How To Make Pizza On Big Green Egg - Ace Hardware

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hey guys and welcome to today's edition of ASA this recipe I'm chef Jason horserace hardware grilling expert and I'm hanging out here in snow-packed Colorado today for a beautiful really just heartwarming recipe all about pizza on the Big Green Egg that's right we've got a beautiful easy classic margherita pizza for you today that's gonna show you just how awesome that ultimate cooking tool is when it comes to making pizzas we're gonna cook them hot and fast today we're gonna get in that 600 degree range and just have a beautiful spots and Lepper ting on that pizza and then just get the cheese oh so melted and delicious so thanks so much for joining us hey before we get started let's do a couple little housekeeping tips don't forget to hit that I from time to time that is our information station that'll let you into the world of gear gadgets and grills and tell you really everything we use to cook what we're making today then don't forget us always be safe make sure you follow all the manufacturers recommended guidelines when it comes to to starting running and operating all your cooking tools we want you to be safe as well and make sure you take those precautions so without further ado let's do a little food fly over super quick then we got to get the grill bit so we can get that temperature rocket and roll it and then it is time make some pizza today's ingredients are really simple right we just wanted to do an easy delicious pizza that gets you a spark your interest maybe in making more elaborate pizzas today we kept it simple we've got a beautiful pizza dough now you could choose to make pizza dough or buy pizza dough a lot of the local grocery stores offer this this is what we call a double zero so that's a double zero pizza dough that we got locally we've got a little bit of roasted garlic oil then this right here this is my secret this is 80% flour 20% polenta I like the polenta because it's ground a little bit bigger and this is gonna act like ball bearings to help that Pizza slide on the pizza paddle so we've got just a basic red tomato sauce some beautiful whole fresh mozzarella a little bit of parmesan for the garnish we've got some fresh basil that we're just gonna hand tear just keep it beautiful keep it simple right and let that basil shine so we'll that on top and then if you want to add a little bit more herbs that fishie fishie herb rub of ours does a great job as well don't forget you can head down to the description section below and grab today's recipe expand that section you can click print and follow along that's it pretty simple we wanted to just have a total blast and make mouth-watering pizza as you can see we went ahead and started the Big Green Egg and I stirred the charcoal added a little bit more and as you can see I only filled the fire bowl because we're gonna be doing the plate setter today I wanted to have a nice gap between the charcoal and the plate Center and the pizza stone that way it gets more air and allows this to get a little bit hotter for us because we're gonna be running a little higher temperatures today so we'll go ahead and let this do its thing we want to let all that fire get right down into the middle then we will shut it add the convector adjust the top and bottom vents and start driving this temperature okay we got the egg all fired up we are ready to go and you can see we're starting to build a beautiful nice little Ember pile in there important tip for you to make sure to always follow the manufacturer's instructions when it comes to lighting your grills starting your grills and attending to your grills that'll make sure it keeps you nice and safe so we're gonna go ahead and and our convector now right and I'm using my egg mitt just to make sure that I'm not getting too close to that fire one of the important things to hear let's remember we in Italy intentionally left the charcoal level lower than we normally do right we're not doing a long low and slow cook we're gonna go hot and fast so I wanted a big air gap down there between the charcoal and the conveyor to help build up some heat now I'm gonna go ahead and add the pizza stone it's important to add the convector and the pizza stone while the grill is warming up that means you don't have too much of a shock right from too cold of a convector a pizza stone and way too hot of a grill and all of a sudden you get some crack so we're gonna shut the lid here well as you can see we're already up in that 500 degree range now I will not adjust the top or the bottom much until I see this hit 600 then all I'm going to do is adjust the top I just want to slow it down but I need to leave the bottom of this wide open because again I want it to stay in that 660 five range while I'm cooking pizza so again just adjust the top leave the bottom wide open here we are and we've got our pizza dough ready one of the important things to do with your dough is I want to let this dough relax a little bit see how it just kind of falls and starts to hang I will pull the dough out of the refrigerator about an hour prior to making pizza so this has a chance to relax and warm up and really soften that gluten so I can stretch my pizza now if you want a thinner pizza go with a smaller weight pizza dough so this is a one pound yeah this is one pound pizza dough how'd you double check to make sure this is a 1 pound 16 ounce pizza dough ball and this is going to be great because this is gonna make us a nice pizza and again you can stretch your pizzas as thin or as thick as you want that's the beauty of it for this margarita we're gonna go a little bit thinner so here's what I look to do I use a little bit of that flour cornmeal mix right I'll get a little bit on the dough on the top and bottom and I love the snap of that cornmeal I think it adds just so much then want to get a little bit in the gloves now what I'm gonna do is around the edges I'm gonna start to stretch my edges first right let those guys warm up a little bit and you'll notice as you stretch it that dough hangs out perfectly right then using my knuckles so I don't know if you could see this but I'm basically doing that with this knuckle and this guy I'm kind of doing a little pinch so I'm just gonna roll this a little bit and pinch and hold and roll and roll and then I'll set this guy down and then we'll go after that beautiful round dough that we've been looking for but pretty simple and pretty easy right the dough stretching is just again as thick or as thin as you