3 years of Stardew Valley without leaving the farm

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I’m glad this series is back again

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/TrentisaurusRex 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

No way- I've recently started playing stardew valley

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Jaisdreval 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2022 🗫︎ replies

I resent Kevin for when I started playing Stardew Valley it took me waaay too long to realize that you should not eat the sap. I'm an idiot.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/DrumpfTinyHands 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2022 🗫︎ replies

What is this SEBBY meme I keep seeing?

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/SirRoderic 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2022 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going start you  valley the game about starting your own little   farm interacting with the community but i've  chosen to never leave my farm for some reason   this is year three where i could never leave  my farm other than going in once a year   after spending a year trying to make money without  leaving i want to make 70 000 gold without leaving   the farm i have some items in mind i want but i'm  sure i'll come up with some more along the way   as always it takes its twists and turns but  without further ado let's dive right in okay so   this is my haul for my brave excursion into town  first thing on the agenda as a true irishman i   bought hundreds of potatoes that i really need to  get to work on i want to make some sprinklers as   you can see here i've got some iron from the store  but i want to make good ones since my resources   are limited so i need a recycling machine for that  i need to use my limited coal i also bought this   coop hoping that i could get chickens and then i  forgot it takes a while to build it so i couldn't   get any chickens and i built it right outside  my house so every morning i wake up i'll see my   failure okay recycling machine i need stone and  iron bar iron bars in the works let's get stoned   ah a present from the sea what's in this for me  wildly retaining so well i don't really need it   but thanks see it's a lot more than anyone in town  has ever given me there we go there's the iron and   then i should be able to make my recycling machine  put that right next to my mailbox hopefully he'll   accidentally put the bills in there they'll just  get recycled immediately okay and now i can put   trash into the recycling machine and i believe  it makes me quartz i've got some orange saplings   to plant as well so i'll throw them down ah it  gave me iron okay well that's still good but   that's not quartz ah i see so you need a broken  cd or broken glasses to get refined quartz and   what's the best way to get those can i get them  from fishing yes i can okay the fishing begins   oh no not there i don't think i'm gonna get any  there but you know what i can still get like bits   of iron and whatnot from trash so it's all good  it works out so my syrups and stuff from the tree   oh wait oh my god past kevin's a genius he's  been storing them i thought i was an idiot and   i saw them because i'm so used to well being an  idiot oh my god i'm rich baby i got 16 broken   pairs of glasses oh it's going to be a long day  of standing next to the recycling machine isn't   it going to move my one and only friend on the  farm there we go you get a new view for the entire   year oh look at that refined quartz it didn't  even take that long all right let's get to work   wait a second oh no i don't have enough farming to  actually make the sprinklers i only need to get it   up a level though so i guess how many potatoes  am i willing to water by hand in the meantime   out of the way cat i'm hoeing over here just  cause i don't feed you doesn't give you an   excuse to be lazy and in the way i might have died  actually i think he's passed out at the very least   where's that gift that i was complaining about  earlier that now i need and i'm not really gonna   acknowledge it i'm just going to take this quality  retaining soil to make it a little bit easier   i think i can make fertilizers well i've got a lot  of sap correction i think i sold or ate all of my   sap eat purple mushroom yes let's hope it makes  me forget all of this all right now i should have   enough energy to water all of these and get some  potatoes down look at that cat pretending to be   crops so he can get water never you'll get water  when you pull your weight on the farm and that   means harvesting many potatoes all right potato  potato here we go okay that is a hard first day   on the farm i'm going to bed please be raining  please be raining please be raining dammits you've got to be kidding me oh my god   the one missing this is cursed i know it's a minor  inconvenience but i just get bad vibes off this   whole start even just the fact it's an irishman  growing potatoes like i can feel the plight coming oh must have had a good dream because i know  that happy