How To Smoke Baby Back Ribs on the Big Green Egg

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hello everybody and welcome to another episode of the outdoor home live cooking demonstration so today we're going to show you start to finish the process of how to smoke on the big green egg so and today in particular we're going to do ribs cook up a couple slabs of ribs and we'll end up feeding our staff here so we are at outdoor home for the show today as we were once before so you can tell we've got a brand new shiny egg here that's because this is an egg fest egg and we'll talk a little bit more about that shortly we've got a brand new egg that belongs to somebody here that bought an egg fest egg you might know have a general idea who you are could be yours so what i'm going to do is just show start to finish the process of how you're going to smoke when you get your big one egg if you don't have one already from the light process first so you can see here i went ahead and threw one of the little fire starter sticks in there but i'm going to just dig a little bit of a section right in the middle we're not going to have a real hot fire today so we're not going to have to slide it in more than one spot all right and i'm just going to set that fire starter right down there in the middle you can use a lighter i've got matches today these are pretty handy nice thing of the match you can just leave it in there and it burns up you got that getting going i want to make sure my draft door on the bottom is all the way open and then what i will do is just pull some of this charcoal kind of over the top once i know that's a little starter's going to get some charcoal for it to burn [Applause] like so i'm going to give that just a second i could go ahead and put my grate on a lot of times i'll do this just so it starts heating up it's easier to clean when it's hot in this case today this is a brand new great because it's a brand new egg so we're not going to do that we're going to turn this into an eggfest egg for somebody so i'm just going to let that rest once i know that firestarter stick is going 100 then we're going to shut the lid okay so what i'll do now i still have the draft door open on the bottom i'm gonna slide this all the way open so that we're basically it's like a chimney starter at this point [Music] pulling air in through the bottom right through that fire server stick in the charcoal and then exiting out the top so that's only going to take about 10 minutes to get up to temp we'll talk a little bit about what we've got going on here while that's warming up so we mentioned this is an egg fest egg uh egg fest eggs normally would be used during egg fest this year because of for safety reasons we don't feel we can actually do egg fest as we normally would which would be in our parking lot we'd have a thousand a thousand people here that would be sampling uh various foods that were cooked on these eggs these egg fest eggs by our cooking teams the sampling portion and a thousand people here we don't feel we can pull that off this year so we're going virtual with our egg pets so how do you go virtual a bigfest well we're asking all the cooking teams if you've cooked in the past in a team if you've thought about doing a team whether you've never even thought about doing a team we're going virtual with videos so we ask your backyard or wherever you want to do your video you can do it anywhere you want go ahead and do a video of exactly what you would have done this year at our egg fest once you would have sampled your recipe and show the process put it on video you can put it in multiple segments uh and get it to us and we can actually piece that together into one video if it's a long cook or it can just be one continuous cook that you do and get creative the part that people can't do this year is taste so you really got to sell the recipe and how it tastes and what you're doing in order to do that we've had a few submissions already uh there's been some really good ones i don't know if anybody watched the i think it's jacob that sent one with the hawaii had the whole hawaiian thing going on from the shirts to the music that was just awesome makes my videos look bad we don't have any of that stuff going on so get creative get those videos to us the public instead of tasting and voting by sampling they're going to vote by those videos so pretty important we need those entries keep sending them to us and we'll get them posted and whoever has the most votes on that egg fest excellent chef competition will win a brand new mini max big green egg so egg eggheads i don't know an egghead that doesn't want a mini max if they don't have one already it's a perfect companion to a large egg this is the large size here that we have that's warming up and you can get those videos if you've got a video once you've got the video done if you've got questions of course you can call and ask for aaron who's on the camera today again uh you can also go to we have all the details there get that video done and submit it to us so we can get it cleaned up and ready and get it posted we'll also post on our facebook page so that people can see we've got one submission that's already hidden we've got more that we're working on so get those to us we'll take a break here i'm going to get my ribs actually