Talking To Boys As Long Furby

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👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Molebo-Gumbo 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

As if I wasn't gay enough before this 😄 porridge cult follower it is! 😄

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mieeekeee 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yes! Im glad i could recruit someone :)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/GoldenMarty 📅︎︎ Sep 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
Michael said hey sexy to those legs go all the way up I said I don't have legs Michael hello friends welcome back to another video get him looking looking fashionable for this video there we go oh that's fine creak no so this is my tinder profiles I've got some really good photos on here it's also connected to his Instagram so that people know he's not a catfish his job is social-media influencer his gender is long fur me and his bio just says at boy porridge with little rainbow and it's a deal-breaker if you think ketchup is a sauce I don't really know what that means so first of all I would like to point out he does in fact have 446 matches that I have not talked to take notes in cells you just got to be a long Furby to get the ladies and the men because he is a bisexual icon however one thing that is very interesting is that probably 90 to 95 percent of my matches were with men even though like when I'm swiping it shows probably an equal amount of men and women but most of the people who wanted to match with long Furby or men and I think that is because I have his gender set to male so the people I'm seeing are obviously there's some bisexuals in here but mostly gay men and straight women the straights have not heard the good word of long Furby and that that is my best explanation for why I didn't match with very many straight women so let's begin with Andrew I said hey boy with a zero and a fun little teeth gift that I think is just fantastic he said wow that give rules thank you for sharing I said oh you like teeth me too he said send more freakish gifts I said you wild law and sent him Shrek with wool kissy face and he said hell yes Zack said hello strange Aeons I said oh [ __ ] I've been found out he said love your content by the way I said thanks this is is this account for a video or just general shitposting I said generalship posting but I might get around to a video eventually and here we are Charlie said I always thought fur bees were about 80% too short I said love awoke man kissy-face Sharon said you don't like ketchup and butter spaghetti sauce I said why would you say that Sharon so David I opened with this gift because it's my favorites and I said hello he said hi I love that a man of refined taste excellent we sent each other some chef kisses as a man of refined taste he went for a donkey from Shrek gift I decided to spam him with all of the best Shrek gifts that tinder had to offer he said oh my - Derrick I said salutations Derrick he said how's it going my absolute favorite thing is for people who make no indication that I this is a Furby account they just kind of are like hey hello how's it going like what are your hobbies anyway Derrick said how's it going I said just glorious Derrick how many teeth do you have and he said 32 I said nice good for you Chris said is this an actual real long Furby or is this a scam I can't have my heart broken again I said the realest baby he said got a confirmed cent Furby nudes for real though what's a Furby worm like you doing on an island like this this was when I was on vacation I said I'm always nude though had a wild night CAI act across the ocean yeah I don't have arms but I made it work she said very talented ass cheeks I like it lilah said hey you look very good what are your hobbies again people who don't acknowledge the whole Furby thing at all whatsoever I so I said um love to slither around the park and eat small rodents she said that's a great hobby do you do threesomes I said only if I'm in love she said oh well I'm okay with that Laura said so my flatmate and I are sitting here debating pickup lines to win the heart and a long fur be like yourself let me know which one resonates with you perhaps size doesn't matter but length sure does and you've got it all baby some people can't wait for the weekend but I can't wait for Thursday or the longing of my heart is still shorter than your body I said oh I swoon for them all kissy face poetry please explain to me why ketchup is not a sauce what is it soup that is very disturbing Roberto sent me a bunch of heart eye faces and I said whatever this means to him and he said yes [ __ ] kill me no one so said what's your favorite day of the week and I decided to subvert expectations and tell him Wednesday and he said she really was the hottest of the Adams family [ __ ] it was a child and I'm tempted to say that now even though this conversation is from four months ago Jesus Christ people Ellen said Thursday Portman and boy porridge I said the one and only she said I'm quite starstruck Mitch said this makes me want to actually die then perish Pablo said no take notes on pickup lines kids he said you were in the middle of the week just like my dick will be in the middle of your but I corrected his spelling James said good day how are you I said oh just swell James I'm just swell he said good to hear I am downtown oh [ __ ] it's this one at