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Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to Blameless. It's a free horror game available on Steam that supposedly is very good. But I say that for a lot of these games. Narrator/Character: I am an architect. Freelance, so I take job offers as they arise. So, when this guy called me, I was relieved I could finally get a paying job. He said he needed help with interior design for his house that he was building. I've always respected people who can do construction, so I naturally agreed to come and take a look. I already had a couple of ideas. It was already quite late but he insisted on me coming over the same day. I tried to comply because I didn't want to lose this offer. I drove there with my car. His house was all the way over in the suburban area. Quite remote, but with other houses nearby. Quiet place. The man met me at the front gate. It was a temporary fence and the gate was made of rotting wooden planks. He started showing me around the yard. It seemed weird that there was a large garbage container blocking the way. So we had to go through the garage to get inside the house. He took me through the rooms, so I started looking around. At one point I saw a stain and at first glance it seemed like brick dust. But then I realized it was blood, spilled on the floor. Mark: Mmmmm. Character: I thought that maybe there was another worker who got injured, so I turned to tell the man. That's when I saw his hand raised to hit me. (Mark: Oh.) He was holding a metal rod. Mark: Oh. Character: Before I could defend myself, he hit me in the head. Mark: Oh geez. Character: I must have passed out and I don't know how long I was out. *Character sighs* When I... woke up... Mark: Perhaps there's going to be some interesting twist to this, 'cause I imagine... I dunno. At first I thought this was gonna be a fixer-upper-- Character: That hurts. Mark: Yeah, that hurt. Maybe you should be a little more concerned to the fact that someone tried to murder you. Or maybe it was your own blood and you're just seeing it in the future. Oh, this looks lovely. Oh this loo--uh. ♪ I can't move my mouse anymore! ♪ Ooooh, there we go, okay. Well, we just had a little hiccup, but apparently it seems to be going. This blood stain does not look like it is the result of a banal injury. Are you talking about a "banaaal" injury? Alright, so why- Oh, hello! Character: I might be able to get further through the attic. Mark: Why would you be able to do that? Just bash your way out of the windows Gangnam Style. I mean, they don't seem too sturdy. I mean everything does seem to be falling apart.... Also, I don't know why you came all the way out here just to be murde- Ohhh, I've got a weapon, now! HABOOSKI! I can't wack? Ahh, shit. Gimme that. I probably need this for some reason or another. Ooh. *clang* *clink* Oookay, I don't know why I'm doing this but I need to do it apparentl- ngh ngh ngh NGH NNn Dnn Dennn Shern Brn Dan Deng DOINK! Okayy.... Character: I should bend the rod, but it's too tough to do it by hand. Mark: OOOOH, You mean you're a little BABY Wimpy Baby? Can't bend it with your own muscles? C'mon, man! Alright, so I gotta find some- Helloo! Helloooo! Nine one wooon! Uh oh. That don't look too good. Character: The phone is smashed. No way it's going to work any time soon. Mark: Well, then why do I have it? I mean, it's a Nokia! It should last forever! Okay, so I've got an inventory here. Eugh. A lot of dust flowing from the ceilings, which isn't a good sign.... Ohh, so this game is like... Ooh. *gasp* CAN I USE THIS PIPE TO BEND THE ROOOD?! I don't know how I'd be able to do that, but I'm gonna try.... Hellooooo! Kerchunkles! *clang* OHHH! That worked weirdly well! That was ingenuititive-ness! Kay, so now I just gotta ...and I can take it? WELL, now I've got a BENT ROD! I sure can't beat the shit out of anybody that wants to hit me with a metal rod! Will THIS open? HELL yeah! *woosh* *clang* *thump* Well, that sounded really scaaaary. So, what's up here? Hellooo? Oh, I hate poking my head in an attic. I can't see what's behind me, so... Might as well get up! AaaAh! Character: Shit, it's dark. Mark: Yeah, no joke, it's dark!! Suck it up and move along! *wooshing sound* Oh boy! That don't seem good! *more wooshing* Oookay! I hope- Character: What the hell was that? Mark: "I hope it was thunder," I was just about to say.... Character: There we go. Mark: Yeah, there we go. What do we go? What're you talking about? Where are we goin'? I don't know where we're goin', what are you doin'? Alright, nothing else up here. Geronimoooo! Okaaaay! ♪Badaladooo!