Gigantic Dead Maple Removal! Biggest dead tree I've ever removed

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This is wild! Hell of a video, thanks!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BixbyClive 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] all right everybody we're out here in sunny worm seattle once again check this big fatty out that we got to do today look at this beauty huge huge dead maple the salesman said it was 55 inches looks a little bigger to me but maybe but look at that it's all missing barking stuff this thing's wider than it is tall this is an old tree and it is a nasty day out it is just pouring down rain so anyways we've got to crane out this guy i mean this has to be it's at least 100 feet maybe 120 feet wide it's crazy so yeah we're just gonna get the crane set up and start whittling away at this thing and it's going to be a lot of fun try to keep the water off the lens as best we can but man what a soupy dead nasty mess this is gonna be kind of a kind of a gross day but it's gonna be fun it's always fun cutting trees i mean look at this looming over this is the garage and that's the house it's got all kinds of pockets of decay some big conchs up there yeah it's just all sorts of nasty so we're gonna get this crane set up and get going nothing to it i was blown away we got some guys coming up from louisiana right i was like what do you mean yeah they want to take a treat or something like that you said that yeah that's cool like this is the first time this has ever happened yeah you know we're so working class we don't know how to go on vacation yeah our vacation is watching let's go to madison shop yeah i i can't find a 500i anywhere do they got one 50 or 60. oh really yeah yeah we just got another one the other day yeah yeah judd got one yeah that's awesome curtis gave me this to give to you guys it's like some hats and stuff oh oh wow yep that's awesome oh you guys are just gonna be around you're just gonna be watching and hanging out sounds good well welcome welcome to washington do you guys see the camps on the sides of the the roads everywhere yeah it's crazy it's weird cuz like in new orleans they're they'll all camp like under overpasses and in seattle just any patch of grass anywhere yeah yeah anywhere but thanks for that that's awesome i appreciate it how cool well cool i'm gonna start getting my stuff ready and we're gonna get going on it all right so that's that that's jerry and ethan they seem like real cool guys they flew out from louisiana um they they came out from louisiana to check out and see what we do it's a father and son they got like a they got their own water all over this thing got they got their own company down in louisiana so they're just coming to kind of see our they just they said it was that they wanted to go on a workcation so they're just kind of checking out uh how we do tree work checking out our crane and stuff so it's cool to have jerry and ethan here we're gonna i'm gonna grab my gear we gotta get going on this this giant thing nice and dry for you nice and dry yeah how are you going to make sure they stay dry for me i'm going to blow on them while you're working to nearly blow on them can you dry them before you send them back to me yeah i got them when brian lifts stuff and they get all taught all the water oozes out yeah i need him to be sure okay brian screws all the water out yes thank you thank you kevin yeah go ahead brian wow dude this thing is freaking gargantuan holy crap and it is stone dead we're just gonna start in the middle and uh working our way out we're not gonna be tearing this tree apart dude it's this might take three days man maybe not but it's so big dude all right brian go ahead and just put a few hundred pounds on that i don't even know what to tie into yeah not a lot of good places to stand [Applause] all right brian okay go ahead and just keep maybe boom right a little bit yeah oh you got it okay boom up yeah man it's sketchy geez okay yeah just boom it up and out god dude this is crazy you gotta really pay attention because dude this sucks so this tree is just stone dead so you know he i'm trying to start in the middle and work my way out because the mid you know uh the middle is a little more open than the outer parts of the canopy and i want to basically start in the middle work a perimeter around that way when he's lifting stuff out he has lots of room so he's not you know if i just started on that like the ends of the canopy and started picking stuff um it'd be harder for him to get the material out without bumping other branches and leaders and i i don't want him bumping into everything because you can see this thing is just crumbling apart so this is pretty sketchy i mean this is all dude it's so dead so once again you just gotta be really careful and uh i don't know just pay attention what you're tying into it's all this tree is awful so and obviously the parts without the moss on them are deader than the parts with the moss i think you don't actually sometimes it's hard to tell actually don't take my word on that because sometimes you can deceive yourself thinking something solid because