Ok Fine, I'll Watch Classically Abby

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All hail long furby

👍︎︎ 74 👤︎︎ u/Beatful_chaos 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

STRANGE AEONS is a delight

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/OfLiliesAndRemains 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

She's great. (Strange Aeons not Shapiro's weird sister...)

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/-ChestStrongwell- 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

That's so weird that you chose to post this. Out of the blue I wanted to watch Strange Aeons and this was the first video among many.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Minerva_Moon 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

noo dont do it ur too sexy aha

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/space_chief 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

How’s this Breadtube?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/PublicEvent 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello friends and welcome back to another video i am pleased to announce uh that you have finally broken me after months of receiving requests to talk about classically abby pretty much every day i'll do it not sure why it took me this long i guess i just felt like i had seen enough of other people's commentary videos i didn't know if the internet needed like the 200th response to her video about modesty but then i started looking a little bit more into the situation and watching some of her videos and i i have in fact been intrigued i'm just going to explain to you i guess why i find this situation interesting i'm not going to respond to the modesty video i will watch some of her videos though don't you worry i know that's exactly what you want but first i just want to explain a little bit about what is so strange about classically abby it's not her content that's particularly interesting the reason why i've gotten so so many requests to talk about her and why so many people know about her despite the fact that her comment sections would suggest almost no one actually likes her views the reason why she's so in the spotlight lately is because she's advertising so aggressively across youtube everyone with every sort of political belief is being bombarded with her ads constantly so naturally the people who watch my videos and other commentary channels are like oh my god this is hilarious and bombard us with requests to talk about her and then we all make videos about her etc so that's what's going on if you look at her channel now and for the past little while she has great audio and video quality she all of the editing is good i don't know if she does it herself but all of the editing is good the production value is very good her videos look good um she's she has a very strict upload schedule all of her videos are very scripted although they vary in the degree to which she presents them like a human versus some kind of nightmare robot but the interesting thing is if you scroll back a couple of months in like her upload history you'll see that at some point her content completely changed from like this chill tiny vlog channel with no inflammatory titles accompanied by thumbnails of her staring into your soul into whatever the hell is going on now on that channel this sudden rebranding of her channel and the amount of money that seems to be behind it for all of these ads is conspiracy theory worthy in my opinion and uh we'll get there but anyway we will get into reacting to some videos and i will ramble about whatever i feel like rambling about from there but first i need to tell you about this week's sponsor function of beauty function of beauty creates custom shampoos and conditioners suited to your unique hair their products are 100 vegan and cruelty free and contain no parabens or sulfates they're also making efforts to be more sustainable with all of their packaging now being 100 recyclable and their bottles made of recycled plastic it's 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and now it's time to suffer isn't it oh boy oh boy okay so this is a video uploaded in the past couple of weeks called seven tips to grow from a girl into a classic woman become the mature woman you were meant to be now that sounds pretty entertaining to me so let's just jump into it first thing i want to talk about is developing your sense of style now i know i talk about this a lot on my channel and i know it can seem superficial but it is not superficial at all i've always felt like your style has something to do with who you are as a person and that it really kind of reflects who you are and i felt like i couldn't say that because people would think that it was superficial for me to care about what i wore i agree with the idea that caring about the way that you dress is not superficial self-expression through your appearance is very important i also just find it really ironic how you know saying these things it sounds like she would be encouraging you to look within your soul and figure out who you are but we know that ain't it we know there's a correct answer to how you should dress and who you should want to be so the cool thing about developing your personal sense of style is that in order to do that you have to know yourself you have to know what you like you have to know what you want to present to the world and it's much more a reflection of who you are and trying to figure out who you are is the first step in becoming a woman in becoming a classic woman see that all sounds like great advice that i have no beef with until we get to the line figuring out your style is important becoming a classic woman you realize that doesn't make any sense right what would the point be of discovering your own personal style when the point is to convince everyone to dress like a classic woman today i'm dressed like a gay magician because i like dressing like a gay magician and however it is that you like to dress however it is that