Destroy Anything with Particles in Blender - Iridesium

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[Applause] [Music] hey what's up guys joel adams with iridessium and i am back with another pretty cool tutorial today we're going to be taking a look at something that i use quite often destruction using particles it's a pretty simple effect and i am going to show you basically how to do it using a building here now a couple things to keep in mind the more detailed your model is that you're breaking apart the better it's going to look if you're going to destroy a car try to get a car model that has all the internals modeled that way it'll look really cool and detailed just like a lot of stuff blowing everywhere anyways with that out of the way let's jump right into this tutorial and see what we can do all right so the first thing i'm going to do is add in a plane basically what we're going to be doing is using particles to slowly destroy an object as another object hits it so we're going to add a plane and we are going to animate our destruction object or collision object so let's make a ufo scale this in move it up a non-classic ufo this will be a donut add modifier mirror and we're going to mirror this on the z-axis and move this down apply that so now let's go and add a rigid body active and this plane is going to be rigid body passive so we're going to use rigid body physics to animate this alright so move this off to the side and what we want to do is just give it a little bit of initial velocity so if i go and just animate that over just a little bit that should be enough so if you choose animated then you can actually preview that and then i want to actually animate the animated checkbox so go to i don't know about frame five hit i and then go to frame six and uncheck it and hit i again and that's going to give it a little bit of initial velocity as you can see it's only a very little bit let's move that forward again there we go so that's more like it now we can add a little bit of rotation i rotation and rotate that just a little there we go so that's a lot better go under field weights and turn gravity down to like half yeah that's better and then let's go to our plane turn the friction all the way up and that way the friction is controlled on the donut shape here if you want to you can go into edit mode subdivide the heck out of this plane and add a displacement modifier see what that does apply this then you could use mesh and i'll scale this down to maybe 0.3 so that's not bad refine your animation until you get exactly what you want and then go over to this tab go to cache and bake it once it's completely baked while i'm selected on this ring i'm going to go to object and rigidbody and bake to keyframes this plane is still a rigid body but if i delete it and add in a new plane scale that to 8 you can see that this is still working so let's go to the front view and when it stops you can see it stops and there's still a bunch of keyframes and if you zoom in it's just sort of jittering back and forth so let's just go and delete all of those so when it comes to a stop just stops and it's frozen so now we can set this to be collision turn the damping and the friction up set this plane to be collision turn the damping and the friction up on that and then we can append in some object that we want to destroy all right so we've got this and that looks decent i'm going to scale it down so that this uh circle is capable of doing some serious damage move it over here you know what we can also do is we can take our circle go back to frame one select all the keyframes and scale it to two that will slow the animation down and just make everything look a little bigger the bigger it is the slower you'll need to go we'll just move the building so that it's kind of kind of cuts the building in half so that's not perfect and you want to work on the animation of this object the object that's going to be causing the destruction until it's perfect i'm going to leave it as it is seems okay to me let's go ahead and start some destruction so tab into edit mode on your building and look at the geometry here's the the inside of the building if i hide the outside it looks okay but you want the geometry to be as even as possible so let's um well you don't necessarily want to be even you just want to make sure that there's definitely enough of it so let's select everything except for maybe this and these subdivide it one more time yeah that's not looking too bad now you can go ctrl t well select everything and go ctrl t convert it all to triangles that way the geometry really is messy alright so the next thing we need to do is go in and select all the parts of the mesh that actually get hit with our ufo so i'm going to go into edit mode hit alt h make sure everything is unhidden and then just go through one set of frames at a time removing stuff so go into wireframe hit c and select that because that's what the ufo is touching play a little bit ahead get the next set and do that again do that over and over again i'm going to go ahead and speed through this next part [Music] so now that you've got that control minus you want to be smaller rather than bigger uh that's what she said anyways p selection and you've got this chunk if you remove it you can see you've got a missing building and it actually looks very cool the more detailed the model the better this is going to look this would be a good time to save give your project a good name and we can keep working on it the next part is to actually start destroying this carefully go through and destroy each part one at a time select that go back a couple of frames object quick effects quick explode right before it hits it and i'll change that to maybe 600 i usually use disk cache because your file can get pretty big if you don't set this to 250 field weights i tend to set gravity down to 0.5 maybe less i turn off normal velocity randomize can sometimes be good can sometimes make a mess check rotation normal and dynamic and you get that let's try point two that's better and then let's go under physics and turn drag and damping just just barely up okay that's too high now just do the next part so go to this destruction object here select the next little bit and uh p selection i'm gonna go back a couple of frames object quick effects quick explode 0.2 and turn damping just barely on velocity can be zero now that you've separated this you can actually subdivide it even more if you want bake it and that's not half bad and then i'm going to speed through and do all the rest of this until it looks finished and complete [Music] all right so i just got all the baking done and if you play that back you'll see what the animation looks like now you'll notice that we are left with a building that is floating and then some pieces in here that are floating as well now usually what i end up doing is animating them by hand however i have nothing against attaching them to a base mesh and using rigid bodies to animate them which could work i'm just going to animate them by hand again at the moment so i'm going to select this one go object set origin and origin to geometry just so it's a bit easier and then i'm going to go through the animation and basically as soon as it breaks this bottom part i'm going to go eye location go to the side view and just uh at the same speed as the particles are kind of dropping i'm just going to rotate it well let's go back here first and add a rotation keyframe and go to here rotate it and then just drop it down to the ground then the same thing for this it breaks there at impact i'm going to go eye location rotation and just give it a little bit of a jolt as though it takes a hit pauses a second and then it just sort of slowly sinks down to the bottom with uh dicaprio something like that and you can see that the circle goes through it a little bit there but i think that's fine i'm gonna add in a camera and put the camera maybe right here and i'll just have it looking at the building so if we go to cycles render this i'm going to use an i'll just use the sky texture which is fine let's go to the ufo i'm going to give it a metal texture something like this maybe make it real dark and then the ground i'll just give concrete turn your particles back on i will zoom the camera in just a little bit choose motion blur and render this one thing that i recommend doing is adding a second set of particle systems that really don't have anything to do with the model itself they just sort of emit on impact make them real small it's just going to be like dust and a lot of little debris it'll add more detail to the final result then of course there's always smoke simulations the more effects that you pile on top of each other the better the destruction is going to look remember that imperfection is the digital perfection that really is pretty brilliant statement one other thing to keep in mind is that these particles work really well in the air but as soon as they hit the ground they end up looking kind of ridiculous because they're just sort of sticking into the ground they don't really collide with the ground properly one thing that you can do to fix that is add a solidify modifier to the particle system so that everything has a little more weight the best way to get around that is to just not show the ground unfortunately anyways that is basically it you can destroy almost anything with this effect if you wanted to destroy wood just make sure that the geometry is really stretched out so that it ends up looking like splinters if you are interested i would absolutely love to see whatever renders you create you can join the iridescent community with the link i have in the description and post whatever you have there thank you guys for watching and i will see you next time this is iridesium you
Channel: Iridesium
Views: 429,786
Rating: 4.9541254 out of 5
Keywords: Blender, explosion, blast, smoke, particle, vfx, missile, destruction, destroy, break, broken, dynamic, crash, smash, collision, fx, visule fx, cinematic, city, fire, flame, explode, fracture, glass, simulation
Id: mXnp_KIo8q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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