it's got moss on it and there's a cavity below it so we're just gonna have to be careful um even as dead as it is luckily the diameter is so large on some of the stuff that you know i'm thinking this would probably hold me just because it's so gargantuan but this is crazy and this is going to be kind of tedious because uh you know brian's got to come pick me up so that i can sling up every one of these so it's a lot of up and down up and down on the crane so okay good brian go ahead and boom down you know so it not that it takes a lot of energy or anything but it's it's just tedious hopping off and on the crane and you know wrangling all these things up go ahead and boom right a little bit brian and down you notice it was dead i told you i told you it was dead okay cable down brian this next one's gonna be equally dead okay hold it hold it okay brian cable up you see i got the half hitch up there and then i'll put the cow hitch down here that way i'm on a little thicker wood but you know it's a it's it's still tip tie and uh their crane is good for a lot of weight but i'm just starting out with really small pieces because i just want to you know get get myself clear overhead you know what i mean before i start um you know taking really big pieces i just want to get little pieces out and i want to the bigger the piece is the more likely it is to bump other stuff and break shrapnel off it should come rained down on me so just just doing small pieces all right brian you ready kill switch doesn't work i gotta choke it to death every time it's kind of annoying yeah just boom it out brian hey what's that way brian like nothing 250 pounds wow this thing is so light in the last video i talked i just mentioned briefly that i really love the 200 and i had a few people asking what it was about the saw that i love so much um it's an older saw so still made this before they made the 201 uh which is its replacement it's lighter it's more cc's and it's you know it doesn't have the emission stuff so it's just oh like way way more power and it's a little bit lighter and um anybody that's ever ran one knows that the you know the 201 that came out it's just they've gotten better as they've made them longer but you just can't beat this thing this song's probably 20 years old now so you know they break they fall apart like my kill switch doesn't work i gotta fix that um that's a small thing but anyways this saw it's really awesome really awesome power to weight ratio but you know it's getting older harder to find parts for it so that's the downside of getting an old 200 like this jed has the 540 the gas powered uh top handle from husky caleb has the electric powered one those are both pretty cool saws um i actually really like jed's the gas powered one for a bigger wood so i might consider that if i if the 200 wasn't an option but i've had two 201s and i don't like them i think that i think they suck so i mean they're okay but just compared to this it's they're disappointing and i'll explain real quick how to do a balance pick so i'm going to do this long leader when you uh when you do a balance pick and it comes off really smoothly it's just a lot safer in every way if i just tied like a sling to the tip of this or something and just cut it it'd swing all over the place sure you know chunks of wood would fly off all over the place to be not so good so to do it a balance pick the first thing you do is you wanna you know i'm gonna take this big leader that i'm standing on and i'm gonna put the ball in the middle of it not so much uh as far as lengthwise goes but where i think center of gravity is so it'll be a little closer to the butt because the butt's gonna weigh more than the tip so i look at the branch and i pretend that i'm gonna pick it up put it on my shoulder and wherever i'd put it on my shoulder is where i want the ball to be so i'm thinking about right here is where i'm gonna put the ball and then maybe a little more over there but anyways when i go up sling to the tip sling to the butt it's got a long sling on it for so that it can reach the bottom and you tie the top first and then the the bottom on your way down and that's really the fundamentals of doing a balance pick it's pretty simple the tricky part is uh guessing the weight and stuff okay ryan boom down and to the right all right we're gonna boom up and to the right just a little bit the moss is just sloughing right off this thing your cow hitch is nice because it's adjustable you know if you've got a whole bunch of rope you can tie it you don't need like a specific length makes it really nice for this sort of application all right so the couch is pretty simple you just just pull that through then you go back around pull that through this loop and then to just further back up you just do a rope just like that okay now sometimes people mention in the comments how it's it's dangerous to tie into the crane and that uh it's against osha or l or something illinois allows it in our industry and i mean look at this tree you know the crane is a known variable i know how strong the crane is all this wood who knows how strong it is you know so the usually the crane is the safest