Take-N-Bake Pizza on the Big Green Egg

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hello everybody and welcome to another episode of the outdoor home stay at home live cooking demonstration so we're doing these every day at one o'clock we're coming to you live from one of our backyards we're going to be some other places too will have different people doing different things but we want to encourage that just because we're required to stay at home and these current signs does not necessarily mean you have to stay inside with beautiful weather like we have today we encourage people and get outside try something new on the grill fire up the fire pit spend good quality time outside when it's just absolutely beautiful so today I want to get started by putting this pizza on because we're obviously going to have to allow it trying to bake we're doing Papa Murphy's pizza most people are familiar with that love at 425 degrees and we're at 425 degrees with this egg ready to go for the current setup I've got a little cornmeal on top of a pizza stone on top of the convector that's in there we're set up with a wood fire oven cruising at 425 degrees you see there's a gap underneath there with these three spots I'm going to show you another trick you may or may not have those at home we're gonna get this Pizza going cuz it's gonna take I believe it's the best 12 to 14 minutes I'm looking at my clock there so first question we'll get into is why do I have it set up that way I've got it set up that way with the feet down you can do it the other way where you have a feet up and iraq works just fine I prefer to do this way to get that stone a little more heat on that stone where I can get more of a with Bluefire crust the gap that you saw so you've got those feet that are using they're those used to come with a big ring eight years ago they now have a different option at the table nest they don't provide this the other options some aluminum foil like this and wad it up and do two or three of these and then just put the stone on top of that to give you the gap and you may be wondering well why do I need that anyway to be honest if you were cooking just one pizza we've got the next one here is getting will go on next if you were cooking just one pizza you could just throw that stone on there you'll probably be fine when we're cooking more than one pizza that concern would be that the stone is going to get so hot that it's actually going to cook the crust before the cheese gets a chance to melt hopefully that makes sense you can just do this trick instead cornmeal we have Papa Murphy's you don't necessarily have to obviously it comes on the paper but I'm going to show you here in a minute a trick that we're actually when you order Papa Murphy's that comes on this paper but we're gonna remove it from this paper you would have a hard time doing so before it's cooked to get that off of there but after it cooks a little we're gonna get that off and put it right on side the stone right on top of the stone to get kind of that wood fire crust so you don't necessarily have to at this stage you don't have to have the cornmeal but at the next stage we're definitely going to want to have that just so it doesn't stick I've got everything good pizza peel pizza cutter we get done we're gonna eat outside so that's kind of that's kind of the goal there if you have any questions you can type them in the comments and we will address them that the camera can not see the actual question so it won't be me answering the questions but we are watching and we'll take care of that for you just a couple things what we're gonna do this everyday as I mentioned at one o'clock so if you've got ideas you want to see us cook we can do that as well from somebody's backyard we're coming live from somebody's backyard and it'll be different people at different times wanted to point out in these current times that we're offering different options for people to shop of course we're all trying to stay safe so in addition to the normal modes that you can shop we are now offering delivery not just on the grill products but anything if you need if you say hey I want to do pizzas and you need a pizza stone you need more fuel you need charcoal gas fire starters seasonings anything you need whatsoever call the store and we'll bring it to you you do not have to leave your house in addition to that we're also of course at outdoor home calm you can place your order there and have it either shipped to you or we can bring it bring to that method as well and then last but not least if you want to come to the store but you're not comfortable with coming inside we are also offering curbside delivery so when you get there before you get there just call and tell us what you need we can take the payment and bring it right out to you and put in the car for you so we're cruising along I got this set up at 425 degrees just some tips about pizza or baking in general than I would say I love to bake on the Big Green Egg I do it all the time we do Papa Murphy's and different types of pizza all the time you can make your own from scratch pizza as well but one thing I would say is very important is you want to plan ahead especially if you're doing if you're making pizza at home with your own made from scratch crust recipe that's going to take time to actually make the dough but you also want to make sure that you liked the big green egg or whatever grill that you're cooking the peeps on much like an oven you want