🔴LIVE: Bluey and Bingo Springtime Adventures! 🌸 💙 | 1 HOUR | Bluey

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phew done thanks Dad hey Bingo you moved your bed to where mine was yeah is that okay sure that's fine I did it so we can still watch Malcolm oh yeah good one what's he doing not much come on Malcolm do something oh he had us okay these teddies are all mine and these are all mine yes now what about Gloria yes what about Gloria she was a Christmas present to me from granddad but you didn't get a Christmas present from Granddad cuz he forgot I was born yes he forgot you were born so you said it's okay Bingo she can be both of USS yes that's right so whose room should she go in h she can go to yours thanks Bluey but how about she sleeps over at yours tonight oh okay Lou who keeps lampy oh um you can keep her no it's okay you take lampy thanks but can we play asleep awake oh okay uh asleep awake asleep wait asleep wait asleep wa asleep [Music] okay kids into bed come on Big D's ready for knockoff hey yeah yeah where you going oh yeah I forgot night Lou night bingo sleep tight you too don't let the bed bugs bite take care of Gloria and lampy yes I will all right come on come on you all set Louie yep exciting night night oh tell Bingo to say good night to Malcolm for me okay I like food thanks for the update and stools can't talk kids what if you done to your dad he was born yesterday he doesn't know anything are you alive YooHoo hi I'm your wife my wife yes and if you want me to stay your wife you'll learn about dishwashers dishwasher wife wow there's just so much to learn [Music] wo this is outside you've got some grass and some wood look out what is it there's a giant Fireball in the big blue thing that's the sun it's meant to be there and the big blue thing is the sky pH this is a swing push me swing the other way oh okay swing swing this way oh swing this is so this is our street you've got some cars and O A bird ooh rubbish don't worry about the sun it's meant to be there uh okay oh come on Bandit keep walking I have a wife okay Bandit probably don't say things about the sun to people at bus stops yeah why uh it's hard to explain okay I won't food yeah I got the steak and bacon food B boy that's my pie give me that here oh you ate all the sauce sorry luy's Dad he was born yesterday yeah I'll say I can't hold him run like he diad but I'm going that way just go oh Dad are you flying away to the airport tomorrow oh yeah I am how long are You' gone for just 6 weeks how long is 6 weeks it's six weekends oh that's forever it's here that the true challenge of the quest is revealed we have to head back now Bingo we can't I don't want to go past the mag pie and I don't want you to leave I'm sorry mate I don't want to go away but I have to but just when things seem the saddest Bingo I've got the perfect face paint for you you want to know a secret Bingo yes I'm thinking of not doing the face painting stool this weekend why because I'm not very good at it am I McKenzie's meant to be a cheater am I but then no one will be able to get their faces painted no I guess not well I think you have to do it even though I don't want to yes even though that yeah you're probably right what do you think I think I'm getting B see you B Collies enjoy the curry see you good luck with the magp now every good hero learns a few things on their Quest MacKenzie's mom can you face paint one more [Music] thing ready armed with everything they've learned along the way the hero faces their ultimate [Music] test the end you're my hero bingo no more supplies and I've got no idea if we're heading in the right direction and the deck could use a good scrub oh here it is this is the shortcut what does this B say it says the road is only for cars that are four-wheel drives is our car four-wheel drive no it's an all-wheel drives oh how many wheel have we got four Lulu hold on your strawberries we're coming to day 102 all CW gone no sign of land supplies have run out we're not going to make it you right jack yes calypso [Music] yeah kangaroo C to Catos Catos come on come on the car is definitely getting dir how good was that yeah but the map has strawberry jam on it that's okay sweetie we don't need it anymore land I didn't give up well done night is this Australia yeah mate this is Australia [Music] for [Music] la [Music] jetah we found a way you can played it the dirt [Music] really you meant to go a little faster it's a bit hard to run and all this stuff well at least you didn't get dirty yeah the suit really works you want mud yeah mud come in the mud Judo uh I'm not sure this will keep mud out oh yeah probably not I might just go home oh my goodness morning Wendy got some dirt yes I can see Wendy can J play in the dirt with us oh well I'm not sure please kids don't pest up no it's it's fine yes Judo can play what really but you said I can't get dirty yes I did but I want you to have fun sweetie so Judo can play in the mud well it's up to Judo Judo I'll be right [Music] back why don't you want to play in the dirt with the girls I just don't want to oh go on it's important to play and have fun but what