BIG Medina Crane Job

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Kinda coincidental, I ran across their tree felling tutorial video earlier this week, and those 45 minutes just flew by!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/yelper 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

MAN IN TREE professional recruitment video

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SovietJugernaut 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

these are also the guys you sometimes call after the tree doctor does triage

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wastingvaluelesstime 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] this episode of guilty of treason is sponsored by simply safe now if you have watched literally any news in the last few months then you've probably put a little bit of thought into your home security i personally use simply safe here at my house simply safe is a really easy to use really reliable home security system it's really easy you just order the stuff online it's going to ship right to your house it's going to take you no time at all to set it up and once you have it set up simply safe will monitor your house 24 hours a day seven days a week it'll even call the police for you if you set it up to do so you're gonna get a bunch of stuff you're gonna get some motion sensors so it's got these really cool sensors right here these work on windows and doors when those things get far apart from each other it sets off this thing just to let you know that you've got a door or a window open this little thing here is a flood detector so it lets you know if any water is going to be here i just put that underneath my washing machine in case this room floods it's got a camera that monitors my living room so i've got this doorbell you can see from this camera who's ringing your doorbell right from your phone you can control all the stuff from your phone you can watch your cameras and all that really easy to do it's got this system right here so when i'm leaving i can just push lock and then when i come home if i don't have my keys i can just come to this fob i can punch in my code so do us both a favor go to treason to learn more you're going to get 24-hour protection it's only going to cost you something like 50 cents a day a lot of other security companies they make you sign all these long contracts and stuff simply say if it goes month by month or no long contracts you can cancel any time that you like so you got nothing to lose it's treason and now let's get our climb on all right everybody here we are working in medina today there's caleb backing up brian taking out this cedar right here it's got four tops taking out this cedar right here and then we're gonna take out this big fur it's about 100 feet tall not super tall and we're going to use the crane because look at the drop zone pretty bad for the wood pretty good sized tree there's some pretty some pretty large branches on that guy that one looks like it's dying but first we got to get the crane in here this is a some really it's a really tight area the last video we did somebody said i was going to subscribe to this channel until i heard your guys's conversation i like it better when you work with jed he's a better influence on you when they were talking about me yeah yeah i can't remember what we were joking about but yeah somebody's told me that judd's a better influence on me than you are probably mention all sorts of things like i think we said penis going home there are houses down there so we gotta leave this area open so they can get out pretty tight driveway gonna try that out i do [Music] yeah it's tight so we'll probably need to dig that up so we're just gonna go half span just stick this one halfway out because we're not working over this corner just working over that corner in that corner so we can save a little bit of room that way so we'll try to do a big footprint here you see we got to be careful of these seams right here and lots of little cracks in the driveway so we want a big footprint so that we can try to avoid cracking this anymore this is already cracked all right let's see how that looks this is our other heavy piece of equipment he just likes ripping stuff out of the ground sorry so this one is not actually an outrigger like the others this is a stabilizer that thing just kind of holds the crane in place so you can get wood down on these front ones these outriggers do most of the work the stabilizer really just helps get it level a lot of cranes don't even have these you can put any kind of jack or anything on there just to kind of hold it in place that's all that's for a lot of people give me a hard time on instagram like i gotta really build this pad up but that one is not bearing the load like these ones are you see we've got a few big sheets of plywood there to try to get surface area on both surfaces here so that we can alleviate some of the stress on the seam there's no choice but to park on the ideally you don't want to park on the seams but there's no choice here because it's such a tight setup all of our setups are like this it seems like are we level yeah oh nice hello level so then i'll do that fur we'll do that last caleb here is gonna climb this cedar scott's going to climb that cedar if you can call it climbing and it should be a really fun job check this guy out huh look at that dude oh look at it i got like did a hydro dip or something yeah so this guy from instagram john's custom sauce built this for me and then calm champ he's on there he does lo he did my logo he made this sticker for me this isn't a gorty one no that's not gory that's john he's from uh wisconsin i think he killed trees for america yeah it's uh it's a 261. so it's really light cable down a little bit brian good another little uh chainsaw tip sometimes when you go to put these on you might be having a hard time getting these these newer caps to get on there and what happens is say you miss it and you keep turning and then you get that well you do that like 10 times and this string gets really coiled up so sometimes if you're having a hard time closing this turn this thing back like 10 times because they get twisted up over time and then it'll close really easy [Applause] that saw is pretty sick man i think you know that's gonna get dirty right no i'm not looking forward to that you're going to be cleaning that one every day for at least a month and then just like dab don't rub all right people up man let's do this wow what a view huh look at this it's amazing what do you see oh i see him out right near huh you never seen that i've never seen