♪ Is that my wallet? Can I-? Is that- Is that mine? Helloooo? Let's see... Character: A library card belonging to Helen Woodword. How did it get here? Mark: I don't like that! Can I do anything else about that or was that-? Literally, I picked the right card to pick up because apparently there's nothing else here because nothing else would have a name on it! Okaaayy! Someone's being murdered in this place! That's no bueno. Ooh, that's no bueno. Okay. So... am I gonna be murdered next? Ooh. That seems bad. What is this? Character: It's holding with the wires. Mark: Oh... So, I need a wire cutter? And then I need a wood cutter? Or maybe I just need to SACK UP And SHOULDER that door open! Alright, so there's gotta be someth- Ooh, helloo! Hi, crowbar, I'll be with you in just a second! OH! A bolt. Good? Can I take another or do I only need one? Character: It's stuck underneath the beam. Mark: Well, it can't be that stuck. It's a crowbar! Use it to leverage the beam up! Hold the whole building open! Okay... Kerchunkles-- Oh- Oh. Uh. Uhhh. I don't know what benefit that did! But it didn't do a whole lot. I'll take this instead! And I'm gonna- I'm gonna break all the wires open. No one's gonna stop me. Let's see, it's over this way... Herbercher- Character: The wire cutters are broken. Mark: WHAT? Character: The hinge on that handle should attach, but it's missing. Mark: Okay, so I gotta go back, I gotta put it on the bench, I gotta put a nut in the bolt. I get it, I see this. I see this. Okay, so I need- First things first, I need Ooh, maybe I can, like, Yeah, I can place this YEAH, just like that! Okay. And then I kerchunkles this up.... Oh, so I AM gonna lift the house! *cracking* *clang* HOORAYYY!! And then I can open the door.... Herbagabig-- Awww, I thought I had that! C'mon, tell me I'm smart! Maybe I can kerbungles these off... *creak* *seal noises* Uh. Okay... *more seal noises* *creak* *yet more seal noises* *scraping* Hohhh!! Well, then what were the wires doing?! Were the wires doing anything?! Oooh, it's outside.... How 'bout I just hop the fence and get the Fffudge outta here. Did I see something over there? Hang on, I-- M-My brain was like-- Analyzing-- Hellooo.... Heyyy.... HEYYY!! Character: Woah, shit. Mark: Okay... Sorry, that was a bit of an overreaction for that situation. I apologize. I'll try to contain my shit next time and heed my own advice and Sack the FUCK UP! Anybody here? HI! Hellooo! How are you doing? I'm fine. Thank you for welcoming to your home. *clang* Me, by the way. Not welcoming anybody welcoming me... Okay, hello! Kerchunkles. So, THAT doesn't work.... And I abandoned some wire cutters.... For some reason. Don't know why.... 'Cause I didn't need it. Kay... Hellooo...! Kay. Hellooo...! Character: I don't like the look of that dark corridor. Mark: Me neither! Character: Let's see if the light switch is working. Mark: No, let's sprint down it! *terrified scream* Okayyy.... Everything is as it should be. I can't see a goddamn thing. Why am I in here? Can I open the windows? No, I cannot. I shouldn't be here! I should be running away! *click* Hey, this doesn't work! That's good to know! Oh, this one doesn't have a light switch! Why is any part of this house finished? Where did they get this murder home? Murder-pocalypse. Oooh. SO! There's nothing here. There was no point to this. Oh, THIS one. OHHHHH! Character: Better. Mark: Yeah, I could have done that at ANY TIME! At AAANY moment I could've done that and I did it the STUPID way. And I VASTLY apologize. Okay. What is that? That is nothing! What is this? Also nothing! What is this? *gasp* OOOOH! *click