"Coordination?" Deep State Conspiracy (Debate) Chris Williamson & Joe Rogan JRE

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I learned from Schultz this interesting thing that I I called Schultz's Razer which is it's not coordination it's cowardice from the outside things look like a coordinated attack from the inside it looks like people not trying to lose their jobs MH so I think a lot of the presumption is that there is some grand plan some Grand maybe it's a conspiracy or maybe it's just coordination what it is from the inside is this guy has just bought a new house that his wife wanted and his kids go to private school and he needs to keep this job man and the thing that is currently being pushed at the moment is okay we need to we need to go along with this new campaign sure let's just do this thing that to me is a much more I hope that it's true the reason I hope it's true is it's a much more reassuring way for the world to be a lot of these incidents because what it shows is that people are just responding to incentives and if you can change the incentives if you can change the social structure of this stuff you can quite easily change Behavior if it's coordination as opposed to cowardice that's much more difficult if everyone's actually bought into this and they're part of some deep state conspiracy and it's all scopy and all of this stuff that that you go oh this is completely out of my control now and that that's much more scary but I think on balance based on the stuff that I see I think that Andrew is right I think that it is more likely to be cowardice than coordination yeah I think there's definitely both elements I think spe specifically with some issues there's uh there's coordination online and one of the ways they do that is through Bots they do that through social media campaigns that are like fake accounts or hired accounts there's that too that that does shift the narrative in a certain direction but there's a lot of people that are terrified that they're going to get fired and there's a lot of people that are terrified they're going to get labeled or ostracized or kicked out of the social community so much so they're willing to go along with really ridiculous stuff cuz because they think like that's where the tide of progress is now this is where the world is and you know you're you're seeing both things happen you're seeing cowardice and you're also seeing coordination just it's not it's kind of naive to think that if you were a world power that is doing everything you can to sort of like balance things in your favor including launching spy satellites establishing a space force ramping up your nuclear capabilities developing these weapons that [ __ ] shred people PR you're going whatever you the way a society views things and to to influence things in a particular direction he'd be a fool not to I mean if that's what other countries are doing you'd be a fool not to do that you'd be a fool not to do it internationally you'd be a fool not to do it locally it's kind of the job of the person that's the evil [ __ ] that's you know running the world like that's part of the gig part of the gig is if you want to lie to people about the economy you want to gaslighting about the record of the president and gaslighting about the IM immigration crisis and gas liigh them about how much money we're spending on these overseas Wars you had Gaslight them online too you wouldn't just have the [ __ ] White House Press Secretary lie and make [ __ ] up you would have a bunch of people doing it all over the Internet you'd have a bunch of Articles written that are just ridiculous and then people would retweet him yeah his age really is his superpower yeah man Seth MC Mar retweeted that and said this is a million Brave crazy so so brilliant that they did this I can't I can't what did he say Seth MC stunning and brave he wasn't stunning and brave no no he didn't say it like that he's a funny guy but he said something like this is a put written better than I could have written it but exactly my sentiments I was like this is so crazy you're talking about a guy who can't speak we all know you're doing this you're gaslighting and you're doing it because you think that this is the good side and the bad side is bad and you you do whatever you can to change the way people view things and so you have these people that are doing it for virtue signaling they're doing it to signal to the tribe that there are a strong dominant member of this tribe and even they're fighting for you yeah there's something that I've been rattling around in my brain for some time and Bill MCB bidden finally articulated here better than I ever could it's worth a read from start to finish opin opinion age matters which is why Biden's age is his superpower come on that actually sounds like a Family Guy sketch 100% well definitely a South Park sketch it's crazy to say but if you that guy and you know you're signaling to the tribe and you wanted everybody like a rational person who is a left Progressive person would say we have to figure this out this is bad this is bad you can't just pretend it's good the whole other side sees how bad it is the world sees how bad people in quiet say how bad it is most people in hushand were alone having dinner you're like what the [ __ ] do we do like Trump's going to win with this guy yep I don't think no matter who wins in November I don't think that either side is going to accept the outcome no way not anymore I think that that I think we saw one two elections ago the final accepted and even that wasn't right that was no there's Russia collusion and all the rest of it and then how much are we're going to see of organized violence how much are we going to see of organized protesters organized protesters are a real thing funded protest are a real thing did that stuff turn out to be real about the piles of bricks the piles of bricks yes yes during the George Floyd riots yeah during the George Floyd riots there was and some of them they attributed to different things some of them they said it's just it was a construction site that was nearby it was just coincidence and some of that I'm sure is true but the people that I talked to that said that no stacks of bricks would just show up on their block like what the net result of all of this I think is people just feeling very uncertain about the future I don't think that anyone's really convinced of any one narrative at the moment but everybody is just uncertain and anxious there's some really interesting surveys showing that the number of Americans that say I uh do not fully feel in control of my life just continues to go up there's very much a externalized uh sense of agency you know it's I I don't happen to the world the world happens to me I'm skeptical about a lot of these things it's basically a for ambient anxiety you're just causing people to be uncertain about stuff and I don't know I if you were trying to make people just feel more and more and more shitty all that they're doing is spending time inside on their phones they're watching porn they don't have as many friends the number of men in 1990 that had uh one or more close friends was that sorry that had zero close friends was 3% in 2020 it was 15% so it 5X from 1990 to 2020 so people are more isolated than ever before it doesn't surprise me that people feel despondent or nihilistic or fatalistic or uncertain or it's not good and then they're being manipulated correct on top of that so you're already vulnerable You're already scared and when you have more of an isolation from Community you're more likely to get sucked into subgroups you're more likely to get sucked into Echo Chambers because like finally you have some people that are connecting with you you don't have any connection it's like part of this little social dance you're doing
Channel: Joe Rogan World
Views: 193,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan World, Chris Williamson JRE, Deep State Conspiracy Joe Rogan Chris WIlliamson, Deep State Joe Rogan JRE, Conspiracy Joe Rogan JRE
Id: ACbuVqBibPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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