How to make the Best Italian Pizza 🍕 on the Big Green Egg!

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ciao and welcome back to the fogo life this week we have something special actually the next two weeks we have something special back in hot pog new york long island where i grew up i worked in pizzerias all through high school me and my buddies we had a great time i loved to learn to make pizzas and italian food so we're going to do something special we're going to make some grilled pizzas all right we're going to do two different ones we're going to do a regular margarita we're going to do one with some toppings so we're going to have one with fresh mozzarella and fresh tomatoes and the other one's going to have sauce and shredded mozzarella so um this is gonna be great for next week we're gonna make calzones so i want you to stay tuned because it's gonna be a two-week segment here okay so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna start with dough there's lots of schools of thought on dough okay you can make your own there's a ton of recipes out there myself i like to save myself a little bit of time and i go to the pizzeria down the block and i buy them it's like three bucks a piece it helps i do make my own sometimes but for this we're gonna we're gonna use store bought we're gonna use that the first one we're gonna make is gonna have crushed tomatoes we're gonna crush them up we're gonna put them right on the dough we're gonna use fresh mozzarella and some nice fresh basil that we picked right out of the garden okay so let me go ahead and get started we got to start with a really floured surface so let me clear away all this other stuff here okay and show you what i do show you how we work our magic here so like i said the first thing you want to do is start with a really floured surface you don't want your dough sticky so start with a ton of flour you can't you really can't have enough okay and the other thing we're going to show you is a couple different things on how to get it onto the grill because that can be pretty tricky thank you assistant so we've got our dough again flour the other side otherwise it's going to stick you don't want you don't want your dough sticking all right so you can use a rolling pin like i said i work in the pizzeria in new york so i learned how to do this it's not hard you think it's difficult it's not it's really not it's fun it's rewarding so what i like to do is the first one i'm going to make is going to be on a handy dandy pizza screen okay it it works the same as putting it right on ready it works the same as putting it on the the stone itself which is already heating now i just stretched it so that's bigger than the screen oh no what are we going to do it works out great because we can cut it to the size of the screen and we have the maximum size pizza that we wanted okay now today i'm just going to get rid of this but normally i make some garlic knots or some kind of pepperoni twist or something like that out of it it's great you can make anything you want out of it it's great stuff so like i said what the first one we're gonna do oh look at me getting dirty already sauce okay i made my own sauce it's pretty basic what you want to do with pizza sauce this is not cooked okay um what i what i did here is made a sauce from tomatoes got some seasonings in there but it's not cooked when we put the pizza on the grill it is going to cook all right so just put it in the middle spread it out i like to go right out to the edge okay it's still going to have a crust but what it does is you're getting dented pizza from somewhere and you go to eat it and it's like half crust and you got you'll say hey where's the rest of the cheese and sauce and everything i like to do it right out to the edge like i said it's still going to have a nice crust to it and you're not going to be sorry because your guests are going to go man that was the best pizza i ever had because they're getting something tasty in every single bite okay so that's that again from my lovely assistant thank you i got to get with the food network this is great i wish we could do this all the time so that's that now next what's it l um which you can use shredded mozzarella pre-shredded if you're gonna shred your own mozzarella buy a block obviously i prefer it to the bag stuff because if you get bagged it's kind of like waxy all right and again put the cheese right out to the edge tons of it okay actually when i say tons of it you really don't need a ton because as it melts down it's going to combine and it's going to cover real nicely so if you like extra cheese put some extra cheese who cares right it's good stuff so anyway yeah back in hop hog in long island it was so much fun because me and my buddies all worked at the same pizza place and we just had a blast we'd get out of school and then go there and and just it was just a fun time so i guess red shirt is not the best thing to wear when you're working with flour huh now again so we're starting with pepperoni i like these big giant pepperoni slices most of them are small but if you notice again right out to the very edge every bite is going to have nice pepperoni nice cheese oh it's going to be so good sorry i can't help myself sometime um you know i showed you how i put the the pizza stones in the egg before the important part there is that you want to let it heat up while your charcoal is heating up this thing's been heating up for quite a while we're cooking about 475 degrees today a lot of people like to go a lot hotter with their pizza i don't find it necessary all right i like to do mine between 450 and 500 it works out great so that's tomato we got some nice uh sauteed mushrooms here you don't have to do on the whole thing we'll do it on half we're going to do half half mushrooms today pepperoni half mushrooms gonna be so good so good so i like to load up the toppings nothing worse than getting the pizza and all of a sudden you realize hey where's all the toppings all right so that looks nice what do you think want that look good i think so too all right good now you can add whatever you want sausage you know don't let don't let traditional methods stop you from putting whatever you want on your pizza put anything on there okay um ham pineapple whatever some people like it some people don't we don't get into that debate but so let's go ahead and put this on the egg it's up to temperature the pizza stone's hot enough let's get bacon all right so today we're going