Big Green Egg Pizza: Step-by-Step Tutorial Born to Egg with Rob Beane.

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[Music] how we doing born daggers your buddy it's Friday night tonight say I threw my first pizza videos out there I don't know three months ago and they have a lot of traction this was before I was doing some editing and things along those lines and I've learned a lot about the requests in what you guys are seeking to make pizza and I've also believe it or not I've gotten a little bit better at making pizza every week oftentimes people ask me do you use a screen where's the screen why aren't you using the screen I just don't get it so we're gonna try to answer your questions in one fell swoop okay this is born to egg on YouTube with Rob bean if this is helpful I need you to subscribe for me okay let's go it's born to egg let's get after this thing I'm gonna bring this to you with the screen I'm without okay first thing that I see a lot of is how do you get your egg up to temp what do you do to bring that thing up to temp the other amazing thing is how many different ways you guys there is to setup an egg for everything but in particular for pizza so we're gonna walk down Lovers Lane tonight with pizza that's what we're gonna do it's Friday night my family's stoked it's been a couple of weeks since we dug into one and we're gonna get the party started by having a sip and lighten this egg okay now when I fry my fries I save my oil what do I do with said oil I use it to light my grill three pieces of select a sheet bounty old oil no mess now if you look at my setup here you guys right as I'm getting ready to light this thing you're gonna see I've got a firebox and it's cracked okay you're not the only one then you're gonna see I've got this little intermediate ring here that's actually about half the size of a fire ring and I pick that up a couple of years ago I actually have two of them and it's awesome for bringing this thing up a little bit more because you know what pizza the goal is to get it as high up in the dome as possible so I've got that two-inch ring you can use tin foil balls or fire safe bricks or things along those lines but I like to use ceramic so that's what I've got now here we go that's how I like my light my egg ladies and gentlemen now here's the interesting thing I've got the bottom busted wide open I clean this thing out pretty doggone well not vacuumed it but I scraped her good okay inside I've got all fresh charcoal except for maybe three four inches of a little bit older charcoal okay and if you look down here carefully you're gonna see I am a fan of the kick ash basket and I do use rock wood charcoal clutch not a lot of smokiness burns hot perfect for pizza and you can get it in most places so check it this thing's gonna get going I'm gonna let it warm up for about ten minutes just like this you guys know I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna put my setup down and I'll show you exactly what that entails after we wait for this thing to heat up and I'm gonna start prepping my my other stuff to get the pizzas going in a perfect world you would have exactly what it takes to make the perfect big green egg pizza I'm gonna show you how to create the perfect world kids infrared temp gun the brand of this is some tax cost me like 15 bucks at Menards home depot it is a lifesaver for a billion different reasons my buddy Chris Maisie hey y'all think about a pizza cutter comes in handy I'm loyal to big you're an egg pizza pan it's all about presentation oh stop it Pizza scream very controversial these days it's crazy paddle well I'm sorry peel paddle these ingredients is exactly what you need to make the perfect pizza cheese let Jenna secret kids if I look is if I'm carrying a few extra pounds I am and you know why I am it's because of whole-milk mozzarella cheese it's designed for pizza fresh balls mozzarella balls my sauce check it out we've got an entire video based on the sauce if you want to see something else for the love of God let us know fresh basil cornmeal flour does okay these are my homemade does I thawed them out I've got them stacked I'm bringing them to room temp sento is your friend kids it's what I used to make my sauce everything's called margarita but I'll tell you what this pepperoni is what I used sliced it by hand with a crappiest slicer and I can imagine but they're very very thin and a big question is do you pre cook your veggies and do you pre cook your meats and my answer is you do you do not for long just to suck some of that grease out all right fresh Italian sausage I want to have that cook this up it's about 77% of the way done it'll be finished up on the Kings it gets gone I'm a fan of shrooms so we've got some of that all right beverage of course check it out you guys 10-15 minutes in dome up all the way open okay no I've got one of those cool new egg you laters that keeps this thing wide open but you know what for a foolproof perfect pizza on the Big Green Egg I've done it every way possible you guys I go legs up I go great I have a minimax I use it's plate set our legs up I go big green egg do yourself a favor big green egg stone that is get yourself a stone stop spending 12 15 bucks on these little stones and showing them how they cracked after one cook you've learned we're gonna get this thing 600 degrees ok 6 650 and the stones gonna get hotter than hell being about 525 to 550 that's what we're gonna do to make the perfect pizza kids let's let this thing heat up so the egg has been heating up it's been about an hour took my dough out of its container okay as you can see this thing is kind of warming up it's very malleable so I can and this is a question that people ask all the time okay how do you do your dough and I always show that you just kind of work the edge with your thumb and your index fingers okay see I don't have a ton of flour you guys I don't have a ton of flour I'm not dealing with a whole lot of sticking work the outer rim now very controversy here is anyone but something that's very controversial I think that's better is whether or not oh boy see what I'm doing here now that's crazy I know but I just take that outside rim a little bit you can see I'm starting to shape this thing up I'm not overdoing the handle kids okay note it's not sticking now what I want to do here is I'm going to use this screen I'm gonna use this screen for the first cheese pizza which is my daughter's alright and I'm going to do that because I want to show you how easy it is to handle this ultimately get it on your egg now we're getting close you know you know what knowing how my kid likes her pizza that's probably about the thickness I think I'm gonna I think I'm gonna do one more whirl around here you know people ask as well do you season the screen and the answer is I don't I let the screen get seasoned from usage I think that's about the thickness that I like the handle it's round sento is our friend sent a loyal hit it and