that trick before why climb a tree yeah see it took all the work out of it yeah and i see lake washington oh that's nuts i love it holy yeah that makes it a lot easier i've never seen that before really guys how did you guys climb it you know uh as for as for poor people they climb it you do have to climb some freezing no we do yeah we most of the time we have to climb up but when we can get the crane closed that's amazing it goes twice as fast that way yeah yeah we're just gonna take off one side it's gonna be we're well within our weight limit and just see how it rolls how you liking your new shop scott i just got into it and i love it so i just we got all the stuff we had in the house in there right now so it's kind of a i need to go through everything and just got myself a new air compressor yeah it's starting to come together i need to get some tools i need to make some screens for the house okay brian put some weight on that all right brian here we go [Music] probably a little bit too much pressure on that one but it worked out well cable down brian [Music] yep cable up some more yes please thank you all right good all right put some weight in that cable up beautiful one this is uh this is the third top [Music] [Music] bye all right [Music] uh just suck them in and then spit them out that's that was kind of okay all right boom up all right so now we're at a pretty reasonable height so now he's just gonna he's just gonna buzz all the branches off and then we'll just follow the stick later we don't need to it won't save us any time picking that with the crane it'll be faster this way [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] yeah generally you want to start on this side because uh anything that you cut on this side he has to fight the tree so typically start from the side of whittle this way you know what i mean start with these leaders so that when he grabs it he just booms right he doesn't have to like boom up and around you know so i do this one and then the middle and then the far one out that way okay okay hey why don't you leave your saw down here because you're going to cut these down here and i'll just hand you your saw that's a good point so when you guys set up your ball don't you typically set it up opposing all the branch weights with this one i'd put it right at the the top of the tree and then i'd do a shelf cut on the side and it would just swing it'll just swing to the right so here's caleb you can follow him on instagram climbing caleb he's gonna go up this guy and we'll just follow that at the end what a lot of cool content he's thirsty caleb really likes climbing gear he's got all this stuff [Applause] yep i'm ready who who's this guy cool oh this is a cool view all right yeah so yep cable down [Music] all right you're good hold hold all right hold on okay all right can we cable up just a hair that's good all right go ahead and cable up all the way in yeah you always want to do lower weight so if you think it weighs 2 grand you put 1500 on it so it's designed to flex in this direction it's not designed at all to ever stretch in this direction and so if you release it too much it can shatter you'd have to do a lot of pressure i don't know how much but yeah that's what happens either way it's really bad for the boom to shock a little bit cranes aren't designed to lift dynamic stuff they're just designed for static loads that's why they're so dangerous [Music] [Music] nice job [Music] hey [Music] my so that's perfect nice job thank you [Music] so [Music] [Music] all yeah hmm nice job caleb [Music] [Music] [Music] yes scott's gonna go dump this truck this thing's stuffed [Music] so i run the petzl sequoia and i really like it it's really lightweight i'm a big fan you should have a cape [Laughter] what a cape yeah it goes with your saw you know like the american flag that would be pretty cool it would be bad american flag keep that good stupid all right oh wow yeah it is a beautiful view up here wow yeah i'm pretty sure so so this is medina so i think per capita this is the most dense concentration of billionaires in the world i'm pretty sure jeff bezos and bill gates both live in this neighborhood and that's lake washington yeah very expensive place i didn't even know that lake was right there but yeah pretty pretty beautiful day why don't you retract a little bit brian okay that's good that there's good good good good what happened hello geez the bluetooth thing cut out who am i on with yeah i got disconnected from brian bad timing he almost lowered my butt right into the top of this thing you're not like that hello brian brian cable down no no it was just this tree's top was aiming right from my butthole yeah what bad timing to cut out so see once again i got my half hitch up there and then my couch down here allows me to tie it to fatter wood without while it's still keeping it but heavy okay go ahead brian kibble up you're tied on throw my real bag out [Music] [Music] i always want to clear these stubs off because these things will totally impale you if you that's ignorable [Music] yep [Music] 66 feet away check that out look at that big yacht that they got over there there's another yacht right there actually every other house has a yacht it's crazy look at all those one two three four big yachts what do you think brian should i uh what do you think brian should we do the long jake next or should i do another what should i do next pick with brush or just branches so now i took that top out this thing is really wide they're having it's a lot of work to process that stuff so i'm going to start using the long jake crane sling just take off the branches individually and then do the stick [Music] [Music] um [Music] so this one's over the power lines so i tied it way out there and we're gonna try to lift it up now [Music] um like all right i'm gonna go down and just start at the bottom and work my way up all right cable up [Music] i came up with this idea and now westbrook makes this sling it's really cheap really nice crane sling really easy to use cable down brine good [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] um [Music] i don't want to brush the whole thing out i'm like i got a really bad headache i'm really hot we got all day tomorrow a couple brush picks then we picked that tree i mean clean up what we got yeah my head's pounding i i'm really overheated i'm gonna just cut some cloth and stuff okay so just trying to get this tree brush out but i am i am way overheated i i don't i'm done i'm cooked it's like 2 30. we can finish this tomorrow i have like a pounding headache it's in the mid-90s right now and uh i don't want to