thing to tie into you know there have been lots of accidents people falling out of trees people falling off of cranes you know everything you're doing you got to be careful with but you know the crane's a pretty safe thing to tie into [Music] [Applause] see i'm just cutting really slow and i'm watching you know this cut there's never as when you're doing crane work it never seems that there's a time where cutting fast is really beneficial so you want to just cut it slow like i can see through that curve i got a little bit of wood on the back side so i'll roll my bar over there but yeah just cut slow and watch your cut if it starts to close really quickly brian i'll put a little bit of pressure on it if it pinches it'll take a little pressure off [Music] see how it just kind of stayed in one spot so i knew i could just keep cutting through that was a perfect amount of pressure brian go ahead and start booming that out uh man it's sketchy okay hold on brian one sec hold on brian cable down a little bit you're up in my rope okay hold it can you retract a little bit okay hold it man it does that fast okay cable up okay yeah now just boom it up and out of here yeah hold on brian cable down you're up in the yeah cable cable down and then boom up man this thing is sketchy i ought to take that top out next be done with it okay that thing is so dead it's crazy but see i was cutting it it wasn't moving that was good that thing didn't move hardly at all when we cut it that means that we we wrangled it up well we figured out the balance point brian put the right amount of pressure on it that was a perfect balance pick and then we're just gonna do the same thing with all of them and the neat thing about crane work it doesn't matter if it's a really small branch or a gigantic leader the principles of doing what we just did are totally the same even if it's a small branch like it'll it'll flip and roll it'll pinch your saw it's no different no matter how big the piece is it seems like but this thing is just so punky dead nasty i'm gonna go take that top out next so we've got a little bit more room but yeah that was a great perfect balance pick and uh so good job brian i would that way only that so that thing look how that was a huge it was bigger than my bar was 550 pounds so not very heavy i mean this thing is so dead it's amazing how much lighter it gets when the tree is dead so it's kind of nice because you can pick more but it's sketchy because it's a dead tree that you're tying into so you got to be careful you want to make sure that you got some big stout wood if you you can to to tie into and stuff so yeah be really careful with dead trees it's the it's no joke i mean look look at all this look at this it's just the bark comes right off this thing has been dead for a while but we're having fun we're getting it done they're doing a good job down there and we're just gonna keep doing balance picks like that we're gonna do that like a hundred more times and there's nothing to it nothing to it except if you do it wrong everybody could die but other than that nothing to it [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] three [Music] [Music] [Music] oh geez okay this is so dead and crunchy see i've got this half hitch there half inch hair half fish there cow hitch there half hitch half hitch cow hitch so see this all tied up together because i don't think any of this stuff would hold this piece by itself so hopefully it'll probably still break some stuff so i might have to dodge this one okay now this one brian i'm gonna stay tied into the ball when i cut it so i'm going to stay tied into the ball just when i cut this because this is all dead and nasty nothing really good to tie into and when i'm on my rope i can move around a little better and in case this thing starts breaking some stuff off i feel like i can move around a little easier so i'm going to cut it it's going to stay attached to the ball before he flies it out i'll take my rope out of the crane and it should be it should be good all right i reckon we're about cut through hold on yeah look at all that that's so bad okay hold on brian i'm gonna get off of this dude it's so dead just don't do anything brent yeah let me get off this thing first all right brian go ahead and get it out of here nice it didn't even crumble apart look at it it's like topsoil inside of it all this dirt man i get people asking a lot too if i ever why don't i wear gloves i do wear gloves when i get cold or when i'm working in like really muddy stuff i'll wear them but a lot of times i'm slime and i just cutting i don't know i just prefer not to wear them nope no real reason i get that question a lot there's no real answer i wear them sometimes i don't wear them other times i'm getting cold up here i'm not really moving around so i'm gonna put on the gloves i just keep them in my pocket and i just use them sometimes it'll be cool to count the rings and see how old this is hey how old do you guys think this tree is two thousand scott says two thousand ten nine yeah i need real numbers ten nine is not a number 150 kevin what do you think this tree is 220 brian what do you think how old how old do you think this tree is brian scott already said 150. 