I never left my spawn in Minecraft and did THE IMPOSSIBLE

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hey there friends how's it going today we're playing more minecraft where i am confined to chunks cleaned up a lot last time so it's actually looking somewhat kind of nice this is well this is the closest thing to nice that we've been so far i should say we do have a problem on the border but that's fine i'm just kind of ignoring it for now and hoping that i can find a zombie villager and maybe with a stroke of luck convert it back to a villager with her potions and whatnot the underground farm is going pretty well i have a weird collection of animals i also need to work on my little wheat farm down here because i kind of got halfway and then just abandoned it but for now i'll take that wool from you i think it'll suit me better anyway and i'll reluctantly feed the pigs well let's select a few of them there we go yep don't look at me like that i said a few of you look at the little kid trapped in the boat forever idiot looks kind of cute though you're still stupid what i do want to check is ow i always forget you're there [ __ ] ow this hurts oh god damn it i hate having squatters in the chunk since you hurt me anyway i'll just build a wall if you don't mind jesus christ you hurt and you know what it hurt me like on an emotional level more than physical because i've left you stay in my boat for like three days now and apparently that just means nothing to you okay so what i was saying was i think this infinite water thing is is broken but i'm trying just oh okay maybe it has to be this deep if you get me like it has to be just one deep to work i don't know but it seemed to work there that's all that matters yep that seems to work okay great infinite water is solved this is nice it's nice to have water you know i've worked for this for a long time to get water in the chunks there we go it's working great that means i can get rid of this to hopefully allow the water flow down or is there any point anymore because the idea was to have infinite water and then i could also use it as a tunnel but if it doesn't work as infinite water it's kind of pointless so i might just block up this area well well well my well didn't [ __ ] work okay so now that's infinite water and we got this weird funky staircase going up through this tunnel instead ah she's pissed off because she's in the rain you know what good for you oh no she's just laughing well if you can't laugh at yourself i guess you'd probably be pretty miserable especially when you're trapped in my chunks there we go i installed the purple floor so it makes a little music as i come in which is really cute for the pigs it's like something out of a horror movie it's like when i start to return you hear the little jingle that makes your heart stop and i've got my balcony to just observe them that's kind of nice and then the stairs comes all the way down into the wheat fam it's all about connectivity when you've got a massive two chunks to play with there we go i get an enormous amount of stone pickaxes really starting to annoy me that this is all i can really use without wasting iron get in all right good collecting the wall as much as i can it's so nice to actually have a sheep now look at that 12 wall and i struggled so long to get annie all right i'm gonna head down into the mine my goal find emerald or diamond i'm so determined but i don't think it'll ever happen okay so from googling emerald is unlikely because it's only in mountain biomes which i never knew diamond is most likely to be on levels between 5 and 12 so i guess i'll go down there also thank you to the comments you pointed out i can hit some buttons and make it so i can see the chunk border that is an amazing tip thank you very much getting some iron anyway better than nothing i'll take it i don't know if i should reward myself with an iron pick for this i just i feel like i need it you know [Music] what the hell is dying in there no way no way hold up hold up wait so this is the ladder i stripped out so much of this area in past episodes so much of it it goes on and on it's a mess i took one strip uh actually i messed up i meant to go one strip two strip and then dig here i guess i would have found it anyway but it was just like i used most of one stone pickaxe and that was it to find diamond this is diamond right i'm not mistaken yeah that's diamond well hot damn i didn't see that coming okay now i feel like it looks set off but it's not this is genuine okay so we have how much oh keep going yeah give me more more diamond me greedy me want more asking you shall receive oh i love the new chunk i picked i just got six diamond i'm rich baby i don't know what i can spend it on but i have diamond i guess i could use an enchanting table that might be kind of cool because lapis uses isn't it lapis that they use at the enchanting table gosh darn i'm so excited i don't even mind that a skeleton is trying to kill me this is actually a super cool feature i don't know why anyone other than me would need this but to see my chunk outlined exactly how it is underground is is pretty neat i i like it oh god i'm going to rest well tonight oh no i'm not there are monsters nearby oh is this because of the witch oh [ __ ] it's going to sound like a toddler is saying this but i'm scared of the witch of hiding outside my house so i'm going to go sleep in the basement i'd rather sleep with this noise this will just sued me to sleep i am counting piggies as i fall asleep right it was fun bunking with you guys it honestly we have way more in common than i thought the sleepover was a great relationship building exercise however i'm still not going to feed them oh the child died that's kind of neat please don't quote me on that all right time to consult the wiki because i don't have free will apparently and i'll just let them decide what i make okay so we can make boots that seems like a waste as flashy as they would look a diamond oh i should do it no i shouldn't do that wait hold on you need a book to make an enchanting table oh for [ __ ] sake could make a jukebox i do have a record after all so that might be handy god it might actually be impossible for me to get paper at the moment that is sad i thought i could make it with just obsidian and the [ __ ] diamond that ah that's going to be tough wondering traders can sell sugar cane for an emerald i don't have that all right last ditch attack