Fluid Bed Concentrator to recover great gold! (Giveaway)

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hello everyone damn her to attend her prospecting here and yes we are doing a review of a new piece of gold equipment we've got Joseph from Green Mountain gold trap sent me one of his fluid bed spaces or classifiers as he thought he wants me to see what it's like try it out and then give it away to one of my viewers so today we're gonna do a review of a green mountain with gold trap fluid bed sluice Thank You Joseph this should be fun [Music] okay if we're gonna open this up with a knife here yeah be careful no cutting yourself late now if any of you guys are from BC where I'm from you'll probably be saying right now again you can't use one of those then and they're totally right in DC we cannot use anything in the screen we're not allowed to use any River sluices any high bankers that flow back into the river anything like that so today in order to use this fluid bed sluice which is meant to go industry we are going to make ourselves our own stream we're going to build a trough tips right here flowing from our tailings pond run water through the trough make it up staked river basically and make something to simulate how this would work in a river because I don't want to break any BC rules by putting this in the creek you want that don't you of course okay I'm gonna have to bring the camera nice and close to do this unboxing okay let's see what's in the box here now that I've opened up we have great packing all around Wacka packing we'll go and burn that and fire something we have a note from Joseph a green Green Mountain gold traps here Oh a note to customs if they look inside they want to attack it the way it was nice okay this is the fluid bed itself it is removable in this model some of you may be familiar with some of the other fluid bed sluices the bazooka gold trap the Grizzly there's a few of them out here this is made by Green Mountain gold traps it's clear acrylic so you can sort of see what's going on it's actually not acrylic it's probably lexan and neat thing about this one is the fluid bed the capture area is actually separate from the sluice removable lights popping them so it's removable so when you are in the river you can just pop this out clean it out quickly put it back in without actually removing your sluice from the river and here's Joseph scarred I'll put a snapshot of that in for you Joseph's card from Green Mountain gold trap and the beautiful fluid bed sluice or classifier you call it a flue baked classifier because it classifies the material as it's running slides on the end here and there's a little pin that holds it in place while you're running beautifully made beautifully made now before we can show you any more though we have to make ourselves a river because this is meant to go in a river let's do that next verbal rap oh yeah Evan will be occupied for the next ten minutes there we go we have a simple trough put an end on it and maybe even a little top here that we can just serve blast the water into and let it flow down like a river Hey look at that we have an inmate just laying there perfect is the perfect piece so we're getting the trough and everything all set up here of course dad's here helped me again today I should talk a little bit about the reviews I do of equipment I do have lots of people sending me stuff to review it on my youtube channel but as I tell everyone I will not review anything that I'm not happy with so if someone sends me something that is a piece of garbage or doesn't work very well I just don't do the reviews I know I'm gonna be happy with this I know how this works I know I've used this kind of thing before so I know this is gonna be good but if you see me doing a review you know I'm not lying about something because just just to say it's good because if something's not good I won't do a review and I also tell everyone that sends me something that I am gonna be a hundred percent honest so if I see something I don't like I will mention it but overall it has to be a good review otherwise I just won't do it anyhow we have to figure how to get water into this now before I go and make everything all dirty and muddy look at this beautiful construction on this thing amazing here's the pin that holds it in place you just pop the pin out it slides out just beautiful construction but anyhow it's gonna get muddy here any second now hopefully a little bit Goldy - well these Edward here we go with just one pump running and it looks to be like it's going to be enough water for this we may have to level it everything but it's looking pretty good we might need more mine you take the kinks out of the hose start with that we're almost there we just want a little bit more water going over top to help the gravel that goes on top get by now let's see if I can explain this with all this noise of the hop going I'm really close at the moment the way a fluid X list works is those two chambers there's the top there's the top where the material flows over and then there's the bottom chamber it's down underneath here two different chambers water going through the underneath chamber is going through two pipes that are underneath here going into the fluid bed itself and forcing water downwards Blewett izing or making the sand that's in that chamber really loose so that gold will fall through it now the sands getting into that chamber by falling through the grate here the griz-lee here the classifier and going into the bottom section underneath here so right here it falls through the small stuff fall through it goes down in and then goes into that fluid back chamber water being pumped through that blue bed chamber keeps are really loose so the gold will sink to the bottom bigger rocks just flow off the top and then this all the sand is going into the bottom fluid back chamber all the white stuff flows up and comes out right there big rocks are coming off the top little light stuff is coming off right there and the good stuff is good that's the theory behind it okay let's see how the green mountains all crap that's better about yeah a little bit hard ah better now this material I'm throwing in doesn't necessarily have much gold in it but I do have some sand straits and I know has good gold in it so I'm gonna bring some of that over and run some of that and make sure it's catching the fine fine gold that's in that sand there's nothing how's your gold in it let's hope it's captain it will see in a second now the people agreeing on gold trap they make couple different sizes of this so they have bigger one because this is just a little sampling switch but they have a big one that you can just shovel pull feet into play shovel too quickly into this one just a little bit small so stuff does get washed completely before it goes over scraps now I think we're gonna show you how easily this cleans out so the first thing we have to do is block off the water flow just to the board and if you're in the river you just