400. i'll say i'll say 120. so [Music] yeah i'm just gonna come down for lunch i'm i'm pretty hungry just leave my saw up here okay so just uh pretty much done with lunch trying to get my stuff dried off on the dashboard it is just pouring out there i get a lot of questions people want to know about the helmet so this is a feeder produce i like this thing a lot the downside is uh it's a bit heavy but you see it's got these vents right here it's all integrated really well basically you end up with like this shell and the earmuffs they tuck up and inside the helmet so they're not snagging on stuff and also it'll usually come with a mesh visor i prefer these glasses they just uh they just slide down safety glasses and uh so it's really nice because it's all integrated it's a bit pricey but it's a it's a very good helmet and you don't have to buy the muffs or the eye protection separately so that's the helmet this is the second one i've had my favorite thing about it is the way that it attaches to your head this little thing pushes in and this little part right here it really like grabs the underside of your head and kind of um it makes the helmet kind of grab it in a bunch of different directions so it's really stable so it doesn't want to slide off your head i have a petzl vertex i wear sometimes and it just slides all over the place on my head so this is this is a really nice helmet and this is the the cardo packtalk bold usually um i've used cena's and i'm trying these because you can sync more of these up than you can the cena smh-10 um so far this is working pretty well you just buy this packtalk bold it's the same if you get a cena smh-10 but these sync up more people and it's just this thing will mount to this little thing which basically just slides onto the helmet you know that mounting part and then it's got wires so this uh basically you run this little well i'm trying to grab it i can't put the gopro on my head because my helmet's here so it's got this little microphone and it's just see uh it's just right there it's just velcroed on right there and so that's what i'm when i'm talking with the guys that's what i'm using and then you just take a little file and you just file out a little chunk of your earmuff and that's where the wire goes and there there's a there's the the part that you know you hear with is just under this foam right here and so you know it's pretty fast to put on and then the wires are just taped on the underside hopefully the lighting's okay you can see that so i've got some blue tape in here that's just keeping the wires so they don't flop down onto my head speakers i couldn't remember the word speakers that's what they are and they're in there so the microphones here speakers are there so that's the the cardo packtalk bold it's called it just clips on so um i've had the cena smh-10 they work really well you just can't have a lot of people on there i tried the cena smh or i can't remember i think they're called 20s and then there's the 30k those are also more advanced newer cenas but they are not waterproof so when we tried to use them we had a lot of issues because as you can see it's always wet outside like half the year so um i and then we have the problem sometimes we have five or six guys and we can't all talk so we're trying these things out and these are actually pretty nice these are pretty easy to use so i like these better um than the than the cena's but don't get the 20s or the 30s of the cena's because if you're working in the rings they're not waterproof this thing is it's got a little antenna it makes it nice so a bit of a rant but i get questions all the time about the helmet um but yeah fanner protos and this thing is the you got to get on these bluetooth stuff if you if you haven't yet because it's so nice not only is it you know make you feel nice and safe but if i'm up in a tree in the backyard i can be like hey will somebody bring me back a rigging line i don't have to stop what i'm doing and start yelling and trying to get everybody's attention everybody's on the same page so it just makes things really efficient and safe so that is the helmet and the bluetooth stuff and hopefully that helped you guys out because i've received quite a bit of questions on that also you can get these in um you can get darker ones they're kind of like sunglasses for this but those don't work that good also these things adjust too like you can slide these backwards and forward and they tilt so a lot of options it's a really well designed helmet so that's the fanner products pretty much everybody here runs these all right i should get back to work hopefully these are sufficiently dry now man there's some big hangers in this thing yeah yeah brian cable up a bit i'ma hop on the ball let's go take the front of this tree off okay good hold it hey look it it's just falling apart man let's take this guy over here room right all right brian you ready [Applause] all right let's just get that tall one to your left brian my right yeah that was like nothing man snap that thing off all right brian you ready i moved more than i was expecting i think