Fixing and talking about chainsaws

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this video is going to be all about chainsaws so I lined up a bunch of saws here a few of which need work so let's get into this let's fix some of the broken ones here and take them all out and test them and talk about them so I'll just talk about them real quick first this one here this is an antique chainsaw I bought this at a yard sale I've never messed with it before I thought it looked cool I paid 40 bucks for I've had it for a few years this one here this is my dad saw that he bought brand-new in the mid 80s and it's been around the whole time this year this is like my primary chainsaw that I use I bought that brand new right after Hurricane Irene this year is uh probably my secondary chainsaw that I use this is something I got out of the trash that was broken this year this one here a guy gave it to me it was his chainsaw he put the wrong gas in it you know straight gas and it lost compression he went to get it fixed and the cost of repairing this chainsaw from the dealer was more money than a brand new chainsaw so he just bought a new one instead and gave it to me and I fixed it with cheap aftermarket parts on eBay they were only like 20 bucks now put in a cylinder and a head in this one is a pretty hard job you kind of have to take the entire saw apart but it's been running since fine since then this one here my dad bought new a few years ago this one here I bought this really cheap at a yard sale didn't run I think I had to put a carburetor on it I bought a cheap ebay carburetor and it's been running fine ever since this one here I just got this one for free actually this is how I got it I was driving down the road and I saw this chainsaw case on the side of the road with a free sign on it I was thinking oh that's just the case don't want it but then I was like what let me just check make sure there's no chainsaw in there open it up and that was in there and then the thing ran I didn't even have to do anything to it so that's pretty cool now these chainsaws this is an extremely cheap chainsaw and they still I'm pretty sure they still sell these they're like a hundred bucks which you know that's a good thing because this may be a lot of people's first chainsaw because it's just such an attractive price my biggest complaint with these is it's missing a very important feature right here you can see on every one of these other chainsaws right there it's got these teeth and those are I almost consider them necessary because when you're cutting into a log what you do is you stab these into the log and then you use that as like a fulcrum point and you can use you know the chainsaw instead of just trying to push the thing down through the log you can lift up on the handle and it gets you a lot more power when you're trying to cut through the log let me bring that outside quick I'll show you what I mean all right so you can see what I mean by this with these teeth missing so here I'm quite halfway into the log and with this so you kind of have to push down the whole time to cut now most soils you can stab those teeth in there and lift up on this handle and you get a lot more power for example even this one you know that they're little but they're there so what you do is you stab that in and then I can really get a lot of power on that because that's like a fulcrum point and you can lift up on this handle well they cut nice when they're sharp though that cut that real quick for this little saw so you can see what I mean that's kind of an annoying thing that that's missing on this chainsaw I wonder if I can add it doesn't look like it alright so as I was editing this video I'm like let me just check so I type in pool on pro 260 on eBay and right there that's it so uh I'm gonna add that to that chainsaw alright so here's like a comparable brand new saw that's like that pool on you can see look how cheap this thing is you know seventy seven dollars free shipping alright and then the last chainsaw this one right here guy was moving I dropped off a empty dump truck I said here throw all your garbage in there and he peed through this out and I pulled it out of the trash and the thing ran I've never even had to do anything to this and this is definitely a it's got a very nice style to it I really like this chainsaw it's a very very small saw too which is nice I saw it's been a few years since I've tried to start this thing let's bring that outside and see if it runs [Music] [Applause] well that's cool this is chainsaw I've never had to fix and I just started up right now pretty easy no starting fluid after or not running for years and it's idling good and you know the powers right where it should be another funny thing about this one it doesn't seem to have any clutch in it it's just the chain goes no matter what what's you know I don't really mind it and you know that's an old one too there's no uh it's old enough to the point where there's no safety bar on it or a hand shield right here alright let's go mess up another one all right well that ran it pretty well alright so the next one let's get into one of these broken ones this orange one here has a issue with the pull start let's see if we can get that fixed alright so this chain saw here I'm