this point I realized that this man was trying to hook up with my Furby I say nice you should heat up the aquarium he says why I said why not he said good night to stay home with a friend like you I said it's true I make a great neck pillow he said nice you like older guys I said you like ferdy's he said yes when they're young too Oliver I said any thoughts on airplane he said hey Thursday yeah I think they're really cool I still get a kick out of those [ __ ] to Sarah who is my friend in real life who I matched with on here so this this I wouldn't I don't think I would say this to a stranger even under the mask of law and Furby I said hey girl want some boy porridge she said only if you'll taste my girl gruel this is a screenshot of semesters because I was originally gonna do screenshots anyway whatever so for some reason I don't have the very beginning of this conversation but let's assume that Ryan said do you like porridge something along those lines I'm that's probably what he said I said well my name is Thursday flurbin and boy porridge I know all the secrets of porridge I am absolutely filled with porridge and he said I love that you must be the bowl of porridge that's just right I think I'm the bowl of porridge that's too cold that's how I like my oatmeal do you ever just stir your porridge with your dick just to see if it's all incorporated a little bit of olive oil on the pan and then we finished with a little olive oil in this soup it's like a minestrone heat up the olive oil i drizzle some olive oil this helps to keep the pasture from sticking to each other the olive oil just a touch of olive oil we finished with olive oil gives it that Italian finish olive oil to garnish we marinade in olive oil olive oil at this point I was a hundred percent sure this was a copypasta but I copied and pasted it into Google and it wasn't Page said hey just want to say I love your Furby can you please make me one I said okay but I will need one real human spine to use in the construction she said can i sacrifice mine which inspired me to one of my future favorite opening lines - Phoebe I said can I have your spine she said I've been saving it in the fridge for such an occasion I said yummy - Ferraz oh this is very forward I said how many teeth you got boy with my favorite gift and he said haha you're so hot completely glosses over the teeth question he says I want to cuddle with your deep black body and get lost in your green eyes I said I make a great neck pillow kissy face Cassie said what is this I'm screaming I said long Furby she said long boy I said the longest you - Liam I said crunch crunch give me your bones and he also completely ignored this question and said ketchup is a condiment not a sauce you who the [ __ ] thinks that Liam you didn't answer my question - Diane II I said join my Furby cult it only costs a few human teeth and they said how many exactly six okay you got yourself a deal - Brad I said join my cult he he seemed to be down with that I said cool I'm gonna need some of your teeth he said I still have a baby tooth in my mouth can I submit it when / if it falls out this man is 29 years old you excited for Halloween of course I am I can trick people into thinking I'm just addressed as a disappointment are you excited for Halloween anybody who asks you that question in August is obviously excited for Halloween I said of course it's the night of the year when I'm the most powerful I don't know what's funnier the fact that I know strange Aeons runs this account or the faculty your name is Thursday I said oh [ __ ] I'm exposed when people call me out for running this account I'm just like oh oh hey it's like that what's that one quote like give a man a mask and something something like that's how I feel as long fur be on tinder I'm just like I can say the weirdest [ __ ] that like comes into my head and I I don't feel self-conscious at all if you want to know true freedom start a long fur be tender account because I have never felt so free in my entire life the Tristan I sent this fun little gift of the strange creature drinking out of a cup of the face and he said I agree wholeheartedly I said fantastic he said indeed thoughts on teeth scrumptious how many you got more than you chieftain scared thought so I said you mortal fool I fear nothing I have unlimited teeth he said I have infinity plus one tea Delia said hey so a hundred percent ketchup is not a sauce it's a juice I'm green I sent slurp slurp he said lmao so okay tell me more about this Furby birth planet star sign why is this [ __ ] so long I said an earthling and of Scorpio long because he is stretching towards enlightenment soon he will become God Wow I'm mesmerised and who is the beautiful creator behind such a being my another one ever I'm gonna say my favorite thing so many times in this video because everything about this is my favorite thing but my favorite thing is the people who try and hit up hit on the mystery man behind the longed-for of you i have genuinely got some like very horny met like there was one guy who was trying to like get me to agree to come to a hotel and I was like okay I'll astral project there at the witching hour and he was just not having it I just guys certainly the nicest in the most normal but I've had many experiences where some very corny people just just are desperate enough to try and get with someone who has a long Herbie account Jason is that the strange Aeons long Furby if so that's