to make sure that you give it a chance to preheat I want the inside of the oven to be warm or in this case the big green egg but I also want to make sure that pizza stone is warm as well so I've got our little little friend here that's looking for us just waiting for a strap a piece of cheese or something to drop it I think a lot of us have those but that's that's one of the biggest things I would say don't get in a hurry come out and like the whatever your grill is get that piece of stone getting hot and then go back and sit down and just relax and make sure that the stone is what happens is a lot of times I think if people are cooking multiple pizzas they will notice that the second pizza is better than the first and then by the time they get to maybe that third pizza it's just perfect that's just because the time that elapsed that it actually had a chance to preview so we've got this going in here we'll take a peek in just a minute I'm going to show you a real real good trick as far as cooking Papa Murphy speaks of how you get about that paper and get a really really good quality quality crust if you have questions put it in the comments again we'll address in there so I talked about that setup trying to think if there's anything any other things I would point out the pizza stone so we get a lot of questions from time to time people will say two things number one they'll say do you really have to have a pizza stone and I not just put the pizza right on that flat surface of the conductor the answer I would say is yes you can cook there's so many ways you could cook pizza you could cook pizza directly on the conductor itself two things I would be concerned about there if you're cooking more than one Pizza that that is the direct heat source that's hitting that convector so it's gonna get very hot it's gonna get hotter than a pizza stone would it's gonna get really hot and you're probably if you're cooking more than one Pizza I think you're gonna start seeing that you're gonna have a hard time melting the cheese before the crust is actually done the second thing is that convector is also you might have cooked pork shoulder brisket something like that the week before if you're using your egg a lot you're putting that convector in there when you're smoking and you're probably gonna get a taste profile in your pizza that is not actually what you desire you want woodfire taste you don't want rib juice or you know fat dripping off the brisket Bennett that's great but not on a pizza another point I would say you want to make sure you don't have leftover drippings from steak from the last night if you notice this is a hundred percent clear coming out the top of the egg there is no smell I don't put smoke in there I don't have any wood chips wood chunks that type of thing if that's your thing and you want smoked pizza go for it that's not a profile that most people played a profile that most people are looking for so you want a nice clean burn so that you don't have that smoky taste you just want that woodfire taste those are a couple points I would say are pretty important we're gonna go and take a peek here and see if we're ready to you want to keep the heat in as much as possible and what I'm gonna do is use this is you pretty much have to have a pizza peel to do this but I'm gonna start trying to see if I can remove we've got a little bit of cook on this now got a little dog fight in our backyard everybody's tensions are a little bit high just stay at home so you can see there I'm able to take this get that paper off of the paper don't throw this away because this is one of the best things about popular piece we do it all the time shut the lid now we're gonna let that continue to cook that heat will come back up I don't want to throw this away because I don't want to do any dishes when we're done we're gonna take that Pizza off when it's done now put it right back on the right back on the paper carve it we've got our pizza wheel and everything just all right we're trying to encourage people just you know you have to stay home but you don't have to stay inside we're gonna stay outside we're going to cut the beef pizza we're gonna eat it we're gonna eat it right here so took about five minutes and I was able to get that cooked enough that I was able to get that that off of there so now we're starting to brown that crust underneath the way that we all like it would fire taste so we're gonna go the extra eight to nine minutes and finish cooking that pizza stones good and hot the egg is good and hot I'm trying to think of there any other questions we always get asked of pizza is one of those things I think that people wait a long time on a big green egg before they try it but once they try it it's one of the best things one of the best things that this thing can do but you can bake just about anything the pizza stone itself we always get asked do I have to do a big green egg pizza stone what about if I already have a pizza stone at home what if it's a pampered chef pizza stone that I have you can use any pizza stone that you want in the big green egg I would just I always caution people if you have a pizza stone that you want to use as long as you're not emotionally attached to that piece of stone if you start putting in here and you start experimenting with recipes a lot of these crust recipes literally call for 600 degrees and most of the pizza stones on the market cannot withstand 600 degrees so worst-case scenario it's been a break when you