Found the Bluest Gemstone EVER!

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[Music] she found it she found it are you happy i oh yeah wow well hello everyone dad here with dan here prospecting here and dina we're here back here at the ocean picture stone uh we had so much success the other time when paulie was here using the feather and wedges i've come back to get some of the best specimens now that i know how to extract them i'm to get some of the best stuff that we've found that we've been leaving until we had a good way to get it out and dana is going to go explore the dana pit her own pit down below and see if she can find the fragments of extreme blue she was finding wish us luck and i hope you enjoy [Music] so if you didn't see my last video i was actually extracting some rocks from around here using feather and wedges those are things where you drill hole put a special plug kind of in the hole hammer down and it splits off the rocks if you haven't seen that last video go back and check it out but the feather and wedges was able to split off perfect specimens easily so i've got a great spot right there i want to take a chunk off i got a good one right there i've got something nice over there we've got specimens all around that should be amazing i will probably wait for this guy to bring a gas powered diamond saw up to take this whole thing off as one piece but the stuff around it i should be able to get today in an easy good manner what'd you find blue i think i found the sea okay so i cleared off the dirt and then oh there's my other glove i found um i pried off a rock and then i can see where the seams going so i want you to check out so i haven't even got my first specimen out yet i'm just working on the first one and dana came running up hollering that she found it she found it so let's go see what she found i don't know if i found it i found something you found something this is the dana pit so for the last few trips down here we have found these remnants and boulders and stuff that have the most amazing blue in it so dana's been out looking for the blue see look at this rock look at that yep yep that's that's the amazing blue so then i was i've just been shoveling away and clearing and then this rock just popped off look at it wow so i can see the seam now yes so i got to go really low and dig yes yes yes yes well it looks like you have to remove all the overburden all the overburden and then we gonna get the big pry bar down here see if any of the stuff's loose if not we'll take the feather and wedges and we'll start breaking off lobbing off chunks it's unfortunate it's going down at such an angle hey yeah because we're gonna lose it into the ground real quick okay dana's got the good finds i better go get some too are you happy i am it's pretty good we're like not even half hour in that means you have the full day of harvesting yeah yes the dana blue i'm not leaving this spot this works nice in the shovel no no no oops bad damn look at that piece yeah you don't want it you got to be careful with this stuff you gotta check out every rock before you toss it over the edge i think i'm being kicked out of here but i want to go get my own good job dean thanks so dana kicked me out because i was being too aggressive trying to get her blue seam like go away let me do it uh so i am come back to get my own specimens she may out do me today i better get at it there we go beautiful i have to knock off all the hosts there's lots of hosts there but that is beautiful i forgot my little spritzer bottle today i can't spritz these down to show you what they really look like oh yeah oh yeah there's a nice one it's a nice specimen and all but it's got a lot of host on it so my goal here will be to take off the lower section first couple feather wedges knock off a few chunks here and then see if i can take off the upper section [Music] so i've managed to crack it all the way down but it's cracked way down deep into the bedrock so i put another one in on the angle see if i can crack it up and out this is being stubborn wow there it is oh it came off as one sort of oh yeah that host is all gray meaning it was very solid beautiful blue and a lot of chips for the chip bags and the next piece should be just as nice if i get it off as easy so the top corner of this didn't come off uh when i was working the first time so i put another wedge down here to see if i could lift the top off here and when i start hammering it in the top piece started coming and i don't see a flaw anywhere oh maybe right there yes there's the flaw so i'm getting a little chunk off right here as well in my shadow beautiful specimen that's an amazing one so alex just came up with the first stone of mums of dana's here's the blue compare it to my deep blue dana's deep blue mine no comparison that stuff's amazing so unfortunately i've run out of battery on my hammer drill there so i just got the charging in the truck there right now i better go check on dana and see how she's doing hello how you doing good i need some help with this crowbar because i can't get any traction on it so dana's got a big chunk of the dana blue exposed just needs to pry it off or you know feather and wedge it out and we'll have a lot there whoa look at that oh now you can really see where that seems going whoa that wig chunk will come off look at it look at it [Music] the blue is outstanding that is an amazing piece that's pretty i think it looks like the galaxy the galaxy you know when they show pictures of like nebulas oh yeah yeah don't you think that that like it almost goes purple nebulous that is a beautiful chunk that's gonna be a specimen right there so the last one i had a problem that when i split it the split went down into the bedrock but it it could had nowhere to move the stone it was just split in but wedged so this one i put in at a high angle two of them at a high angle so i can hopefully lift this one up up and out rather than just try to push it sideways and i don't know what i'm gonna get here it's possible i'll get all the way down to the main flaw it might be that i just break it up into smaller pieces which is okay i'm okay with that but