Making a Birthday Cake for Long Furby

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welcome back to the best cooking show on the Internet the occasion today is my son's first birthday not sponsored by Betty Crocker's although I do owe them my life we are going to attempt to make a layer cake kind of similar to the one on the box for these very convenient little pans I got however we're going to do every color of the rainbow so it's going to be quite tall which on-brand I didn't know if I was going to be one or two so I got two just in case because I don't want to leave the house again today just watch me gonna eggs or something heat up in to 350 degrees Fahrenheit school okay where my my hat for this yes well okay it's gonna be a frame but you know what are you right there I'm Bon Appetit I watched a whole series on making weird I'm doing none of what I was advised so I'm not sure mixing the other ingredients was a great idea yeah I realize that but I was eager no tomorrow but are we doing this on his birthday is this video gonna go up on his birthday no none of these Thanks we're trying our best it is kind of wild but it has been an entire year yeah but at the same time it feels like long pervy as eternal like the original long for every the person who created the whole concept like the birthday of that Furby I will put a picture on screen if the original long for me that Furbys birthday was this year as well like a number of months ago I remember being like the [ __ ] like it's only been a year of longer be existing I did have someone send me a tumblr ask I don't even remember if I answered it but people have told me well this particular case was like oh I'm there's this girl I really like and things are going well and we're gonna make a long fur be together and I'm like yeah my heart but what okay while bopping over there long fur bees I love it I absolutely love it he brings people together truly truly long fur bees that magic not just this boy long for me in general true so I am currently what I'm doing I'm going to separate it into symbols so that I can color them all different colors then bake them so we will have our beautiful colored layers that's the plan let's see if I flip because as we have established we're stupid I thought very hard about how what kind of cake should I make my long curvy you know and I asked people Instagram but some of the suggestions were just not the most doable also you're taking up like half of the frame right now oh but I yeah I look because it's it's Halloween right so I looked really hard to see if I find any like little candy even those like gummy teeth was but I couldn't find that it was very tragic because I want to amaze only thing they taught me about Appetit that I'm actually going to do was put a little piece of parchment in the bottom of the pan so it's super easy to take out afterwards I'm going to lick everything that we are using in the construction of this cake why is there die I think I was right to get two cakes yes it's fine just don't touch it anymore it's fine I'm trying very hard to stay organized and not [ __ ] anything up should I add more to the other bowls no just try that help I go and I appreciate you you're being a bit of a chaos demon right now you take a shot so besides the coconut oil chunks I think our cake is coming out pretty good hey the boys are in first three cakes in the oven let's not destroy it okay we're gonna go on it's like hiatus so that we can actually eat food and we are back with the best cooking show on the Internet this cake has layers just like an onion Oh realized so this is just the second episode of the onion cooking show in disguise he's replacing you on this this one is still cooling but I'm very impatient I want to like get to slice in the top good I'm so happy I'm so happy this is my child you're not my son anymore your birthday this is looking like an absolute mess but it's going well and we have a little snacky plate for the top side cut off and now to make this a truly authentic boy porridge cake I feel like I would have to feel it with porridge yeah I saw on Pinterest all these really adorable cakes would like the sender's cut out on Halloween candy inside I feel like I'm actually kind of tempted I'd have better in my hair fun tomorrow a year ago she became long technically his head is like as old as us some unassuming person bought a Furby in 1998 eventually decided to sell it on eBay and we resurrected as God oh hello son except glimpse with myself in the mirror when did I become this person what in my life led me to this point the layers don't fit her sweeter a little bit curved but I think that's fine like I I'm not it's whatever so also this pan is still hot okay I'll just go do it did you put icing at the bottom no you have to stick it down yeah okay all right a little okay nice there was also something about putting a layer of icing to seal the crumbs in we're just gonna have some crummy icing and you know what because it's colorful it looks like follow those freckles and that's okay now this cake is gonna be so tall I'm so excited okay like a cake yeah I'm gonna need so much more icing is it lopsided yet each layer is colored it's hard to tell because of the side cooks but like you kind of sees like like this one's blue you can see it here this one's green it's definitely leaning okay it's iced messily there it is the cake of my dream the cake of my dreams with a slight dent where I just assaulted him 12 seconds later oh [ __ ] oh oh I'm going to cry no okay this happens every time I try to bake okay so at this point I think I need to turn the boy around this way because I've decided the best way to honor him is to make a beautiful portrait of him on the top of this cake because that could not go wrong ever I have never used Mars before I have had one very traumatic experience with fondest that I would not like to relive and upon googling this very quickly in the middle of all Farn it seems like marzipan will both taste better and be easier to work with as Google put it so that I'm okay with so cursed I can do the whites obsessed I say okay oh my god terrify oh my god I hate it I will put your accursed image of choice on a cake extra cursed that is my new business model I'm leaving YouTube I am deleting my channel as you will all probably want me to after inflicting this upon the world oh my god it's so I'm saying it in the loving way it's very ugly there's um just ignore like everything but the top you but you know what it's gonna be beautiful inside it's golf on the outside it's a disgusting goth mess on the outside and it's gonna be beautiful in rainbow and gay on the inside I cannot wait to sing happy birthday to my furry well blow out the candle [Music] I am a chef it's so good he lost him here it's good we're eating a version of him he's just watching it makes up for the really ugly outside the cursed top I can get behind because just yes this I am a little embarrassed of but it was the recipes fantastic you know pretty well I'm very pleased thank you so much for watching and celebrating my long per views on your birthday with me I encourage all of you to celebrate their birthdays to treat them like real children it's a great way to live your life also I didn't know that I probably looked really creepy right now with my mouth and I'm black from all icing yeah goodbye friends and I will see you in another video very soon [Music] you [Music]
Views: 336,013
Rating: 4.9901533 out of 5
Keywords: strange, aeons, STRANGE, ÆONS, tumblr deep dive, long furby, thursday plurbonym boyporridge
Id: -FfOnhK13Jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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