to use black bag fogo for this cook we wanted to go nice and hot so the one thing i love about fogo easy opening bags baby easy opening all right i'm gonna load this baby up we want it nice and full because we want a hot fire lots of fogo fuel today baby now when i'm cooking pizzas i want to get my pizzas as high up in the dome as i can this way when the bottom cooks the top is getting cooked too and the higher you have it up in the dome the crispier and the better cooked your cheese is going to be so my setup that i use is i'm using the big green egg expander system i have the convector on the bottom the grate and then i have actually two pizza stones okay so i'm using one two pizza stones in here and what you want to do is when you light your grill get the fire going a little bit and then put it in right away so that it's heating up as the grill heats up we want to cook this at about 500 degrees so it's going to take a little bit to heat up and you want to let it heat up for a while and bring it up to temperature so when you put your pizza on the bottom's already cooking beautiful 475 on the nose now when it's hot like this you got to let some air into what they call burp it just like a tupperware otherwise you're going to get a big giant flash come up around you stone is nice and hot put it right on there okay and close it up we're going to let that go for just a couple minutes all right now we're about halfway through our cook so what i like to do is take this and spin the pizza 180 degrees okay this way if you have any hot spots on the grill or anything like that it's going to catch everything and everything's going to cook more evenly the other thing i like to do a little trick i don't know why i like to do it i like to take some nice fresh parmesan grate it right over the top about halfway through i find that it keeps the flavor a little bit fresher and adds a real nice touch to it that's smelling good i can't wait all right so we're going to pull this pizza off now it's all done let's just double check the bottom oh yeah beautiful look at that nice brown crispy yeehaw look at that just the way it's supposed to be so we're ready for slicing now i like to top it off once again with a little more parmesan just give it a little covering oh man nice fresh real good quality grated locately romano oh my god that's going to be so good can't wait got our trusty little cutter here oh you hear how crispy that is look at that now when you're slicing your pizza don't go back and forth you wind up with lines just go straight across one straight slide right across now for the ultimate i'm from new york we bend our pizza in new york we got bottom oh man it's good hot yes i am going to have little things hanging off the roof of my mouth from burning it but look at that you bend it okay it stays nice and crisp look at the bottom beautifully browned okay we don't have any black spots it's all nice and evenly brown perfect that's why we got up to about 500 degrees on this thing so that's this first pizza now let's go make our next pizza we're going to use parchment paper instead of the screen and we're going to use fresh mozzarella and nice whole tomatoes let's get started on that one so pizza number two do it so we're going to do something a little different for this one this one i'm using some beautiful san marzano tomatoes you start with a really good quality tomato it's going to pay off in the end so i know it's out of a can but for our purposes wow let's talk about a blooper okay so we have to figure out how to open this can i need to get a can opener i'll be right back so i've literally opened hundreds of these cans i don't think i've ever had that happen before but of course video is when it happens so that's all right we just make do when we roll along we open this baby up like so okay careful that's sharp pour it right in here because we're going to use these tomatoes and set them aside for a minute i'll show you what we do with those now comes time to stretch our dough so same thing as before plenty of flour all right so we do not want it to stick to our table nothing worse than our dough sticking to our table let's just do this how about that look how beautiful that worked my assistant thank you assistant thank you assistant you're welcome oh wow i have multiple assistants all right so we stretch this dough same thing this one i'm going to leave whole i'm not going to cut anything off of it a little sticky so we're going gonna get a little more flour okay adjust as you go along don't be afraid to keep making adjustments do it how you like nice and floury nice and even oh that's almost as big as we need to be already now this one we're not gonna use the screen we're going to use parchment paper okay so i'm going to stretch this just a little bit assistant thank you very much you're welcome this is great i wish this was like this every day so we're going to put this make sure it's on our paper you're on paper that's going to burn it's not going to burn okay this is going to be really good those remember those tomatoes that we had before this is going to be kind of a really cool pizza i'm just going to take them break them up this is going to actually be our sauce on this on this uh pizza i know it sounds weird but wait till you see it oh i squirted it okay just big tomato chunks put it all over it's okay if you get some of the liquid it's not gonna kill it believe me all right about one can is good here for this size pizza we're not making a giant i know it sounds weird but i promise you it's going to be really good so just make sure you cover it again again same thing out to the edge all right don't be afraid with it use them all up you don't have to completely cover the thing either it's going to it's going to spread out as it's cooking you're going to get tons of flavor all throughout the whole pizza that's the whole thing when you know when i'm eating pizza i want good flavor in every single bite i just want to bite into it and just feel that magical feeling not like the last one where i got the magical feeling of my roof of my mouth burning off but that's okay too that happens so all right now that looks good so the last one we used shredded mozzarella right well we're not going to use shredded mozzarella we've got these beautiful tomatoes we don't want to put some shredded stuff on here we want to keep this as fresh as we can so what i have here is i have some nice fresh mozzarella just place it around kind of evenly again you want