working on it's got a problem where the pull string doesn't go in you can see if I pull this out doesn't wind back up and the spring is good the issue is it's binding up on the actual you know it almost does but you know I was just running it and this is hanging out the whole time so this needs to be fixed so I already been I've been messing with this for a little bit I've been boiling this and I even had it apart once and cleaned it but it's still binding up so we're gonna take this all back apart and I got an idea fix that usually taking these apart with these Springs is not fun cuz it's easy to have the spring just explode and go everywhere and then winding it back up can be very difficult and people often make that mistake when just changing a broken rope you know if you're just changing a rope you don't need to take this off but in this case I do so I don't want that see I got this lifted up but I don't want this to explode yeah that's why I didn't want to happen all right well I'll show you how to fix that not a fun situation but it is recoverable I had it a park before and I kept it together oh well all right so here's our issue here when that piece is on there that's just been easy and you can see I'm gonna have to put quite a bit of force to turn that and I already wiped this all off and wipe that out I don't know why it's happening but it is so this is what I'm gonna do I'm going to just take so I'm just gonna find a drill bit that barely fits there almost doesn't fit and just run that through there and I think it'll be fixed all right [Music] all right so now that that turns nice on there now you she wants to explode [Applause] [Music] all right cool I actually got it on the first try [Music] my wine it's too much all right see now I think I got it see it's really pulling in very hard right here and when I pull it all the way out you can feel the spring maxing out so that means I wound it up too much so let's just take a wrap or two off of this one more at least one more all right so that feel good so now the Rope actually stops and you can feel the spring isn't maxing out all right so that's working right now alright that's fixed alright well that was an easy job that's nice I didn't have to buy anything to do that so the next one here that's broken is this one here the engine is locked up on it let's see and that actually just happened and that's actually the reason I started making this video was this chain stop break-in so let's see if we can get that working this one here I got out of a scrap metal pile when I got it had no compression and I put in a new cylinder head and piston and it lasted probably a year or two and then it lost compression again and then there's actually a video of me rebuilding it the second time on my youtube channel it's an old video and now it lasted about another two years and now this time the thing just locked up solid can't pull it over won't run so let's rebuild this again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right this piston its that should pull off right now it's that's completely stuck let me see if I can pry it out all right you can actually see the piston right here so maybe I I can just barely get this screwdriver in here I'll try to pry it out you know what it looks like happens see this thing here this is the the pin that holds in this pin between the the piston and the cylinder wall that's not [Music] I think that's all that happened to it look at these scores are here I think that pin came out because the rest of this looks okay other than the stuff I just did to it oh well look at that crack there I didn't do that I did this alright this there's no up-and-down motion and this it feels tight all right so it's a good idea to rinse out this lower-end with gas to clean any metal particles out of there all right so this is what we have for new parts [Music] all right so these parts here now if this the reason this chainsaw was thrown out in the first place Anita needed the same part of piston and head and if you go to steel you know that the people who make this chainsaw to buy these parts there's so much money it's not worth it you see the price and you're like oh I'll just go buy a new chainsaw so that's usually why people throw these saws out when they break because the parts are too much money now these parts these are aftermarket I ordered them online eBay or Amazon has 'm and this was like 23 dollars free shipping so it's like I mean it might as well be free you know it's like 1/10 or less the price of the parts from the original manufacturer so and this saw it's really easy to install it to a few other I did another one this is a steel I owe three six I think it's like a pro saw kind of sort of I don't know I did one on a steel farm boss same thing someone gave it to me they throwing it out because it was too expensive to fix I got the parts it was a twenty bucks for the piston head and that saw it was a lot harder to install it on you had to pretty much disassemble the entire chainsaw it took a couple hours and it was sort of frustrating this one this is like a twenty or thirty minute job to install this on this chainsaw alright so first thing we're going to put these piston rings on so there's a top and the bottom and you can see this at this little thing here