The Grilling Show Pizza

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[Music] hi everyone I'm Liz Burrell and welcome to the big green egg grilling show each week we bring you something new in the world of grilling roasting smoking and baking along with tips tricks and of course great cooking segments during each show we'll teach you how to season or flavor your cooks introduce you to new Big Green Egg accessories and how to use them and will answer questions sent to us from our fans on various social media channels as well as questions sent to mailbag at Big Green Egg pom thanks for tuning in now let's get to today's mailbag questions so our first question is from Mary in Atlanta and she's actually one of my support staff so I'm sure that this is gonna be a really good question Mary asked is there a guide for the best practices of different style pizzas on the egg for example how do you cook a Chicago deep-dish or how do I get my crust really crisp for those thin pizzas so that's a great question Mary let's go ahead and start with how to correctly set up your egg to bake a pizza we're gonna start with our convector legs up our cooking grid on top and then your pizza stone now this is our deep-dish pizza and bacon stone and then we have obviously our full pizza and baking stone that's flat and then we also have our half moon baking stone which comes in a large XL and the 2 XL now after we get done with our perfect setup I think that the best guide is honestly trial and error on this one you really have to figure out what works best for you and what methods you enjoy the most as far as your actual dough goes your what kind of pizza you like there's so many ways to do pizza on the egg and everyone has their different preferences and difference in taste so we do sell the deep-dish pizza stone see it's perfect for Chicago style pizza and for this it's the exact same pizza dough rolled out you'll need the deep-dish pizza and baking stone and I would put a little flour or cornmeal or rice flour on the bottom of the stone so that the dough doesn't stick place your dough into the stone and start filling up your deep-dish pizza cheese first toppings you want and then your pizza sauce for a thin crust pizza using bread flour will give you a much crispier crust and for thin crust pizza just make sure to roll it out much thinner than normal if you can't find bread flour you can substitute it with all-purpose flour but that's going to give you a little bit of a chewy or crust so let's get on to our second question here second question is from Tim from Miami when using wood chips or chunks when do you add them to the coals so you're going to use your egg as you know roasting or smoking when you're using your wood chips or chunks so we want to get that fire passionate about the size of a dinner plate and start stabilizing your egg once you're ready to put your convector into the egg that's when you can add your wood chips or chunks now that this the smoke is going to be dirty at first it's got to clean itself and clean that wood so that you can get a nice clean smoke so wait until you see a clear blue smoke that's when you're ready to cook so that's it for our mail bell questions today let's move on to our recipe of the day so today's recipe we are going to make homemade pizza dough obviously homemade pizza and our classic pizza sauce so let's start with our classic pizza sauce we need to get that done first so we're going to do two tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil three cloves of garlic minced 1 6 ounce can tomato paste 1 16 ounce can crushed Tomatoes a half of an onion finely minced 10 fresh basil leaves finely chopped 1/2 a tbsp dried or fresh oregano 1 teaspoon of sugar a teaspoon and a half of kosher salt or to taste and 1/2 of a teaspoon freshly ground black pepper so let's go ahead and start we are going to add our oil first now I have been heating up our ceramic enameled Dutch oven here so it's pretty hot I'm going to put our olive oil in first our garlic listen to that sizzle it's oh it smells good sounds great I love love homemade pizza sauce our onion we're gonna give it a stir here a little bit more oil now we are going to add our tomato sauce and our tomato paste give that a stir our fresh basil about a teaspoon of our half of a teaspoon of our Platte pepper and we're gonna do that to taste to make sure you're tasting things as you go our oregano our sugar and our salt now we're gonna let this simmer for 15 to 20 minutes or so and then it is ready to use on our pizza so let's go ahead and get started and work on our dough so now we're on to our pizza dough we're going to use three-and-a-half to four cups of bread flour plus a little bit more for when we're gonna roll our pizza dough out 1 teaspoon of sugar 1 envelope of instant dry yeast 2 stee spoons of kosher salt a cup and a half of warm water and then 2 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil and then 2 ste spoons of extra-virgin olive oil when we let our dough rest now I need to pull off our