we're good brad just cable straight up man so see it had that one branch kind of growing straight out that way and that made it really want to tip like this which caused the butt to swing this way i probably should just put a third sling on that branch going out that way but i was like yeah it doesn't weigh that much so that's why that butt you know did what it did it wasn't a huge deal but you know the less it moves the more better it is so got to be careful it is tricky stuff it's hard to get it it's hard true works hard back for more huh you always you always come crawling back this is maybe the biggest maple that i've ever done it is for sure the biggest dead tree that i've ever done and the videos never do it just it's it's freaking gargantuan man for just being in somebody's yard it's crazy it'll be really interesting to see how old it is man i'm gonna be honest guys i'm straight up uh not having a good time oh anymore ah just crap falling every time i make a cut dude yeah just cable up holy holy smokes dude nice bark i'm gonna break the house with the bark falling off this thing yeah i'm uh [Applause] i i don't want to do this anymore okay i want to be where you guys are i'm tired of you guys hanging out over there oh yeah you can grab me huh yeah you can just pluck me right out so that's about it for the day sun's starting to go down it's getting dark look at that fog that's crazy it has been so foggy what an awful day just awful weather today you know it usually rains in the winter but it was like very wet rain today the wettest of rain look at that thing is still gargantuan you probably can't even see it in the screen it is so foggy so anyways i'm gonna go down we're gonna go home and then we're gonna come back here in the morning and hopefully finish this thing tomorrow i'm kind of skeptical though because holy crap i've got like a third of this brushed out not even half so we'll see it's gonna be a long day tomorrow it might go into a third day but the guys did a really good job the louisiana boys were a hoot it was cool to have him out here you know this tree is short but it's so broad it's almost like an east coast tree you know out here we've got tall skinny stuff the thing is wide and short yeah go ahead brian put me down you're looking forward to that all day haven't you of all the places to put me down i'm supposed to believe that it just so happened that it was on top of a bucket dude look how muddy my rope is what a nasty day a disgusting day to come out the full seattle experience dude it really was and then it was all right we're back for more back for day two got our 88 today it's just drizzling right now so a little better than yesterday really poured all day yesterday so here's where we stand today there's a lot of tree left up there we might maybe we've got about halfway brushed out we haven't even started dealing with the wood yet look at that big arm this thing is crazy this tree is so gigantic um i follow a guy on instagram brandon carhu he messaged me he he lives down in oregon he messaged me uh last night i guess he he saw my instagram stories he pruned this tree four or five years ago so kind of a small world i thought that was neat today but i kind of know the guy that i pruned this before but now it's dead it's coming out wow there's a lot left so okay well i better get my stuff on and get going we're never gonna get done with this thing all right brian yep take me all the way up all the way to the top all right so headed up day two scott's flying the drone down there he's just getting some pictures and stuff he hasn't flown it before so he's not uh he's just he's practicing right now i have a feeling like the tips on this one might break this thing's this one's extra crispy okay yep oh jeez yeah right at least it doesn't weigh nothing you can see right here this tree is starting to heal over trees don't actually heal it's called compartmentalization because it'll put on layers of wood until this bad boy is closed you can see it started growing this they call it callus wood started growing and as it grows layers it slowly closes up but this you can see it like made this feeble attempt and then just kind of gave up you know because there just wasn't enough nutrients being transported in the tree just didn't have the vigor to keep to keep closing this wound so you can see it kind of started and they just stopped and this thing is all all decayed the rod's setting in so that's something to look for in a nice nice cut or a nice printing cut or something over the years you'll see it'll it'll actually close up and you'll have this kind of round rounded area right there but this this tree's you know this thing died before it could finish closing this up here's a good example see this one never finished closing up this one did this is callous wood closes up you know where the wound is see if this were a healthy tree you know something like a little branch like the one i'm on i might just tie one sling to it and just cut it and if it fell and hit stuff it wouldn't matter because the wood would be strong it wouldn't break but it's so dead that i gotta do a balanced pick on this just like i gotta