that it's got to go against so I'm gonna start it like that and that's it you can see they go right up against that thing when you squeeze it the other one all right so those are on okay now you can see the top of this piston that's got this arrow that's supposed to go towards the exhaust no that bearing goes in there [Music] [Music] all right that definitely looks good to me it's in there tiger I didn't take the spring out of it squeezing it putting it in there I don't know why that looks like what killed it last time hopefully that doesn't happen again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right that's torque to spec right there that's got a transfer to the new head [Music] [Music] all right that sounds pretty good let's take it outside and give it a try [Applause] [Music] [Music] alright that's running pretty well that's nice so now that I'm thinking about it you know go check out the video me rebuilding this thing last time but you know what I think I did as a mistake when I put in the pan that holds in the pin for the piston I think I'm pretty sure I squeezed it too much and took some of the spring out of it so I think when it was sitting in there I wasn't sitting in there that well but you know that was like at least two years ago so so it's not really a big deal especially considering how cheap these parts are and how easy this is to rebuild so it's just nice that this is working again all right well that's cool that's fixed all right this one here it's been a bunch of years since I've tried to run this thing I think last time I was using it it was working but it wasn't quite working right let's take this outside and see what this is doing [Music] all right so this one here we were just trying to run it and it kept stalling out you had to keep pulling the choke but it wasn't really our cable so let's see if we can get it running a little better [Music] [Music] all right so one thing here the fuel line this is cracked that needs to be changed all right so as far as new parts this is what I got so here's my original carburetor since this is a this a craftsman but it's really not a craftsman it's really a pool on so it's hard to get parts for this here's a supposed to be a good used car brayer so I have another carburetor to try and here is a carburetor rebuild kit and I could try to rebuild the other those carburetors the way this works this thing depending on what position the chainsaw is in this will follow the gas around this is a breather line all right I guess I'll give the eBay carburetor a try alright now when you get the carburetor on before you put stuff all together make sure things are actually working so that you can see the choke works fine and the throttles working fine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so so it's running but it's not very quite right so when you give it gas it was kind of bogging out plus the idle was high so that's what these three screws are for here for so they're labelled we got L for low speed H for high speed and I for idle so idle just adjust the idle that's all it is it's pretty much like you were squeezing the gas a little bit so you loosen it up to lower it turn it in to raise it low speed is like the motor running at low rpms so tight going in with that makes it leaner going out if it makes it richer pretty much you start at one and a half usually so you go in all the way don't tighten it tight and then come out one and a half on both the low in the high and then you can adjust them from there so in this case is kinda it was alright on the low speed but the high speed was kind of bog and so I'm gonna play with that screw maybe go in with it out with it I'm kinda I'm gonna start out going out with it [Music] alright that's running pretty good let's take this one outside and give it a try alright so let's give this thing a try [Music] [Music] all right so this chainsaw seems like it's running very well now it's starting pretty easy it idles well it has good power so this chainsaw here this was always my dad's chainsaw my dad bought this brand-new in the mid 80s and even when I was really little helping my dad with tree work this was always this chainsaw he would use and it really has been a very good chainsaw for being over 30 years old it really hasn't broken that many times and I really like running a saw it it's really got a lot of power you know it's got more power than that steel oh three six you know it's it's up there with that Husqvarna 357 XP not quite there but it's it's close so yeah it's just great to see this running again you know if you're looking for parts for one of these don't search craftsman just figure out it was like a pool on whatever pool on model it was I figured it out was a lot easier to search for parts as a pool on you can see it's the same exact saw just different colors let me get my dad out here to run this thing [Music] as it run good when did you buy that saw now I saw one date in the sauce at 83 yeah I just put a carburetor on it a fuel line oh yeah it may not have needed a carburetor I still have the old one so so now we have two carburetors for it where'd you buy it well it's good to see it running again all right this one here let's i've never mess with this before let's let's see what's up with this thing I'll see