junk and treasure from fishing okay this is good to know it needs to be a certain amount of water to catch treasure so i need to make a big pond in my chunk enchanted book is there if i could get that oh that might be interesting there's only a point eight percent chance of getting it but i got a lot of time on my hands now the problem is i don't know if an enchanted book will make an enchanting table or if it's even worth it given that i can't really power up the enchantment table because well i'd need more books for that but what i do know is it sounds like a good idea to get a nice open pond where i can fish so i guess i'll get started on that i'm glad i looked that up because i never would have known it had to be a certain size for trevor for trevor to spawn and i really could use a friend [ __ ] off come on you gotta have something else to do you're not even looking at me doing it at this point like you're not putting in any effort you're just throwing things because you're angry yeah you see you're laughing i got you god i really am going insane from being in this chunk i'm talking to the witch now i'm really tempted to make a diamond pick with that diamond i found like i found six of it so i feel like i should reward myself with the diamond pick and i could look for more even though the chance of finding more are super slim like the chance of finding annie was slim but now it's getting ridiculous but still i could look for other stuff you know what i'm really curious of if i put water here will it water my plants underneath from the drips because if so i could get rid of the water down there and just have it full with wheat but ah that's a workplace hazard but yeah i'm not sure if it'll work i also don't know if this water's deep enough i might have to raise it a little bit or i could lower the ceiling in there but that sounds hard okay i think this should work i think think is a big part of that sentence remember that word okay so the layer under this layer of dirt is also dirt but i want to place the water around here and then remove the bottom layer so the water will just fall directly in otherwise it's going to be impossible to do it taking a quick break just to check in on my farm yeah everything is as horrible as it always is wait we have an escapee right alert red alert no i don't know why that keeps happening it despawned i guess since it's technically a hostile mob well [ __ ] i should have killed the zombie on the back of him ah that's upsetting i had a chicken oh why did i not kill him god damn it i guess it's good luck and bad luck at the same time right you can't have it all like i got the diamond what you think you can just have chicken and diamond selfish i'm learning so much about minecraft from doing this little series like it's actually ridiculous how much i'm learning okay so put that water in there get another from my infinite water source throw that in there and now that should be infinite yay and now let's get to work this is gonna be a little bit annoying oh oh oh that was way easier than i thought it would be once i started filling up the edges it just kind of filled in the middle okay that works now we just dig up this floor and we have it too deep just as the wiki said it has to be there that should be pretty good if the water flowing from there i guess i don't know if i like that don't let the water flow in from there i guess and we'll go back all right this is a rough draft of what i wanted to look like it's not quite there yet but i'll try once it's practical that's the main thing come on something bite it preferably a book you know like one of those ones out of harry potter the really vicious ones i'll take it i just want some excitement this is boring wait i see some bubbles oh that's a book if i've ever seen one oh oh it's leather okay well yes then i know it works or is that considered junk the treasure junk either way i'm happy to have letter that's awesome oh [ __ ] dang this is my two chunks you can't come in do you understand all right if you want to go into a staring contest and be childish about this i guess i'll just open fire on you take that and just immediately run inside one of them stuck in the boat okay two of them are in the three of them are in the bolts fantastic great ow okay i gotta remember they do have range yeah hurry yourself they're probably out looking for the people they sent earlier and who never came back this is a war of attrition i'm fine with this achievement who's the pillager now like i'm fine with that drawn out war i have food you don't even the witch is laughing at you guys now how do you feel about that that's another one dead and this one shouldn't take too long at all oh okay i destroyed the boat by accident a bit of friendly fire but that's okay okay he's dead too i hope it was worth visiting wait a second what if one of them was called trevor what if that was the friend they sent me after i built this oh [ __ ] there we go i built trevor a little grave i even dated it so i'll always remember now to hang up the next ominous banner there we go i ideally need a third one if they could attack again it would be great just for you know symmetry oh chicken i see i need seeds seeds there's a chicken right there hold on hold on hold on need my seeds seed seed seeds hey everyone how are you getting on oh lots of babies that's great all right see you later oh what the clock oh no he is there okay i thought he had gone don't get in the boat don't get in the boat yes you're smart aren't you you deserve a place on my farm yes don't be shy come on in follow me down the ladder come on come on you know how to use a ladder what are you stupid look at that i'll even destroy my floor for you wait where'd he go he's a bit of a rascal isn't he there you go you little rascal follow me i got a lovely pen for you you're gonna love it it's in here ignore them this that won't happen to you at all all right awesome okay so it turns out you can get tons of good luck without anything bad happening or getting consequences for the horrible things you've done so hopefully he'll lay some eggs and then i can hatch another one and then we can have loads of chicken soon and then we can make arrows probably this is great this is just a fantastic episode i rate it five stars and i like and subscribe should probably light up here so that nothing can spawn in here i'm a little bit paranoid that i've jinxed myself by being like oh yeah all good things