Rating My Fans' Furbies

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hello friends and welcome back to another video yes part two of Hogwarts School of perun miracles is coming part two of that fanfiction is really really quite arrived and I would I would hate for you to miss out on it I would hate to leave that video unfinished however I decided to take a bit of a break from that video considering the fact that it really was starting to feel like that video did not want to be made while editing part one my computer kind of exploded the screen turned into this lovely aesthetic glitch pattern and didn't go back turns out just the screen is broken so we plugged it into an external like desktop monitor so I was able to access everything normally that way and get the video out part two came around I filmed it half of the footage ended up being ruined because I live in the city and I'm completely deaf to construction and general loud city noises which I'm filming right now because it could be worse but honestly finding time to film is really hard these days with the amount of construction going on in my street and yet because I'm completely deaf to it especially when I'm lost in this house of filming like half my footage was ruined and it didn't even notice so I went back to refill in half of it and all the photos turned up Lurie so that video I just needed a second to say you know not today Satan well we'll make a fun video and then we will come back to it today following in the footsteps of one of my favorite youtubers of all time today I will be writing my fans furbies today I will be writing my fans furbies I got abundant Furby submissions I I am so proud that you all you guys have so many furbies the dams are an endless black hole if you guys actually like whatever the hell I'm doing right now maybe I'll do another one and I can get around it to more of your furbies oh god I really will be like the onions make a whole series of rating my fans furbies this is a very long Furby that you have here Alex Greyson I assume that's not you but that's a long Furby here are my fur bees the gray one is thick boy Buble and the white one is Applebee's oh my god they're in love oh wow this person sent me a whole photo shoot oh no I feel like that's an abandoned house or something it's a great place for a Furby photo shoot he has his own Instagram by the way it's cool gay pond sauce his name is pond sauce that was exactly the same energy is boy porridge and I don't know if I should be impressed or offended this is my boy sauerkraut I couldn't not use plaid his ears are wonky like Thursdays see I love Thursday very much I think he is perfect I would not change a single thing about him however the craftsmanship is um not the best he does have really wonky ears Oh God this Furbies so another very long boy this is my daughter papaya she mostly goes by just papaya though okay she is six five her favorite food is bananas and she likes butterfly sunsets road trips and eating knuckles she thinks they're delicious keeps going to sleep but all of his internals have been rewrapped outside body he works he's also a plant nursery jars so he has lost his sticks and leaves he's very goblin course so here the man is here he's so good he's my attempt at making a Furby that could actually grow plants I do this by taking out all of his circuits and storing them on the top and back of the jar he is net he is a fully fully functioning as of now but not done still got to clean up the electronics I'll update pics and then what I saw first when I opened this was the update as promised this is my son soup I made a smashing vendetta's I had some man I got a submission from sexy Furby 69 this is I believe this person has quite a bit of followers in the Furby community yes and they deserve it so much cuz this is this is really something as is this one thank you sexy for every 69 for your service to humanity and going probably farther than anyone else in Fergie modification this looks like it should be photoshopped but I don't think it is this is good this is good this is a really good image thank you you guys are so cool and you make such good things is it wearing a coat or is it thick I can't tell my family hates him and thus wouldn't let me get a spine for him so he has sir Wiggles protector of the galaxy his full name is yeezus defeatist sore Wiggles looking a little floppy yeah but you know what's still great too long for bees Xena Krynn black and aqua and cocoa she works purple and pink I have seen this person's for every before because they're very impressive at least I've seen the pink and purple one working before it is the animatronics are fully working in it and it's very cool they are also incredibly fashionable more people need to wear long fur bees as fashion accessories I've said it before and I'll say it again y'all look fantastic this is my son his name is propaganda promiscuous sausage pipi for short and his sewing sucks but I tried my best he is a sausage because I was too lazy to finish him and then I was like this is Loki look oh my god he was born on February 1st 2020 at 11:24 p.m. well you could do his whole birth chart with that specificity I know I said I'd be rating for rubies and I haven't rated a single one but that's because they're all tens out of ten in my heart this is Hubert stanky leg he's a McDonald's Furby from 1998 and I got him from a thrift store he watches over me at night and I watch over him during the day I had no idea there was McDonald's Furby toys o is so cursed that's a horrifying image where is that that looks like a toy that can't be a toilet oh my gosh this one is beautiful this makes me want to give Thursday ear piercings I've always I felt like I felt like he's needed some for a while Thank You Elodie I'm feeling inspired I realize I probably haven't charted out everyone's names I'm sorry I'm disorganized there's construction of the background to my video my battery is dying I'm stopped I am taking too much time putting safety pins my furry ears and my battery is dying but you know what we are living in apocalyptic times and I can't think of any better way to spend