uh hard to see because there's so much dust this is beautiful there it is and the reveal oh yeah i really wish i had my spritzer bottle that is amazing red host gray host blue islands clouds in the skies you can make huge cabochons that have perfect everything not as good as dana's color but the figure in that is outstanding so this other feather and wedge didn't seem to do anything it is stuck in there so i'm gonna have to you know do more around here to lift this to get this out if anything and where this broke up where the other one broke off it ended up leaving a really nice piece left behind so you know driving a feather and wedge right in there should lift that up as well and we'll get another outstanding figure of a piece so i decided to put another feather and wedge in here to help lift this when i was trying to figure out where to put it i heard a great big pop underneath like something gave way so i'm gonna try a few more hits and see if anything did actually give way okay one more feathering wedge i don't mind if this thing comes off in two pieces one would be nice but i just want to come off there it is as is that's a two thousand dollar rock probably couldn't sell it for two thousand i'll probably have to cut it in half and do like two one hundred one thousand dollar rocks well i got my specimens now dana says she needs a bit of help extracting hers so we're just packing up what we got here taking it to the truck and we're gonna go down to dana's pit and check out the dana seam [Music] [Applause] [Music] dana called me down to help uh move some stuff what's going on here dane well i started with the crowbar but it feels like the whole mountain's moving so i'm a little worried about continuing it's cause you're a beast yeah right this is like the bluest gemstone ever the bluest whoa that is insane that color okay what are we doing here removing the mountain is what we're doing yep we got her i got him was it blue on this one i believe so is there blue okay so rolling that out it shows the nice dana blue seam there and she says up underneath there it is there we should be able to trace it down and we got a natural crack here too hey yeah and that whole rock could have it on the bottom yep there we go that broke right on the seam [Music] whoa we might not sell that one that one might be our little display piece of dana's seam dana's blue wow well unfortunately dana's seam ran out she went uphill it turned white she went downhill it disappeared just down to thin nothingness out was nothing back was nothing it was only an area maybe what three four square feet of a seam that was you know about that thick so dana's blue is going to be a very limited edition i think what we'll do is we'll put it up on the website for sale for a hundred dollars a pound usually 75 a pound for premium but this blue is something else and when it's gone it's gone very limited edition dana blue the bluest gemstone here we found on the claim well done dina it's not often i out prospect you i have some snide comment to make i just don't know what it is i forgot to bring my little squirter bottle today to show this stone when it's wet so i'm going to take all of this home all of those specimens dana's blue everything and uh finish off the video at home where i can show you the amazing colors because when you get the rock wet the colors really come out and they really show you what it would look like when it was polished if it was polished properly it'll be a few hours for us to get home but it'll be a couple seconds for you see you there [Music] i brought these home to show you guys the specimens after they've been wetted down because wet they really show you what it's going to look like when it's polished and the colors that you're going to get out of it so the colors are so much nicer when they're wet versus dry and some of these are just amazing color this one doesn't really show the color right now it's a bit oxidized on the surface but that that's an unbelievable rock that one look at the layering in this wow and then there's the beast that beast is unbelievable host on the bottom grey host beautiful blue with waves out in the ocean clouds in the sky mountains poking up through in the distance islands in the water that is unbelievable that piece and then there's dana's seam wow this is amazing the dana blue this is the bluest of blue gemstones we have not found anything nearly this blue on this claim unfortunately it was a very limited seam this seam ran out this is all we have of it about 50 pounds of dana's blue and this stuff is outstanding we have a bit of work to do before we sell this because you know some of these rocks have a lot of hosts that we have to cut most the host off when we go to sell it we're going to make sure we're selling just the right amount of host attached to the blue and this will be a limited edition special on the website for sale until it is gone we're gonna sell it for a hundred dollars per pound we don't have any more of this the most amazing ocean picture stone we have seen wow and as a comparison before we found dana's blue this was the best of the best of the best now this is the best of the best of the best wow sure hope you all enjoy watching my adventures in treasure hunting whether it be stones gems gold anything at all big big thanks to all of my viewers out there especially my patrons i couldn't make these videos for all of you to watch if it weren't for my patrons on patreon if you are a patron thank you so much if you'd like to learn more about how to support free online education and entertainment in the mining field check out hope you're all having an amazing day what an amazing blue until the next video everyone bye
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 119,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ocean picture stone, gem stone, gems, gemstone, BC, british columbia, BCoceanpicturestone, oceanpicturestone, gem hunting, rock hound, gem collcting, rock collecting, BC rocks, BC gems, Lapidary, lapidary rough, cabochon, video, crystal, healing, stone
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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