I found a REAL dinosaur while prospecting! *No Lie!*

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[Music] well hello everyone dan here with daniel prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today i'm here walking up one of the rivers on vancouver island hoping to find some gold and i came across something really freaky stick around and check out what it is and wish me luck and i hope you enjoy [Music] so the freakiness i came across skippy the fossil freak dan heard holy moly i can't believe the shadow look who's there look who's there ah he's too interested in food everyone i'd like you to meet skippy the fossil freak i'm a bit of a fossil licker a comox valley legend i guess almost uh i love to go out and lick fossils and today i can't believe it it's my birthday and dan hurd is here on the river is that ever freaking cool or what so my wife grew up in the comox valley and she knew skippy from a long time ago in a way be she knew the legend of skippy she said he's always been a comox valley character and oh is he a character well i've done so many different things i'm i was known as the bird man i used to do labor day parties the satan santa in comox valley a couple years ago when the record made a misprint and invited everyone to get pictures taken with satan instead of santa i was the satan santa i went viral hey you do what you got to do but i'm a fossil hunter i've been doing that for years youtube videos skipping the fossil freak there we go i don't think i need my gold pan anymore let's get a hammer and find some fossils i think shadow's getting it might be the tool of choice today the sledgehammer now i am not a fossil guy at all i don't even know the right terminology last time i was out looking for fossils i called them troglodytes not trilobites everyone had a good laugh at that anyhow i don't know what we're gonna find today i really hope to find one of those ammonites those full coil ammonites that's one thing i do know skippy here has all sorts of other things he's looking for and he knows what they are he is definitely the expert he just gave me a crab not from this river from a different spot but here's a fossil of a crab [Music] awesome so skippy is taking me upstream to one of his secret locations where he says the fossils are better but it's case of walking up the river now i've got wet feet some of the pools of water go right from one side to the other so sometimes there's no dry land to walk on so the main trick for finding fossils here in the rivers of vancouver island is to come and find the rivers that have cut down through this uh shale the uh sort of it used to be an old seabed down here and we're looking for the concretions that's not the j is that what you call them concretions they come in all different shapes and sizes concretions and not all of them have treasures but a few of them do and uh up around these areas some of them you'll see lots of shell fragments and stuff sticking out once you see those sticking out of a concretion you know you got a winner or you could have a winner so we're not looking for the rock that's all jagged like this what we're looking for is a round ball sticking out of this jagged rock oh like that look at that exactly i did not plan that but there's one of the little concretions a little round ball that's a pretty small one but they could have crabs or you never know what could be inside it's a luck of the break luck of the break we're looking for the big ones we want a big ammonite yeah once you get the concretions out you have to beat them with a hammer because they're very very solid it's weird the shale is like unbelievably brittle and loose but the concretions are unbelievably solid so you gotta pound on them now this is just part of a shell probably an idle service these clams got big they got like big clams like this and uh you so that's that's what that is that's just that part of a clam concretion not much but at least we lets us know they're here we just gotta find them we gotta find them so yeah as i was saying once you get the concretions you beat on them with a sledge hammer and hopefully they split along a weak spot in it usually the weak spot is the fossil hey have a concretion in this concretion oh there's something in it ha ha i got something i don't know what it is skippy skippy yeah that's part of a i think a bi valve sticking out you can barely see it but usually though when you lick it it brings the colors and everything out more this time it kind of hit it yeah you definitely got a little tiny bivalve inside of there but i'm hoping we're going to find some big stuff for you you want to find an ammonite don't you oh yeah okay let's come on shadow smell them go find it go go find us an ammonite and a little bit of the wildlife and no i'm not talking about skippy this time go go there we go little snake awesome okay here's my first big concretion to hit see what i can find nothing more or nothing a whole lot of nothing let's find another now these great big shell banks here are constantly eroding from the water and you know from drying