Birthing a Long Furby With Four Arms

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hello my friends it's finally time great great great start i would say most of you are probably already familiar with my son thursday pluraban and boy porridge well for those of you who don't follow me on other social media this is my daughter her name is gluten-free garbage girl girl we've already had her for some time if you can't tell the only real modification on here though is her third eye the rest can all be removed which it will have to be today considering that step one of the longification procedure is um removing her from her mortal flesh i am ready to perform the surgery but before we get into it i need to tell you about this video sponsor hunty killer oh you can hear it what's in there mysteries because huntykiller is a murder mystery subscription box with each delivery you'll sift through piles of documents evidence even audio recordings case files you'll get to decode ciphers examine clues and solve puzzles until you crack the case and catch the killer it's a super unique game i've never heard anything like it before i feel like all of us must have watched or read true crime and ended up wondering whether we would be able to put those clues together too at least i definitely have i think that was the coolest part about hunter killer for me is that i finally got to be the detective as if i was in a book or a movie play it with your family and roommates yell about murder together confuse the heck out of your neighbors it's even a great option under activities you can do remotely over zoom or discord or whatever platform it is you use in these trying times with your friends all of the materials they send you look so good everything is such good quality and there's clearly so much effort put into it it's just so cool i've never seen anything like it before and right now you can go to and use codestrangeons to get 20 off your first box that is code strangeons to get 20 off my computer is over there so i'm probably gonna be looking over there a lot i found this very helpful tumblr post on how to skin a 1998 furby which is what she is she's as old as i am there is a limited supply of older furbies in the world they still make them but they're just they're not the same they're not they're never gonna be the same so there is actually a limited supply of old furbys out there and they're getting very expensive on ebay and stuff i've noticed the furby community coming up with all kinds of innovative new solutions 3d printing face plates and stuff like that the community is kind of transcending beyond the need for like starting with an original 1998 furby um and i think that's really cool and i probably would have looked into going that route if i had not already bought her before i found out about that i regret nothing not even spending 50 whole canadian dollars on this little anyway how to skin a 1998 furby before you start you will need a couple of tools get a pair of wire cutters a seam ripper a craft knife and a pair of needle nose pliers i will be substituting kitchen scissors these and um these are like shitty little jewelry pliers but they'll be fine right i've already kind of like around and tried to figure out if it was the skinning process was intuitive it's not really so i've already kind of like up the first couple steps of this and exposed the zip tie type of thing in there thank you for the helpful diagram of what not to cut which i totally cut okay so we gotta snip the cable tie i can snip it hey okay oh i see oh i see already where this is going are you ready to see her innards oh this is undignified free the ears hey there we go okay i feel like an expert so that's the what the ears look like i guess ears are removed she's looking even more destroyed i've never had to do this this before because thursday is not made of a like the mechanical 1998 furbys that you usually think of when you think of ferbies he's made of a furby buddy we followed the example of the person who created the original long furby and used a furby buddy because it's much easier to dissect because there's no mechanical parts too demons crawling at my throat and like you can even see he's a little bit dressed up right now but the furby buddies in the original furbies like in their faces like he doesn't like his eyes are kind of just eternally staring into the void which is a look in itself but there's just something fun about you know unhook the ear bases how do you do that got em the ears are free i grabbed the faceplate from the bottom and use and lever it up peeling the glue away as i go some of the glue may hold on but you can cut through it with your craft knife thank god i have one of those she's peeking she's peeking free a lot she is reborn well my beautiful daughter i'm so proud of her i'm gonna peel this off because i don't this probably won't get in my way but it just feels like i should you know you've done it wow thank you i've done it oh thursday no hello skinfurbies do not look nearly as bad as they thought they would i mean i have there is more to do i'm going to take this plastic off she's going to look worse i think once i get the plastic off she has layers yes like an onion okay so i'm not following any tutorial for this part i just think i guess it should be