FIRST THE RAKE... NOW BIGFOOT!! | Finding Bigfoot #1

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I wonder how long before bob n wade join him in this?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Milospesh 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2017 🗫︎ replies
Hello everybody my name is Markiplier, and welcome to 'Finding Bigfoot'. Do you remember this game, uh, that I played a while ago with various different people, called 'The Rake'? Well, I've heard that this game is kinda like that in that you are in the woods and you're trying to find evidence of that elusive beast known as Bigfoot. And he's somewhere in this forest And I'm willing to bet he's not to happy about being found "It all started in the spring of 2016." "In the Jasper newspapers was the announcement of the loss of a group of tourists in the national park." "In the police report, it was just an accident," "because the band went to raft on the river." "But you're sure that they definitely implicated one of the most elusive creatures," "known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch" "You and your team of researchers decide to get to the truth." Oh hell yeah. Oh god yeah, I do. Oh. Who is me? Who's me? Oh, am I "muscles-glasses" over here? Am I- Am I Wade with a beanie? Or am I- am I female Markiplier here? I'm gonna be- I'm gonna be female Markiplier here. I'm willing to bet that's gonna be good for me. Ooh, I wanna believe. Oh so desperately, please, I wanna believe! Let me believe! Alright, go- Oh my god, it is. Oh my god, it is! Ohhhh shit, yeah. And also, what makes it even better, is this game has multiplayer. So I'm gonna be playing this on my own right now, but this game has co-op. And if its as awesome as the other co-op is- Is this made by the same person or something because this is just amazing. I love this! *laughs* Give me that ammunition! I'm gonna need all of it. Where's my gun? Do I have a gun? I don't have a gun. Do I have anything? I have dick-diddly, apparently. Alright, you know what, I'mma go for it. Hellooooooo! Bigfoooooooot! You here, buddyboo? Oh, there's my- Oh, that's not a gun, that's a rope. "Take tracking bullet" Oh-ho. Ho-Ho. I'm gonna track him alright. ;) Ho, I'm gonna track him. ;);) Ooh, flare gun. Alright, I'm gonna take all this shit because I don't know if I- Uh- I don't know what the word "rationing" means Do I need to- do I need to save this for a rainy day or something? Oooh. Wuh ho. Huh ho. WUH HO. HUEHHO YEAH. Hwah, thats the good stuff! Huh. Military grade, oh yeah! *intense licking* BLEUGH Whoaaaaaa! Whoa! *Giggles* Well, that's loud as shit! I'm sorry, I'll take this more seriously, I apologise. Finding Bigfoot: a very serious adventure out here by myself. That I did all by my lonesome. Oh, I'mma cage him in here! Oh I'm gonna - I'm gonna cage him, a- [bird noises] I'm gonna cage him, am I? Hwah? Is that what it is, huh? Alrighty then. Alrighty then, I see, I see. Hwah. Don't you worry I've got this all - Bigfoot? BigFoot? BigFoot? I saw BigFoot. I saw him. He was glorious. She, maybe, I don't know, I don't wanna gender him... or her. Anybody? Anybody, please... Has anybody seen Bigfooht? Ooh God dammit again, just like that other game! I keep thinking my footsteps are Bigfoot footsteps. "Talbot Lake, Howse River, Glacier Lake." I'mma go to the the river. Wheeeeeeeee. Alright Bigfoot, I saw you in the distance. Oh, don't think you can get away from me! *sniffs* My sniffer is the strongest sniffer ever to go. I can smell those feet from miles away. I keep thinking... I keep thinking... That's Bigfeuut. I probably should've grabbed a weapon or something but Eh, who needs it? I don't. Oooh, that is lovely. Oh, that's beautiful! Maybe I'll see a naked Sasqueuuch on the river side. Bathing beautifully, fur glistening in the wind... and sun... Doesn't really glisten in the wind. Anyway whatever, you know what I mean. It's- It's beautiful, just pure nature. Pure beautiful nature! Unleashed! Woah, that's- that looks dangerous... I'll go on that! Yeah I'll go on that. What do I do with my camera? How do I use it? I dunno. Goddang it, no sign of the Saysqueuuuch. What've we got here? "Johnston Cnanyon... Johnston CnAYon." [literally unplayable] Yeah, alright, okay, I'll- I'll buy it. I'm going to Johnston Cnayon! Hope it's like a canyon but it's bigger! DEUHUH it's a GORGE. It's got a big crevasse. Alright then, I'm in a canyon, apparently. This is literally, exactly like The Rake. They were