noise doesn't play when i wake   oh wait it's raining okay happy day just gonna  stand here miserable in the rain but smiling on   the inside because i don't have to work today  well the coop's made so now i can go in here   and look sad in here for a bit if i want so that's  neat okay i know this is a mistake i know this is   a terrible terrible idea but i'm gonna plant more  potatoes the reason being is i think i'll need   to plant a lot more to level up and i may as well  just get it all out of the way and a few miserable   days rather than like moderately miserable  days over more time okay i'm committing i'm   committing and i already regret kind of starting  this this is oh this is going to take me so long   eight nine ten eleven oh my god oh my god this is  like a hundred potatoes it doesn't look that bad   looking at it but they are i'm going inside and  going to sleep today is not worth living it's 10   to 9 a.m and i'm hitting the hay what a beautiful  day of sunshine said hermit through gritted teeth   the sad part is by the time i get all of these  harvested and even if i do level up is it even   going to be worth using all my materials making  sprinklers when a good half of the crops i've   bought have already been harvested good thing  i have all of these original beetles recordings   to the cycle huh that's so lucky and also 15  pairs of john lennon's glasses right you know   what this is extremely high octane content but i'm  going to skip forward until i'm done to save you   the pain of this okay i think all my potatoes  are ready it came up a strange sound was heard   the hell is that did this grow on the tree  i legitimately do not know what this item   is how do i even google this alien  pods what do i search strange sound   strange capsule the strange capsule can be picked  up and placed around the farm it turns into a   broken empty capsule after about three days which  enables a further easter egg it can also turn into   a broken empty capsule of libra fairy dust once  this event happens once in a save file it cannot   happen again the strange capsule cannot spawn on  the ginger yeah why do i get it is that it it's   just just turns into a an empty capsule and that's  it i thought i was getting something really cool   all right well i'll just allow that alien to  fester i'm more concerned with my potato crops   i am irish after all you know potatoes potatoes  potatoes potatoes potatoes i really hope i   level up in farming after this this is so many  potatoes come on come on come on sorry i'm just   hating this to be honest i need to get this  done okay in you go and i'll hold on to my   golden potatoes for now i also have some sap and i  got some bears as well while i was taking care of   the potatoes in the meantime i imagine you saw  a farmer come out he briefly inspects an alien   pod harvests his potatoes and then goes to bed yes  level six farming i can make sprinklers and look   at that ten grand from the potatoes as well the  game keeps telling me about this exclamation mark   every morning and points to it because it thinks  i don't understand how to play the game i'm just   staying here no matter what okay quality sprinkler  how many of these do i want i mean it's only gold   that's limiting me pretty much i think i wanted  to make crab pots but i have extra iron i don't   think i need the gold for anything else and i have  plenty of quartz now that's what fishing for an   entire year will get you okay seems good let's  make some quality sprinklers five of them i'm   pretty happy with that sprinklers don't work in  this terrain you you gotta be oh my god you gotta   be kidding me there's no way there is no way right  there's gotta be a spot i can use this surely   oh oh grass i just can't get to it because there's  a little forest in the way ah why does being a   loner involve so much work nothing can go right  for hermit it's not fair okay can i place one here   i can thank god wait i i can't hold the ground  i think i'm gonna cry what about this ground   okay i can do this this is so janky and when i say  i can do this i can do this tomorrow i'm exhausted   from digging out an entire forest foraging level  seven excellent i can make wild seeds excellent   oh i need oh okay that's that's a lot that i'd  need to make those okay but there's some for each   season so it's doable i'm happy with that it's a  way of making use of the sprinklers that i've put   way too much effort into making tomorrow we're  holding the egg festival well you could [ __ ] off   you literally addressed a dear hermit you know me  you know i'm not coming why do you taunt me like   this oh this is reminding me of year one where i  just had to keep cutting down trees for money at   least i'm not in that situation anymore i guess  it could be worse bear one sprinkler down i'm   exhausted by the way absolutely exhausted this is  the most effort that has ever gone into potatoes   all right with 10 am a new record better head to  bed at least i have a lot of passive products now   that i'm getting rid of like the honey and the  syrups and stuff oh you're moving house come   with me i'm gonna