if I can get this running all right let's take on a little bit of a challenge so I bought this at a yard sale a bunch of years ago because I thought it looked cool never tried to start it so let's see what this is it's got a tag so right there we got it some all model number 12 a well let's see if we can get this running so it didn't really come off any story so looking at it right away it seems like it's got compression it's not seized up that's good the throttle doesn't feel like it's doing anything that needs to be fixed and it's probably got some sitting problems with the carburetor so there's the carburetor right there so let's probably clean that out all right let's get right into the straw I'll see what's going on there all right so pulling that up feels like it's given a throttle so I don't know what this had but I think it's gonna get this see that would work it's like but yeah you can't get it together I think it's just got to come apart further than this [Music] I mean the the throttle is working it's just not quite returning all the way it almost feels like it's binding up in here right there that's back all the way that should be idle right there so the trigger down all the way it's working it's just not working perfect you know I think a lot of it was right here all right so it's finally it seems like it's working pretty good so that's full throttle right there and if I look at the actual carburetor you know that's it's full throttle carburetor now when I let off the throttle it returns all the way on the carburetor and it snaps back you know full throttle off will throw off right that seems like that's working [Music] look at this chainsaw yeah now look at that it's got good spark you look at this copper a fuel line that's pretty nice you gee that really doesn't look bad well that's why I didn't take it a marsh that far I don't want to over fix it [Music] [Music] well I guess that looks all right that's all it is you you let's start this up so someone put aircraft cable as pull rope I kind of want to replace it you you know this aircraft cable is a pull rope I always thought that was a good idea but now seeing it I don't think it's a good idea anymore we just put an actual rope in that [Music] all right so the thing hasn't even popped once it's got good spark I'm worried that this the compressions low in this thing but I don't even have any real way to check it that's all a little two-stroke down in a cylinder you you [Music] [Music] [Music] drilled eyes [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well total ectric start but it's running I think the chain is kind of one it seems extremely tight in its that's binding up so let's free that up you all right so this chainsaw I'm pretty sure it's not an automatic oiler meaning you have to pump this peed every once in a while it feels like it's pumping oil up and set yeah it's working you she's pretty good let's all put this pull starter back on here I don't think it needs electric starter anymore [Music] first pull this thing this thing runs good all right so this thing's running pretty good so it'd be one thing to make your video to get it running and be like yeah I got it running neat but it'd be a lot cooler if I bring this on a legitimate tree job so let's bring this on a tree job and work with it for the day and see how it was like using a chainsaw in the 1950s and I'm also looking at the owner's manual for this thing on the internet they're saying it takes 12 to 1 so I let stump out this 42 1 I wonder if 1950s oil wasn't as good as 2018 oil [Music] [Music] all right so this thing's got a centrifugal clutch for the drive and you could see it it's right in here you can actually see it through this area right in there by the cylinder and it's not working so let's try to get it working it looks like the saw could probably separate right here I think just by taking this off this is how this works when this spins fast the centripetal force of this spinning pulls these weights apart and when these weights pull apart they'll engage this thing and get this turnin so you can see this seems like it's working fine when I turn that the chains moving fine that's all gear driven in there and I could see this when it was run and this was not turning so there should be no issue in this section of it other than this maybe being dirty and greasy now this section here well maybe that's our issue there that should be this shouldn't just be free turning like that all right well I need an impact wrench or something to go further into this so so let's bring this back to the garage all right so I think the issue is just right in here all right hopefully this will just tighten up well let's tie it on there now [Music] well that was easy let's go try it it's been below freezing for two days well below freezing I had let this warm up for five minutes and then I made it a hundred feet and the fuel froze up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well that's cool this thing definitely are running pretty well so if you're interesting things about this chainsaw because the way the carburetor is set up this chainsaw the engine can only run in this position so to cut a tree horizontally what you have to do is you push this lever here and then rotate this now I have a chainsaw