about my long lovely coat it takes so long to clean oh yes I said that didn't I oh fiddle sticks I'll be right back [Laughter] [Music] sweetheart mom what are you doing I'm going short there's the kickoff dad is there any food I got some beef jerky and this pizza is coming at half time and bucko is I can't see Mom Chucky if your dad is on the purple team but your mom is on the blue team then what team are you on mom said I could choose either my mom and dad are all on the purple team so I'm purple even though I'm blue it's confusing I'm gold is there a gold team no it's just purple or blue oh did I help you choose a color yes please the GRS are about to dance this is my favorite Le what do you think about that gel maybe it should be purple there's more dancing hang on a moment the ref wants to check if fogger obstructed the defender on the way through well there you go no try no try on what's going on you bunch of cheats You're the chats a long ball out to zpp I can't see M yet he's gone straight through [Applause] intercepted and the blues are over mom's dancing a that's nice on theide purple hasn't dance in ages no biscuit Tock you want to go over to my mom yeah come on oh man this way this way keep on eye for Mom Bingo she just wants a smoochie kiss no more Smoochy kisses for her yeah you belong to us all right so am I still married we'll figure that out later but now we have to get you somewhere safe yeah come with ew your arm pitch is leaking ew so is this one yeah I've just been for a run okay well just keep your arms down please all right come on check for Mom Bingo she could be hiding okay e Dad what's that huh oh looks like gravy ew yep gravy she's not here I looked everywhere me as well yes okay I just want a smoochie kids come on hey kids I actually need the toilet what no way it's too risky oh well your mom lets me go to the toilet okay it's clear okay do your business and do it quickly yes boss and peeing only de I'll stay here Bingo you got outside okay a that's it keep your eye out for Mom you'll do anything for a Smoochy kiss C blame her are you almost finished almost ow a that cake what happened nothing why are you hopping I pee on my foot why did you pee on your foot I wasn't paying attention why not I was trying to pull a nose hair out you got hairs in your nose that's disgusting welcome to middle age kids is that true Chief scientist yes I want to pretend that you leave me behind and I'm all alone why I don't know well I'm not sure we can pretend that yeah to get to Mars we need a chief scientist to put us into a hypers sleep oh okay are you sure we can't go to the black hole no it doesn't have aliens neither does Mars dudon prepare crew for hypersleep yes Chief scientist [Music] dudon I want to change course what is the new destination the black hole hypersleep interrupted H are we at Mars I don't think so dutron what's going on and where's McKenzie oh not again McKenzie what are you doing here we know you're about to go into the black hole we've come to stop you but I want to go in I have to why cuz I'm the chief scientist it's my job to figure everything out well we're coming with you what it's too dangerous all going alone well what do we do you go to Mars without me are you sure I'm sure okay you're just going to let him go it's what he wants to [Music] play okay let's decide what sort of granny's will be I'm going to be a can't here anything granny I'm going to be a kind granny what sort of Granny can I be oh um I'm not sure there are any other types of granny's that's not fair I knew I wouldn't get to be a granny Ah that's it you can be a grouchy granny oh yeah and make sure that you want to sell us your granny mobile okay let's go Bingo b how much do you want for this oh well what do you think $2 okay that's fine thanks toine that f is worth way more than that oh I don't want to make a fuss dorine can we play with your granny mobile please go for it I've taken the battery outside won't move oh yes it will buger lugs is going to push it yeah am I buger lugs L yes n and you're going over too many cracks it's a foot path don't talk that to me sunny gee you are one grouchy granny stop I said stop okay n hello GL I'm selling M granny B are you going to buy it oh well make up your mind how much is it love bugs what number is this uh $300 bucks oh Dorian you can get more than that let's say $900 $900 bucks how much money you got R paron hurry up my hips hurt let me Che the coins one two oh that's a nice one hurry up the only thing that could break the curse was if someone said your name do you want me to say your name okay bands H can't you just say your own name nope you're not allowed to speak what happens if you do speak uh well look I shouldn't tell you but I didn't what that's terrible I told you the80s was a wild place anyway being cursed was not a lot of fun when you're on holiday kids do you want your fish batted or crumbed battered battered what about you come on speak up he wants crumbed okay he loves crumbed don't you ban dishwasher I hated crumbed who ate all the mini cereals he did right you get over here jeez Nana was a bit mean yeah it was the80s