abandon you in the woods like  i've done with my other loved ones before i moved   to this farm poor grandma didn't stand a chance  problem is i use so much energy every morning   just knocking trees because i can't see what  i'm doing there are also many logs that i just   can't break because i don't have a good enough  axe i just have to kind of build around them   it's awful okay another one down the egg festival  has begun why are you notifying me they like text   me hey hermit we're all having loads of fun in  the town square hope you're back breaking work   to grow potatoes is going well okay got  another one down and since i didn't get   any the first day that brings the average up  to one sprinkler a day this is just the worst   thing ever just passively making bears over here  and i don't mean i'm rapping i mean i'm making   iron bears and quartz bars it's great but i'm  also rapping yeah it's little hermit in the mix it's time i brutalize this [ __ ] cause this  [ __ ] is getting kind of lit it's a good thing   like bees to my honey yeah get stung but get a  lot of money i'm sorry i'll never do that again   your orange tree wasn't able to grow last  night that's probably because the alien right   that's the sentence i didn't envision myself  saying when i started this game there we go   that's all of my sprinklers down and the potatoes  planted i really need to clean up the area though   as much as i can this is hard work i think  it's time to reward myself by eating some sap   ignore the face he really really likes it i i feed  it to him all the time look at them go excellent   i mean i wouldn't call it excellent it's a little  bit of a mess but it's functional which is about   all i can hope for aha yes woodpat will stop  grasser trees from growing excellent i was hoping   that give me loads of those bad boys we're gonna  place it so that this can't get overgrown anymore   this is just the weirdest method i have strange  solutions to things that aren't really problems   i'm just done cutting down trees okay i did it  for a year and a path all the way out hey get   out of the way oh god i'm talking to trees this  isn't going well okay sweet now that is just an   autonomous farm down there that i just need to  check on every now and again this is not breaking   i'm worried that he's actually going to grow up  and i'm going to have to provide child support for   this thing like i'm going to have to raise it i'm  going to kill it you know what if i'm cold they're   cold take it inside it's gonna watch me as i sleep  the spreading weeds have caused damage to your   farm what okay well this looks fine i don't really  care about the rest of my farm all right you know   what i've got some uh planting and harvesting to  do so i guess i'll just skip forward of it oh god   the aliens out should i warn the townsfolk you  know what no screw them in their egg festivals   an explosion was heard in the night oh jesus  what has the alien done wait a meteorite i think   my farm is cursed well i guess it's more blessed  than cursed because i get free loot now where is   that meteorite i'm surprised it could even land  with all this junk all over my farm meteorite   meteorites i found bombs who has the upper  hand now meteorite i'm trying to fight my way   through my own farm to find this meteor it's  so overgrown oh no i'm trapped with a stomp   i'm gonna have to dig into my potatoes to survive  out here giving an irish man a potato is the   equivalent to giving popeye spinach by the way ah  there it is the exact opposite side that i started   from the path it's right there i went all the  way around your pickaxe isn't oh they require a   gold pickaxe or better to mine well you know what  then i guess i'll just worship the damn thing all   right it came from space i don't have internet  out here i don't know what it is it's now my   god there we go i made it a shrine it has its own  little path and everything hope you like what i've   done with the place by the way i actually kinda  like it i like the winding path that goes down   into the hidden potato grove but i think i'm gonna  continue harvesting my potatoes and i will see you   next season well that's the end of spring but  i made some good money on the potatoes i did   miscalculate a little bit i have 77 potatoes  left over for next year and i guess i'll leave   john the scarecrow look over him that's right i  named him john when you were gone because i didn't   have anyone else to talk to well since i have  no crops for summer i think i'll do a little bit   of fishing i haven't done any summertime fishing  yet and especially with the new rod it should be   quite good i think this was my spot where i could  get it in like the the deepest yeah there we go hooray oh look at that and i got some treasure too  a fossil okay should i worry that there might be   bodies in the lake or is this legitimately  a fossil oh my god i'm gonna have so much   quartz like it's a good thing but i want fish  ah newspaper all right well i'm catching stuff   instantly is this because i have bait because  i don't really want my bait being used to catch   a