that can cut a tree horizontal so it's not an automatic oiler but you got to pump this oiler as you're running it now this chainsaw it's got some weight to it it's a it's a very old chainsaw it was this model was introduced in 1951 now in 2018 this is almost a 70 year old chainsaw so that's pretty cool to see it's still operating you know so this isn't something I'll be bringing on tree jobs often it's more like a decoration but it's just very cool to see that it's running again all right while I was back here messing with these chainsaws I'm noticing this tree that's could potentially fall in these trailers so we move them out of the way and cut that down [Music] [Music] you [Music] you all right so although this was running in working I'm sure a few people were gonna point out that the blade would never stop turning even at idle and it's supposed to so let's just take this apart quick and see if I can fix that [Music] all right well I see the issue right away it's supposed to have another spring right here because otherwise these weights were just apart the whole time so let's see if we can find another spring like this all right solder this box I have some stuff that's about the right length but you can tell it's it's weaker and this is a good way to test Springs hook them together and pull you see this one's pulling before this one even moves you know this one's even stiffer that's no good all right so none of those are gonna work I just got birthers original spring I just got back from the hardware store all right so this is the best one I got here it's a little bit weaker but it's I think that's acceptable I'll try it at least all right so here's why that spring was missing this hook that holds it it's broken and the spring just couldn't can fall right out of it all right it's steel I think I could just hit that with a drop of weld and fix it you know what else I'm noticing that this is a keyed shaft this keyway sheared all right so I'm at my friend's mower shop here let's see what we got it's definitely different they're running a new saw we go all right fixed all right 250,000 this thing still runs perfect and this car has almost never broken [Music] it's important to get that screw tightened right that way the thing is in turn when you're not when you don't want it to turn but when you pull this good to see I think that's too tight all right so it's set I can't turn that when I push this down I can turn it all right let's give this a try all right let's see if this clutch works now [Music] all right so this spring isn't stiff enough this one it's the it's too thick to even fit through the holes let me just try this spring I've had the whole time it's shorter but it might work broke the thing all right so that thing right there broke that's and it's not the one I welded here's the one I welded right there so I'm thinking I could make one out of a nail all right so the nail fits through here but the head is too big so I got to grind that down all right that's fine all right so we gotta cut it right about there now we need a really small drill bit here's a 1/16 [Music] all right good let's try that outside all right I can finally say the clutch on this thing is working the way it's supposed to all right so that's good this chainsaw is working about as well as it can all right let's go Mansell for another one and while we're on the subject of antique chainsaws here's a old two-man saw I sold a few years ago I got this and I got it running and here are some pictures of me in an old girlfriend running it it was kind of neat but like you had to be able to get to both sides of a log so like for example you couldn't cut any of these logs because you couldn't get 180 degrees around it so like with a new chainsaw you could pull him out a little bit and cut him this one that wasn't the case so it was kind of hard to use and it was a two cylinder Mercury and to cut horizontally with it you could it would rotate right here because the engine you still held it in that position but the whole bar would rotate and then the oil went down on this end where the second operator would hold it [Music] let's talk quick about sharpen and chainsaw chains when I'm out doing a tree job I'll usually bring extra chains of me and when a chain dolls I won't waste time sharpening it on the job I'll just change it out with a new sharp chain and then what ends up happening is I'll end up with a bunch of chains that are dull and I'll start pin them all at once they usually stay sharp for a pretty long time if you hit like a rock that dulls it usually instantly or dirt condole equipped too so you do want to be careful with them when chainsaw chains get dull it's this area right here is what gets dull and you can usually look at it and tell how sharp a chain is just by if the top if the very top of this flat spot is kind of curved down towards the front that's when it's dull so this chain doesn't look terrible but it wasn't cutting that good let's find an example of a really ball chain the very edge of this that front edge is worn down there's a couple different ways to sharpen them and chain saw chains can generally be sharpened at least five or six times before they can't be sharpened anymore one way to sharpen a chain saw chain is just with a regular file so