We Infiltrated a Furry Convention (and had a great time)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/the1wtheFlippityHair 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
we accepted candy from furries it's delicious you think we're gonna die no I think we've been blessed hi hello good to see it's been a while school is currently kicking my ass that's that's really all there is to it I still love making videos you can still expect lots of spicy content as soon as I'm done in April but I'm trying my best this video is not clickbait I Tia redacted went to a furry convention now this immediately raises the question am i a furry no no I am NOT a furry I just have a certain enthusiasm for questionable internet subcultures and for the first time ever I decided to take it to the real world she's off to our first day of school we're trying to figure out how to register already laughs we've already run into some very nice subscribers who told us what is happening yeah but we're still mostly it was a Friday disgusting Toronto weather a day I would have otherwise spent cry typing a three thousand word essay about Titus Andronicus but no no not today we enter the hotel which contains said furry convention and almost immediately I hear strange Aeons and I'm like yes hello that's me that's the name of my birth certificate we met a few lovely subscribers who kind of helped us get our bearings because we had just just walked into this furry convention completely blind no idea how to sign up where we had to pay if we had to pay what was going on how do I explain myself we're here to tour so you are a tour so tourists because I certainly feel like a tourist even though I live here it's the whole new world I rarely film anything in public I'm surprised that nobody is staring at us because we're filming I know but that's the thing we are the weird ones here I feel like I stand out in the room full of furries that's the lesson we've learned so far today so this morning I was deemed by a subscriber who told me there's a free convention going on in Toronto you should go check it out at the moment we the registration is down so we are waiting to register eager eager streiko Malfoy but am i we found Draco's for something that's like be somewhere to find them really I don't want to be that obnoxious disrespectful youtuber I'm trying my best the convention we went to was called vernal equinox this was the brochure with all of the events and things so it just had a breakdown we always stayed for Friday it was only like $25 just to go for one day which was pretty good that's my little pass that they gave me so yeah it was graduation themed which I don't know why but I guess there are worse themes there are also far better themes but okay I got my undergrad and come out of this being furnished this convention was really small compared to a lot of ones that happen in America but you know that's expected that's just how things tend to be in Canada so what what is the name design as you need your fandom your sliders people focus on what they saw on the Internet but there's so many thousands of fairies that really that you're gonna get weirdos you gotta get normal people you're gonna awesome people and it's gonna be in the same amounts as in everything else yeah like you're gonna get you're gonna get like people like this and like those guys over there and they're just gonna be there three more cool people and most of the time they just do cool [ __ ] and have fun yeah that's that's really what I've noticed here is everybody's living their best life just being completely unapologetically themselves putting it all out there and it's it's so refreshing it's exactly what I love about the Internet it's like that has come to life yes so cool I was like yeah is there another place like maybe an anime convention you can kind of get the feel of the Internet in real life yeah what this is even more because I feel like because like anime conventions I'm not trashing at all like they're cool but it's like here people make their own character and they're they would take a character that's been made by someone else which is not to say that that's that's really cool but here people feel them so yeah their character is them yeah like someone was explaining me explaining to me earlier how every person is unique and every character is yes that's really cool to me I got something I totally didn't know I didn't know the amount of effort and imagination that goes into this yeah yeah it's like some people get like they everybody made their character in this certain way I keep everybody as a story like I have won this thing I wish that you were still wearing the body that goes with it there is a fully played full bodysuit that goes like it's still luck yes and and the person who is in the suit matches with the outfit I can vouch for it yeah do more fairies please your fur is awesome although I will say talking to someone in a fur suit is a very unique strange experience if you haven't had that experience before cuz it's like there's this person right in front of you and you're talking to them normally and they're talking to you normally but you have no idea what their face looks like the pages are this humanoid cartoon animal I heard a lot of people reference like the magic of it or the illusion of it and I think I definitely got a glimpse of that I first suits definitely not my aesthetic personally but I love this idea of having this costume and this alter ego that empowers you in a way like it's it's so cool the way that people talk about it as being so