I always talk about my garlic oil I love my garlic well everybody loves my garlic well but I don't necessarily have any garlic oil on hand so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna get my solace and you'll notice you guys I'm bringing this out last second because I like to keep my sauce and my cheese cold because I think it has a tendency to stand up a little bit straighter take a ladle work the magic now again I use a tomato paste kids I use a tomato paste and the cool thing about a tomato paste is that it lasts for about a week and I use it for all kinds of different things whole milk Monte's adapter grater adapter and can I tell you something it is the boom I can blast through a lot of cheese all right you're gonna see it's not overwhelming and the reason why it's not overwhelming guys I like an even cook and I don't want the crust to get soggy all right the fresh pearls just finish it off nice nicely I should say I mean who doesn't like fresh mozzarella I go out of my way I'm making my own me and bell Jill Giglio so or Gio so or whatever the hell they're called but they make a nice product all right there you go now check this I'm moving with a pizza it's on the screen tell me it doesn't look incredible okay no problem let's take this thing to the egg so we've got my daughter's cheese pizza here it is you'll notice it's on the screen tip about the screen ladies and gentlemen you'll notice I did not make this pizza a half-hour before the fact and let it sit on this Green I brought it out I let it heat up to room temp I flipped it around on some flour I put it on the screen my egg has heated up to 600 degrees my stone has heated up to 542 I like to go between 525 and 550 no gloves pizza is on the Big Green Egg shutting her down come back in a couple minutes and spin her around see we got all right you guys spent about three minutes slowly open oh dear now one thing I forgot to mention that you need it's not a need as much for me as it's a want I like a fork just to pop some of the bubbles so that the entire pizza doesn't get involved with bubbles all right the other thing that people say using a screen cheating check it is that cheating I don't think it is especially when I do this slide it under I'm going direct on the stone note first and you're gonna see that's the reason why because the bottom needs some cookin aren't you guys let's check it out here fans spin you're gonna notice that oh man look at that bottom come on it's it's pretty awesome it's a pretty awesome looking piece of it I'm gonna want to crisp up a little bit more but the beautiful thing about the screen is you guys check this if the bottom is cooking too quickly I could throw the screen back underneath it I don't understand what the big deal is it's not cheating it's an awesome tool to have I use them for a lot of different things all right all right the next Pete's I'm gonna throw on is gonna be without a screen let's go six minutes now I know it's just cheese but it's a very high quality cheese it's not very greasy I just have to let it settle here's what I want you guys take note of Oh God come on it's a screen I finished it off without gonna let it set up three to four minutes bang it away my daughter's gonna be thrilled okay now I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna make the one without the screen all right you guys so just got done with the cheese that I used with the screen this one I'm making for my son with no screen now again the question was asked a banner do you pre cook your stuff and the answer is for a couple of seconds just to get the grease out again just stretching it out up and crazy you can control the handle all right see how much shaping up nice and round stretch it out here's the difference cornmeal one-handed no big deal check this yeah I'm pretty good with that pretty good with that a little bit of oil keep the crust nice and crisp hit it with the sows Matt Itachi's but enough and the thing is you guys you can always put a little bit more cheese right afterwards if you feel the need okay pepperoni that i cut i was showed you the stick ahead of time this stuff is just incredible it's that margarita stuff glorioso's milwaukee you guys are over the top my son likes a lot of pepperoni he doesn't like a lot of Italian sausage so I just give them some sparse bigger chunks again I cook this Italian sausage ahead of time you guys probably do about 70% of the way cooked chicken bang bang a little bit more cheese my dog is waiting for the mess look at that here's the deciding factor watch see how I can do that I want to do that before I go outside you're also gonna notice I've done this enough times the messes and mints okay all right let's go throw it on the egg all right you guys so I came outside and this thing is just a little bit over 600 degrees and I'm a little over five so now I'm right there about five sixty eight all right I'm gonna let this thing again 525 to 550 is the sweet spot I'm gonna keep this open for about 30 seconds just to let that that that stone cool off a little bit cuz I don't want to scorch the bottom of my pizza you could see a dropping attempt just by leaving the dome open you want to make sure that you're regulating this you guys between 525 and 550 have your fork okay before I was teasing before about my buddy Maisie reason being is we went all the way to Michigan we made pizza on his big green egg we're getting ready to pull the thing off and his wife comes out with a pair of gardening shears gardening shears oh that's it that's all I that's all I have to say I'm not cutting the pizza with gardening shears all right I'm throwing this thing on taste test see how I can just slide them watch this just slide it right off you guys I've got a bucket drop my excess again I only use this to make pizzas on that's why it looks so pretty the back end from sliding it on and off looks a little beat-up which I would expect down goes the dome big green egg pizza born to egg it's beautiful a couple more spins here it should be ready to rock and roll let's go whole milk mods hand sliced pepperoni very delicious Italian sausage 600 degrees stolons 525 to 550 this happened to be about 548 can you see underneath that just can you see it see ya that's pizza we like peppers little parmesan I don't know we do you I'm gonna keep doing this people always ask me why don't try it I'm still making pizza one bite everybody knows rules sir it'd make this make this you'd be glad you didn't bore neck if this was helpful God born to egg the group on Facebook Instagram YouTube subscribe let's go hungry we come you
Channel: Born to EGG with Rob Beane
Views: 52,883
Rating: 4.7877984 out of 5
Keywords: BGE, #bge, Big Green Egg, #biggreenegg, Born to Egg, #borntoegg, Rob Beane, #robbeane, Pizza, Kamado, Grilling Pizza, #pizza, Pizza Recipe, #pizzarecipe, #biggreeneggpizza
Id: tBp6mNlg9HE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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