make sure you get the right size file for the chain you're using and you pretty much just do it less like this they're your only filing on the pushing stroke and you want to have the file at the right angle with the chain and kind of rotate the file as you're using it and that works it takes some time but it does do a good job [Music] okay so now that's a sharp-toothed right there so what you do is you go around the whole chain do every one of them and then flip it around and then do these ones so another thing you can do you can this thing is for this a gauge for first filing down these things these are called the rakers so what you do is you kind of set it on on there and then that gives you like a height so then you can use a flat file and file that down so sometimes what I'll do is I'll just file these down a lot without even using that gauge the usually if you cut these down quite a bit the chain as a pretty aggressive chain alright so then I picked up this thing to sharpen chains a couple years ago and I like this it's a little bit faster so I'll put links in the description for these this was just a cheap one they sell I only paid like thirty bucks for this thing and you know they sell them like up to three four hundred dollars so maybe spending some more money on one might be worth it but this one does a pretty good job so I'll show you how this works so I usually like to put it right at the edge of the table then I'll put a clamp on it so it doesn't move all right so then you set your chain up in this thing so it goes right necro of like that and then it's got different angles so you set it that way for cutting the one side and then you set it this way for cutting the other side so it's got this stop here with this adjuster so what you want to do is you want to put it on there so so what you want to do use this adjustment here and you just want to cut off the very front of the chain so let's try it [Music] that needs it so this should be tightened okay so adjust it in a little bit no more [Music] [Music] and it's really easy to take off too much with this thing really you just want to take off enough so you have the top of this this link this link you know even with the the cutting edge so this so this right here is sharp [Music] that's pretty much it if anyone has any suggestions for methods that may be faster easier or better for some reason you know let me know in the comments [Music] all right finally [Music] all right that's ready to go cut some trees alright so let me talk about the first chainsaw I ever had it's not this one but it was extremely similar to this it was orange and pretty much the same style and size and probably very similar in year two it wasn't it didn't have any safety bar on it and it was just like this so I probably was 10 years old when I got it it was something that I got out of the trash and I kind of kept it a little bit of a secret from my dad because he probably would have said I wasn't old enough to have a chainsaw it was definitely cool to have because before that you know to cut a tree or something the best options wear a bow saw or a hatchet both of which are pretty slow chainsaw is much faster than those so having that changed so then when I was like 10 was definitely cool because I had a chainsaw you know well before any of my friends really I never did anything huge tree jobs with the thing it didn't ever really ran perfect you know to get it started it always took like a shot of starting fluid and then once it was running you know I would start up without it then eventually like my dad saw me using it one day and I was and he was like where'd you get that chainsaw I'm like no you know I had this this came from out of the trash he's like he's like all right yeah just just be careful with that so that was a guy sounds like permission to have that chainsaw then so it was nice okay so then the second chainsaw I ever had was when Hurricane Floyd happened and 1999 so I would have been 14 years old and I still had that on a chain saw at the time but a bunch of trees blew over in our yard and and I know my dia I didn't want to clean them all up by himself so he went out and bought me a brand-new chain saw it was a so at the time he had this chain saws this was you know we this has been my dia its chainsaw forever and uh you know this is kind of a lot of wood around here so yeah my dad bought me a brand new it was a steel Oh 18 so it was like this probably a little bit smaller but that was pretty cool to have a brand new chainsaw you know worked much better than that little orange one I had prior to it so then once I had that brand new chain so that was like my primary chainsaw for a lot of years I got a ton of work out of that thing but it only had like a maybe a 14 or maybe a 16 inch bar on it which was kind of too small for a continent the big trees you know if you're kind of branches and stuff or little trees it was fine but once you got the big logs you would just get annoyed at the thing so I pretty much use that chainsaw until I wore the thing out and I sold it maybe five ten years ago now it was pretty broken when I sold it but so then after that you know I always kind of used this chainsaw sometimes but this was always my dad's I wasn't really using that heavily then it wasn't this