click* *exasperated groan* Oh! Yes? No? Did it--? W-Why is it pointed up? Why is it pointed directly up? It s-- It seems to be working, but-- I DON'T TH--!! I- I'M NOT--!! Okay, but anyway, I got it I suppose. It's working enough. Maybe pointing up so I get ambiance lighting and not so directional maybe? Oh well, that was a cheerful... cheerful... change.... Okay, anyway, so we got the flashlight Ooh, hello. Ahhh. I couldn't have opened that ANY creepier! OHH!! Character: Finally out of the house. Mark: Yeah! Am I free? Can I go, now? CAN I GO NOW?! Why do I need to run? I hate it when you tell me why I need to ruuun! When you tell me I need to run, it's usually a BAD thing! Character: Locked. Mark: Yeah, it's locked. Why is it locked? Why would it be locked? Why is anybo-- OW! I'm bashing the flashlight into my chin! Okay. Guess I don't need this here.... Hellooo. Is anybody home? Also, how the hell do I get out of here? Is that a dead body? No, that's just plants. Can I go up here? No. Can I go here. Noo. How 'bout through these doors? Nooo. This one? Noooo. How 'bout through here? Yesss. Anybody? Hellooo! Character: More dark rooms. Mark: Hell yeah. I love dark rooms! Dark rooms are the best! 'Cause when I walk into dark rooms, I get to punch people in the face. Ooh. Oh. Character: Why is everything always locked? Because it's a MURDER HOUSE, you IDIOT!! ME, idiot! You, me... everybody. He, she, we. Idiot! Character: Why is everything always locked? *exasperated sigh* Okay, so this is locked. I gotta find something for that or go back and get the crowbar, but that'd be just re-goddamn-diculous! Euuughh. Okay... Can I go in here? Hello? HI!! Ohh. Let me-- Let me move these! Let me move these, 'cause I'm a smart! I'm one of the smarts! Okay, Boink! Hel-hel-hello? Hi...! Should I lock myself in here? Oh, I can't? Okay, nevermind, then. What's that? Hello? Okay. Hello. Is that a banana? Character: Broken.... Mark: Oh, okay. Let's see. "Dear Mr. Hopkins, this is to inform you that according to our records, as of July 12th, 2001 we still haven't received back the scaffolding or the three suspension ladders you borrowed from the Daredrew Constructions.... ...Please return... it'll be solely your responsibility... Anna Catwell... " *Voice-over* "Thirteen July, 2001-" Oh! I don't- I just read that! I get, I get it, I get it But there's something... ...behind me? *gasp* *whispers* Okay.... So... Is there something else... important here... Okay, so I know what I need to do, I need to find according to that letter, there's three total. There's one already ON that scaffolding, There's one broken in the office, and then I just need to find another one somewhere around here before I get horribly stabbed in the butt.... I mean, I don't think there's a good way to get stabbed in the butt.... As far as I know... but, you know... probably not... not too many good ways. Oh, I bet it was back! If I go back, Uhhh I bet it was somewhere back I could probably take it because I remember using a ladder somewhere.... Or did I use-- no, that was the s-- the elevator. Er, the attic. *mockingly* The elevator. Eugh. Oh! Woah! Hey, Woah! WOAH, Heyy, HEYY!! Heyyy, HEY!! HOW'S IT GOING? HOW'S IT GOING THERE?! YOU JUST TAKIN' A NAP, PLEASE? Character: Shit, she's... she's dead! Yeah! Oh, hey.... I should've turned the lights on in here, I didn't see anything! Character: It's dust. Mark: It's dust. Character: I don't want to look at her face. Mark: Why not?! Hughh.... Okay... She have keys? Yeah, she has keys, doesn't she? *cracking* EEUGHH!! *paper rustles* Ohhh, Hiii! Character: It's the address of this house. Was she invited here, too? Mark: Yeah, to work on the light and the water! She didn't do a very good job.... Okay, so I got two keys! THAT'S handy! Okay, Goodbye, now! Ohhhh, nooo. Why didn't I check this place more thoroughly? I was stumbling around in the dark, I probably STEPPED on her! Eughhh! Eughh. Okay! Well! She's dead! And then they're gonna kill ME! Oh my GOOOOD!! Okay, so I need to get the key out of here... One of these for this? HABOINK! Okay, good! Goin' in! *woooooooooooo* I'm gonna assume that