RAZOR SHARP CHAIN! How I use a round file to sharpen a chainsaw to get the saw treeson sharp!

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all right we're sharpening chainsaws a day with my buddy jet we're gonna do a couple videos this is I cut this fir down on Mercer Island a few weeks ago this is the top half of the tree and we're gonna I'm gonna hook up my winch up to this and scoot this log out and then we're gonna we're gonna buck some wood so I'm going to scoot this log out so you can cut it a little better [Music] right there that good so we're gonna bust the the knots off and then okay yeah you know like like let's cut one like right there and then we've got yeah yeah Nate yeah it looks good yeah I see they say just cut it right here and then it's all just clean wood core Catholic Church so I've got my 66 this is a 28 inch bar and this is a chain I've been running and I've been filing it I'm gonna take it off and we're just gonna start over so we're gonna do this with I'm gonna take a stock chain and I'm gonna swap it so I want to show you you know how filing it down compares to the different speed of the stock so I'm just going to take this one off and put it to the side we're going to start her video with this 28 inch this is a full comp organ 63 gauge square cut chain [Music] [Music] what was that 26:36 okay 26:36 [Music] this gravel in there Oh bagent ik that's dull in that amazing now like it will not cut and you get just the rocks for you in a second [Music] needs a sharpening Josh's rocked alright quite a bit of questions mostly from Instagram about how I go about sharpening my chain and it's really the way I do it's really not complicated plate dance I do use these tools so this is like an organ file guide and I'll show you your it'll show you your angles and I started out using this guide because you know it's got this line right here which shows you the angle and then over time I stopped using the guide because I was like well that's easy I can you know with enough practice like I know the angle that I want the file to be going against the tooth first off when you're starting I would like to start where the abnormality is so this is where they put the chain together you see there's this big gap and I always like to start there cuz it's just a good indicator that you don't with the chain um but anyway it's back to the guide I I liked I figured out though that the the problem that I had when taking off the guy is that it's actually relatively easy to be consistent you know with your angle like that but the the trouble is that this top plate can you see that pretty well so the top plate right here is really critical you know the angle of this plate so and because the file's round if you hold the file too high up then you're rubbing the the cutter the top plate right on the kind of flat side of the file and you'll get this really blunt and if you push too far down you can undermined it and make like a really wicked hook so that's why I ended up going back to using the guide because well it is kind of helpful to have this little line on there which keeps your angle consistent really for me what is nice about it is it helps keep my hot plate consistent and so there's really not much to it you will just stick it in there they're going to town okay so now you can see like this top plate that looks pretty good but there's still a lot going on right here this is what they call the gullet or the gut so what I've started to do a lot of people might think it's silly is so I'll do the whole chain like that with the guide and you know that's really good for the top but the problem that I've had with the gauge though is that it's hard to get down you know there's a lot of metal still down there and it's hard to get to with this thing on so the advantage of doing it without the gauge is you can get more of this metal and so what I'll do is like I'll do the whole chain and then what I do is I'll take the gauge off and then I'll just stick it you know back into the tube and I'm more just pushing straight down and straight towards the corner of the tooth and I'll do that a few times and what that does is it it you know channels out all that metal that's slowing you down right here what they call the gullet you know can you see how much metal there is down there so that's I'll do another tooth and you can see this is a pretty awesome song yeah is it working pretty good amount of detail you know so can you see gently the difference so the guy with the guide still on you know all this metal that I have a hard time hitting down here yeah so see this and if I were to keep doing the chain this is a pretty new chain if I were to keep going like this you'd get like almost a ski slope look on this bottom part of the tooth whereas like waist hurts right you mean or no no no yeah yeah because I like like I like to imagine like a crescent moon right kinda and then but if you don't take the gold out you get this like ski slope angle cuz you can't get the metal down there so that's the difference of it might not look like a lot but it makes a difference taking all that metal out of the bottom that's what people me and they say get the gullet or get the gut out well I try to see people like a guy walk up to the chain and look at it and do one of these you're not gonna determine much from no I just open this one it feels indistinguishable from this one they're both they're both pointy you know yeah means very little and you know the just having the top cut or pointy doesn't even say much like you could get it pointy with a flat five and it wouldn't cut because you know this plate needs to have an angle to it they call that chisel angle right yeah anybody can come up with a mean dagger on the end pretty much yeah probably yeah this is one second in the gravel I know I work with a lot of guys