kind of hot Jack said I'm overwhelmed by lust and fear I said I'm overwhelmed like in general he said we have so much in common already Wow daniel said you must get all of the boys because of that length i said he he I do he said and the gay Furby how common are those I said all fur bees are gay Nikolai I said crunch crunch give me your bones he said this is true love you're the hottest guy I have ever matched with - Neil I said nice hat cuz he's wearing a nice hat his profile picture I said nice hat can I have your spine he said go ahead I said kissy face well thanks how would you like my spine nice and crunchy okay I will tempura it then Oh a gentleman I swoon anything for you my furry baby to dairy and I said love a man who can pull off chartreuse because there's a picture on his profile where he is wearing a matching chartreuse beanie and sweater and it's quite the look so I said love a man who can pull off chartreuse he said thanks baby love the Tartan does wonders for your neck I said how long is your neck he said a real stretch I said that's hot he said daddy always gets a taste how does it feel to be long I think I've shot something longer than you you ain't [ __ ] be careful the long Furby uprising is coming what are you gonna do strangle me with your long body yeah boy watch out joke's on you I'm into that me too that is gay let's get married that's gay too and I agree so I said I'll slurp you up and he said slurp and then I said and thank you to the previous person I talked to who made me aware of this fantastic gift I said daddy always gets a taste and true said what if you're already gay before looking into the Furby eyes double gay I said maximum gay he said this is next-level gay [ __ ] I sent him a Brokeback Mountain gif of them looking gaily into each other's eyes he said yeah exactly the gay stuff Katy said is the strange Aeons I said no so this person's bio says the most interesting thing about me is that I have interesting questions here are some of my best and then he lists some interesting conversation starter questions such as what is your preferred state of water which i think is fantastic so I said I have some interesting questions - how many teeth do you have and do you want to join my cult he said one not enough teeth already off to eight fantastic start and - I am already in the cult of Thursday the beautiful long gay son from the gay mother herself I said excellent answers excellent he said how many followers have you recruited off tinder by the way I said no idea but a few people have agreed to give me their spines little do they know I will collect something that of all people my mom pointed out to me it was that one of my reoccurring jokes with this account was to ask for people's spines and I did in fact receive I did in fact receive this like vertebrae in my Pio box from someone in the vulture culture community so in the end I did receive a spine from an Internet stranger part of the spine but still that brings me great joy Azura is clearly a disciple of long Furby because she said holy [ __ ] match him with my Lord Savior and God is something else I said the lord of porridge blesses you eternally I he fell over at some point but here he is he blesses you eternally she said thank you Lord Thursday I will cherish this moment almost as much as I cherish my girlfriend which is absolutely gay and adorable Theo said long Furby or Furby centipede I said I got no limbs I'm more like a Furby snake he he said Furby worm firm this gives me a weird sort of faith in humanity because people are [ __ ] weird and hilarious Taylor said listen I got no clue who long Furby is or how he started but I will die for him I said the lord of porridge appreciates your devotion Emily said I've always been more of a Thirsty Thursday gala than a Freaky Friday one Carlene said I just want you to know I have a shitty ex who was absolutely terrified of furbies so I haven't habitually snapped her you're gorgeous pics out of petty revenge thanks my dude I said yes girl always happy to help she said you're the hero I never deserved but always needed I appreciate what you do for the people which what can I say he's a humanitarian Kelsey said hey sexy dig your style Andrew length I said only the lengthiest kissy face and those natural lashes straight stunner I want you to coil around my neck as you whisper sweet nothings in my ear from your tender yellow beak Wow do you write fanfiction Kelsey giannis said are you a man or a woman I said I am because although I do refer to Thursday I just a he and a boy generally I just really wanted to troll this guy's he said gay I said I am gay are you gay law no so tell me male or female I said my condolences I forgot about this I said I am a Furby I am enlightened beyond gender he said speak English so I can understand you now it seems like you are writing ancient Chinese so I guess that's what happens when you you use more than a few syllables with this guy thank you ever so much for watching this video may you be blessed by long Furby like and subscribe bye my March and send your spines to my P o box thank you ever so much for watching my friends and I'll see you in another video very soon [Music]
Views: 807,763
Rating: 4.9706511 out of 5
Keywords: strange, aeons, STRANGE, ÆONS, tumblr deep dive, long furby, thursday plurbonym boyporridge
Id: SGb_1bc2eKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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