intuitive you just unscrew it and then the plastic will come off um oh oh it's working i think so after using some truly questionable things as screwdrivers just don't don't even worry about it just don't don't it's fine just forget you [Music] i did not have a screwdriver small enough to take out some of these screws so but i was really curious to expose the innards so i kind of just started cutting at the [Music] plastic would you like to come see her nobody wants to say hello so can i go oh my so now we're going to attempt to remove the pace so that we can stick it on her longify form you know i could look up a tutorial at this point probably but am i gonna no that's no fun at all now we've gotten to this screw which i assume is important for the face plate oh baby look at me go i finally guessed how to do something correctly didn't expect it to be so like you know you see there it is the remains hello okay so i realized a few things since my dissection i had decided to keep this piece right here because it like holds the holds the back of the mouth in a way that it's not like flopping around all crazy as for the eyes you have to glue this white piece down to the black part so that the well i haven't done it or i did it but the glue didn't really work so her eyes still go all the way around but if you glue this white piece down her the eyes will stay in place and then the eyelids still work so that is also on the to-do list however what i'm working on right now is i'm going to take apart the furby head skin taking this part into a few different pieces tracing them onto here so they have a pattern and then re-sewing her from the this team heinz opened the beans museum as a pop-up oh it's only a pop-up the faceplate is like half sewn in also i need like a round like piece for the very top it's not really going in any particular order it's just whatever i feel like doing and you know it's gonna i have faith that it's going to come together eventually my daughter is a beautiful young woman there we go good morning gamers it's been day three of longification i've been sewing on her face again this morning the face plate has little holes in the side focus focus on her not on me she's the real star i'm sewing through the little face back through the little faceplate holes because i feel like glue would not feel stable enough i would not feel safe with that so i'm painstakingly re-sewing the faceplate back in she looks like she's just sleeping slumbering beautifully her eyes are still flopping around in every direction but look look she's like a weird puppet we have the girl of girl we got her ears i gotta figure out how to attach these things now so that's gonna be fun what can you see the pain in my eyes realizing that i have to sew more tiny little things yes well it's pain every time you cut the fabric you shed like 10 pounds of hair for now i think i'm just gonna sew this together keep the inside pink of the ears so i glued the face down finally this this is not a tutorial please do not do any of this in the order that i did it i cut the fabric out for sarah to sew with her actual functioning sewing machine yes the game has really been stepped up since thursday's longification surgery remember remember that remember that time we hand sewed for like 12 hours i got hair all over everything i have ever owned and will ever own i got hair all over my human essence itself i think i even found one in my sandwich that was fun can i help you i got an ear she's got one one ear i existed on my floor like a goblin for many hours that day but the girl was coming along beautifully are you getting me while i'm getting her rude i have a job today she became queen of the fruit and then she became a tube we could already tell she was going to be significantly chunkier than her brother hi my real name is strangereons and i lied about being done making my furby yesterday she's really fun in this form honestly i love the little sock puppet also i thought of something horrible wait she's done a little tour of um my materials right now so we've got the girl of girl on my handy dandy ikea crate um this is her spine so the blue spine and the white spine are two different brands they're the same size spine but just for some reason because i bought them from different places they're from different brands the blue spine i think was like like some kind of a hose but it was really cheap and it was clearly similar enough to whatever the hell we've been using as furby spines so i bought it and i got like an insane amount of it and i was like that's perfect that's exactly what i want to use for creepy little arms but we'll get to those but my spine pliers would not work to connect the white and the blue spines hoses whatever the hell they are so what i did was i broke i took like those take those like wooden takeout chopsticks and i broke them into like smallish pieces and then put them in there for more structure and then put a little gorilla glue around the chopstick and then put tape around all of that and it's resulted in something that is good and strong and i'm happy with it as for the one in the middle that's connecting the white spines that was because these the use of two of these connector pieces at once kind of make it so that it it lines up the wrong ends of the white spine so