try and cook your pizza so again as long as you're not emotionally attached to that pizza stone cook on it until it breaks but the big green egg stone is actually made out of the same ceramic that the big green egg is made out of which is intended to go all the way up to 2700 degrees that it's fired at so you're not going to be going to break that stone and as a warranty if you do that would be the only thing I would say about the different stones but the stone is crucial I would do a stone versus not having to something trying to think what else we can talk about since we can't see the questions during that during the time we've got setups a lot of people ask me to do more than one piece at a time and how can you do so you can actually with the egg spanner set up I like to just keep them keep them coming off a lot of times if we've got people over it's fresh hot pizza so you just buy the time to get through one you got another one coming off but if you've got a big big group that you have to feed there are actually ways we can get as many as three large pizzas on this size of a big green egg it is possible some other things I'm trying to think things that I learned I've been clicking on an egg for 14 years a lot of we've got people who didn't cook and I'm a lot longer now it's been around for 44 years temperature control that's that's a big one you know how do I get to 425 degrees on a big green egg so that's a fun one one little trick that I learned and I'll probably demonstrate it on the egg that we're not cooking on the day just to show so I'm not adjusting my temperatures here one little trick that I learned probably 10 plus years ago in terms of temperature control would be this so first off let me point out the differences in two different cap styles this is the new regulator cap I just upgraded to this this is what we use for the last 40 plus years this is the I can't remember exactly what we call this I'm drawing a blank because we're on live TV it'll come back to me this is the new regulator cap so if you bought a big green egg in the last six months or so you've probably ended up with this one if not and you've had an egg for a while and you have this one you have this as an option to upgrade I'll start with this this since this is what most people are probably familiar with it's been around for so long let's say for instance here we want to get this egg set at a temperature of 450 degrees using this cap I would say you want holes open because this does two things it will actually slide as well as just the holes open so everything I'm going to tell you right now would just be in this mode here with the holes open if we wanted to do let's start with 250 degrees let's say we're going to smoke some ribs or a brisket 250 degrees is one credit card once you get your egg lit and established and get it posted 250 degrees lower your airflow down to one credit card literally to where you could insert your credit or debit card into that slot with the holes at the top still open that is 250 degrees in just about any scenario unless you've got a windstorm or something like that you might have to tamper it down if you want to make adjustments higher or lower you can then make adjustments with the actual turning this but that wide open with those holes and one credit card 250 degrees okay remember the number one and we can certainly put this on our website one finger do one index finger now and that in the same of there that will run 350 degrees every time like clockwork if I slide this open to here which you will notice matches to what I have on our current situation that will be 450 degrees again with this just the holes open on the top you can keep going crazy obviously the more I slide this open the greater the temperature the more I offer air flow here it's going to rise if this were the case if that were wide open and that were wide open it's gonna come up to about 650 and stay there so there's your there's your high temp pizza that you're operating with this over here we're already cruising to 425 by the way never make adjustments here's another tip never make adjustments that is reading a little less than 400 degrees because I put a cold pizza in there that was 425 until we put it in there so don't think oh no my coals going out it's not you can bake at 425 for 6 hours with one load of charcoal you're not you're not it's not going out but if you notice here it's pretty much the same principle on the regulator I have about the same opening at the top and then down here I've got at the bottom about two fingers it cruised up to originally it cruised up to about 450 degrees and all I did was just slide the top the slide on the top I'll move this just for a second it's not going to move my temperature that much the advantage you had to the regulator cap I can move it it stays no matter where I put it there's a magnet so you can't really tell this from the camera but wherever I put it it's going to stay if I open the lid it stays I can go wide open and go all the way up to a thousand degrees if I open up the bottom draft as well or I can damper it down and when I do this and shut it all the way it fully goes out pretty cool pretty cool little lid nice upgrade a lot of people that have headaches for a long time you also have the rain cap this is really neat let's say we're out here cooking pizza let's say right here cooking pizza and all of a sudden the rain comes out technically it's not going to run our meal if it rained right now