out wet water freezing all that kind of stuff constantly eroding and dropping material down into the bottom so sometimes we can find the concretions just down here on the bottom sometimes we see them sticking out of the shale sometimes they're way up out of sight and we have to wait for mother nature to bring them down for us oh skippy found something up high the big stick my friends do have a ladder hidden but i'm not sure where their ladder is there's a bunch up there eh i see like five of them over here one he's got another one coming they're stubborn here comes a little guy skippy knows what he's doing all right here comes the big one here we go i'll break these and see what's in them well there we go there's five of them for me to start breaking make that six oh yeah that had something that's a something that i need skippy to tell me what it is we'll wait until he's done trying to knock down his good one what do you got dan i'm not sure it's something there's something in that rock okay i think a lot of those are the like we we call them like a glass clam and that's uh the stuff we find in with the polly so we're on the right trail and there will be other stuff in mixed in with them okay let's break it again yeah lots of them around oh there's something yeah lick it nope licking it made it go away it's a long skinny thing of some sort now we'll let that dry out okay and the big one nothing ow someone shot me nothing [Music] there's something that one had something in it well while i was breaking those last few skippy's here been collecting lots of them he's got a pile of them for me to break and he's just going mad at this bank side he is freaky is freaky a good thing or a scary thing a bit of both but you got a moderation [Music] [Music] so uh basically nothing there was all sorts of fossils in those rocks but nothing really too exciting other than this one which is calling it a poly i'm not sure what poly means i don't think we're talking about you know pioneer poly but this little guy here is a poly we don't want them broken like that we hope to get it sideways through the whole thing so we get the whole thing out either straight line or i think he said they curve over like a candy cane too so we're getting something still looking for that perfect specimen though well skippy found a good one this is a paulie a polywhat a polychytosaurus so not a pioneer polly a different type of polly they were like a swimming squib a swimming squid they swam through the water they never crawled the original candy canes yes okay skippy's bringing the poker stick because i see one up there i wanna try i'm gonna poke it down i'm gonna crack it and i'm gonna find an ammonite okay freaky friends dan's gonna he's got oh he's got a a big cut creation he doesn't want to go small he wants big and we we're gonna see how agile and quick he is at jumping out of the way he gotta look after himself because he did just have a surgery so i'm concerned about him come on shadow you get out of the way you're gonna get hit with a rock here we come come on straddle away from the camera okay that's a big one that's a big one that's good there might be something in there well i got it that rock came from way up there and i managed to jump out of the way before it hit me there's another one up there that i might go after hmm let's first see what's in this one and uh let's hope there's a concretion there's something inside there for him i'm hoping to paulie shadow thinks he found a rock too whoa it cracked that easy that's good that's what you want you want cracks and then you just tap as you go oh oh oh wait hey what did i find wow what is it no way holy moly freaky friends now i'm getting excited i have no idea what i just found you know what he just found does anyone know i'll tell you what he found skippy's excited i am excited he's excited vertebrae and we know where it came from that could be like an elasmosaur or a vertebrae that's guaranteed a vertebrae yeah skippity dude a dinosaur yes i found a dinosaur swimming dinosaur i found a dinosaur a swimming reptile i found a dinosaur that is someone freaking cool that is you can see all the pores and everything through that so we're definitely going to save all that up and we know where it is now so just hoping there's more came from right there that would be incredible i tell you he goes skip i need your pole over here see he can sniff him out you think he can just sniff gold out no this is incredible dan pulled about himself out a vertebrae this is incredible my heart's going i hope his heart is going too but not too much not too much no you got to take it easy take it easy wow that apparently is a vertebrae of a dinosaur a swimming dinosaur either elasmosaur or a mosasaur i wish my buddy ricky was here because he would be able to tell us right away what it was but i'll have to send pictures to him and he'll tell me probably later today so rock on bricky friends this is incredible now we gotta look to see if there's any more creations near there because that is just incredible i found something i poked down a