was ghosts running away screaming from me 'cause I'm so scary.... Ohhh, this sounds like death! Character: This is the way out. Mark: Is it? Is it, now? I-is this the way out? Oh, y-you think? You think THIS is the way out. Okay. Oh, good! A Hacksaw! Or, a Table saw! *squeak* To chop-- Hiiiii....? Okayyy... Alright... Nice barrels! Can I jump up you? Ooh! It's a suspunchion loader! I can't jump up you, but I bet I can get up there with the subumpenjoader! Okayy! I've got a samberombomober! I'll just put the sublamocododer on here, Haflumples! I did it! But, first I'm gonna go see if this key works on the back lock and I don't know why it would be locked back there or... Or why she would have the key in her... Hands.... Oh, no, wait. It's all gone. Okay, so... Whoops, what did I do? Okay. Whoops. Okay. I'm gonna- I'm gonna take this nut for safety! Then go up this LADDER. I don't have any more keys. Okay. Skoodle-oodle-oodle-OO! Boodle-OODLE-OO! I'm up! Okay... Ahhh. Wh-Why? Why? Wh-Why? Am I FREE? Am I FREE?! HEYY!! FUCKING FUCK, I CAN'T SEE!! THE FUCK AM I DOING?! Character: Get away from me! Mark: Get away! Eugh, Get- Get away!! Get, GET away! Ahhh, ng RRR! What are-- DON-- NO-- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! WHAT THE FUCK--?! Police Officer: This is Light Water Police! Stay where you are! Mark: I didn't do SHIT! Police Officer: You're under arrest! Mark: No, I'm not! Mark: I've got a flashlight! Character: But, I didn't do anything! Police Officer: Get on your knees! Now! Police Officer: You are under arrest! Mark: Oh, AM I? You didn't read me my Miranda Rights! Oh, what the HELL?! Character: This is what happened. Character: He was chasing me with a rod in his hand. Character: He must have hidden when he saw the police cars pulling up to the gate. Mark: Uh huh. Detective Conlin: Mr. Malcolm, we searched the yard thoroughly and didn't find any evidence suggesting there was another man. Garrett: No, no, no, no. He was there. He was the owner who called me. Detective Conlin: The former owners sold the house due to personal financial problems two weeks ago. They moved to a different house on the other side of the country. The private company who owns it now proved all their employees were off site having a teambuilding activity that night. Garrett: How could you not find evidence of him? I'm telling you he was there. Detective Conlin: I heard you. Our officers got a phone call from one of the neighbors reporting lights coming on in the house and suspicious person moving on site. They gave us your description. They never saw another man. Garrett: How can that be? This doesn't make any sense, I-- Detective Conlin: Let's cut the crap! It does make pretty clear sense to me. I have to say that I honestly don't believe any part of your bullshit story that you're giving me, here! Everything suggests that you murdered that woman. Garrett: No, I-- We found the victim's blood on your clothes and your hands, you had the victim's wallet in your pocket, Garrett: Wait. and the officers caught you fleeing the crime scene. You. No one else. Guess whose fingerprints match the ones we found on the victim's body, huh. I don't know why you murdered that woman, but I'll guarantee you're never getting out. You're going down, Mr. Blameless! Mark: Ahhh, ohh! I get it! Okay, I see, now! Well, ain't this a conundrum! How do we know we can't trust this guy? Or maybe there was another way to play where you could, like, piece more things together. Were there more than one ending to that? Because I didn't have to pick up the wallet. That was just something that I picked up, so maybe... maybe there was, like, another ending-- Oh, I love the the smooth jazzy-ness of this outro here, really counteracts all the fun times we were having in the site, there. Yeah, this is how I dance. When I'm at the club, crunkin' it up. Garrett: That's how it all began for me. And it was far from over. Mark: Whaah--? What does THAT mean? What do you mean by that? What you mean? Okay, hang on, I gotta see somethin about this because I am confuzzled.... So I just found out, there was Like, a COMPLETELY different