happen nothing bad happens to me like that was a bit bold to say you know it is kind of weird how that leather moved when it was in the water though like i saw it going for the hook a little bit scary come on book a lily pad well that's kind of nice i'll take it i'll dress up the place i don't know if these are considered junk but i guess one man's trash is another man's treasure and it's proving it here today i guess it depends like when you can't get these things normally they are kind of treasure keeping an eye on that moon oh it looks kind of nice i just want to catch one more thing before i go betty buys and yes i am an adult come on book fish what the hell don't you think i'm fishing for fish oh stupid water i think this is what insanity looks like just staring at this listening to that oh we got something some string all right i you know what it's not bad beggars can't be choosers i'll take it honestly any items i just don't want fish all right that's not why i go fishing my favorite time of the day bernie hour i love bernie hour is that an egg i see well maybe this was meant to be all right let's see what we got here come on chicken do better okay the poor chicken just got here he's starting to understand what his life is going to be like now okay so i checked the wiki and none of the things i found qualify as treasure they're all junk which like it's still only a five percent chance you'll get treasure but i'm just a bit worried this doesn't qualify as working it said two blocks deep two blocks above it need to be free and two blocks all around so i'm trying to keep it in the middle but i'm not sure maybe i should open up top it's just i would have liked the top to stay if possible ooh what's this puffer fish i don't know what that is but i feel like i shouldn't eat it i have a history of killing people with those things okay so i'm looking up the wiki like what they do and honestly they seem kind of useless the only joy i can get from this is you can play it's a burp sound on the wiki itself so i hope that that makes you happy in some way i guess i'll just keep on keeping on then but if you know any use of the pufferfish just let me know i've been reading a lot of these comments they're super helpful a bone okay i've got a bone to pick with you you shitty lake no god i turn to anger fast when it comes to fishing nothing brings out my rage more and then peacefully sitting by fishing another puffer fish god i'm getting a lot of them i think it might be time to open up the top the thing is i can always raise the the ground here so it's not really a big deal i was just trying my best to not interfere with it i think this is why this is why i didn't want to interfere with the whole place is flooding now you see what i've done my inventory is so full because of all the crappy pickaxes i made expecting a long episode of mining i did get another lily though although now it is starting to seem like junk it was treasure earlier but now it's just junk fish okay i've had enough stupid i don't understand why fish keep biting instead of books you know what this house could use a kitchen because right now it's just a series of rooms i moved my bed because the witch was annoying me another egg come on please make yourself a sibling or wait no that's not how siblings work don't look at me like that all right i'm stupid i get it i really am tempted to make a jukebox but for now i might wait all right those are barrels that's that's my fridge all right look i don't have much to work with here give me a break oh look look it opens and closes that's awesome please say it's awesome in the comments oh jesus christ did you see that just the top of a creeper head just creeped on by so that's where they get their name from huh right i'm trying to make some sort of a extractor it doesn't really look like an extractor but i guess it's better than nothing i can't just leave a gap there and i might make a little window here or something i don't know if i like that can someone in the comments tell me how to do good i want to know how to make an extractor look nice but so far look we've barrels up here for storage and we've got our fridge there and i'm going to store all my food in there that's all my food that's a lot of storage for that amount of food uh i kind of boxed myself in here i i don't know what to do with this i i'm gonna leave it like that for now even though i'm not pretty happy with this i'm i'm happy with the rest of it i think i think the rest of it's kind of neat see how fast he runs for freedom just thinking what if i made some polished diorite is that how you call that i don't know and then make some steps out of that would that look like an extractor this could look really neat just in general like mixing up the blocks a bit it looks a bit better i guess i don't know if i love it i do like this block though i i don't even know what it is a calcite or something but it just looks like it's it's marble or something i added another barrel even though i really don't need storage but i think it just completes the kitchen look not happy with the window that's a bit better i i still don't love it if it was to be better but then it would look weird because it wouldn't be centered i i think i'll roll with that for now it looks nicer than the windows i've put up with fences i should do that everywhere wow what a view you see it says it right there so you you have to agree with it like it's a fact it's a lovely view and you know what time for bed because i think that might be enough for one day so we will end it there but thank you so much for watching i i am just so blown away by how much people are enjoying this and it makes me so genuinely happy so thank you for watching if you're new here consider subscribing would love to have you around thank you all and i hope to see you tomorrow bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,284,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, spawn chunks, spawn chunk, how to, minecraft spawn chunks, spawn chunks minecraft, minecraft callmekevin, minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft house, minecraft but, minecraft survival, minecraft spawn chunk, minecraft funny, minecraft funny video, minecraft challenges, minecraft challenges survival, minecraft challenge games, minecraft challenges to do with friends
Id: HsLKpuhEDu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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