to get it out to the edge same as the pepperoni before yes i do speak with an accent every once in a while when i'm making pizzas why do you ask that's two pieces of thing we're gonna hold that one all right a little bit more you're going to be surprised at how well this is going to cover now the other one i put some parmesan on through halfway through this one we're going to go ahead and grate it on right now the other the other thing i like to put on this pizza is basil some fresh basil which i have a bunch of out of my garden but i don't like to cook a lot of basil into it i find that it kind of changes the flavor a little bit and what we want to do is we want to just put a little tiny bit okay so we've got a nice amount of parmesan on there beautiful look how nice this is going to be oh i'm so excited all right now this is going to go directly on the pizza stone just like this so get ready because here it comes actually i think i'm going to just put a little bit of basil on first okay again nice fresh basil out of the garden you have to put a ton to cook into it i like to put it on the tomato too not on the cheese okay so just some pieces around i'm not going to cover it because i don't want it fully cooking into here because we're going to add a bunch of basil at the end that's italian for finish i think anyway you ever have the chance to go to italy go i've had the great opportunity to go there a couple of times and i'll tell you there's nothing like it it's it's just beautiful over there so i'm going to get this on our peel the whole idea of this to do for doing it like this is because you can use cornmeal there's a lot of different techniques so we're going to open her up carry her over and set it right on the stone just like a dab okay and try and get it so it's all on there okay look at that it's all gonna bake nice and even we're gonna let this go for a little while just like this and then when it's the bottom crisps up starts to cook we're going to be solid enough we'll take it right off of the paper and let it finish cooking directly on the stone okay same as the other one we want to spin this pizza 180 degrees so make sure it's cooking so that's cooking evenly so just get it just kind of spin her around that is looking good oh my goodness i can't wait see how much how the mozzarella is melting and the tomatoes are all combining into itself beautiful this is going to be one good pizza i can't wait so it's about halfway through cooking we could have done this when we spun it really i like to sprinkle a little oregano just for a little added flavor add whatever herbs you like all right i don't like to cook it fully in there i feel like it loses too much of the flavor and again a little bit more parmesan i like the locately romano good fresh sharp cheese really good oh man that pizza is looking good just like in old italy when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that's amore and our pizza is done check this out oh wait look at that beautiful brown crisp edges from that beautiful charcoal finish tomatoes dried out oh my goodness that is a pizza what's a pizza look at that baby that is what's known as a margarita pizza okay just tomato and mozzarella is all that it is now i like to finish it off with some beautiful nice fresh basil here just lay some pieces across it so each piece has a little bit of fresh basil on it you can chop it up if you want chiffonade or whatever you like to call it i like to just make it look pretty oh it's going to be so good that nice fresh basil adds such a beautiful flavor to it and the best part is is that right after you cut it this pizza always seems to disappear real quickly i don't know what it is about it but you know when you're grilling pizza it's it's a lot of fun because you can really make it a lot of fun you can make it a family event everybody can make their own you know pick their own toppings and everything like that so it's just it's just a really good time i don't like to put toppings on this particular pizza myself i like to eat just the tomatoes and cheese i think that that's the greatest all right now let's cut this see what we've got i can feel that crunch as i'm going through that's what you want yeah and you know you can cut it into as many slices as you want this is eight this size pizza if you're only feeding a few you can cut it into six whatever you want but you know you look at it look at that bottom of that pizza beautiful brown it's gorgeous so when you're making pizza at home always flour your surface real good get it nice and hot you want it so that everybody can eat it all right don't let forget okay don't forget to let it set up oh okay what's okay well we're gonna have to finish this up here because evidently oh okay so the pizza seems to be going quickly now um what i want to do just leave me a piece it's two oh hey left left one i'm taking that anyway you can see what happens when you have a nice fresh pizza at home okay i hope that you enjoyed this this was the first part of our pizzeria series all right like i said growing up in new york and hop hog i made pizzas for a living during high school it was so much fun i still have fun making them with my family and enjoying them big green egg is a great thing you can make them on a gas grill you can make them on any charcoal grill i like the charcoal i think it adds a really nice flavor so listen thanks so much for tuning in i hope that you enjoyed it do me a favor would you hit like subscribe to our channel alright most important leave me a comment tell me what you think if you've made pizza if you have any ideas also anything you'd like to see in the future don't be afraid to put in the comments i'd love to hear it i'd love to make what you guys want to see so i hope you'll tune back in next week we're making calzones they're going to be really good we're going to have some fun we're going to make some fillings and it's going to be really great hope to see you then
Channel: FOGO Charcoal
Views: 17,581
Rating: 4.8724637 out of 5
Keywords: fogo charcoal, charcoal, lump charcoal, natural charcoal, carbon vegetal, grill, grilling, big green egg, kamado joe, weber grill, bbq, recipes, Italian pizza, pizza on the grill, pizza on the big green egg, grilled pizza, how to make pizza on the big green egg, big green egg pizza, pizza recipe, italian pizza recipe, italian pizza on bge, bge pizza
Id: 94RrnIWG0hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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