them I had a few safety pin options but I decided on this one kind of looks like an industrial bar I don't know if silver is his color I wish I had a gold one which is weird because I myself hate wearing gold I hate having gold decor in my house I hate gold but I feel like it's his color I'm never gonna wear this again because I hate though but it looks great on him poster boy plants send me this image I love seeing all the plan for bees we had no plans going into making him I would never have picked yellow plaid for him but this the fabric that James had laying around and I saw the vision I feel like when he suggested this fabric so I agreed to it and here we are with our plaid Furby and potentially up to the hundreds of other plaid furbies so that's just fantastic stuff isn't it no idea where the beaded Furby necklace try and started but I have Thursday's is right here it's just sitting here on a hook no idea where that trend started but it's a very goblin core very seen with like the beaded bracelets were really big and like seen emo stuff there is a lot of cultural exchange amongst the tumblr tag cultures that I've made so many videos on and I love it I'm really here for it this is Long John Silver he creaks like an old wooden ship and his spine sticks out of his butt sometimes but he smells and looks like a silverfish so he's pretty cool his brother that he is pictured with isn't long but is also British and I love him too someday he will be stretched not long a 5 he will be stretched also the creaking is really a thing listen to that he didn't always creak he did the spine did not creak when we bought it but after a couple months he got real noisy that's that's probably just a testament to the amount of demons in there huh this is my boy Pope Francis with my cat very suave gentleman how did you get Furby birthday hats I need to know this are those for sale can I still buy them or did you have to get them on eBay and they're from like 1996 my son blueberry peepee boy the third for your Furby video the fur really gives him the impression of having like powerful broad shoulders or a really big fur coat this is night cosmos and cheese chaotic I feel like this Furby is meant to slither out from under your bed at the witching hour this Ruby makes Thursday look like a cute little squishy boy doesn't he that being said I write this for B 10 out of 10 you asked for Ferb picks you got them well I thank you twin brothers to be specific they're both cut from the same fabric and they're me and my best friend's pride and joy that's Q of friendship furbies we usually bring them hanging out with our friends together I'm gonna have a heart attack from the adorableness this is sandwich Tuesday Elon Musk jr. he likes to spend his time terrorizing the cat and hacking my Netflix he is a strong believer in utilitarianism and authoritarianism which makes it hard for me to love him sometimes I love her it's not even a modified Furby it's just straight up one of the new fur bees that they still sell with the electronic eyes just looking straight up out of the box oh this one is from the worms person the person who makes the giant wah I'll get the giant worm in just a moment don't you worry the dark purple one his name is Norman so I assume this person bought along Furby from an online seller so if you want to on four of you but you're in quarantine and can't get the materials or you just don't feel like hand sewing this for [ __ ] twelve hours like we did because the sewing machine was broken you can buy a long curvy and you can buy a very nice fluffy looking along forever like this one are you gonna tell us if they're fat or not like onion yes I will tell you if your Furby is thick as [ __ ] but I will mean it as a compliment oh I forgot the big worm okay I'm getting the worm Thursday keep keep everyone entertained [Music] this is the giant worm the Instagram account this submitted the very fluffy Furby was the person who makes who runs the Etsy shop for the giant worms so I was reminded of my giant worm and I thought I should show him to you tonight n would recommend especially if you're single these are very good for cuddling why is this one in a leg I assume that's a leg it looks like that looks like a mannequin leg but I can't see the foot so I can't be sure why is your Furby and a leg that's quite the long efficacious strategy right why is it cold fridge why does it look like that why he looks like a bird I haven't raided any of these Furbys by numbers you can't rank them I don't prefer any but that's why this is the best one this is my son boomer is that even made from a Furby I think it is cuz the eyes but how did you do that how did you do that to that yo random but here's a firm of mine for rating lol if this is too late well oops I guess his name is simp why would you give him a name like that when he is clearly so powerful this is my Dutch psychopath Furby demon pan and Koken he is 45 loves compete it has an extreme phobia catfish dead or alive that is the face of a man who loves goat meat alright meet big hungry he him birthed today well hey that's that video in a very timely fashion then for you didn't I why does it look like a desert like it looks like something I can eat and I would like to eat it like it has a good texture I'm sorry I'm so sorry who sent this pesky leader I'm so sorry I said I wanted to eat your Furby but you really somehow made it look like a desert that is all of the time I think that I have to review your fur bees today I'm very sorry if you can hear construction throughout the entirety of this video but I am trying very hard not to lose my mind right now just just looking just look into long Fermi's eyes and forget about it are you comforted part 2 to Hogwarts School of prayer and miracles is coming worry not I will try my best to get it out for a week after whenever this video goes up time is not real anymore thanks for watching sorry I suck [Music] [Music]
Views: 273,766
Rating: 4.9897923 out of 5
Keywords: strange, aeons, STRANGE, ÆONS, tumblr deep dive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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