do a balance pick on about everything up here so that it doesn't move around a bunch yeah this thing is slippery short ropes are nice when you're moving around the canopy like this because you can very easily move it from one side of the tree to the other if you use a really long rope then it's a big pain in the butt this is only 120 feet long so it's pretty easy for me to do that which i'm doing that a lot in this tree you're getting the hang of that thing [Music] scott that one go good i can't even see it the other side oh there's the butt okay can you see it brian you might need to boom left or something what a puzzle man what a puzzle puddle i found some drinking water i'm thirsty oh yeah that's deep nice little spring well man look at all these there's so many bugs up here nasty like worms and stuff [Music] [Applause] i hate it i freaking hate this tree dude god look at that one just sheared off so i tied it in three spots up there in case any of them broke one of them totally broke several of these pieces had done that so then that thing breaks and this whole thing tips straight up not having a good time it's cold and sometimes i really wonder why i do this for a living yeah dude i'm almost 30. i think i've worked long enough i'm ready to retire i mean i work and work and they just keep finding more trees you know and i'm starting to think that it's never going to stop i think i'm ready to retire i'd like to spend the last 50 50 years of my life you know relaxing i feel like i've earned that you know my golden years the last 50 of your life i mean this is crazy there is like nothing at all above me to tie into i'm just out here on this gigantic fat limb just standing out here all exposed cold and lonely freaking sweet yeah all right see that was good and i you know it started to go down you put a little more pressure on it you want it ideally when you're cutting these things that piece won't move when you cut through you'll know it's going to be smooth if it you're at the very end and it hasn't moved yet usually so that was a good job brian just the right amount of pressure cable up oh man please don't break it's right over the roof [Applause] nice in the clear it's like little twigs just falling all over it so look at this i got this big huge hanger right here look it's just lodged in right there right right over the roof so i'll tie this knot around here around this uh around this this branch i'll just kind of cinch it up so that way this doesn't fall out this tree is so so nasty so frail we're just gonna do that just so the knots around these two [Music] different branches right here all right brian i'm wrangled up go ahead and put some pressure in that yep all right a hanger should be secured get ready brian [Applause] great [Music] a little more pressure look at that huh that's a good one nice job brian go ahead cable up freaking sweet still scary though the roof is right there there's like just little giblets falling all over the roof every pick all right nice hold on brian cable down cable down dude this branch like disintegrated when i cut it okay good cable up hold on just yeah cable down too i hate this tree dude i straight up hate this freaking tree there's crap all over the roof it just i cut this branch and it it just shakes it okay cable up and just disintegrates and just drops all sorts of junk on the roof i think the roof's fine i don't think it weighs anything but there's like a crapload of branches on the roof and yeah it's a metal roof but look at that you see that half of the brush just slopped right off that thing yeah so you see that i cut the branch and like just the motion of it settling into the sling all sorts of branches went flying off that thing they're all over the roof i think it's fine it's a metal roof but it's just frustrating you know you don't want to drop stuff on the roof so we still got all that crap to do too this is a frustrating job whoa wow holy smokes i've been asked a few times um you know how to tell if a tree is sound enough to climb at what point you know do you decide the tree is too dangerous to be climbing there's no really good simple answer to that question all i can say is something like that takes time and experience you know feeling out the tree there are a lot of things that are dangerous that you might not even know to look for when you're new in your career you know all sorts of things with you know like included bark and you know weak attachment points stuff that you probably won't even think about so you know when you're starting out you know just stick to you know hopefully you can just be climbing small trees work your way into bigger trees hopefully you've got somebody there that's knowledgeable with you but really it takes experience you know like this is super dead but it's really big and fat so i know that it's pretty stout if it had hollow pockets and stuff you know i might be concerned there are certain things to look out for like i don't have an example here but sometimes you know you'll have a crack running down this way you know that's not a good sign but it's not as bad as having a crack run this way you know a horizontal crack that's like