little drops are ain't going in there we're going to hit the pizza yes if they get in there it's not going to hurt anything in terms of putting the fire out but we don't even want the rains going in there the optional rain cap I put that in place all the rains gonna hit this and just drop off and hit the egg which is perfectly safe it could snow anything it's not going to negatively affect that whatsoever that's an option as well we are probably close enough to take a peek and what I like to do I like playing with a pizza peel we have the aluminum version of this tube but I like to take you okay you can tell already we're getting pretty good press under there they do this with the pizza joint so I like to do the same thing turn around its kind of fun we probably got just a couple minutes left on that so hopefully that helps in terms of the temperature control just remember one credit card 250 one finger 350 two finger 450 and that of course is with the lid I've heard other people use good terminology somebody mentioned I heard this the other day that the bottom draft is the gas pedal so picture that at the bottom is the gas the top is the brake that's a pretty good that's a pretty good one that's the first time I heard that just a few days ago but you're gonna make big adjustments I think with the the goal is you're gonna make big adjustments with the bottom you make smaller adjustments with a break at the top and then the only other thing I would say is make sure any time that you're baking we bake some biscuits the other morning you just want to make sure that you don't you know part of the reason why people will put foil on their convector when they're cooking things or we have the disposable drip pans let me grab one I always have one around you take these and actually this has actually had a little drip in it you can buy these we sell these in the five pack for each of the size of eggs the nice thing about this is if you were doing ribs or a brisket smoking something put this in underneath all your drippings at this it's not falling on your convector so that when you decide to bake pizza you're not going to taste last week's ribs if you do get to a point to where your connective is dirty good you like hey I want to put pieces but man look at all that mess on there just do a clean burn fire it up get a high temperature put it in there all that will burn off and scrape off injure and you're good to go so again we're cooking pieces we're doing this today anyway we'll take another look here I'm getting hungry we're doing this every day at one o'clock something different every day a different location from time to time there's several of us is gonna be doing this so send us your ideas and then remember again you can if you see anything that you need doesn't matter what it is give us a call we can bring it to you and go to outdoor home calm and order a theater and we'll bring it to you or ship it to you and then we now if you're not comfortable coming in the store we're there that you can view curbside pickup a lot of people are doing that just call we'll bring it out to you of it all this stuff if you want to come in and take a look and see the different options there are so many different things we've got of course there's over 200 accessories you can get for the big green eggs lots and lots of options we're gonna take another seat pretty good there and then I would just get a peek of the scene wood fire we're gonna let this go just a little bit more but I'm telling you if you've had Papa Murphy speak say we do events from time to time we've been to egg fest at out their home and Nixa and people we're always somebody doing Papa Murphy's and they they don't think it's Papa Murphy's they try it and they that can't be poppin at home all the time it doesn't taste like that we never put Papa Murphy's pizza in the oven in this house it's just it is so much better there's so much better on the Big Green Egg it takes a little more time to preheat it but it's worth it you get that wood fire flavor it's just incredible and there's no mess we do we do fresh from scratch pizza from time to time and maybe we'll even do one of those in there you know we've got 30 days of this stay-at-home thing so we're staying home we're not staying inside and we're here we're here for all the all your needs just give us a call come see us curbside whatever whatever works for you we're playing it safe I'm gonna go ahead and pull this off this is where this comes in handy I honestly think I had this from the very first pizza ever made so you can tell it's got some wear on it I don't know how you get that piece off there without this thing so at this point in time carve that and we are ready to eat and that same process mine is ready to go these are all Papa Murphy's as I mentioned that was Canadian bacon a sausage this is their herb chicken Mediterranean delight I believe they call it we have different different tastes obviously so put that on there shut it and we're good to go love it 425 as they say it up on Murphy's so put your comments in there if you have any we'll address all the questions a rat so far and you can ask after the back and I think that's I think we're ready to eat I'm going to car blend it up and we'll see you tomorrow at one o'clock thank you
Channel: Outdoor Home
Views: 12,144
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Id: R5HkjPyyB-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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