they can't be connected it makes them go like this like those two pieces can't they don't want it no that's what we've got going on with our spine we've got our skin which you saw yesterday but i added her little feet and this bottom flap that will be sewn shut once the spine and the stuffing is in there and then we have her arms these i'm incredibly excited for these are just those like posable like wooden artists hands that i painted black as for like the the arm flesh i don't really have any solutions through that right now i'm probably she's probably going to have exposed spine arms for now maybe at some point i'll sew her some sleeves but i don't know if that's in the cards for today we're gonna find out we're gonna i'm probably gonna have to take another day if i want to give her any arm flesh that's where we're at she's taking a nap on me over here hello darkness my old friend so i measured out where the armholes needed to go gave him a little snip and shoved her spine right in there she had a severed spine where her head should be and what looked like creepy little insect arms and honestly it was kind of a look oh this is exciting oh this is a good this i like this part okay so i think the process is going to go i'm going to stuff most of her body i'm going to sew up her ass and then and then i'm going to probably put her head on i need to give her a heart i don't have any like scrap fabric never mind pink or red scrap fabric so i've come up with a pretty horrible solution for that one something i do remember from making thursday was that you kind of have to try and keep the spine in like the center of the stuffing so that she doesn't get weird but if there's anything we've learned from thursdays they're gonna get weird over time anyway it's very it's very warm inside here she has gained an ass honestly she's very soft i'm feeling very comforted right now i'll probably feel less comforted when she has tiny little hands but right now very comforting i've tried to um glue a worm onto the wire heart to the best of my ability but that does not appear to be working it's kind of just falling off also i realized that if we hug her the wire is probably just gonna fall so yeah i'm like too lazy to set up two cameras this time so my glue just fell down i'm a mess okay so i don't think that that is the solution for us i think i might just honestly be really lazy and just tie the worm it's more of a worm pretzel but it's heart adjacent she kind of looks like she is a pretzel for a heart oh yeah that's that's what i said too so i pretty much just have to sew it on and then she's gonna be like 90 done unless i decide to give her better arms i'm gonna sit on the floor and listen to the giddy in the ninth audio book yeah i did just read it a month ago and now let's look at the audiobook again what do you want from me no this video is not sponsored by audible it's sponsored by tia's hyper fixations i noticed that putting stuffing directly behind her faceplate stopped the eyes and the mouth from working so i found this takeout container i just cut it and stuck it in there behind the faceplate and that solved the problem and then she was totally almost done and we didn't over complicate it anymore at all it looks like she's wearing a furry jacket it's not my original vision of like creepy spidery arms but it looks better she looks more huggable more fashionable she looks more approachable which is not really what you want with a furby but i think it looks better it looks more finished than just the um spine arms yeah she looks weirdly jacked my daughter gluten-free garbadine girl girl was born on march 19 2020 with all of her arms completed our final task was of course to terrorize the town in keeping with our celebration of thursday's birth i thought that this should involve christening her at the nearest government building which in this case was toronto city hall i encountered a problem a hindrance to my artistic vision you might say this balcony was still closed for the winter so i might possibly perhaps have taken advantage of the fact that my platform boots gave me the ideal leg length extensions necessary to step over the fence closing it off i am escorted out of the furby christening by nathan phillips square security i got got my security how did you they came up to me as i was on my way out climbing back over the fence it was very dignified i assure you the first thing one of them said to me was uh excuse me but what the hell is that thing is that a furby and i said yes sir this is my furby i just i really wanted to do the lion king thing off city hall balcony with my furby you must understand i might have gotten away due to the sheer absurdity of my crime now that my daughter had tasted a life of crime on only her second day in this world it was time to wind down with a little family picnic so here she is gorgeous effervescent transcendent i hope you liked coming along on this journey with me i hope you see girl growl and her tiny little hands in your dreams tonight and as always thank you so much for [Music] watching [Music] you
Views: 195,208
Rating: 4.9949651 out of 5
Keywords: strange, aeons, STRANGE, ÆONS, tumblr deep dive, long furby
Id: t7MmiMdifR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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