do not climb above that if you see that a horizontal crack that means that the wood is severed in the way that that thing wants to fall and crumple over if it's running along you know from top to bottom that means that the wood fibers have separated but you still have the same amount of wood holding the leader up it might still be pretty strong so they're both dangerous but one is like 10 times more dangerous so it's really just about taking it slow getting a feel for it dead trees are really dangerous because a lot of times guys they get tempted they don't want to climb up to like little dead wood so they'll make big cuts and then the tree experiences a lot of force at once it can make for really dangerous situations so you know dead trees there's no textbook way no formula that i can say like this is for sure going to be safe you really kind of have to get a feel for it and use your best judgment possible and a lot of times you if you're unsure you know just walk away from the situation walk away from the tree you don't have to do any tree that you think is too dangerous you know you can have somebody else do it so that's about all i can say about climbing dead trees you know if you see yeah you got to get a feel for it and it a huge factor that is the species you know if it's a weak wooded species you know you got to be a lot more cautious than if it's really strong so all right brian's back i'm gonna keep going on this yeah boom up and you know another thing is a huge factor that is the angle too yeah keep booming up brian you know if you're climbing something at an angle yeah keep booming up all right yeah hold that for a second yeah and another thing really important too is uh the angle makes a huge difference you know if you're climbing something and it's at an angle you've got all that downward force prying that tree downward uh trees can take an enormous amount of weight if it's upright like this you've just got your your weight your rigging or whatever you've got and it's just on like a solid upright stick you know a downward pulling force a tree can take a ton of weight so you can climb pretty high usually um even if it's dead but if it's leaning like that you know you've got to think if it's dead in the canopy it's going to be dead in the roots too those roots are you know they're receding they're dying back so uh yeah if it's leaning you probably don't want to rig off it you probably don't want to climb it if it's really dead unless you know it's like this big giant massive thing but i wouldn't want to rig off this luckily we got the crane so all right all right just a little guy yeah well you got to say it like that wait why you got to say it like that brian yeah i'll fly that out i'm doing the best i can okay there's a lot up here a lot of pieces of this puzzle big brain stuff happening up here okay your your small ground guy brain would not understand the math involved yeah when you're older you'll understand why i'm not tying two off at once and it has nothing to do with the fact i didn't think about it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that's freezing dude that better be a good picture [Applause] yep cable up nice we're getting there okay so this one sucked okay brian you can cinch that up a little bit go ahead cinch it up all right so this one's gonna suck so this loom is way over the house there's nothing underneath me whatsoever or anywhere near me to tie into so the safest thing for me to do my only option i mean i can't stand on this stuff is to cut it and ride the piece out with the crane i've got nowhere else to stand so you know it's dangerous you got to be careful but it's the the safest option so here we go you ready bro all right it's free brian don't move yep stay there everything's breaking ah elbow i don't want to be underneath this thing with it all crumbly i want to get on top of it so just stay there okay yeah go ahead cable all the way up yeah huh this is exciting and all but what a pain in the butt i'm gonna paint the stinking butt you see i was way out there those little wispy tips nothing to stand on i'm just riding this bad boy out and the sun's peeking out a little bit it's nice it's probably going to be dark really soon but this is a little sunny now oh my rope's tangled up all right yep yeah see i wanted to be on top of it that's why i had to pull myself up because this thing's all crumbly i don't want to be dangling underneath it with little bits falling on me all right man let's go back okay i think this one's gonna be a little tip-heavy but it's gonna be fun [Music] yep you're free that wasn't too heavy at all actually it worked out great yeah boom left all right i'm gonna stay tied into this one brian just for a minute until i can get away okay brian go ahead cable up a little bit put some pressure on this ah he tried to stab me okay it just snapped immediately as soon as you put pressure on it okay um no i know you didn't it's just nasty tree dude i can see it's super rotten cable up i don't know where to go i just probably have to ride this one too i have nowhere nowhere for jake to go i wasn't planning on riding this out but i wasn't planning on that