Pizza on Big Green Egg with Pizza Restaurant Guy

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right now I'm getting my fire started and and then after I start the fire I'm going to show you how to properly set up the big green egg to cook pizza this is take one of cooking wood burning pizza in the big green egg I brought some pizza dough home from a restaurant that I know the owner and what I like to do is bring the dough up to room temperature I like to use cornmeal I'll tell you why mainly because I think when it cooks it has a tendency to crispy up on the bottom a little bit more what we're going to do now is we're going to walk outside I'm going to get the big green eggs set up to show you how I'm going to cook on the big green egg my fire is just getting started now I will set up my stone and it's very important to do with what I'm going to do to cook it properly so just hold on here we go take my diverter I put it in the oven now very important this is this is the important piece of equipment this triangular gizmo which I believe you can buy at any place it sells big green eggs sits on top of that now my pizza stone alright everything set up closer down right over this way we're going to wait for the temperature to come up important piece of equipment that shows the temperature of the stone we're going to be cooking on the temperature of the oven we may have it to 600 degrees we want the temperature of the stone to be at least over 500 maybe 550 I'm going to do right now is just give you a quick temperature says it's 116 degrees in about 15 minutes it'll probably be about 400 degrees and then then we have to start thinking about putting our pieces together so I'll be back in about 15 minutes and cook some pizza all right we've been I spent about 15 minutes come on over I want to show you the temperatures up to about 600 degrees now I'm going to check with my Ryobi thermometer with that best thing to call it and just see what the temperature of the stone is I doubt remember I'm just burping this just to make sure I'm okay right now I'm the 422 degrees I'm going to wait about minute 10 minutes and we'll be cooking pizza see it's been seven minutes in 2030 seconds I didn't put my clock on probably for 30 seconds so it's about eight minutes I think this pizzas probably done there we go its way I like it it's cooked so what I'm going to do I'm going to slow the oven down because I'm going to cook another pizza I'm going to bring this in we're going to slice it up and you're going to hear the crunch and I'm going to hold it so that it you can tell that it's crispy all the way through you're done you tell it's round on the bottom perfect crunch and the most important thing is it's nice and crispy bottom is good that's why I like my pizza I'm hungry what are you doing here bill I am going to cut up some fresh mozzarella for my pizza it doesn't have to be perfect because it's going to be melting and we're going to do two pizzas today one with fresh mozzarella and another pizza with a blend of the basically pizza cheese the mozzarella you would get in a pretty good pizzeria along with we do a blend of provolone with it now I'm just slicing this up just to show you how we're going to get started come around what I use here was I got a can of san marzano tomatoes I crushed them with my hands add a little olive oil and this makes top-of-the-line sauce as good as you'll find in any pizzeria okay this is the second pizza I'm actually you're actually see me make it this is few years in the pizza business make sure that your ends end of your pie has a little ring around it so that when it blows up its traditional crust now I made this is San Marzano just right out of them right out of the grocery store san marzano tomatoes which I cross I came across with my hands always start in the middle and it's a lot easier to do the to spread the spread the sauce just by starting in the middle hey Bill did you get a little olive oil too to my honor I uh I did put olive oil my San Marzano now I'm using some fresh mozzarella which I got from Sam's Club or Costco I'm going to put it mostly on the edges and it will run towards the middle of the pizza you don't have to go too crazy with this you'd be surprised how far cheese goes I think then maybe just a hair more cheese I'm probably putting too much on anyway I have some pepperoni which I got from my favorite restaurant watch Ilona in State College Arlington in Old Town Alexandria the one over doing too much is doesn't really you know the more you put on is not that the more you did too much doesn't really help it then that's probably too much but I love it now I've got some fresh red peppers which my wife did and once we put these babies on we're going to go and cook it in the oven should take about 10 minutes and you'll see the finished product green the big green egg could really go up in temperature we're up over 700 right now and I have even if the air restrict a little bit so it won't be too too hot but I think we'll be okay to get in there cook pizza right now it should take maybe a little less than eight minutes now we'll see you in about eight minutes when right now we're up to about six hundred and fifty degrees I put the pizza in about five minutes ago let's take a look this is with fresh plants I'd say it's still got for about four or five minutes left what did you jerk what did you do with that top adjustment for the air I just closed it off a little bit but it's I could take it off right now I just didn't want the temperature to get up too high okay but when you close it off it lowers the temperature when they close they're off at lower temperature I just brought it back a little bit so the temperature of my oven wouldn't it might go up to a thousand degrees I didn't want it to get that hot I wanted to keep it in the 6 650 range let's go one more minute should be done the way I like it anyway it's a little dark but it's not burnt and we're going to look at it in a minute and then when it's finished we're going to shut off all the years Big Green Egg and we save all the fuel till the next time we want to cook so see you in about 30 seconds about seven minutes or in the 600 600 650 if you look at the pizza it looks like it's done but I wanted to cook another minute as I said I'd like to cook it the pizza even if you think it's it's almost burnt but you can still cook it without buying it I'd like to cook it a little bit more let's take a look at where we are and once it's done I'll show you we'll give it to 15 seconds it's still not fun and it'll even make it better hopefully 15 second comes quick so this isn't an exact science if I feel as you do it many times right yeah I've done it a few thousand times anyway let's take a look all right this is with fresh mozzarella and see the bottom perfect nice the way I like it now I'm going to shut all my air off the green egg is going to go to sleep save all the fuel and here's our pizza YUM there we go
Channel: Bill McFadden
Views: 221,010
Rating: 4.6487026 out of 5
Keywords: I Love MY BGE
Id: eW_Mm_lPZSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2017
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