it and then click on face select hit be hit be for box select and just select these just right here hit X and faces and now we cut our sphere in half let's add in an empty so we can put it for our array modifier so at our empty click on our sphere let's add the array uncheck relative offset click object offset and then select the empty click on your empty and just hit s to scale it up just like that so now we have this I know what we can do is just slide this till we've got a bunch just like that now let's add the build modifier right here and then if you take your timeline you can see it building just like that but we don't want that animation we want right here we want randomize now we got this blocky looking thing so I could bring it right about there and now we just need to add a solidify to add some geometry in our thickness solidify bring it down here and then just bring it to whatever you want to add just like that and I'm gonna give it about 20 copies for now alright so now we have this I'm gonna hide these two and we're gonna add our box so add a cube scale it up a little bit and then let's bring it down to the bottom of our scene here so we can see this grid slightly right above our box so just like that so right here right here is where are our guys gonna be standing so let's bring our two objects back into the scene hold down shift and click sphere and empty we're just gonna bring it and then we gonna hit G and just bring it over here we're gonna hit R twice make sure everything is selected try to position in the general area your camera is gonna be located so we can sort of eyeball where what it's gonna be looking at hit R twice so this is the general layout now we're gonna add our character and we're gonna get that from mix mo so this is a free character website made by Adobe you do not have to have an Adobe account to use this it's completely free so I'm gonna go over to characters I'm gonna select this halo looking one we're gonna click use this character go over to animations I'm gonna pick and I'm gonna type in standing just like that and I'm gonna pick this guy right here he's just standing and watching and you can sort of preview how that's gonna look he's gonna be sort of looking up like that so we're gonna click download right here in frames a second I'm gonna pick 24 just for future use and then we're gonna pick kadala Dae and we're gonna download it alright so let's get back into blender we're going to go to file import pick kadala so that's gonna be right right up here at the top and then navigate to where you saved the file so this one's called idle and then we're gonna pick this one right here so here's our character in order to move him around you're gonna click armature and just sort of move them around in the way that you want just like that I'm gonna rotate him this way so that he's looking at the object and now let's add in our camera so we're gonna get a camera sort of position our screen to how we like it and then hit ctrl alt 0 and now we have that now make sure your camera is selected we're going to go into the camera settings I'm going to change it and we're just gonna widen our focal length to get a wider angle lens so we can get a little bit better so this looks about right for our composition we're going to be using the rule of thirds to make a good composition I'm gonna scale him down and then rotate him oops gonna rotate him to look this way just like that and then we're gonna take this guy we're gonna hit shift sphere and then empty and we're gonna bring him so we can utilize the rule of thirds here and the rule of thirds here compositionally and then let's go to our ray modifier and just duplicate it till it passes up our scene I'm gonna squash a little bit here on the empty click on the sphere and we're gonna bring it out some more so now we have this massive alien looking thing and it's really really cool and menacing now let's get into lighting it so make sure you're in the Eevee render engine we're gonna put a light a point light right here in the middle of our alien right here in the circle this is going to be our point one of the points of interest the two points of interest in this composition will be the center here and our guy here utilizing those tools of thirds let's hit Z and check out the render so now we have this it's kind of great and that's because our world settings are on grey so click on this little world and bring it all the way down just like that all right now let's take our point light go to the settings we'll make it blue and we're gonna make it 30 on the brightness of this area is completely white actually sorry let's make this red just like that cool because we're gonna have this sort of color difference red over here blue up in here so let's get another light right here point light bring it up just a little bit we'll move that just a second let's go to rendered we'll make it blue and we'll bring it up just like that now we need to add some volume so let's put in a cube just like that and we'll scale it up till it passes up our scene let's add a material to that cube which is a principal volume so click new principal volume let's go up here to this shading preset let's go to our camera view right here switch it from surface to volume and then our density 0.1 density and now let's check out the render okay it's starting to look better we need to add some lighting in this area and some materials so click on your big ol alien sphere we're gonna add a metallic shader to it just like that and it's starting to take shape we're not done yet let's take our red point light and duplicate it so we can have some lighting throughout this object just like that we're gonna bring it down here okay now let's click on that point light here and bring up the radius quite a bit and then let's make it a strength of about 50 and let's put it inside of our object bring it up just a little bit right around this area now so since we brought up that radius it's starting to cover the area of this object here so let's bring it about maybe strength of 70 there we go now it's starting to work now let's click on our alien sphere go to the shading and make it bring the roughness down a little bit just like that and then let's add a material to this floor just a simple principle and let's add let's bring down the base color a little bit make it metallic there we go so we pretty much have this done there's anything else we want to add let's duplicate this light here hit shift D bring it down there to make it red add to that add to that look and then last thing on our color management there's one more thing because I still don't like the contrast in this scene so I'm gonna go over here to the color settings you're gonna go to the color management settings and on gamma just bring it over here to the left until it starts looking around the way that you want it to look and then our first point light it's a bit too bright it's a little too extreme so we're gonna give it maybe a strength of 10 and now we get some good color in this but it's still our point of focus just a couple minor tweaks let's take our armature scale it down a little bit and then let's also let's add some depth of field so go to your your evie settings click depth of field and then click on your camera and we're going to go over here to the depth of field settings bring your f-stop down and then our focus distance we want to zoom in on our guy and play with the focus distance until we are focused on just our character and then we'll bring our f-stop all the way down till we get a little bit get some good blurring it's too much just a little bit of subtle blur on our character just like that then bring our f-stop down some more so it just makes it look like it's far away just like that and then we'll hit render render image on TV and let's see how that looks so there you go you made a really simple sci-fi render with Eevee so you can take that have some inspiration and be creative and make a different one if you make any of these send it to me on Instagram my Instagram's link at the top of the description so yeah thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 143,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Loop, Blender Animation Loop, Blender 2.8, Blender eevee, Eevee Animation, Abstract, Blender Abstract tutorial, Blender Modeling, Blender Enviornment, Blender Easy, Blender easy tutorial, Blender cycles, Blender 3D, b3d, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro to Blender, CG Geek, Olav3D, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve, Gleb Alexandrov
Id: J_DJB70hFyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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