put a board race in front here we just pull this in you know take the fluid bed out and the amounts of material no there it is there is the amount of material that's left behind to pass ripped off puffed out in 10 make sure we're catching a little bit of gold and then we're going to run a bunch more through here and to wash this out is as easy as that then you slide it back in and it's good to go for the next run [Music] either back in don't forget the pin is in place and we're ready to go for the next run now I only put one double holster here that could have had gold in it and sure enough it did two or three little specks but that was just one shovelful that may have had gold so we'll put through a few shuffles in the next one and make sure there's a bit more gold to show off so for this run here we're gonna use a bunch of sand that comes from a claim that we know has golden it's mostly very very fine gold with the are odd larger piece now when we were just testing to start with we're ramming it through pretty quick for this little sluice so we're gonna go a little slower today they're slower this two different yeah I've got the whole trowel which will be a bit easier yeah I think you can go even greater than that test you know you get close over well well there we go that's about the right speed I'm watching it go over the classifier there and the materials gone through before it gets the top end of it it may be a bit quick that one with the big version of this you can just take full big shovel folds and dump in and yes we're doing straights and right now so the classifier isn't actually doing anything for us but that's just because this materials that I've dropped from the claim I classified it at the claim so that was carrying the home too much gravel rocks and whatnot but it'll bake her for a good test of the fluid bed to see how well the fluid bed catches goal I really wish we could use River Seleucid here in BC it would be so much fun and look so peaceful and relaxing using River sleeps like this on a real River not on my fake River now well dad's meeting with the trowel and they grab some more gravel just to show you guys again how it's worth here's another scoop of gravel just so you can see how it works with a gravel going through oh you put a scoop of that on here there we go now we have gravel with gold in it you guys call it quits their dad and see if will keep a bit of that material just in case we you know why do a second run or whatever we've run enough that it should show some gold now should show Lots let's block it off again okay and I'll take that put that out okay so again there's that material not very much of it just that much there those are the tannins you look in it okay and for cleaning it out quick is that and let's see what's in the pan oh look at that one million little guys one night one and a whole bunch of little guys let me get the camera off the holder so that hold that for a second okay so one more really nice now as I pick her there for you and then bunch of little stuff up there lots of it oh yeah look at it all definitely a good job of catching the gold and that's how much material comes out of the fluid bed when you're done very easy to clean up so Joseph I'm very impressed with your a green mountain gold trap I can see how having the bigger one would be a bit more convenient for sure be nice to just have filled a shovel full speed into one of these but this little guy did its job really well you found some pretty tiny gold I also found that one big flake absolutely love the construction you've done a great job of this oh so well built so well built now that it's out of the water maybe I'll show you guys that fluid bed a little bit more carefully so the upper water comes down here and that's where the material flows that falls through the classifier into the chamber below goes down through the air into the chamber below we also have water coming in the bottom here into those two pipes way down there those two pipes get pressurized with water and have holes in the bottom so they shoot water out the bottom into the fluid bed chamber pull this apart again so there's the fluid bed chamber the water comes down through there out some holes that are drilled in the bottom it bubbles up through the sand and as the water comes up through the sand it opens it up so gold can fall down into the very bottom and all the gold is kept nice and safe right in the bottom of the fluid bed chamber the sand is flowing in the bottom chamber here right over top of the fluid bed sir falls down into it and then put up out and any gold falls down stays in the bottom later sand just flows over the top and gets washed out with that water that's coming in really cool design as I said you know there were the old bazooka gold traps there were the the Grizzly I think both those companies are out of business right now but the Green Mountain Gold trap is definitely in business they have a patent pending this this classifier sluice fluid bed and he does fabulous work here really well-constructed there's a little pin right here that holds it in place while it's running so that this fluid bed doesn't slide out on you everything's aluminum stainless steel screws or plastic so there's nothing in here that could rust very well constructed Joseph you've done a great job now as I said at the beginning of the video Joseph said he wanted me to do a little bit of a review here just like I did today now because we can't use these in BC this is no good to me I can't use this so what Joseph said is give it away to a viewer so I'm gonna do another one of my giveaways here if I get when I get 2,000 likes to this video yes mm I'm going big or in one month's time whichever comes first I am going to give this away to one of my viewers you have to leave a comment to this video and the like to this video and when I get 2,000 or a month's time I will choose one of those comments at random to send this gold mountain gold note this green mountain gold trap fluid bed sluice - and of course my patrons always get added to my drawers an extra time there's my review of the Green Mountain gold trap I hope you enjoy very special thank you to my patrons out there you guys will get added to this draw automatically again please comment like subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and until the next one everyone bye-bye you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 96,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Green Mountain Gold Trap, Bazooka, Gold trap sluice, fluid bed, gold panning, sluice box, fluid bed sluice, fluid bed concentrator, grizzly fluid bed sluice, Grizzly, classifier, river sluice, fluid bed river sluice, gold trap, sluicing, gold prospecting, fine gold, gold fluid bed, gold sluice, sluice box setup, sluicing for gold, review, giveaway, sluice box design, Paysteak, Bazooka gold trap, Grizzly gold trap
Id: xoPFbfFeWGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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