Bill Burr - My Investment Strategy

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[Music] how's your relationship to money changed since you're now making money um i try to try to remain debt free so um there's no 401k for a comedian so i try and i'm not into the stock market i'm not into banks i mean i play the game sort of required to put a certain amount into the 401k and then i just put it on the crap table right um but my philosophies when i was investing was like all right i want to invest in companies that are getting tangible stuff like that whole crap like i never bought into that but if like you were like you've had a gold mine and you were digging for gold or you you know you you some sort of agriculture it just seemed like it was a you could you know whatever it was something real it wasn't in the air or a philosophy but then after a while i just was kind of going all right so i'm investing in this we'll just say the gold you know uh the minor thing right company i'm like at the end of it i don't get any gold so this is stupid so then i was wanted to have something tangible so like to me it was obvious it's like buy a house so i bought a house and then i'm just i've just paid it down like an absolute madman and um you know it's very sparsely furnished um and but like the freedom i have of you know not having credit card debt because i've lived like that and had it hanging over my head and it used to wake me up at night and it was awful and people would call and where's our money and all that and i i hated it and something my brother told me a long time ago he goes you know what we were working at the same place and looking out over this sea of cubicles and he was just breaking it down like all these guys like wood working in the warehouse and then they would get a position i want a position and then they would move out to the carpeted cubicle area and they buy their little you know shirt and tie and my brother be like what's the first thing that they do and i was like you know what he goes they go out and they buy a new car and it's like now you just chained yourself to your desk you can't you can't leave and then he goes and then also the average [ __ ] gets a dollar an hour raise and they immediately start spending two dollars more an hour so they're just constantly chasing it and you're just behind the eight ball i mean you're just completely [ __ ] you know if nobody teaches you those things or tells you those things it's like through student loans and a couple of credit cards and getting yourself some transportation these kids today are so far behind the eight ball like like the amount of money that they they charge for college to go into this job market with no guarantee of any sort of a job it's a [ __ ] ripoff if i if i had a kid i'd be like look this is the way to do it go two years to a junior college you know pay a you know a couple thousand for the year rather than 30 40 50 or whatever and then transfer to the place that you want to have on your diploma and only pay two years you get it for half cost right there yeah and you're you're better off to like i think you're just even better off just going to vocational school you're better off meeting a bunch of smart motivated people your age that share a vision and you guys try to start something yeah you're better off doing that than going two years of a language major in this you know being in intern here um not totally [ __ ] no i'm not trying to depress anybody that's that's on that track but like i have empathy for that but anyway so i did that and i resent it i think it was just a terrible waste of my money it was my brother also told me a great thing because he's always been great with money and he said you know what true wealth is it says going into a mall being able to buy anything and then you don't and you just walk out and like those are the like the lessons that you know stuck with me it's why i drive a prius i mean part of it the reason why i did the prius is because i fly every other weekend i've literally put my own hole in the ozone layer so i had to do something and i saw enough people in these flashy cars you know you got a car that can go 180 miles an hour and you're in bumper to bumper traffic with me so um i would rather you know i have one tv people always give me [ __ ] it's not big enough for my living room because it's the one that i had when i had a one bedroom apartment but it's paid for and it [ __ ] works what am i supposed to do throw it out so like those are those are the things like you know but because i've done that like today i don't have to work i can go play drums and go see a movie yeah and if you're if you're young and you're listening to this i implore you to go down that road because if you could tell from the last hour i am not the brightest guy i am not a well-read guy i went after a passion but you you can have that life like dude having a life like living as debt-free as you can being able to go to the movies whenever you want to is about as free as it gets unless you get to that eyes wide shut level where you're going to the cloak and dagger you know like it's really it's as close to a [ __ ] utopia as you can get to right yeah so then i do all this geeky [ __ ] like learn how to make pasta from scratch learn how to cook learn you know drums i play hockey it's a [ __ ] my life is a [ __ ] joke like i just feel like if there is a higher power they're looking down either laughing or just shaking their head like what a this kid isn't doing anything i think i think the ultimate goal of every adult is how do you get back to being a kid you know which is like you know playing drums and seeing movies dude and don't listen i remember when i when i was first i was just going to get into radio and i remember i went to the meat store went to the butcher with my mom and uh she mentioned you know he's like he's like so what is your son doing you know doing that whole thing and i was just he was mentioning that you know i was majoring in communication i wanted to get a radio and the guy was like you know i don't know i mean we turned around he's like everybody wants to be the star like walking away and i'm just looking at this guy with this bloody apron talking to me like he had the keys to true happiness now he might he might have i mean that was owned by their brothers and they worked side by side they saw each other and they cut up pork chops all day sure maybe they that was there maybe that was their dream but like i don't think that he found his dream in life because he was shedding on mine and i don't think a truly happy person does that or he could have been truly happy and was so drunk with his happiness he couldn't figure out why i didn't want to jump over the counter i think he was just putting on a bloody apron and cut up veal with him yeah i think he's probably just jealous in other words like if that works out for you and if it doesn't work out like i took it i took it as a towny bar comment yeah hey don't forget where you came from [Laughter] no matter what you accomplished you know better than me you're right here like that those and those for more young people listening or you know any person listening like those are the people you need to cut out of your life yeah like the beginning of a cancer yeah you catch it in time you got to catch it in time or those [ __ ] people i swear to god if they're in your ear they could literally like i have i have a philosophy that the the next jimi hendrix you know hasn't come because maybe he's surrounded by the wrong people and is driving a forklift at home depot it's probably true yeah you know yeah yeah don't be it's stupid it's a dumb dream keep keep your mind oh
Channel: Bill Burr University
Views: 62,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bill Burr, bill burr, Bill Burr University, bill burr comedy, financial advice, comedy, gold, bitcoin, crypto, tangible asset, investment strategy, investment philosophy, infotainment, bill burr advice, podcast clips, mmpc, monday morning podcast, wealth, netflix money
Id: 6CqY6DJJv6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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