we'll talk about what we're going to do today we're going to smoke some ribs so i've got everything kind of lined up and i'll go get those here in just a second while this is warming up but we're going to season i like to mix this the big green egg savory pecan 5050 with the sweet and smoky from big green egg and that was actually just used in one of the videos that was turned in that you may have watched already we're going to hit the during the cook on the ribs we're going to use our big green egg muffin sauce this stuff is really good some people use apple juice but this got really good flavor to it we'll hit that several times with the muffin sauce and then we're going to go kc style and finish it off with kansas city sweet and smoky barbecue sauce throughout the process as well so we'll take a look or you can see the bigger egg it does not take long at all it's been just a few minutes it's starting to come up we're going to shoot for 250 degrees that's going to take it just a few minutes it'll probably be ready by the time i go inside and get the ribs and come back out so i will be right back okay so a lot of people ask when it comes to temperature control we want to make sure we showed this to you today so we watched this close it's been just a few minutes since we went off the camera but people asked when do you they see the different settings that you have for airflow but people ask when do you start adjusting the temp uh so we caught this one just right on time today right as aaron started the camera it was at 250 and you see i'm starting to climb if i continue to stand here and talk which nobody wants me to do that temperature is going to just start creeping up it'll get to 300 400 bad idea it's not gonna be the end of the world if you do that but you really want to try and get your temperature as close to that target as possible rather than let that keep creeping up so since we're at 250 and starting to climb above that i'm going to start our damper process to get the temperature locked down which is just restricting the airflow and we've shown this i think on a couple long cooks i'm actually going to go about a fingers opening on the top if you've got the old lid you just do the the holes open and then i'm going to take it all the way down to a credit card down here that sounds crazy it looks crazy for 250 degrees that's the only airflow we need in the big green egg to maintain that temperature with credit card there and just about a finger here that's all it's going to take if my temperature still gets a little bit above 250 my next step would just be to bring this in a little bit more so the main thing is get it set let it kind of dial in right now it's still showing almost 300 when i caught it there but we're just now starting to restrict that airflow and it's going to start coming back down which is a great time while you're waiting for that to kind of get settled [Music] we actually know until you get familiar with it i would say make sure your temperature is dialed in before you start adding everything else in i am 100 certain that's going to hold 250 today so i'm going to go ahead and put my other ingredients save some time on the video and show you what we're going to do here so first thing let's get it smoking what turns a big green egg from a grill uh into a smoker number one indirect indirect heat which we're going to show you here in just a second but before i put that in i want to get my smoking chips in so we're going to add wood chunks you can do chunks or chips this is pretty cool i actually did a blend between oak and pecan for this recipe this came out of our smoking fire room if you're familiar with outdoor home you've been in there the orange room and the back corner of the store we have over 20 different smoking chips and chunks that you can choose from you can mix them grape olive persimmon we've got so many different things today i'm using pecan and oak mixture 50 50 with chunks um then we also have all the seasonings and stuff you can try back there as well we'll talk about that in a second but what i'm going to do now i've got a real big piece there i'm going to move just a little bit out of the way so i can get some of this wood down in that fire so we get some smoke right away you can tell by color which one's which that's that's our pecan wood the darker is oak and that fire is going to spread throughout during the day so i'm going to kind of mix around another trick you can do you can put a couple pieces down here in the front rd shared that that little trick because then you can use your ash tool later in the cook and i can knock it down into the center if that's still where the fire is sell that by the pound so you can come in and get just enough for your recipe tonight or you can buy enough to last you the rest of the rest of the year if you want once that's in place and i'm smoking i'm gonna put the convector in this does come with the eggfest egg package so if you're watching and this is your egg congratulations you get that as well so you'll be smoking on the first night you get it home if you want i'm gonna just put that in place there [Applause] did forget a disposable pan and then i can put my grate in there as well okay i'm gonna let that smoke don't want to leave that lid open otherwise that fire is gonna start getting to