nodule and it came down and broke i'm not sure it broke up in the hill or broke on impact or whatever but i didn't even have to hammer it and i got a spirally thingy coming out of it i'm sure skippy will tell us what it actually is rather than just a spirally thingy whoa very cool foster cause there's a big smile now that's a big freaky smile bostrocostas bosticosterous ostrich or something but they're ahead of more swimming ammonite you long bottom i don't know if i like you long bottoms but that's one big freaky smile if you ask me what a good point i tell you that is awesome really pulling out really cool stuff so i have a whole pile of these to break open and see if i can find more freaky fossils and skippy's over there playing with his stick [Music] get some really neat clam shells in some of these i think skippy was calling these glass clams probably because they come off so glassy like that unfortunately nothing in that pile other than a glass clam off to find more let's go see what skippy's got i just spent a lot of effort getting one good concretion of the mountain unfortunately it was almost a vertical hill and as i was knocking it out it was raining rocks i got hit in the head and the mouth and the nose and the ankle ah finally when the concretion came i ran for it because i get hit with that thing now let's break it and see what's inside see if it was worth it okay here we go oh ah it broke easy and there was nothing inside still nothing inside still nothing it can't all be vertebrae [Laughter] more clamshells we need an ammonite ebony here eminent so we got to the top of the fossil beds the material the bedrock from here on up is not quite the right stuff for fossils so we've got the top of the fossil beds we're not going to go any farther upriver there are some people enjoying the sun oh naturel up there so we'll let them be let them have their peace and quiet and we're gonna turn around and see if we can find some fossils on the way back down river so i got a little nodule just out of the bottom of the rock here and when i hit it a little corner came off and there's possibly something inside skippy's thinking that might be what's known as a ghost shrimp now obviously we've only got sort of the one little curl of something the rest is inside the rock so let's see if i can carefully crack this rock open yeah if you do it gentle yeah gentle gentle gentle hands oh oh no what do we have not much inside not much we have the back end of a ghost trip we've got the butt so here was the original sort of back end of the go shrimp and when i broke it open i didn't think i had anything but after i licked it skippy taught me that one after i licked it i see that this is a claw of the gross shrimp the claws are big compared to the rest of the animal claw of the ghost shrimp body of go shrimp there's a ghost shrimp fossil kelly nasus kelly the ghost shrimp says he's got one one what we're not sure i think that's a paulie oh we'll see if the bottom elbows we've got pieces for the pieces oh you don't have pieces you got the whole thing look at that it's like a horseshoe yeah not a candy cane a horseshoe right on kiss it for good luck mwah give it a lick for good luck too [Laughter] you haven't found a nice pulley so this one's yours oh thank you man that is yours bud it looks like rebar yeah it doesn't there we go a poly a polymorph a poly uh polyticosaurus metamorph ammonite heteromorph oh my goodness the names there's the socket that came out of there's the fossil fossilized rebar there we go [Music] got a little tiny ammonite that's about a centimeter across at least i'm coming out with an ammonite and there's part of an ammonite not the full one i think this is actually the imprint that's left behind isn't it ah no no that's the the actual ammonite there okay a hericerous gardeni a hericerous guardini they're real thin thin ammonites so well everyone what an amazing day on the river i had so much fun oh thank you skippy thank you man thank you for showing me the ropes you caught on real quick i tell you you were like the old pro there you're well the vertebrae the ammonite the head the head of more of ammonite you found yeah awesome buddy had some nice finds i had a whole lot of fun i made a new friend yes a freaky friend that's very freaking a very freaky friend hope you all enjoyed watching the video and if you did please hit that like if you haven't subscribed already i hope i've earned your subscription and a big thanks for everyone for watching especially my patrons because of the support of my patrons i get to make these videos for everyone to watch hope you all have an amazing day we are ah rock on freaky friends and until the next one bye you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 206,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fossil hunting, fossil freak, fossil, fosil, dinosaur fossil, dinosaur bone, vancouver island, trent river, fossil collecting, dinosaur, skippy, prospecting, video
Id: H6x43oK1tjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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