newspaper oh i need the mystery box give  me the mystery box it's gonna be something   worthless but i just can't resist uh base and  then you know what the weirdo at the museum   will appreciate that i'll take it i call him a  weirdo yet i'm the one worshiping a meteorite   it's like oh hey gunther i found this uh cool  shell anyway i gotta go back a literal meteor has   landed on my farm enjoy the shell oh my god that's  a slippery one ah he got away now i'll never know   that's what i hate i wish they would show me  what i lost out on so i could just you know   appreciate the disappointment instead i get this  boring one you know what i think i'll just keep   fishing and then i'll update you when i have a  little bit done oh my god john i'm so sorry i just   said i'd check in on the farm had a few mixed  seeds to plant so yeah what you've been up to yeah i know the feeling i can't live with  them can't live without them all right well   i'll talk to you soon john but would you look  at that oranges i don't know how much they're   actually worth but i should be getting a  decent enough haul you want to know why   look inside my fish box they've been in there  for weeks but they're like a fine wine they'll   only increase in value by the way the slippery  ones were the puffer fish i had a battle with   one that lasted about 30 minutes and i lost him  got plenty more like glasses and general trash   as well which is good i guess tomorrow we're all  gathering at the beach for the annual movement   me recycle my glasses in peace you animal i  got some good fish there as well some iridium   ones and some new ones that i'm gonna save  for the community center okay and i can sell   all of these or at least i'm going to before  thinking about it any longer because i never   know what to get rid of or not i need to check  in on the mushroom kingdom as well i'm just   placing these stupid floors everywhere so that i  have paths there we go mushroom kingdom is doing   well okay i dropped a wooden pallet and rather  than pick it up i instead dropped more to make   it look normal okay let's see how much money we  get from 10 days of work you know what not bad   i i hope for a little bit more from the fish but  that's not too bad i did use all my base though   so i don't know how slow it's going gonna be now  hmm maybe i could make jam do i have enough rocks   for that i mean i could go find rocks i guess oh  great meteor please provide me with your rocks   honestly not sure why i put so much effort into  making this like i have a perfectly good trash   can here why don't i just make the jam in that  put the orange in okay that looks a little bit   worrying i want to step back since it is the  season of fishing i may as well make a crab pot   and i guess i'll put that behind here where  i'll see it i assume it can just go anywhere   i hope this wasn't a stupid place to put  it like i don't know if that's a pond   maybe if there's crabs or lobsters in there  i'm the one that has to stock the lake   ah jesus christ i hope john's okay i'm going  inside oh my jam is ready i wonder how much that   sells for whatever it is i should repurpose it as  a slime and sell that online it'll make way more   money i could be the world's first organic local  slime farmer oh john's okay and he has some big   juicy melons like growing for me all right let's  pick them up i haven't encountered any crows yet   that's all you say john whoa orange jelly 250  i'm gonna make more of those barrels honestly   i'm feeling like i don't even have to spam fishing  with so much going on here which is just such a   nice feeling i love not having to repeat the same  task over and over and over and over and over and   over and over again okay i foraged the farm to  try and see if there was anything i could forage   so i could make mixed seeds i don't see anything  but i did make a little path a good bit around   so that's something and i have enough stone to  make another preserves jar excellent day halfway   through summer and at this point i think i'm ready  for some passive income speaking of passive income   look at that a cake from mom excellent right  in the trash there pick that up sell it hope it   gets me some money i wish she just sent me money  like love has no value here oh and just like that   summer is over no more oranges and i don't know if  i have other trees planted or not i can't remember   i don't think i do maybe i do who knows but i  still have plenty of oranges to turn into jam   but before we get autumn underway let's see how  much summer actually benefited me so we got honey   jelly we got some mushrooms random assortment  of goods here and let's go right to sleep you   know what not bad for very passive money i think  artisan is the way to go i don't think i can bulk   grow crops okay so it's been two weeks and i've  just been gathering my jam and whatnot i think i   might make another one of these to try and speed  it up a little bit more even though i guess i'm   not really in a rush maybe i should save the stone  i've also been getting a little bit of iron out of   some of my other trash in the recycling machine  