one this is a steel oh three six it was a steel Oh two six and we got out of the trash and it worked and that was kind of my chainsaw for a bunch of years after that and I liked it but it had a few very annoying things about it for example on the Oh to sixes and I've seen other chainsaws where they would do it is this thing would fall off of it all the time and I I could never figure out what I could not get that thing to stay on there and it was just it was really frustrating and then even s other guys I was working for he had one and he had it all duct-taped together he said yeah that thing always falls off and down you know but I still used it a lot and then I don't know it would and we got the point wasn't really working right I'm sure I could have fixed it now but then I dropped the tree on it one day and it really kind of messed it up pretty good so I eventually sold that one actually all right so then once that happened I bought this one brand-new because then it was Hurricane Irene happened and a ton of trees fell down I had a lot of tree work I had to do and Oh to six that chainsaw really wasn't working and you know I didn't have time have you messed him with junk chainsaws when that happened I knew at that point I needed a new chainsaw so I wouldn't want this this was pretty expensive I paint like over seven hundred bucks for this thing but I figured you know the guy at the the mower shop selling it to me he's like this is a professional saw you know it's got more power than you know because there's homeowner saws that look very similar to this for about half the price but the the pro saw is like they consider this like a pro saw and it's it's got more power and it's easier infection that's supposed to last longer so this has been a very good chainsaw I still use this as my primary chainsaw it's not perfect some of the complaints I have with it I've had to fix it a few times so I bought it in 2011 so that's seven years ago now so things I've had to fix on this sauce since I've had it one time the coil went bad one time I had to put a carburetor on it I put a new EB carburetor on there I just put a pull rope in it and the most annoying thing about this saw and a few of my friends have these same size as well and they have the same problem and I've never even tried to fix it but sometimes when you put this thing down all the bar oil will leak right out of it and then there'll be a puddle under this saw and it's just pretty annoying and it's done that since day one I would I even brought it back to the mower shop where I bought it from and he's like all I fixed that he did something to it like twice he's never able to get it working right or not leak all the time you know I've never really messed over too much but that's just kind of how it is so this is a good saw it's not great because of those few reasons so another thing that was cool about that old little orange chainsaw I remember a few years for Halloween you know we used to do these haunted hay rides and I would take the chain off of it and then you know as the hayride would be going by I should run out of the woods up the thing I you know I beat just hitting people with it and they would freak out because you know there's no chain on it but it still it's running it's vibrating and I don't know some of the kids that came to our house or a haunted hayride I don't know if every one of them always would come back but it was uh that was always pretty funny to do you know I worked at a haunted hayride last year just for fun driving the trailer and you know they were doing the same thing but those guys when they were running out of the woods with the chainsaw you know they're just kind of touching the people's feet or whatever you know when you're really like stabbing people hitting them with the thing I'm so hot scarier since I was just talking about chasing people with a running chainsaw let's talk about chainsaw safety a little bit so in the 20 years I've been using chainsaws I've never had any problems the only problems I could really say is you know there's been times where I've cut down trees and they've gone directions other than I wanted them to go as far as safety stuff sometimes I I've hit my toe a few times off the chain but you know if steel toe boots that's really not a big deal I never used to wear any safety stuff whatsoever lately I always trying to wear safety glasses all the time now and if you're doing tree work where there's overhead stuff going on hard hats a good idea what's a face shield and definitely hearing protection is a good idea especially if you're running a chainsaw like over 20 minutes there's a really nice chart available online it shows how loud of decibel something is per how long you can listen to that within a 24 hour period so I mean you can usually kind of tell if something's too loud but it is a good idea I mean chainsaws are are too loud you need to wear hearing protection so if you look at the statistics most chainsaw injuries happen when cutting down trees so I'm gonna cut down a couple dead trees here and let's point out all the safety issues with these trees so we have a dead pine tree right here and right next to it a dead-ass tree so this pine tree here it's been dead a couple months now and that's at the point where it's