moms were allowed to be mean and dads weren't much help either let's see who can shout the loudest okay let keep it down what do you want St uh rad d Gerald ah whatever your name is what are he on about what's he on about rad jinxed him he can't talk until someone says his name all right so you want me to say your name so you can talk again well you're dreaming mate you know what I call this I call it a good start how do I jinx it say none of you can talk dad is it like this I was never going to talk again no one was going to say my name I'm not going to say your name I think this will do you some good all holiday you've been mean to your little brother you can't Tic Tac stri it's my turn now now it isn't nice stack this is a chance for you to have a good think about it Nana was right not about a perm but about me I hadn't been a very good brother to strip oh s's at the door don't worry M will get it hey sheeps can't walk hi how would you like to save $200 a year on your energy bill excuse me uh is there someone else I could talk to I'll go get my mom ah let go R uh I'll come back another time I know what you're doing you don't want me to see Mom well it's not going to work there where you going now sheepy Mom are you in there yes BL I'm in here I'm sorry for whatever I did to upset you you didn't do anything to upset me sweetheart then why don't you want to see us I do want to see you but it can be hard work looking after kids sometimes moms just need 20 minutes I don't understand you will one day sweetheart no Shey no what is that about dad's trying to stop me from bothering you I see but it won't work ah what's going on Wy go go go you naughty sh no drop it drop it drop it you are a very cheeky sheep I'm sorry Wendy he doesn't listen to what anyone says that's I'm getting chilly [Music] oh dear that will not happen twice you have to pay me money for a ticket oh yes here you go thank you here's your ticket ooh now if you AR happy with your whale watching trip I'll give you your money back lovely but that won't happen this will be the best W watching tour you've ever been on well I don't know about that kid all oh blue that's too loud here we go yay it's a lovely day to go boat riding the sea is nice and calm yeah it's smooth sailing today oh no we keep rough Seas what hold on customer here comes a big wave Dad we hit rough Seas no we hit smooth seas and oh look we're at the whales h no you're not the whales are ages away and point of fact the boat doesn't decide about rough Seas the boat driver does yes uh point of fact Wales can't talk second point of fact today there are no rough Seas well I'm going to find some rough Seas sail sail here we are Ries nope well I'm just going to sail around till I find them okay fine hold on to your breakfast here we go hold on customer W I'm sorry customer we have seemed to accidentally wandered into some rough Seas accidentally please don't go to the lunch food thing before the storm is over Storm's over and look we're at the whales watch out Snappy Turtles oh yeah Snappy Turtles a all right snap snap snap snap snap snap [Music] hey and now we're at the tole wave oh [Applause] man oh oh man are you okay customer yes I'm fine you don't want your money back no this is fun but are we almost at the whales yes no ter boy and go yeah watch the crocodiles and the quick sand Chum the [Music] snake stop 23 seconds that's the fastest yet well done Turtle Boy looks like it might rain we can't leave turtle boy in the rain he'll get wet he won't mind he's a turtle oh I know you'll be dry under here Turtle Boy [Music] no honey you can't take him home cuz it's not the dumb thing T boy you're still here and you're dry okay ter boy we picked up the curry now to get home safe to the turtle misses you ready he's ready wo yeah he made it oh man that's enough of that dad can I ever take turtle boy home I think his owner has forgotten him well look if he's still here tomorrow then maybe hooray but I'm not sure it's a done Thing One More Night turtle boy then you can come home with me um it might be a bit drier back here and um you might like to read the newspaper see you tomorrow let [Music] go good one blue hey Bingo why don't you try and play with banjo today why well it can be happying the new kid he might like having someone to play with okay Mama there it goes thanks B come on let's get to school can I be a b lady when gr up if you [Music] like hi where you yellow beIN where are you it's not yellow bein's turn R I miss you yellow bin it's okay red bin I think they're sisters hey how is kindy bingo good wait no bad a why bad banjo called me a bobo head what's a b Boh head oh no did he call anyone else a bobo head yeah he called everyone a bobo head oh okay well still not nice banjo oh Bin's full this week girls we had a Barbie Mr Crow will definitely be coming tomorrow I'll be [Music] ready good one blue hey Bingo if someone at kindy calls you a name just tell Mrs retriever okay okay mama mom can I be a scarecrow when I grow up if you like thanks SP okay team let's get to school how's kindy Bingo good and bad banjo call me BoBo head again what did you do I