not wrong about tha- Ooh, what's that? Hello? Hi! *gasp* Are you...? Oh, dead baudy? Are you alright? (Mark, I'm dead...) Are you okay? (Do I look okay?) Just blink twice if you're gonna be alright. (I'm eating my shoulder.) I see you're doing yoga. (I call this pose "Death".) I really applaud your betterment of yourself. (Thanks.) Have you seen a Sasqueuuch? (I see my shoulder...) Bigfeuut? Anybodeh? (Nom shoulder nom) Alright fine then, you- you not-helpful piece of poop! (Rude) I'mma go on my own And I'mma find me a Bigfoot, And I'mma get all the credit! He thought he could share by keepin' it to himself- Or he couldn't, I don't know words, but you understand what I mean, without words Because all we need are emotions. Maybe there's no Bigfoot todaeuu. But I've gone so far out! How am I ever gonna be able to find my way back? I'm never gonna be able to find Bigfeuuuh! Bigfehoouht! BIGFWEHUUEHUT! Please Sasquieooh- [distant Bigfoot howl] [tree cracking] Sasquooch?! AHHHHHHHHH! That almost got me! Help! Helllp! Don't worry, I'm not afraid. I know your large feet quake the ground as you walk by- It's not your fault! It's a thing of beauty, and I love you for it. Even though we've never met, I love you. I always have, and I always will. *sniffs* I know there's a Bigfoot around here somewhere. I can smell him. Her. It. Us. We. I just realized something. Maybe I'm dumb, because I remember in 'The Rake', When you were playing the singleplayer, It started out as day, and then you had to sleep, And then you- and then it was night when you'd really hunt the Sasqueuuch. My adventure has turned me... out for nothing. I found my way back to camp, but Alas, I feel like it was all for naught. I've seen no Sasqueuuch. After that first hint, the glimpse, the shining rump That was on the Susquotch... And then, never again. Just a roar and a tree falling, And no more. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. Oh. Welp, they're all lost but, I'm not! Ooh, Sasqueuuch. I know he can be my frien- Well, that paints a picture as him being dead. Okay, that's- that's fine then, that's sad. I can't remember what I was saying. Oh, I didn't even see the traps! Goddamnit! Oh, I should've taken all the cameras. Alright! You know what, I can do that! Sasquaaaaaatch! "Main tasks: Find and catch Bigfoot" "Put Bigfoot in cage" "Find lost tourists, if possible." Well, I found one of them, they were dead, though. So, you know- Ohhh, thats what that was! Oh, I checked him off because I found him! "Edward Wilson", alright then, alright, okay. Alright, so I'm gonna go place some camerohhhhs. I saw Bigfoot first, just over here... I'm gonna place it right- Lubadooshk! Oooh. That's a nice camera. How 'bout over... Mmmmmmmmmhere. That's pretty good, pretty good. I'm gonna place a trap right in front of that. Haboosk! Hmm... The sun is going down. Methinks it's almost Bigfoot'n hour. Oh yeah. Okay, I placed my cameras. The sun's almost gone completely down. And I can't see where my base went! Hm. These are good signs. Bigfoot? Sasqueuuuhch? Could you help me find my... base? I know you're a helpful, lovable soul. So maybe you could um....*smacks lips* show me home? That'd be awfully nice of you. Ohhhh! There it is, I was going the wrong way. Easy to do I guess, in these woods. When the Bigfoot's abound. Ohh, there's my gun! Oh, jeezums! Oh, goody goody gumdrops. Okay, I can shoot the shit out of this douchebag now. Hopefully my cameras are up and running. Oh, they are! That is lovely! I love the way that is. Any sign of... Bigfoot? Bigfoot? Is it raining? When did it start raining? Oh, nice, okay. I guess that is kinda nice. It's almost night. I should have a pretty good perimeter surrounding camera view. So let's see how this does me. Any Sasquatches? Hapooshki! Anybody? No? Alright then, maybe later! Nyuh! Oooh! It's got full mobility, that's awesome. Ooh, nice. Nothing I see yet. Whats in the fridge? Ooh- Oh, I have meat! Ohhh, I should've baited my traps! Oh okay, well I got a few more traps, I can probably bait them. Put one right here. Smack dab right here. Then X... Oh, dammit! Oh whoops, just drop meat right there. Oh, alright, why not. If there's any Bigfoot's out there, I'll just be takin a nap in my little old van here! Don't worry about me, I'm uh... I'm doing fiiiine! Yaaaawn. If there's a Bigfoot out there, they're staying pretty quiet- [thunder] Ooh, rain. It's nighttime now. I can't sit in here all day long. I gotta be brave. I gotta go out there. I