go but it's gonna start rolling smoke out right out into the street that should get some attention today and we'll start working on our ribs but you will notice on that temperature since aaron's got the camera on there don't panic when the temperature goes down that's because i put that convector inside and it's not hot like the rest of the egg so it's probably going to lead it's probably going to read even a little bit shy of 200 for a while but it will warm up don't touch anything just just let it go and let that smoke start rolling out of there and we'll get our ribs ready and we mentioned i think a few minutes ago on the on the ribs i've taken the membrane off the back didn't need to show that process pretty easy some do some don't i prefer to so we've got two slabs of baby back ribs get these ready before i get the hands dirty you can do mustard or olive oil i prefer olive oil because i'm not a mustard pan you won't taste the mustard at the end i just don't like playing in it so just to give the seasoning something to bind to we're going to hit these with a little bit of olive oil yeah i took the membranes off and i trimmed just a little bit off there if you get a big big hunk of meat on there or a big hunk of fat sometimes i'll take that off but i don't i don't get too crazy with that okay so we rub those up we're doing a 50 50 blend with our sweet and smoky and our savory pecan seasoning these are going to be on there for a while so i'm going to go fairly heavy [Applause] great tasting stuff has a real nice color especially as it cooks i'm talking about seasoning we just grab these you can see it says sample on these because i just grabbed these from inside also from our smoking fire room we have over 70 seasonings and sauces in the smoke and fire room all of which you can safely try a little sample and the cool thing is we have what we call rub cups if you decided hey i want to try that recipe and i want to try that sweet and smoky and see if i like it as much as kenny and everybody else does you can come in and just get a two ounce ramekin of this stuff enough to do one batch of ribs you can even mix it 50 50 with the savory pecan and see if that's your cup of tea before you actually buy the entire container if you get hooked on it then you can come back and buy more or you can try something else you can try any of the 70 seasonings one cup at a time so that you can do one recipe at a time find out try it before you commit to a whole bunch of it we've all had those seasonings maybe we've tried on recommendation and you don't like it as much as others and then you never use the rest of bottle that won't happen if you do it this way all right that's a good dose of our sweet and smoky we'll switch to savory pecan this stuff much easier to pour and i will go a little heavier on the pecan is so good on pork okay get a good dose on there and i'm just gonna kind of pat it make sure it let's get it in place there i don't mess with seasoning the backside where the bones are okay we're pretty much ready to go there so our process here we've got nice smoke coming out of the egg some guys will wait and make sure that you've got the clear blue smoke versus the yellow i don't get too worked up over that it's going to change eventually anyway so we're about ready to put those on well so the process here is i'm going to put these on we're going to use actually this does not come with an eggfest egg but a very inexpensive and handy accessory that you can get especially with a large egg it comes in handy this is the smaller version we've got two this is the smaller that holds four so i cut my rib racks in half and i'm going to put four of them in this rib rack you could even do you know you could probably get another one if you have they also make one the larger rack will also fit the large egg it has six so i can add another slab but don't be afraid to kind of pile some on the edges around there so you could fit easily get four or five slabs of ribs on a large egg and you start using the expander go to the second shelf now you know who knows some people have gotten really creative at how many they fit in there the red rack is kind of nice because it keeps them upright upright and not touching so they all get that smoke and that heat that smoke is smelling really good right now i like to kind of put them facing each other's bone side in like so you can see there super super easy so we've got them set up at this point in time now it's just a matter of time uh baby back ribs if you don't do any tricks like putting them in foil for a while to speed the process up and break them down normally somewhere between four and five hours normally between four and a half to five but the first portion of it i want to get some bark on there so i'm going to close that and let them spend some quality time inside the egg and we'll let that go for about two hours we won't have to do anything out here we have actually have plenty of work we need to do while this is going on anyway so we'll just let this cruise and come back in a couple hours and at that point in time we'll start mopping with our mop sauce okay so as you can see we're still locked in at 250 degrees it's been about two hours it's been about two hours since we put the ribs on and now we're going to do the next process which you don't have