way to play that! I... I wanna go back in, because I'm very, very curious.... Where's it going to leave off if I continue? Oh! Hi! Garrett: Jesus! Mark: Ah Ahh!! AAAHH!! AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! *thunk* Ow! *giggles* My face! Why did you do that to me? There's choices in this to make things work in different ways And I'm wondering if there's a different ending to be got. Because I'm gonna show you, right now, that you can, like, right away do different things and, like, that's why I was so confused because you had the copper pipe that you could bend it with but also if you look right in HERE! Oh, nevermind it's doin' somethin' *groans* In Here! there is a hammer! I didn't know there was a hammer in that one, I thought I saw something else in the walkthrough. Okay, well, nevermind, there's... Oh, there's something else in there! There are! Like, what do you do with this? What do you do with the hammer? What do you do with the hammer?! Okay, so, like, I don't have to pick up that wallet! I- I really don't! I don't have to pick up the flashlight. It's not needed, it's not even beneficial. But what I can do is can go over here and pick up this... pick up the pliers... And maybe I'll be just a little bit quieter about that, but And then you can move this and take this and put it in there... There you go, whoops! And then you've got- woahhh, I have fucked that up, haven't I? Well- I- do they work? Hey! They work! And then you just break it without causing any noise.... And then hopefully... you can get out of here all stealth-like. See, I didn't grab the wallet...! I didn't grab none of that.... Garrett: Woah. Shit. Mark: I know, right? Super scary. Garrett: Why is everything always locked? Mark: Well, why don't you stop bitchin', because I got a solution. Uh, squuueeeeak!! Oooh, it dark. Garrett: Anything useful here? Mark: I don't know. Garrett: What's this? Mark: I don't know. Garrett: Ah, I believe this thing can open fuseboxes. Mark: Okay. How 'bout- Oh, the- OH, the BOX! Oh, okay, anything else in there? Not that I can tell... Hey!! Yay! Oh, hello. Garrett: "RCD2-40, Test Monthly". This switch looks important. Mark: Okay. Garrett: "RC--" These are--These are-- Th--Th-- These are already on. Mark: Oh, hello. "Honey, if the circuit trips again first turn on the rcd switch (the smallest one) and then the rest of them. The orange one last. Make sure you first hear a click after you turn the RCD on. It may take a couple of seconds, otherwise it will trip again. I need to take a look at this before we hand the keys over to the new owner." Okay, first the RCD, hear a click, "May take a couple seconds", okay. So. Garrett: "RCD2-- " "RCD2-40, Test Monthly". This switch looks important. Mark: Okay, So DO somethin' about it! There's gotta be a way that I can, like, that I can, uhh... Aww, but I can't open THIS anymore! Garrett: Locked. Mark: Well, then what the HELL? What was the point of all that? Why did I need to do that? What's gonna trip? Nothing's gonna trip, there was nothing TO trip! Aww, man it was worth a shot, I think I'm stuck, I might not have gotten something that I needed from before. But, I can't open the garage door, now. And I can't open the garage... I- I feel like it's connected there somewhere, but I just don't know the answer to it, so I'm gonna leave this here, so Thank you so much everybody for watching. If you want to try to find an answer to this, uh, you can play the game for yourself, it's totally free, so I'll put a link down in the description below, so Thank you everybody, so much for watching! And as ALWAYS, I will see YOU in the next video! Buh-BYE!!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,078,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, blameless, blameless game, blameless ending, blameless walkthrough, scary, horror, puzzle, puzzle horror, old school, classic, murder, murder mystery, murder game, markiplier murder, markiplier blameless, bloody, accident, oops, fail, funny reactions
Id: e6qLc9w-VA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2016
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