which is neat i have this box of goodies that   i need to sell so let's see how much this gets me  now this stuff i have been saving for a rainy day   i've been thinking maybe i could drop them into  the community center i could look into it and see   what i need but i have a bit of another plan i  have never done this before but since they keep   berating me and inviting me to their events  they know i'm not going to come to i'm going   to betray the community and invest in the georgia  mat which means i don't need products for bundles   i need money specifically the greenhouse is  sticking out to me i could really use that   greenhouse reason being is i only visit  the town once a year and because of that   i can only buy a certain type of seed in this  case potato seeds but if i bought blueberries   they'd grow all year round and keep producing  blueberries it would be an amazing investment   ah capitalism huh so i've got most of my  shopping list ready i just need to try and   earn more money but luckily that means i can  sell pretty much all of this now so all of this   is going bye-bye i can't wait to see how  much money i make today it better be a   lot the statue valley fair has begun the town  square you see what i mean they keep texting me   and taunting me this is why i'm betraying them  i'm putting up this monument just because it's   in the box but it'll be a reminder to how hateful  the people in town can be every time i see that i   will be filled with hate okay let's see how much  money i got from that fabulous day of selling over 10k nice one you see those burgers down  the bottom by the way found them in the sand   on my beach oh wait this isn't trash i thought  this was trash i'm trying to recycle cola do i   have to drink it first i don't really want  to put this toxic stuff in my body like i'm   supporting georgia for the the capitalist side  of things i don't actually like their products   no okay well i'm selling all of them then  the mushrooms have been a nice little steady   sort of income that i've been getting  as well i just need to remember to   keep getting them they're so out of sight and  out of mind i do have one thing i need to do   bomb the meteor it's been leading me  astray this whole time all right run that did nothing okay i'm sorry great meteor  i'm gonna do it again now that i've gotten close no it's still not doing anything i have one left  no all right then i'll go back to worshipping the   meteor oh great meteor etc etc yeah i i love you  i'm more than love you i'm like in love with you   all right goodbye i'm gonna need more sprinklers  as well what was my issue with them i needed gold   right but how the hell am i supposed to get  gold without going to the mines the only way   i see here is by fishing our geodes i've got a  few geodes which is good i guess otherwise 750   per ore which is ridiculous this would help  me get more treasure but i need two gold bar   to create it in a cruel twist of faith i'll just  put this chest inside i don't need it anymore and   here's fine i can't read i don't need the  bookcase the fact honey like it sells for   a hundred but it's super passive is really  useful as well what does it take to actually   make them oh i need iron i mean it's definitely  the most accessible bar given the recycling   machine well i guess the thing that makes sense  is unfortunately fishing i've had more than my   share of fishing i don't want to fish anymore but  i guess this is the situation i've put myself in   i guess i'm hitting two birds with one stone  because i'm getting money for the fish which   i'm catching pretty good ones with this new  rod and i have the chance of getting treasure   which is important i might be able to get some  gold so i found gold but it turns out if you   pressy by accident it um it deletes it but aside  from that i have been doing a lot of fishing look   it's night time hermit doesn't even know what's  going on he's usually asleep about 12 hours   ago but look at all this stuff i have to sell  i've been fishing for so many days in real life   not in the game in real life look that's proof i'm  level 8 and fishing now what is a worm bin can i   make my own base that would be awesome if i could  because in most of the treasure chests i have been   getting a little bit of bait but honestly it it  it is not a very good way of getting it throw   some in there ah it needs a gold bar and hardwood  okay well i'm looking forward to never having that   notice the chill in the air it could just be the  approach of winter no it's probably the meteor and   the alien activity i've been having on the farm  and i just haven't told anyone okay let's sell   everything in my cell chest and see how much money  i actually get it should be a lot surely i put a   lot of work into this and i expect a good reward  now this is more like it going to bed at 7 30 a.m   okay i i had hoped to break 10k but you know what  let's just edit that yeah whoa look loads of money   no but that's not bad i'm up to 60 000 already  we're well on our way unfortunately autumn is   well kind of over but i'm still getting all these  passive