makes you feel good is exactly how you should dress regardless of how revealing or modest it happens to be regardless of how strange and eccentric it happens to be that's what's missing from the part of this video where it almost sounds like she's about to give you good advice i'm two minutes into this video and this is the second ad there's a lot of a lot of ads in her videos is what another thing that i've noticed because i watched a couple last night just to like figure out what i'm gonna do for this video there are certain pieces of clothing there are certain trends that i do like but i wouldn't wear them because that's not actually who i am as a person for the most part saying stuff like oh i like this but i could never pull it off or it's not me for me all i hear is i wish i was secure enough to wear this or i wish i felt like i was allowed to wear this i know that i really like feminine clothing with a masculine twist i really like button-down dresses for example i really like wearing a pair of jeans with a floyer top where's the twist where is the buttons are you trying to tell me buttons are masculine clothing weight i'm trying to go back in my mind what what did i learn about masculine and feminine clothing from biblical gender roles a few weeks ago biblical gender roles man would probably agree with me that this statement is full of [ __ ] not that his opinion counts for anything i am a 24 year old man but i am glad to know how to grow into a mature and classic woman girls tell other women how to act women don't oh you came for her kneecaps corey is anyone else confused as to why abby considers her style to be feminine with a masculine twist the example she gave she gave are button-down dresses and flowy tops with jeans is that is the masculine twist jeans like literally just pants today i learned that buttons give my outfit a spicy and masculine twist number two is engage with your beliefs and really understand them so that you don't feel pressured when somebody else says a different opinion ah you'll lock yourself in the echo chamber you might feel more defensive when somebody comes to talk to you rather than ready to engage in an open discussion because you do understand your ideas and you can listen to somebody else's ideas with an open mind because if they do change your mind it's because they had good enough arguments to do so not because you're being peer pressured into it because you know what you believe so strongly the like the vibes are so weird it's like what are you saying what are you talking about she's telling you that you should engage with people with different opinions with an open mind and listen to what they're saying but i don't think that she is at all open to changing her beliefs essentially this point is like make sure you're ready to destroy the libtards with facts and logic she is telling you to link your identity to your political beliefs in a way that those things cannot be separated and you will never be open to change that is what she is telling you another comment i saw that really snatched her kneecaps on one of these videos was like who's gonna tell her that being conservative isn't a personality third way to grow from a girl to a woman is to get off social media more than you're on it we are social creatures and we treat instagram like it's a social outlet when it isn't the fact is being on your phone all the time is not something that allows you to mature because you're feeling that constant pressure from all of these other opinions that may not reflect what you actually believe again i was like oh i was agreeing i was agreeing with her for probably like a solid minute like yeah instagram sucks like all i use it for is looking at pictures of fat cats and messaging my friends every once in a while there's a million good reasons why social media is bad for people's mental health especially young people especially young girls but no um the reason why you shouldn't go on social media too much is to further insulate yourself in your bubble and never listen to any other opinions great got it cool love that number four is try to embrace being calm and collected and accept what you can't control part of growing up is recognizing that life isn't always easy but that doesn't mean that it's not lovely what i'm gonna fast forward like a minute because i what she's still talking about being a mature calm woman okay i don't understand the urge to create an advice channel or like advice style content if you've had a great journey to being becoming a mature calm woman like i don't care why put so much effort into trying to preach that to other people why does this channel exist that's the question that intrigues me so much hi hello how you doing this is uh editing tia here how the [ __ ] did i miss this the first time around uh just be calm and collected and like don't worry about things you can't control is absolutely a jab at everyone who's a little uh not calm about injustices in the world right now everyone is fighting to like not get murdered or not have to live on a planet that's on fire maybe you should just like calm down you're being really immature right now don't you want to grow up into a mature classic woman this is some ignorant trash queer people and people of color literally only have basic human rights because our predecessors were uh not calm about being treated like garbage by society our generation has a better thanks to them but we should very much still be angry about things that are wrong with the world abby's saying [ __ ] like this at best comes off like she doesn't care because it doesn't affect her and at worst i i don't even want to ponder the possible implications of this at worst i've heard people call her the new girl to find or like say that she's the same as girl defined classically abby i think is actually more progressive about everyday things like women having careers and shoulders but that arguably makes her more sinister because i do think she's a lot more approachable than girl defined she's more palatable