empowering I think is it's cool it's like the child in me that wants it to be Halloween every day is absolutely here for this oh you just did the wind can you show us the Nene nice dog towards this thing he gotta show us in a name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] oh it's a nature documentary say whatever you have to say so is this video a defense of furries yes and no no because I spent one day at a convention I don't consider myself nearly experienced or knowledgeable enough about this community to have an in-depth debate and like truly for this to be a comprehensive defense of them but also yes because I think that the amount of hate furries get online is disproportionate to the amount of actual problematic things that come out of that community there is a not-safe-for-work side to the furry community everyone kind of knows this if anything a lot of people are surprised to know that there's a part of it that isn't fetish related but for me that like we didn't see much of that at the convention honestly the vast majority of what we saw it was completely wholesome it doesn't strike me as any more dangerous of a place than most fandoms what I'm saying is there are problematic people there have been problematic instances in the furry community and go ahead and criticize those things because they should be criticized but don't hate a subculture just because you think it's a he and weird there was a glow emanating from this room so we just got kicked out of the blowing room because we weren't in fur suits I don't know what was going on in there how do you feel that your persona is afraid a Furby Furby apparently just like my son it's 5:40 sounds fun new furs this is advice and anecdotes we can become furries I mean I wanted to buy a tail they sound like do it live your dreams I mean it doesn't go with my outfit but crash course in convention running that could be hmm I'm not interested in running any convention I think it was love at first sight my dream come true my dream girl I don't when the coffee shop is closed you have to resort to looking like a 12 year old boy what have we learned so far today so much dedication girl your song is a Furby yeah mine would be very dapper yours would be a dragon cuz you're so into that drink okay but that's reasonable it's Draco the dragon I feel like I wanna play board games oh I also want to talk to the guy in the suit mmm you know you can just I've seen Pete so many people just casually ask people for pictures because they like their costumes like you can I believe in you I know take the picture there are people of all ages here that is what surprises me the most yeah I didn't expect to see like every demographic there's kids there's people in there like 50s or 60s and where does the brief interruptions that we almost just walked into was the headless lounge okay she was explaining to me oh yeah where's the bathroom how some people take this very very seriously and don't want to break the magic of it and like will refuse to take off their heads unless they're in the designated headless area so that's one thing I learned about first [Music] my soul mates both of them truly dream throuple it's absolutely freezing in here because of all the people in there very sweaty pursuits but we look like two little eggs so close okay well there's the baby fur and aged player meet-and-greet which we talked to some people who were going to that who said it would be pretty spicy and we haven't missed it yet there's still time but I'm not sure I'm emotionally prepared that experience Emily physically spiritually we have left to the furry convention to get food to nourish our body with fries and alcohol we're going to the drag race themed event and then we're going to the dance I am so excited [Music] [Music] going into this environment where it's so normal and meeting so many subscribers who are furries was such a positive experience for me it was honestly I just I love seeing people be so unapologetically themselves and so confident in their strangeness and their niche interest it's just it's every it's like going to a weird part of the Internet in real life is what it felt like and it was everything I love about how unfiltered and real and strange people are online but multiplied by a hundred so I'm here to say I went to a furry convention and I had a great time it was really fun this experience did not make me a furry but it definitely made furries a lot more normal in my eyes and that's the experience that I want to share with you through this video I have a new patreon perk I haven't talked about my patreon in quite a while but I have a new patreon perk which a couple people have noticed that my youtube banner header images have been a little bit special lately that's because I swapped them out every week for a new one made by my $10 patrons you can submit pretty much anything so long as it's respectful and safe for work and I will make in my header image if you pay me $10 a month submissions happen in my patreon discord which I send out invites to once a month if you want to design my header image or just hang out on my discord have a lovely time you can sign up on patreon this concludes the tale of my epic journey to a furry convention I hope you had a wonderful time watching this video and I will see you very soon my friends [Music] [Music]
Views: 898,254
Rating: 4.9500279 out of 5
Keywords: strange, aeons, STRANGE, ÆONS, tumblr, commentary, tumblr deep dive
Id: 4C4TbD6ingU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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