gotta find me a Bigfoot. [Bigfoot howl] Nope, you know what? Nevermind, I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna be brave, I think being brave is overrated. I'm gonna shoot from the window that's what I'm gonna do. It's probably the best strategy in this whole senario. Mmmmmyup, that was a- that was a good uh- good old- good old-fashioned, uh, fuck you to me. Alright, I'm just gonna look around. I see nothing. Hm. Okay, maybe I should be braver, then. I'm a big, brave boy. I've gotten the best training from YEARS of playing horror games, And talking to myself in my own room. I can deal with the solitude. I can deal with the scares. I can't deal with those feet... Come on out. Don't be shy. Once you get through my... tough interior you'll find that I'm a delightful teddy bear beneath. And I can only assume the same about you! Come on out and give me a big old hug. What are you afraid of? Your emotions? Hapoof! Feel the passion burning... I'm gonna go to Talbot Lake. That's one I haven't been to. [Bigfoot growl] HEY! [Hug incoming!] WHOA WHOA OKAY! OH OH OH! THAT'S- YOU'RE BIG! OH, YOU'RE BIGGER THAN I THOUGHT YOU'D BE! Woah! Okay! Alright then! Well hey, how about you? Oh boy! Didn't see that guy come from long way down, He almost got me, yes he did. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna put a trap down right here. Put this right there. Alright, now that's been trapped. Track him with some super tracker bullets. [repeated cocking] Okay, I'm just cocking my gun to make sure it's cocked properly. I mean, if there's any silver lining to this We just confirmed that Bigfoot is in fact real! And he is... really big! Not just in the foot area. In fact, I think maybe the feet are proportional to the rest of the body. And he's just big. And you can't fault someone for that. I mean, who wouldn't be angry with a nickname like that And it being misappropriated. Ooh, is that a bit of his blood? Oh it is. That's where I shot him up good. Maybe I can take this and sell it. Maybe I can clone him. That'd be nice. Well I don't like this one bit. I don't like this at all. I can't help but shake the feeling that when we made eye contact there, There was a little spark of something. That maybe... Sasqueuuch would... I dunno... Gimme a chance? Please? Sasqueuuch... I love you. [thunder rumbles] That's an ominously timed lightning strike for that- Ooh. Well you're not what I was looking for... But maybe I can shoot you just the same. HABAM! Wait, whoops. Sorry about this, BAM! Wait, no. BAM Did I get ya? No, stop, stop, dammit! Goddamn it, where'd you go? God damn it, you're faster! Alright, well, I guess I can wander out into the middle of the lake. That's a fun thing to do. No Sasquatch is gonna be able to get me here. Ooh, hello. What's that? I just pressed a button and got that. "They have a good sense of smell and that allows them to feel injured person or animal on a great distance." "For most efficiency, it's better to put traps on big distance from each other." "For hunting bear- for a Bigfoot, better suit large a trap for a bear," "Other types of trap cannot hold." I found a new lake. This seems more marsh-like. Good. Seems like as good a place as any for a final showdown? Lovely environment, by the way. Could use some illumination though- Whoa, what is that? Oh, fireflies! Oh! And the rain has stopped! Almost. Hapoof! Alrighty then. Well, Bigfoot, did you see that? Huh? This is just- This is real creepy now. Because now- In the daylight, you know, I can be as confident as I want, and just start shouting for Bigfoot, but now I'm actually creeping- In the middle of the night, in the darkness, in a marsh... And, uh, nah, yes, it's not too... Not the most comfortable thing I've ever done. [Bigfoot growl] HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY HEY! NOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOO! Are you actually there or are you just... kinda fakey-there? I don't like what I'm hearing. I don't like it! Because maybe you're an asshole and maybe I'm gonna shoot you, but- Just remember... *whispers* We're friends. I think... I think daylight is coming. Which might be my saving grace. Not that he can't kill me in the day, but y'know... It'll be a lot harder for him. Oh fuck, I keep thinking! Stop that! Why do my footsteps sound like they're ten feet behind me? Sorry. There you are. My beautiful home. Beautiful. Well, that's lovely, that is. Ah, that's a good view! Okay. Alright then. Well, I'm