to do this but we're going to do the process of mopping so what i've got is the traditional mopping sauce from big green egg i'm going to make sure i shake this up really good because it has a tendency to settle it's got some apple cider vinegar molasses brown sugar some spices and stuff in here so this is not barbecue sauce you can tell by the the consistency it's a lot it's a lot thinner the idea here is we're going to brush this you can do it whenever i like to do it after the first couple hours and i'm going to apply this probably every 20 minutes or so put a coat on there to try and get [Music] wait for that try and get layers of it's just going to add more flavor to it so every time we baste it we're just putting another layer of flavor it also gives i think it gives a little bit better glaze as well nice pretty color that it adds to it so make it easier i'm just going to pour it in here that'll give you a chance to see the good color as well that'll give me a couple applications there and i've got a nice little brush so we'll take a look at what our ribs look like at this point looking looking pretty good there's two hours in if you are a fan sometimes i do it sometimes i don't today i'm not going to but if you're a fan of what they call the crutch where you would remove the ribs at this point in time you're two hours in this would be the time that you could actually do the crutch which you put it in aluminum foil we take those ribs off wrap them in aluminum foil just put some beef broth some people like to do apple juice you could spritz whatever you want to do this would be the time that you would do that on baby backs two hours smoke then usually an hour to an hour and a half in the foil and then the final hour outside of that you don't have to do that we're not going to do that today we're just going to mop them and i'm going to mop them every 20 minutes or so once we get started here so i'm going to grab the first slab just kind of lay it over where i can access it and then take my mop and it's just like mopping the floor just just coat that whole side of the rib and then i'll put it back in its spot stuff really smells good too and if you notice right before we came back i went ahead and slid no i was gonna do this you don't have to but if you notice i've got the big green egg pan underneath that just keeps your especially with all this sauce we're going to be adding everything that kind of keeps us from getting all that stuff on the convector it won't hurt anything it's not going to hurt the convector but if i got all this barbecue sauce on that on that convector and then tomorrow we decided to do biscuits on this egg they're gonna taste like barbecue ribs so not exactly the flavor profile i would always want to have so if you keep that clean we can just throw that away and they sell those in five packs which is really handy and we've got one more half slab here you see there's some seasoning and stuff in there it smells really delicious you can smell the vinegar in it it's got a sweet smell and from a color you can tell just add more and more layers of flavor still got the smoke that's coming out of there and i will do this process we won't show you every time but i'm going to continue to come out here about every 20 minutes and do another another mop on that and we'll come back i'll do that several times and then our next goal will be to kind of check them here in a little bit after i'm doing that and we'll pull them off and put some sauce and go right back to it [Applause] okay so we are just over four hours now on our baby back ribs here so we're going to go ahead and open up those are looking mighty fine so i went ahead and kept hitting the mop sauce it was about every 30 minutes or so we are working today as well so i had to get some stuff done but roughly about every 30 minutes i hit them with that mopping sauce got a lot of the apple cider vinegar some sugar in there it's a nice flavor profile now what i'm going to do is get these off of this rack because we're going to finish them on the sauce so i'll show you kind of what we're looking for here if you've got a full sniper ribs you can do a couple tricks to kind of see when they're getting close so you can pick them up once you get a hold of you can kind of pick it up and see if it starts to break there which it's starting to it's getting close that's why we're going to go ahead and move to the saw side it's much easier to do the sauce when you don't have to take them out of there so now we'll just kind of scat them around you don't want to do the sauce too early these probably have another 30 to 45 minutes left as we kind of thought if you don't want to do it too early because it does have a lot of sugar in the sauce and that's going to kind of caramelize we don't want to burn it so we're still at the 250 degrees and now i'm just gonna hit it with the first coat i'll do this a couple times you only have to do it once and for those a lot of people like ribs without sauce you can do that as well some with some without however you want to do it at home and this again is the kansas city sweet and smoky sauce from big green egg and the goal here is just to get the sauce on now so we can cook it for a little bit and kind of bake it in and make them nice and it'll it'll firm up get sticky that's also where