thing breaking as soon as you put pressure on it what a day man [Music] look at that haha nice nice job brad nice thing about doing single line and double line is i have oh i can tie in anywhere you know by just clipping it around i don't need to find a nice you know crotch to tie into all right well the sun is going down it's going to be dark any minute um we'll spend the rest of the day getting the branches off the roof the ones that fell down there they're over here we're not going to be able to finish this today so i know you guys are disappointed you didn't get to see the whole thing well i'm a little bummed too it's a it's trees like this that are this is you know this is for sure one of the hardest trees that i've ever done like hands down it's up there this thing has been such a puzzle it's been really dangerous really dead stuff is breaking all over the place um you know and it's tricky and it's been pouring rain i mean you guys been watching you know the story so i'm gonna go get those branches off the roof we're gonna have to come back i don't even know when we are uh we're booked out until late january this is early december right now so i don't know when we're gonna get back out here to take care of the wood but and the rest of those branches but we're done it's gonna be we still gotta put the crane away it's gonna be dark by the time we roll out so i'm gonna grab the branches off the roof and we're just gonna call it we're gonna call it a night um and then yeah it's gonna be a three-day ordeal so i know you're bummed i'm bummed too the bosses are gonna be really bummed and they gotta have us come out here for the third day but that's just the that's just the nature of the game tree works a it's a tough it's a tough job it's a tough industry this has been a tough job a tough treat but so far so good no big damage surprisingly we've hit the roof about a billion times with little bits of wood falling you know so it's all going as as well as it can considering how um awful this tree is so we're we're about wrapped up let's just grab those uh hangers and get out of these yeah grab the branches off the roof and then we'll get out of here we get there's the sunset it's kind of pretty out now it's pretty nice that very end of the day we got like a few minutes of light left it's pretty nice now all right brian go ahead and cable me down cable me like 70 feet down there's so much tree left guys there's so much left it's horrible okay keep going down okay hold it i hate this okay okay boom left actually i gotta do the top first cable up i can't even sort of stand on this oh here we go now we're getting some momentum we might have to do a more thorough job when we come back you know hold on yep okay keep going right whoa my goodness okay good hold it he put me in the front yard i'm done that's it jake's done no more you can't make me do any more that's enough of that maybe when we come back and give it a better blow maybe it'll be dry all right okay so that's about it for this job for this big dead maple for now we still got a few branches over there for the most part we're all brushed out no more branches over the garage or the house so treework is a fun job you know i love doing it i love cutting trees sometimes it's a little harder than other times and uh you know you take the good with the bad this was a i mean this is a really tough tree it's still fun in some ways and in some ways it's not very fun but you know we're making good progress nothing is damaged the guys did a good job we're gonna wrap this up and that's about it so hopefully you like that um don't forget to like and subscribe i have a feeling this is going to be a pretty long video so thanks for watching it all the way through if you made it this part let me know in the comments any suggestions on future videos that you might like to see um maybe just let me know where you're from and you know are you a tree guy are you a homeowner you know um just let me know who you are and what you want to see so that's about it nice job brian we'll be back shortly to show you part two nice job kevin thank you thanks thank you kevin all right good job today scott nice sick knees on the drill man thanks yeah that was pretty sketchy dead nasty so yeah it's a tricky one way to grab some cajones and get up there and get her done thank you thank you thank you for complimenting my you got big cojones you
Channel: Guilty of Treeson @ Eastside Tree Works
Views: 633,672
Rating: 4.8949585 out of 5
Keywords: tree work, Jacob rogers, Eastside tree works, arborist, logger, logging, landscaping, work, jobs, dirty jobs, chainsaw, stihl, Husqvarna, construction, demolition, idiots with chainsaws, tree cutting, tree cutting accidents, tree cutting fails, crane, national crane, ntc55, tree topping, wood, wood working, wood turning, wood chopping, dangerous jobs, interesting jobs, fun jobs, Jake rogers, tree removal, tree felling, tree falling, satisfying, extreme, send it, full send, arboriculture
Id: AIta_eXT1os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 59sec (4079 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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