be up here anymore we're not used to it it's supposed to rain it rains here it dude it rained all spring rain most of the summer and then just night in the 90s all of a sudden out of nowhere yeah i i don't like it [Music] now that you've seen how it's done you can do it yourself [Music] i don't know what it is but i've always had a really hard time sweating like i don't sweat that much and uh i'm always dry so i get super overheated because i always have to spray myself with the hose okay we're gonna get cleaned up we're gonna come back in the morning for the rest of this this guy's cool he's getting this ice cream yeah it does thank you take care so cool all right good job today guys yep nice job brian nice job scott good job caleb that's it we'll finish this up tomorrow caleb thank you just first big tree out really yeah yeah we had him it's this first tree where it looked like good doing it first rebar i wasn't out of my mind nice job all right so we are back for day number two we're gonna just follow these two right in the yard right here and then these trees will be done and then i'll finish stripping that guy out uh [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] hey is that in your way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] all right day two heading back up here look at that clip that john did for me pretty cool all right are you on brian go ahead and cable up okay hold on one sec i'm just going to clip this i'm going to clip into this crane sling go ahead brian cable up and then i'm on single line so i'll just so he's pulling me up the crane but i've got this back up right here going to start at the bottom and work my way up bruh probably good right there go ahead and cable down so my rope runner will grab this thing will release and there we go [Music] [Music] um [Music] good [Music] uh and my foot yeah friends grab my foot [Music] [Music] okay go ahead cinch that up a little bit [Music] heal up a little bit [Music] nice shooting [Music] cable up oh i'm stuck people down hold it okay kibble up [Music] um good our cable down cable down good lower that side of the ground yeah just bring it straight down scott's down there good all right hey i want that i want that good go ahead boom down a little bit [Applause] brian [Music] [Laughter] now um [Music] i absolutely love this saw this 462 if you want to know a really good sized uh professional saw to get it's not the biggest you know you can't run like a 42-inch bar on this thing but it will pull 32 it pulls a 28 really well so this is slightly smaller than its predecessor the 461 but it's a heck of a lot lighter so you end up getting really good power to weight ratio i have a 28 inch oregon light bar on it i've got some safety profiling dogs that's a west coast bark box that has a little bit of power this was ported and tuned by madison's this had had a bit of work but just overall the 462 is it's really light and it's got a lot of power really good throttle response this is i always tell people if you want it's a good all-around saw you can cut down you know 95 of whatever trees you come across you know i'll use my 66 for bigger stuff on the ground or sometimes the 88 but i really really recommend this saw i really am happy with it i gotta go i gotta do a meeting for another hour if you guys need anything you won't need anything for me yeah you're running away huh yeah no we're good i think you are you won't be here very long will you we'll be here probably an hour and a half for maybe a couple hours you guys get business by being here i've got another neighbor who wants to do another treat with me over there on the other side not today oh cool yeah yeah that's the idea trying to do a good job for you and i love your company should i call um or who should i call for what look at another tree oh yeah just call the main office and amanda yeah she she sets up the appointments oh we're all good we'll just get cleaned up get out of here they'll do a follow-up call to make sure you're happy with everything and then they'll send you the invoice after that great thank you so much you guys have been awesome thank you very much you guys really were careful about a lot of things it really works yeah that's the idea so yeah thank you all right take care i'll be out a little while baby okay yeah you two [Music] um [Music] [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] oh she's dripping sap everywhere i'm not all over my truck no haven't brian i don't even think you [Laughter] tried [Music] [Music] you want any wedges do you want wedges i don't know you've done this before probably get a couple edges right off howdy terry you ready to pick up some logs yeah don't get your ass in here pick some logs up there what am i waiting for right [Music] hey [Applause] [Applause] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] yep [Music] you don't need enough that's why that's why you became a climber [Music] 40 4 500 pounds 4 500 pounds it's the last pick all right man i do love this saw nothing really powers through okay [Music] the [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so looks pretty good eh i like it have a good day terry all right we're done with this job so there are the stumps terry grabbed all the wood i just want to say good job guys you too yeah youtube man yes youtube especially me yeah no good job all right nice work clock this this this nice job guys don't forget to like and subscribe and on my channel you can now i have my paypal set up you can donate money directly to me and that won't go to any charity or anything so you don't have to worry about that i'm going to set up bitcoin too so you can send bitcoin or likes don't worry about that i don't know i don't know how to do that one step at a time but anyways my paypal's there you can send me your money a 100 will go directly towards funding my own personal fortune and and so you know it's for a good cause so thanks what about shirts oh yeah i'm working i'm working on it it's a lot of work does that mean i just hope you like that cool all right see ya
Channel: Guilty of Treeson
Views: 366,805
Rating: 4.906992 out of 5
Keywords: chainsaw, stihl, jacob rogers, jake rogers, eastside tree works, wood, husqvarna, stihl chainsaw, arborist, tree climbing, tree climber, tree cutting, tree felling, tree topping, crane work, wood working, wood turning, milling, fun jobs, wood chopping, idiots with chainsaws, tree cutting fails, tree cutting accidents
Id: RSYkX-c67Us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 52sec (3412 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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