been losing a lot of branches just on its own so in a case like that you definitely want to wear a hard hat and keep an eye on the tree you don't want to be shaking it around and stuff when you're standing at the base because that could cause branches to fall so this is a pretty big tree so when you're going at a tree like that you know go at it with a sharp chain make sure your chainsaw is not going to run out of gas half way through it most of the time I just handle a tree like this with a piece of equipment but I'm going to cut this one down just to demonstrate so this one here are the thing that makes this one really difficult it's on the side of a hill and very bumpy terrain all around it so to make it a little bit safer I'll clear some of the branches around it just to make it easier to walk around this tree you [Music] [Music] [Music] but the other thing with the tree like this it wants to go that way so I'm gonna make it fall that way trying to make it do something opposite what it wants to do it was always difficult [Music] all right that was cool that's exactly where I wanted it to go all right now this tree it's got it's all inside of safety concerns it's one that's a dead ash these are pretty weak trees so I'm gonna put a smaller front cut in it it's got such a lien on it and I don't want to pinch my bar plus a tree like this where a big lean it's got a real tendency to want to split so you don't want to stand there and you want to keep an eye on the day to get ready to move away from it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this here is a good tool to have around if you deal with logs especially if you don't have any heavy equipment because it's a fast cheap easy way to move Lots [Music] all right let's talk about scaling logs real quick so for around here you know the the soft woods it's the pine and the hemlock when they're small they're generally garbage you could rarely even give them away sometimes guys with outdoor wood boilers will take it but it's not usually easy bigger stuff like this generally sawmills will want this but they only want it green so this was a standing dead tree they once the trees been dead for pretty quick it starts getting holes in it and gets bugs in them and then they're no good but some guys will take it some guys aren't so picky so for measuring quantity of wood what they use is a scale um it's called it's called a doyle log scale and what this does is it tells you how many how much board feet are in the log so what you want to do is you want to measure from the smaller end and then you go over it you know right across so this and then it's got the different lamps so here we got the top set of numbers is for 16 foot log middle set is 14 bottom set is 12 this sides got 18 and 10 so these logs I caught them 16 so you go across there you look at our top number and right here we are right on 361 board feet so when you go to bring these logs to a sawmill or sell them to someone you could that's how you generally do it by the board foot but then I mean I'm not an expert on this there are so many factors that go into this and there are guys that are experts that just scale logs all day every day because there's like there'd be a million different grades of pine and then every type of hardwood and then there's different grades of each hardwood there's quite a bit to it so if anyone who's an expert at it wants to comment leave some advice on that you know that'd be helpful but that's you know I'm not in the wood I'm not taking down trees to sell them as logs every time I've done that like there's never enough money in it like I always got to be getting paid to take the tree down too because you know like in this case this tree was I was worried it was gonna fall on this building so that's why I wanted this down but that went pretty well alright well that pretty much concludes my chainsaw video so I covered a bunch and just told a bunch of stories so if you're someone who's never had a chainsaw before hopefully this video was helpful or entertaining [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 627,843
Rating: 4.8821845 out of 5
Keywords: log scale, chainsaw, chainsaw repair, poulan pro 260, skilsaw 1616, stihl 036, stihl pull start, mercury 2 man saw, 2 man chainsaw, antique chain saw, mall 12a, craftsman 3.7, vintage chainsaw, first chainsaw
Id: _vW2KKxrQjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 4sec (6724 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 30 2018
Reddit Comments

I always look forward to his videos. I sometimes have to wait a day or so before I find time sit down to a feature length YouTube video, but I am always entertained.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/andiculous 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

This guys makes great content. I'd like to hang out with him for a weekend, drinking beer and cutting wood.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Lickingmonitors 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

Oh nice. Safety glasses while he pushes the chain of a running chainsaw with his foot.


👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/frothface 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2018 🗫︎ replies
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