Bill Burr - How I Overcame Depression

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oh you gotta train your if you're gonna get I think just in general if you're gonna succeed you have to if you're if your brain is not where it needs to be you're not going to get off the ground because you're constantly going to just be like no people will be like no no sorry can't do it and you have to be able to not let that just be like this albatross around your neck and just take it into this [ __ ] depression I mean you know what year did that change for you though because you were there for a long time you were you were angry right uh oh yeah yeah I was but I was I always had this weird sort of overall positive outlook which is why when big [ __ ] happens I don't flip I flip out of a little stuff like when they made these [ __ ] the tops of these water bottles smaller yeah the Caps I didn't understand why and I couldn't became frustrated what the [ __ ] are they doing these cheap [ __ ] then I found out it was like this environmental thing then I'm like these but you still got the whole other bottle the whole thing's [ __ ] like that [ __ ] gets me going for whatever and drives my wife nuts but like I I was somewhere in like my 30s when uh you know when just the Fallout of my anger just had reached this thing and I was just kind of like going like all right I'm hitting 35 most people live to be about 70. I'm kind of halfway through this on a good run am I Really Gonna Be The Angry guy I'm gonna be angry the whole you know and a lot of that you know and I started coming out here more and East Coast people how are you gonna lose your Edge You're Gonna Lose Your Edge it's like dude I got plenty of that I got plenty of that I need I need to stick the toes in the sand here so um yeah it just became that and then I I fortunately was not a clinically depressed person I just was susceptible to negative thought because there was a lot of that around me when I was growing up so I was able to get myself out of it so now I just sort of have like I just I can kind of catch it when it's happening right I just go like okay all right you want to just think that for the rest of the [ __ ] day or you want to go to the gym yeah go down and try something new cook something like something that's going to get me in a good mood as opposed to but I definitely had those years of of laying on the futon not writing jokes from [ __ ] a month and just being like Oh what am I doing this sucks why'd that person get a break and I didn't I went through that [ __ ] but I mean fortunately that that was something that was only like it was a short period I remember you told me something but people still think I'm angry because they watch my ACT but I remember you told me something you said look man you're gonna probably make it and get somewhere and uh you're gonna have a [ __ ] uh you're really going to want to tell all those people that said no to you to [ __ ] off Hazel don't do that just go with it you know you said no at that time hopefully you won't care yeah but there's the thing of this business is hard enough as it is you don't need to be walking around we go let me tell you something [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] back in 1990 because they don't even remember yeah you close the door on me and for all you know they had some crisis going on in their home life yeah that caused them to be short or or how about you weren't good enough yeah good point you were starting out so it's like you know I always tell guys that like because there was a guy that [ __ ] me out of money early on in my career and then he made some comment about my act and it really you know and I was brand new so I was like you know just totally wide open I had no you know deflector Shield so I went right to the soul and I just remember I I used to I used to lay in bed at night thinking about it I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that and he's gonna walk up to say hello and I'm gonna be like listen [ __ ] Okay [ __ ] always it was like the f word f word f word and I remembered I ended up getting something and I got a small acting part or whatever and I was at the Laugh Factory yeah and I ended up running to the guy I hadn't seen him in years and the guy walked by he goes hey man I heard about that he's like congratulations congratulations and I wasn't even thinking and I was I said oh hey thanks a lot blah blah then he walked out I remember after you walked out looking like oh that was the moment okay that was the moment and I was Seth and I was like you know what I didn't give a [ __ ] I don't care guy has no effect on my [ __ ] life he had an effect on my life you know he made one comment and I allowed that to to snowball so we're like even now when people do [ __ ] to me that like really uh like pisses me off or whatever like I I try to manage it down to like ah bill you know who gives a [ __ ] yeah who gives a [ __ ] yeah yeah you're selling tickets you're getting away with murder yeah you're a working comedian I mean it's I'm stealing money so I there's only so upset I can get about [ __ ] like that oh
Channel: Bill Burr University
Views: 156,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bill Burr, Bill Burr University, MMPC, TAMMPC, Podcast Clips, Bill Burr Advice, Monday Morning Podcast, Getting Over Depression, Funny, Advice, How I Overcame Depression, Journey
Id: ODs_s2irMqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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