that's handy to have that pan underneath so it's not totally different okay so again we're at four hours looking pretty good there i will let this go for i may let it go for another 20 minutes and check on it again and either add some more or we may be uh ready to cook here we'll check in here in another 20 minutes you can see that bone right there that's what you want to see it starting to stick out i call that a knuckle that means we're getting really close so we'll take another look in 20 minutes and we may be ready to pull them off and do a sample okay so let's take a look at our finished product here it's been four hours and about 45 minutes total when we left the last time i was doing the sauce i put the sauce on on the first application i did one more application after about 25 minutes or so um and then so that was about 20 minutes ago what you're looking for a couple different ways i've learned over the past uh to tell when a rib is done when you start seeing the rib come out where it's separating there that's usually a good sign and you can actually these ribs are a little bit hot but you can grab that and twist if the rib twist it's done you can also if it's a full slab you can just pick the slab up and give a little shake if it starts to break like three or four ribs in that's usually how i tell the at least for the way i like it if you like it fall off the bone you can just keep cooking it or the foil definitely helps with that if you leave it in the foil long enough to get it to where it just holds up the bones let's we'll get these off of here and let them cool down for a minute you see how that sauce is it's not it's not dripping or anything it's just totally cooked on [Music] see the bones they're all kind of coming out there we'll let that cool down for just a second i do want to show something as we mentioned this is an egg fest egg so it's a brand new egg that we cooked on today do we know who this one belongs to we don't do it i don't know for sure we didn't look up the name but obviously this belongs to somebody we've got several of these we still have some more available but this is an egg fest egg so what i want to show you is you saw since we started from the very beginning lighting the egg i always find this pretty amazing we've cooked for from the time actually if you go back to the time we lit it we're about five and a half probably almost six hours that we've been cooking here get my drip pan i'm gonna try and remove this you gotta be careful you'll burn yourself set it on something that won't burn [Applause] so take the hot convector out i want to notice six hours of cooking look at how much charcoal is left and the cool thing with egg fest eggs this year normally at egg fest whenever all the teams were done cooking we would actually get that charcoal out of there so that the egg would cool down faster we're actually going to shut this down put this back in we'll shut this down so even the person who picks up this egg they've already got charcoal we could we could cook burgers on that after six hours didn't mess with it we've been working all day erin and i both working our tails off while we're cooking ribs at the same time right aaron that's right i just shut this down the bottom is shut the egg goes out that charcoal in about 15 minutes or so will be totally out and then we just add some more if we need to and light it the next time maybe it's another batch of ribs okay so we'll take a look and see what we've got here i'm gonna pick this slab these are gonna be hot so i probably won't eat it but we're gonna see what we've got once we once we carve into it you can do it either way you can actually kind of go right through the middle of the rib or if you like more meat on it you could go right next to the next rib oops you actually gotta get in between the ribs i'm gonna cut a couple of these here where you can see what we've got [Applause] so you can see a nice color nice smoke ring you can see the moisture with the camera pick that up or not but that's a hot that's a hot wheel even through the gloves this is great a little afternoon snack for all of our wonderful team here at outdoor home so if you're a cooking team as we mentioned earlier get your teams together whether it's family friends just yourself get your teams together and actually get your video to us for the excellent chef competition you got a chance to win a mini max got some nice long ribs on this one love that color [Applause] send your uh send your videos to aaron or you can find the link through the website look at that like a waterfall love it kind of save that one for me and the eggfest eggs as we mentioned we've still got some of those available but don't wait too long uh just go to you can save up to 20 on an egg and the only difference between a new egg and this one is we cooked ribs on it today it's it's just as good as new you still get the same warranty and everything else so go check it out don't don't wait too late and get those videos to us if you're a cooking team it's time to eat
Channel: Outdoor Home
Views: 133,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biggreenegg, bge, bgenation, egghead4life, eggfest, stayathome, kamado, babybackribs, smoking, bbq
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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