you know they can do it like this with their left hand I can't tell you how many times I just I tried that and for some reason like I just so I do it in two steps I do all the one side and then I'll flip the saw around okay why do you think that like residential guys there's so much worse at surfing chain and timber cutters start cutting that because we yeah we kind of cut a lot less wood the drive drive trucks try not to get in accidents and of course you want to keep your file flat you know rid of that none of that I'm done with this side so now I'm at the rakers and I'll just put that on there like if I this is so this is what is this is it organ guide maybe I should try that one you just got me good yeah yeah so what's this this was a Madsen that's it that's the 0.25 inch you'd get one of these it's only $3.00 33.5 medicines I guess you just put that on huh and then yeah I've never used that kind seems pretty easy people say count your strokes oh so this is how it goes you say find the worst tooth get that really sharp count how many strokes you did and then go through the whole chain and and you know do that many strokes on the rest of the tooth so the problem with that is that you just burn through chain catering to the weakest tooth like that so what you do is don't don't do that just and you don't need to count your strokes just get all your teeth sharp and then you by measuring the distance but by measuring the raker so the way the raker works is there's no way you know when this chain spinning really fast there's no way that this whole tooth can take out a big chunk of wood that big you're cutting corners right here and your top plates here and that you're only cutting just a sliver of wood off on the very top so the lower the raker is the more wood the tooth grabs so if your rakers are really high you'll get you know sawdust because it's not grabbing a very big piece of wood and if you bring your breakers too low this thing will just jam up against like if you took these wreckers off you tried to cut wood it would just jam up against the wood it would not cut whatsoever so by measuring your rakers and making sure that they're the same in relation to the tooth every tooth will grab the same amount of wood as long as the rakers are proportional to the teeth so don't you don't need to make sure your teeth is the same size what you need to do is make sure that your rakers are all the same in relation to the cutter and that's where these are so helpful because you can just go down and measure all of your rakers with one of these guys and then you know it's all the same like it doesn't matter if this thing's way better than the other one it doesn't matter if you could have stubs on one side and you know a whole big long tooth on the other side and it doesn't matter because each tooth is grabbing just an amount of wood that's really interesting if you notice like I notice on my like top handles if I go extra aggressive on the raker yeah just like blows through the lens great but yeah but then you're trying to like chunks of wood or do a face cut through school oh so it'll be really chattery or it'll be really grabby yeah and you'll know if they're too high cuz you'll just be getting powder or your chain could be dull so that sites done and now I'll go through this side and it's not rather the same thing oh yeah when I was saying before like you know feeling it to see if it's pokey you know that's not a good indicator if it's sharp or not the way you want to do is you want to get down low and actually look at the tooth from this side you know that way you can see everything that's going on I mean if you look straight down at the tooth and all these are folded or mangled then it's obviously dull but a lot of times you know this can still be pointing and it'll still be very dull you know what I mean like it's the top plate is good that's just one part of it you will focus on the top plate I've seen people show up in like this - yeah is that good yeah I've seen a lot of guys like they're sharpening and they'll lift at the same time because they see the top plate flying on it right so you do that look how fast it's becoming you know it's getting pointy and you think that it's working by doing it that way but like look at the front of this look at that can you see that Judge look I'm just blunting the crap out of my teeth you having that you're losing your hook it looks like it's a clean edge coming off but it's just not aggressive enough yeah so that shows you like looking at the top doesn't do that much you know you want to look at the side because this is a knife you know this top plate needs to be at a certain angle you know like like I said that's why they I call that the chiseling over the top plate so you know if you see someone doing that but you know you you're just you might as well take a flat file to it at that point that and and that's really why I like the gauge because the file is forced to sit at the certain proportion to the top plate you know if if your tooth is running directly at the side of the file it's flat if it's the tooth is running here you get a wicked hook and like I work with guys I stopped using the file for a while because guys you know would make fun of me at the shop only to my own detriment because then a lot of guys you know they don't they don't have it the same cop probably it doesn't matter you know everybody's has different manual dexterity and you don't have to be that good it gets the depth for you yeah yeah guess how many relative angles when I first started the first time I ever tried to sharpen a firewood saw with a round file I thought that the tooth I thought it kind of gouged out a piece of wood I didn't really think it like severed the wood grain in such a way I thought I just kind of took a chunk out yeah so yeah I was all I was