prefer a thinner pizzas gonna cook a little bit faster and a thicker pizzas gonna take a little bit longer we have the big green egg all set and ready to go it is time to make pizza so carefully I'm gonna take this dough now I'm gonna lay my pizza peel out and then I'm gonna sprinkle just a light layer now remember whatever you have under here is gonna carry over to your pizza stone so be careful you don't have so much then I set it down and yeah I just give it a little fluff there so that it puts a little air under there now less is more with pizza the more sauce you add you're gonna have issues the less you have the more fun you're gonna have you want to hustle too when it comes time to building a pizza get that sauce on there and get that cheese on there get this built so that the moisture doesn't wick through the dough and then stick right so now I'll lay my mozzarella out like that and I went a little bit thin on the slices I didn't want to go too thick because I didn't want it to be too watery then a little bit of basil on here again as much or as little as you like now I've got some parmesan and fishie fishie I'm actually gonna save that for the end that will be kind of our garnish after the pizza is done but that is it pretty simple I left a border around the side so that if anything spreads it stops at the edge and doesn't get going now it's time to get over to the egg and get this loaded we are preheated and ready to go look at this here see how I give it just a little wiggle I'm gonna make sure it's not stuck and I do that as I walk over to the big green egg because I want to make sure that everything is fluid and it's moving along that polenta acts like ball bearings so now we're gonna shut this and let it set we want that crust to bubble up if you notice I didn't dock it right da Couture prick it with a fork or poke holes in it I want to get some bubbles in there those bubbles are fantastic so let's get this shot and we'll wait to see that first cook well here's our first look after just a couple minutes and you can see we're already getting a little color we're getting a little puff and look at this see how nice that moves that tells me the dough was right the dough is set and we did a great job now we're gonna close it let it finish off the beauty of the big green egg I don't need to rotate it I'm just waiting now till they get those beautiful brown leopard spots around here we are good to go we'll shut this up and get it finished look at that beauty that right there is 9 minute pizza look at the beautiful leopard inge and that gorgeous color we've got nice melt on it and the beauty is take a look at that that bottom looks absolutely fantastic so now let's get this over to the cutting board we're going to show you how to finish it off with a little bit of parmesan a little bit of garlic oil a little bit of fishy fishy just to add a little extra oomph to this pizza fresh out of that big green egg I think that ultimate cooking experience totally shines so here's just a little chef's tip 10 with a little bit of our fishy fishy herb right that is a great herb season it just gives it that final little bit of flavor if you want just a few droplets of garlic oil really make this pizza shine right and then if you want to hit it with a bump little bunch of parmesan you can do that as well but that's it pretty simple and pretty easy that is our dumbness fly over doesn't get much better than that nine minutes is not bad for that ultimate cooking experience to deliver this ultimate pizza so very simple margherita pizza right we wanted to show you just kind of the the gateway into pizza making it's so easy on the big green egg it's a matter of setting temperature putting in the convector loading your pizza stone and then it really is dialed down to what dough you use and all of that this was that double lot 1-pound pizza dough I think it came out absolutely fantastic and I can't wait to get in here to devour again we finished with a little bit of fishy fishy just fruit put a bunch of herb and then a little snap of salt out of that grated Parmesan as well and of course this fresh basil smells absolutely fantastic and don't forget head down below in that comment section you can grab today's recipe we've got that set for you ready to click print and follow along as well and then don't forget that I that pops up that's our information station that lets you into the world of gear gadgets grills and all of that we've got a lot of cool stuff for you and then don't forget you've got a little bit of homework to do right we just asked you a couple favors head down below into that comment section and leave us a comment tell us what did you like what would you like to see and how could we help make you legends in the backyard cooking circuit and then while you're down there subscribed don't forget to hit the subscribe button click subscribe click the bell and get notified when all of our videos go live because you don't want to miss out on any of this right you won't suffer from FOMO if you subscribe to the Ace Hardware YouTube channel and be sure to tell all your friends and family as well then if you're looking for more fantastic Big Green Egg videos we've got two more awesome videos coming up for you right at the end of today's video I think one of them's even gonna be how to make some amazing grilled chicken hot and fast on that big green egg so thanks so much for joining us we appreciate cooking with you we hope you appreciate cooking with us as well I'm chef Jason Morris your Ace Hardware oh wait wait wait wait I forgot it is time to slide open my handy dandy fancy little cutter here and roll through some pizza the as always the helpful folks are hanging out over there where they like to wait so that we can enjoy a little pizza for lunch but look at that so fantastic and then look at the bottom oh man I'm chef Jason Morris you're a star we're grilling expert
Channel: Ace Hardware
Views: 173,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big green egg pizza, big green egg pizza setup, big green egg pizza stone, big green egg pizza dough, big green egg pizza attachment, big green egg pizza oven, big green egg pizza cooking, big green egg recipes, bge polo, bge pizza stone set up, big green egg margherita pizza, big green egg pizza stone instructions, big green egg pizza stone temperature, big green egg pizza stone rack, big green egg pizza stone directions, big green egg pizza stone riser
Id: hQuuDi5vw2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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