Reverse Seared Ribeye on the Big Green Egg

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so have us here a nice rib eye steak nice and thick that I let sit in the refrigerator uncovered for about eight hours to kind of help draw out some extra moisture intensify that beef flavor and then we've seasoned it with a little bit of salt pepper and a little bit of garlic powder then let it sit out for a little while inside come up the temperature we're gonna get her on the egg all right so the first thing to make sure we get a good reverse here today is making sure the fire is going nice so she's starting up now we're going to give her a couple minutes throw some little Nair for a nice smoke we're going to reverse sear us some ribeye let's see what we got in here Oh applewood Hickory right there some hickory wood hickory wood that's what we want to do today all right let's get some on the fire here just throw a couple chunks in right on top of the fire actually stuff away alright let's let that smoke up a little bit put the plate setter on either come up to a good temperature will get us once a meet she is smoking look at that got a wide open gets up the temp a little bit we'll go ahead and close her down with the Daisy wheel in the bottom vent but she's got smoke we're gonna wait till it kind of thins out a little before we put the meat on but I got all night for this so I got time so does the Big Green Egg so now it's smoking at 250 degrees which is going to be a good temperature for us to smoke this out for a little while since we're doing a reverse here so let's go ahead and open her up and look at that beautiful smoke so we're going to put the ribeye right in the middle I have a temperature probe in there and we're going to smoke it till it gets to about maybe like 110 115 degrees then we will pull it off and then after that we'll let it sit for a second while we get this thing up to 6 700 degrees and we're going to sear it hard then we're going to eat okay so we reached 115 internal and that has gotten like a nice read to it like it's gotten some smoke so we're going to go ahead and take it off put it over here we're going to take out the plate Center in the grill we're going to set it up for direct and then we're gonna grill this thing alright so we're at like 650 which is a good searing temperature so go ahead and burp the egg so we don't have flame ourselves open her up Wow oh that's hot okay so let's take this giant ribeye here that we have reverse sear that looks beautiful already and oh listen to that don't let that cook about a minute and a half on each side and she'll be good to go see you soon all right so it's time to flip this thing let's see how she looks there's some serious fire going in there and that looks pretty good let's see how we did oh look at that I just look at that good crosshatch there because the cast iron grates with the big green egg that is delicious we're gonna give it another minute maybe a minute and a half we're gonna pull it off let it rest and that's almost gonna be time to eat looks like it is about ready it's about done I mean you can kind of yeah that is where you want it you can just feel it once you do this enough and kind of feel through the palms look at that fire isn't that just cinematic I mean that just looks at here a little bit more yeah it's sizzling on the plate can you hear that I hope you can nice crust on the steak this is going to be an excellent dinner for my wife and I we're going to split this it's a big steak I'm not going to eat it myself I'm not that much of a hog but we're going to get after this thing right here so one of the greatest things that goes with steak is eight baked potato so we have went ahead and we baked two potatoes but you know it goes great on top of a baked potato is grated cheese and this is the cheese that I'm going to grate on it this is one of the best cheese's I have ever ever eaten now I'm going to grade it on top of this potato it is cream Havarti with jalapeno from Boar's Head and as you can tell from the cigarettes 5.99 so not too terribly expensive you can look at the nutritional value here if you want it is not healthy and nothing on this dinner is but this is going to be good see you in a minute so the steak is done it has rested for a little while and look at that juice this is a juicy steak and one of the best toppers for a baked potato of them the cheese we were talking about earlier and some bacon bits is steak juice let's cut it into this and see what we got oh yeah and would you look at that that is beautiful let me tell you that is good this is going to be some good eating tonight I wish you guys were with us I wish you guys could smell this but we're going to go ahead and get to eating and we'll see you next time on boomstick barbecue
Channel: Boomstick BBQ
Views: 187,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ribeye, Reverse Sear Ribeye, Reverse Sear, Big Green Egg, Big Green Egg Steak, Big Green Egg Ribeye, Big Green Egg Reverse Sear, Big Green Egging, Reverse Sear Ribeye Big Green Egg, Boomstick, BBQ, Big Green Egg Reverse Sear Steak, Cooking, Outdoor Cooking, Outdoor Life, Meat, Steak
Id: w6LMINVaxqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2017
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