worried about was the point you know totally yeah but it's just that it is a chisel like if you watch a carpenter chiseling away at a piece of wood you get that like and you know like ribbon of would like a planer like a door planer yeah that's the same thing that's going on like the tooth is cutting very small piece of wood there's so many pleasures of going so fast so can you see as I go like look at all the metal I'm missing you know down there like look at all that right this tooth will work like it would be fine you can spend your whole career and you'll be alright cut you know sharpen like that but I think you guys are gonna see I'm gonna make a cut and then I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna carve all the gullet out and make another cut I think you see a difference you'll get guys too some guys are not very good at sharpening chain and the way that they trick themselves or thinking they're good at sharpening is they go real wild on the rake was because when you go really wild on their anchors it it cuts more aggressively and it can sometimes feel like it's cutting faster just because it's pulling so hard but then like when you watch it go into a big piece of wood and see it bind up and stuff you know you want it to be consistent and smooth let's try this I'm not done but yeah like if I were just to do the guide like the manufacturer was I'd be done give it a test that was a really nice fur was it yeah but it was like right up against the garage and stuff they were Romano and I don't like it it was a pretty inconvenient well no I mean like it was growing they were like putting in a new driveway or something had to recap wreaked or wrecked I don't know how you say that wreaked havoc on their driveway so weak rained it out you like those histories yeah I do i sharpened it with the guide but I didn't take out the gullet so see how fast it is so are you ready jet yep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 22 seconds yeah Wow actually that I think it's gonna be a so 22 seconds significant though there's a lot faster yeah it is it's not even done no wow okay so we're gonna go back to the Vice yeah alright so we're back in the vise so back myself what for for four whole seconds fast which is a lot that's a lot I didn't think it would be that big of a difference I'm not even done like yeah it's really rudimentary just flew through all I did was the top plate and I used the guide yeah so no skill involved with that you see how much faster that cut in the stock chain yeah if it doesn't seem like a lot on a 16-inch chunk out on like a big fir or something like that you're saving a lot of work so all I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna carve out this bottom and I'm gonna use the same file I just take off the guide and then I just put it in here and instead of putting it I'm not putting any pressure upwards I'm just pushing straight down and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just carve out all this metal down low and now I'm gonna push it straight back a little bit so that all this so it can you see that tooth so see how it's like a crescent moon shape so can you see how I carved out the bottom I mean it's a subtle difference but it's a significant amount of metal and if you don't do that over time you'll really build up a lot of metal right here so just carving that little bit out makes a big difference so I'm going to go through the whole chain again it's gonna be pretty fast I'm just gonna carve out the bottom of the tooth and then we're gonna time it again so that was leaving the gullet in and now I'm gonna take the gullet out we're gonna measure it so you know here I good well that's what I like to gauge so I like the consistency on the top plate I'm just getting all this bottom irrelevant metal completely superfluous [Music] I'm not touching the top plate see I mean you got a file sharpening czar really good time to not be an RA yeah at one time when taking more time is gonna save you more time in the end you know six hours to chop down a tree never changed my guess is this cuts not gonna be faster really yeah Billy you don't think so not I mean if I'd be really surprised oh I'm done okay yeah so we're gonna time it again okay it's gonna be much different so no I'm nervous twenty-two seconds is the time to be this is any better [Music] 18 1993 and a half seconds we're gonna have seconds taking the gullet out [Music] can't believe it like I knew it was the stock chain was bad but man yeah alright so I just wrote down the times so the first measurement was stock twenty six point three six seconds and I sharpened it but I left the gullet in there it was twenty two forty two and then I took the gullet out at eighteen ninety four so the difference between the difference between the stock chain this is the first time I sharpened it there's a fourteen point nine four percent increase in the speed then the difference between the sharp with and without the gullet by taking the gullet out my chain was fifteen and a half percent more sharp all in total so the difference between the stock square organ chain and then after I sharpened it and took the gullet out my chain saw so my chain cuts twenty-eight percent twenty eight point one four percent faster than the Oregon stock chain so now Jed is going to go after it with this square file and he's gonna see if he can beat my time eighteen seconds to ninety eight 18.9 in five seconds same chain here we go you
Channel: Guilty of Treeson @ Eastside Tree Works
Views: 462,329
Rating: 4.8077803 out of 5
Keywords: chainsaw, round file, jacob rogers, treeson, arborist, how to sharpen a saw, wood, how to, tree surgeon, tree, wood cutting, stihl, husqvarna, razor sharp
Id: y3iOwUjUMdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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