to regular and even non-religious women she just she just mesmerizes you with her penetrating gaze and uncomfortably expressive eyebrows and then she rips off the wig and she's ben shapiro she's his sister likely story this is called um conservative women it's our time social media celebrities influencers and youtubers so much of the time it feels like one world view i'm a conservative influencer being a conservative woman in today's day and age is not easy conservative women are the backbone of american society okay maybe you should uh take a look at american society right now and evaluate whether that's a good thing we prioritize marriage and children support our husbands and support ourselves and we shouldn't have to remain silent about our views like i did for years you've been forgotten and left behind as magazines and movies decided you're outdated let's talk really slowly for them here for a second just because other people have rights now it doesn't mean that you don't you're not obligated to get gay married now jessica nobody cares how you live your life we care once you start trying to preach that to other people and to say that we shouldn't live the way that we do i am perfectly happy to co-exist in this world with trad wives furries attack on titan fans you'll notice the like dislike ratio on this video is just a bloodbath every comment i've seen is negative how much money is this woman spending on ads she won't go away how many damn times do i gotta tell youtube i don't want this at this point i just click these ads to dislike and read the comments calling yourself an influencer is like giving yourself a nickname so she's getting a lot of views on some of her videos that's not all her videos i'd say she probably gets like 10 to 40 000 views on a video regularly but she also posts like four times a week so she's probably making a decent amount of money off that but anyway this is one of her viral sensations and it very much feels like an ad to draw people in and the funny thing is it hasn't worked it's it's not working at all the response is overwhelmingly negative obviously that doesn't matter if she's still making money off of it if that is the main goal i think another one of the reasons why i was apprehensive to even make a video on her was because whatever she was doing was very effective at getting videos made on her and i think in my conspiracy theorists little brain i was like what if that's the point like what if the whole point is just to like be hashtag controversial and create outrage her content is reminiscent of girl defined to me in the way that it's all very centered around oh look at me look at my life look how aesthetic it is and how happy i am don't you want to be more like me she's very insistent on her brand as a conservative influencer and i do think that the word influencer in all of the most soulless and vapid connotations of that word is very fitting for her i think this sort of content like when she does it when girl define does it it functions exactly the same way as influencers showing off brand name expensive things and fake bodies the point is to create this fantasy and then to sell it to young women for your own game she's probably trying to swoop in and steal audiences from those more typical types of influencers and instead use the exact methods on them to transform them into christian wives instead chris sorry she's not christian she's jewish but conservative wives the question though is still why having read the entire girl to find a book i have videos on that if you want to have a terrible experience with me but having read the entire girl to find book i think the main reason that they do what they do is because they have massive egos they're the mean girls from high school who grew up and now they put other women down for showing too much elbow instead of forgetting to wear pink on wednesdays i don't know i don't know if abby fits into that category she strikes me as more of a human person than girl to find just you know what i mean so i don't know if she fits into that category and honestly there's there's such a strategy and so much money behind what's happened to her channel that i'm tempted to go full conspiracy theorist and say maybe this isn't even her agenda at all maybe it is just as simple as money and detention with her and all of the points in her videos seem so shallow because they are it's all just garbage nonsense to you know fill time and outrage some people and whatever there's certainly enough ads in her videos to back that one up i don't know there's so many evil soulless influencers out there but this case is a lot more interesting because there's a political ideology at the center of it we've got a few options she's just very vain and gets off on telling other women that they should live their lives more like her because she's just so great someone else is paying her a lot of money to become a conservative influencer and to do her darndest to sell this kind of ideology to young girls option three it's it's really just ben shapiro and a wig i whatever the hell is going on it gives me faith in the world that it's not working for her that everybody else sees exactly how nonsensical everything she says in her videos is y'all y'all are doing all right your country may be on fire in every figurative and literal way but at least we can roast the people who are setting it on fire on the internet together right everything's great so anyway on that uh cheerful note no on that lovely note thank you so much for watching i patreon i do q a's on patreon on discord on my patreon discord server every single wednesday so you can support me there if you want to participate in those and i'll see you in another video next week or in approximately two weeks depending on how good i am at uploading [Music] you
Views: 1,269,819
Rating: 4.9538956 out of 5
Keywords: strange, aeons, STRANGE, ÆONS, tumblr deep dive
Id: 1TEp3EAxaLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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