back at my base now. And uh... I, uh... Yeah, that night didn't go as well as I had hoped it would. I'm gonna clamber up to the top of my... Oh, they took that away, because what, that was cheating, was it? Mmm, was it really? I don't know... If I'm ever gonna be able to catch Bigfoot, but the least I can do is try to give him a chance to redeem himself. I can't seem to find him. Maybe he'll come out if I use my patented Bigfoot Call (TM). (imitating Wade) HEY GUYS, LORDMINION777 HERE! LORD MINION 77! SEE YA GUYS! No. God dammit! Huh! Whoa, I see you! What are you doing? What are you doing? Hey! Hey! Where are you going? Where are you going, buddy-boo? I saw you! Where you going? Haboom! Ha ha! Did I get you? Son of a tit! Come back here! You think you can run from me? I see you over there. Oh, I see you, alright. Hope I got some tracking bullets in ya. Oooh, you're speedy, mwuh, I'm Bigfoot. Where you going? I got a bead on you! Oh, did my Bigfoot call work on you, big boy? MmmmmmHEY GUYS! What are you running from? Your responsibilities? Huh? Me too. *quietly* I do Let's Plays. Hey man, you're quick. Geez, you're quick. Reload, dammit! God dammit! Why didn't I reload? Oh, I'm gonna get him. *sniffs* I smell Bigfoot blood. Oh, I'm gonna put those feet on a trophy! MMMMMM, you're gonna be the world's biggest, stinkiest trophy, and I love it. Dammit, Bigfoot! DON'T RUN FROM ME! You sack of shit. I can't believe he got away again. I'm gonna find that Bigfoot. And when I do... Oh, when I do... I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna make him pay for what he's done. Ow, jesus! Oh, come on! Fine. Bigfoot, don't come out now, because now would be a bad time for you to come get me, I am very dabbliged. I'm bleeding profusely out of my legs. I don't remember where base was. Ah. He's gonna find me before I get back. Ahhh, no. Ahhh, no. Bigfoot, please! Come on! Let's talk about this! Let's be friends! You could be a friend, right? I've been asking for that this whole time- Oh god, I don't remember where my goddamn base was. Mmmmmm, I don't think I'm going the right way. Is that it? Oh, that's it, isn't it? Is that it? That's mine, right? Okay, yeah, that's mine. Okay I suppose it's a standoff, Bigfoot. I don't think any of us are gonna win this round. Oh, how I want to. Oh, how I wanna be your friend and also own you as a trophy. I think though, today is just not that day. I think I've ran this out of time for now. I didn't plan accordingly, because I think I bugged the game out with, uh, snapping the branch off before having any traps, because I couldn't seem to trap it well enough with meat to get him to come by. So, what I'm gonna do next time, if I play this again, and I think I'm gonna play this again, is I'm gonna be better about the traps. I'm gonna be a little bit smoother about what I'm doing. In the end... I think the Bigfoot is gonna see... me for who I really am. [trap snaps] [ded] HEY!! What the fucking fuck?? "This task too difficult for you," What does that mean?? What are you talking about? WHAT?! WHAT??!! Did I hit my own trap? [yes] I hit my own trap, didn't I? Dammit. Okay, so, I made a few mistakes. Number one: Thinking that Bigfoot could be my friend. Number two: Giving up on Bigfoot being my friend. Number three: Literally everything else I did in the game, was probably a mistake. But, I think I can actually do this. It's- It's a bit more polished than The Rake was, and it- you can't NOT see the silim- similarities, so I'm thinking this was by the same people, or the same person, that did the last one. Um, I wish I could say that the group expedition was... Oh, maybe it is. *gasp* It is! OH, IT IS ONLINE, YES! Okay, so, the group expedition is online, so maybe, just maybe, I can find my way to Bigfoot with my friends. But for now, we'll leave it at that. So thank you everybody so much for watching, hope you enjoyed this, let me know what you think down in the comments below, and if you found Bigfoot, more power to you, you're better than I am. Thanks again. And as always, I will see you, in the next video! Bye-bye!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,080,997
Rating: 4.9422445 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, finding, bigfoot, game, rake, creepypasta, forest, woods, monster, sasquatch, scary, funny, reactions, screaming, creepy, finding bigfoot
Id: jvjwC6anINg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2017
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