warm water from our egg and we are going to start by putting our yeast in our mixer here and then our bread flour our salt sugar and some of our olive oil just a little bit now we are going to start mixing and as we're mixing we're going to slowly add our warm water to our dough you want to do this slowly because you want it to mix as evenly as possible now if it's too sticky add a little bit more flour if it's too dry add a little bit more water now we're going to add a little bit more olive oil to our mix here now you're waiting for it to form into a ball of dough and there we go it's starting to form a little bit it's looking good now it's a little bit sticky so I'm going to add just a little bit more bread flour here not much all right so let's pull it off beautiful dough now this is going to make about enough dough for two pizzas so we're just gonna get it on our little bread flour here and knead it get all that gluten activated now we're gonna want to roll it into a pretty smooth ball and it is gonna rest for at least an hour this is actually a very fast dough so we want to knead it and then we're gonna let it rest for an hour want it to be in a smooth kind of ball and you can kind of start to play with it move it into a cute little ball here look how pretty that is it's like a little pizza dough package I just love it now we're gonna take the last remaining bit of our olive oil and put it in the bottom of our Bowl here coat it we're gonna take our cute little pizza dough package put it right in the bowl and we're going to let it rest for at least an hour before we use it or you can leave it in the fridge for 24 hours and then make sure to let it proof for at least an hour before you use it so today's recipe we're going to be using one half of our pizza dough that we proofed overnight we did this covered in the fridge for 24 hours now it's also been sitting out for about an hour before we are using it now so our recipe we're going to be using two large spoonfuls of our homemade pizza sauce 8 1/4 inch slices of fresh mozzarella cheese 1/2 cup of shredded mozzarella 1 cup sliced mushrooms 10 fresh leaves of basil whole 2 tablespoons of minced garlic 1 tablespoon for sprinkling in one for our garlic butter 2 tablespoons of melted butter with the 1 extra tablespoon of minced garlic from before 1 tablespoon of flour 1/2 of a tablespoon cornmeal and 1/4 cup of parmesan for sprinkling once our pizza is cooked so let's go ahead and pull our beautiful dough out here and be kind of gentle with it because we do want some of those air bubbles we're gonna take our ultimate pizza cutter and just cut it straight in half here and we're gonna reserve the other piece for later so let's sprinkle some of our extra bread flour here and we're just going to knead it a little bit get it into the shape you want and we're going to take our roller here and just start working our dough until we get it to the size that we want now if your dough is sticking to the roller you can add some more flour to your roller and you're going to get some bubbles in here too I personally like the bubbles I think they add a lot of texture so the mat that I have here actually has our pizza dough recipe on it and it gives you kind of the sizing of your different pizza so there's 8 inches 10 inches 12 inches 14 inches and 16 inches so while I'm rolling this out everybody don't worry about it being perfectly round you know to me the best pizzas aren't perfectly round and I grew up in Belgium and they've got some really good Italian influence over there and the pizzas were never around they came out completely homemade different shapes and sizes and I just there's something about knowing that it was it was made with love in the kitchen somewhere just may not be you know round it could be heart-shaped it could be like I just did it could be all sorts of shapes it's still going to taste the same so now we've got a pretty good size on our pizza here and a good texture we're going to move it over to the side we get our pizza peel with parchment paper and we are going to add a little just a little bit of cornmeal to our parchment paper now I'm using parchment paper because it helps not to stick to the pizza stone we're going to remove it after about five to seven minutes and if you like the texture of cornmeal up to you I'm not a huge fan of it if you really don't like it you could use rice flour in place of it now we're gonna start topping our pizza we want to do this pretty fast once we've put the sauce on our pizza because otherwise it's gonna make the middle of your dough really gummy and chewy so we're going to take two big spoonfuls here of our homemade pizza sauce and I'm gonna leave about an inch around the edges for our crust now the amount of sauce is also up to you if you mess up a little bit it's okay it's still gonna be delicious I'm gonna go ahead and add my mushrooms on the bottom because I want the cheese to hold the toppings onto our pizza and I also don't want our mushrooms to burn on the top I'm gonna add some fresh basil