things and i think i should be able to   make it it's gonna be close like even on that day  i got a thousand just from turning in some of the   mushrooms and such like they're good moneymakers  wait they're back already that was like two days   i thought that they took much longer than that  should i be checking that like all the time i accidentally gave my cat love and it's winter  the month that i usually kind of hibernate through   but i don't have enough money to do that yet  yeah i think i should be collecting these every   day i'm going goblin mode i'm going to hang  out in the cave most of the time can i make   bombs i better not say that too loud it's just  this secluded farmer wondering if he could make   explosives i'm taking this opportunity during  winter to just build a few paths so hopefully   stuff won't overgrow on it again and i won't  have to cut my way through this dense forest   unfortunately nothing seems to be washing up  i don't know if it just doesn't wash up on the   shores in winter or perhaps i've angered to the  meteorite and it's not letting anything show up   so i think i just have to gather mushrooms and my  artisan goods such as the jam which is running out   and i'm i'm guessing bees don't make honey in the  winter maybe the the taps on my trees will help   either way i will see you soon good night okay  so it's christmas day i got a letter to say don't   forget to bring a gift from my secret friend and  i'm not going i have collected 99 common mushrooms   it turns out you can get mushrooms every single  day however i was going to keep all the common   mushrooms for energy when i go to the mines  on the one day i'm allowed to leave the farm   but i don't think i can stomach 99 mushrooms  so i'm gonna still be an overkill by keeping   20 but i'm gonna sell the rest i'm very curious  how much money this is actually going to get me that's a lot of mushrooms honestly i've been out  here collecting like pine tar i should be after   mushrooms i don't suppose have any missions that  people want mushrooms no no i don't think so damn oh no what the hell is happening now was that the  alien no it's just an owl i'm going to do a little   patrolling oh something did wash up oh there it is  the stone dowel they call him look at him he's so   spaced out how much would this sell for okay so i  googled it and you can't actually sell this thing   which is a bit disappointing why can't i get  random events that i can actually make use of   okay it's the last day of winter i think it's  time for bed i'm ready for my trip into town   73 and a half thousand that's just over our  goal look at how lovely the farm looks now it's   so green i don't know why i went to check on the  mushrooms like time is of the essence and i'm like   just stuck in all the habits i guess okay so my  shopping list i'm going to betray the town with   a 5k membership to jojo mart buy their greenhouse  for 35 000. i need just under ten thousand for a   hundred and eight blueberries for the greenhouse  i want to shed for fifteen thousand four chickens   a treasure tackle from willy and then as much  oars as i can get as well as an earth crystal   if i really can get lucky i come into town at 7am  and start looking through their trash okay i don't   know if this is chancing my arm a little bit but  i'm gonna go straight to the mine and try and just   get down to like level five before the store is  open so at least i'm doing something worthwhile   i just realized i should have checked to make sure  it was a lucky day and if not stayed on the farm   an extra day that would have been a good idea  oh copper lovely i haven't seen this in a year   give me your goodies damn it no goodies yes  level five awesome i think there was a mission   for that do i get money no i just get a further  mission it's just a carrot on a string isn't it   okay i'm already up here so i am going to ask  her to build me a shed luckily i don't need   anything for the shed so once she builds it i can  use it and i can put whatever i want in there yeah   just throw it there anyway what do you mean can't  build it okay throw it there that little patch of   grass was in the way and she was like i don't  know chief there's nothing we can do about it   okay the shed has been purchased i don't actually  even know where georgia mart is i think it's over   here somewhere i never go to it normally imagine  they see the guy coming in the fella who grows the   local honey and sells jam investing in this awful  corporation like look at this dude membership   costs five grand yeah i mean usually they hand  these things out for free in supermarkets and i   still say no excellent welcome to joji corporation  come back tomorrow oh no oh no there you go   gunther sorry i'm so sad i was trying to ruin  the town but they won't let me all right let's   get these geodes open give me something good come  on clint that's right clint show me that glint   maybe it does to you but i'm happy with copper  all right we got some goodies there that are just   going straight to gunter he must be delighted  with himself give me rewards a painting another   painting