that's where our whole leaves kind of come in play some pretty all around and I love basil it just reminds me it's so fresh and springy now I'm going to add a little bit of fresh minced garlic here a lot and now I have these beautiful mozzarella slices so we're just going to place those all around our beautiful fresh homemade pizza and it's just gonna be a great refreshing high carb dinner later so I'm gonna take a little bit of our shredded mozzarella here put it on the top now if you don't want to use this recipe you don't like garlic or basil or what-have-you you can do any pizza you want on the egg you can do pulled pork pizza which tastes like a pulled pork sandwich you could do barbecue chicken pizza you could do pepperoni pizza you can literally do any pizza that you want to do it's just up to you and your preference so let's go ahead and get our pizza on our Big Green Egg we are gonna slide it onto our pizza stone so we are gonna let this cook for five to seven minutes and then we're gonna pull the page mint parchment paper out from underneath let's go ahead and get to our tips from the experts so today's tips from the experts we're gonna be talking about the Big Green Egg a zester in pizza and baking stones so over time they acquire a natural patina and that's a mark of their effectiveness and continued use so you can see that my convector here has a pretty dark color and my deep-dish pizza and baking stone does not because it's brand-new but there's nothing wrong with the color of this convector it actually means that it's in pretty good shape so for regular care once the convector and pizza and baking stones have cooled off completely scrape off any baked on food with a stiff dry brush or a plastic scraper wipe with a damp cloth and over time the convector and pizza baking stones will darken and possibly show stains this is normal and will not affect the flavor of your food please do not soak these in water or put in the dishwasher to protect the convector and for an easy cleanup you can also wrap it in aluminum foil or use one of our aluminum drip pans to catch the drippings from your cook so they're pretty easy to take care of and this is actually they're made out of the same porous ceramic that your egg is so just like you don't want to use chemicals in the egg you don't want to use chemical on your baking stones or your convector so now go ahead and jump in and check on our pizza and see if we're ready to pull the paper out from underneath now make sure you use some heat gloves here oh yeah we're perfect paper might rip off a little bit that's fine awesome that was beautiful now we're gonna put our garlic butter on as well and we are just going to take this and brush the edges of our gorgeous homemade pizza dough give it a little drizzle on top - why not all right so we're gonna let that cook for another few minutes and then we're gonna pull it off give it a nice slice and see how it turned out so this is our finished product as you can see it's it's pretty solid it cooked really really nicely and now there's another little detail before we cut into this that I wanted to mention this dough has sugar in it so you want to cook this kind of dough at a lower temperature between 425 to 450 degrees if your dough doesn't have sugar in it that's when you can bump up the temperature you know to 550 maybe 600 degrees but there's never any reason to cook pizza any higher than that so our beautiful pizza we are going to garnish with some fresh basil you can just tear it up make it look really homemade no need to chop it man is it beautiful smells great - it's extra cheesy now we're gonna garnish with a little bit of Parmesan cheese because you can't go wrong with more cheese and then we're gonna use our ultimate pizza cutter here and it's got a very trusty little safety guard that clips in and we're just gonna run straight through it and I just want this little guy here oh it's gorgeous it's really good the crust cooked perfectly it's got a crunch it's fresh tasting y'all really need to try Pizza on the egg at home knocks it out of the ballpark I really hope that you guys enjoyed tuning in with me today and I hope that I inspired you to try something new and different on your big green egg and if you're not an egg yet head to Big Green Egg dot-com where we make purchasing online easy with home delivery by a dealer in your community I'm Liz Burrell thank you for tuning in and I will see you next time when I've got something special in store for you [Music] there's a place where fire and flavor are celebrated grill it roast it smoke it or bacon it's the most versatile grill you'll ever own have it delivered to your door by a certified dealer in your community and start enjoying the ultimate cooking experience visit Big Green Egg com
Channel: BigGreenEggHQ
Views: 11,992
Rating: 4.7837839 out of 5
Keywords: Big Green Egg, Pizza, on the EGG, recipe, how to make pizza on the grill
Id: v1_qLhKOW4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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