and a singing stone fantastic okay i  think i gotta go try and buy some chickens next   hey why hold on when do you work i love animals  if you treat yours well i'm sure i don't have any   because you won't [ __ ] sell them to me come  over here come over here come back okay i just   googled it her shop is closed on mondays i hate  this town this is why i'm betraying all of you   okay you know what i'm going to bend my own rules  a little bit and i'm going to come back tomorrow   because otherwise i'm going to have to sleep for  an entire year so that i can leave the farm again   and i draw the line at punishing myself there  okay so i've been in town for about seven hours   and i would have had about nine left so we're  gonna stick to that i'm also not going to sell   any of my stuff so i don't get any unfair  advantage and i won't buy the animals either just   to despite her local business you know she should  be open on mondays okay monday is not the weekend   we all hate mondays you're no exception oh  yes look at that lovely beacon to capitalism   it looks awful oh my god he is basically never  seen in town and the neighbors look out and   he's just staring at the jojo merit two hours  before it opens okay you know what maurice i   will take your greenhouse i love jojo mart you  know why because you [ __ ] open we'll get our   workers on it tonight this is amazing and it'll  be ready by tomorrow this is efficient business thanks i just gave him a mushroom random hermit  comes over emerges from his cave and gives you a   mushroom what do you do probably just politely say  thanks and throw it away right oh look at this i   don't want to be shellfish but no one else is here  so i guess they're all mine there we go increase   my treasure output goodbye see you next year  maybe i don't know i might never need to talk to   you again how much does this cost oh my god that  is an expensive bag all right i'll just take 108   blueberries from you instead wear the blueberries  don't ruin my plans pierre ah they are a summer   crop okay all right i guess we're growing beans  boys i'm a bean farmer now i've never been happier   in fact you kind of look like ron grown up i  it all makes sense now i've been i bought a few   backups just in case as well get out of the way my  time here is limited all right bro i know you're   about to rip me off but just give me all your gold  okay this is oh this feels awful like so bad okay   i can stay here for about four hours and then i'd  be headed whole might say so i need to try and get   as far down as i can do please get out of  the way i honestly have no time for you   okay good he's stupid he's stuck on the rocks ah  i'm stuck on the rocks oh a prize shoes that's   kind of neat i don't really spend much time on  my feet though i'm usually just in bed no no get   out of the way i don't want to fight oh uh jojo  martin said help my one ally oh i best be going   i don't have much time to get home well that was  a bit of a bust i got some copper which is good   because i think i need them to make a mayonnaise  machine which now that i think about it doesn't   matter because marnie doesn't open on mondays  that's what i needed the earth crystal for too   so i guess that part doesn't matter either i hate  marnie oh there's robin look at her it's hammering   that one post you want to see what efficiency  looks like robin yeah overnight and everything   look the foreman's even there the big man keeping  an eye on both of them i see with the shifty eyes   i don't like that miner's treat is like a lollipop  you know it sounds like miners in like you're   baiting miners but you know what okay who are you  good morning she's probably like you ruined the   town it was a lovely walk out here i haven't  seen this whole farm in a long time it looks   even better that i remember stop lying evelyn i  brought you a little something it's a gift from   one gardener to another what the [ __ ] is that  garden pot props of any season indoors i don't   need your small town help i have a greenhouse  oh my god you make them with refined quartz   my shed just got a whole new purpose look  at that monstrosity let me over there   the fire is so overgrown already i guess  it's good it looks like i'm just a humble   farmer but in reality georgia man hooked me up  with this greenhouse out of sight look at this   i can plant beans all year round in here these  take a long time to do so if you enjoyed drop a   like i'd appreciate it subscribe if you're new  and i hope to see you all next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 848,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, stardew valley, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley tips, stardew valley speedrun, stardew valley callmekevin, stardew valley challenge, stardew valley funny, 3 years of Stardew Valley without leaving the farm, 1 year of stardew valley, 2 years of stardew valley, call me kevin stardew valley, stardew valley hermit, stardew valley without leaving the farm
Id: XkhLZzvKv7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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