told Mrs rever and what did she say she said what Wier are you a bobo head and I said no and she said well there you go so I played in The sandp Fix where' they go there you are War now where are those Lions one Sunday morning as I went Walken by Brisbane Waters a chance to what was [Music] that is that you lucky oh well I guess it's enough oh Mrs Hill oh don't know about this buny what you want toer get back in the house you too sorry lucky Dad how worries BL I shouldn't have let my guard down SC get in here you L that's it you animals need to learn some maners war no doing that thing first manners is want a cracker first is don't speak when someone's speaking s second maners is hey what no running away from mana's lessons now third one is don't eat the next door neighbors that's a really important one Hey where's Daddy warus [Music] no for madnesses don't go to the toilet on the rug you big grub this is hopeless I going to turn you back in the dogs where's my asparagus cracker I am not playing tickle crabs oh why not cuz I hate tickle crabs why because you're tickle crabs yeah but that's the fun part fun for you maybe not for me okay Bingo this is going to take a serious please face yes serious let's get these ears back and I'm going to need to see tears that's good and let's hold these okay let's do this what do you want why do you never will play with us what you're always at work I'm never at work it's like you don't even love us you are joking right how can you not love your own children ah cheese and jam all right that was impressive this episode of blue is called tickle crabs oh what a wonderful day at the beach a little bit lonely of course but wonderful it would be better if I had a true love to share it with perhaps one day I'll find her oh well now it's time to go back to my empty [Music] house I'll just turn around and pick up my towel just shake the sand off now off home oh where are you my true love won't you come to me ah home sweet lonely home ah well time for a nap per chance I will dream of meeting my true love tickle what was that H I must have dreamt of being tickled come toor little gey I'm still timing you bingo to catch gcki you brush your teeth I'll catch gy okay no you find your hat I'll catch gy keep timing I can't find it have you looked yeah I've looked everywhere there it is oh yeah come on geky what was it that Granddad used to say when he was a soldier hurry up and wait hurry up and wait Bingo teeth oh yeah sorry are you okay yeah I'm okay good now help me tidy this up a why do I have to help okay who's catching gcki I am I'm banana I'll get it here it [Music] come tooth pasty okay let's go I need you out the door in 1 minute can I have my hat like Grandad with a side bit up like that oh look look L please okay go and get a badge but hurry up sorry time for roll escate Mom gy sorry come on [Music] gcki 1 minute well done now let's get going I'm just going to put on my roll skates Bingo there's no time a all right let me put them on for you no you have to tell me okay ready to go and we can't leave before gy falls off oh look I'm going to give him a hand all right I found a b great BL can you please grab my hockey stick I need to get geky down okay the Rabbit Goes Around The Garden no no try again look who I found dad are you flying away to the airport tomorrow oh yeah I am how long you you gone for just 6 weeks how long is 6 weeks it's six weekends oh that's forever it's here that the true challenge of the quest is revealed we have to head back now Bingo we can't I don't want to go past the med pie and I don't want you to leave I'm sorry mate I don't want to go away but I have to but just when things seem the saddest Bingo I've got the perfect vas paint for you you want to know a secret Bingo yes I'm thinking of not doing the face painting stool this weekend why because I'm not very good at it am I MacKenzie's meant to be a cheater am I but then no one will be able to get their faces painted no I guess not well I think you have to do it even though I don't want to yes even though that yeah you're probably right what do you think I think I'm getting Bish see you B Collies enjoy the curry see you good luck with the mag por now every good hero learns a few things on their Quest m mom can you face paint one more [Music] thing ready armed with everything they've learned along the way the hero faces their ultimate [Music] test the end you're my hero Bingo watch me Leela okay woo [Music] yeah woohoo we are the luckiest kids in the world let's go down together ready ready let's [Applause] go oh no stop stop what why just stop okay why did we stop there's a leaf bug in away a she's so cute you have to be more careful leafus you're lucky we didn't squash you I'll move her off the slide come on little fell okay you can go Lea hooray bye leus oh wait stop hey it's a ladybird oh I love ladybirds we can't squish them come on ladyb bird hey now there's an ant on the slide Bingo can be squish ant well I don't like them as much as ladyb Birds but I still don't think we should squish them me neither come on oh there's another one what are we going to do ooh I [Music] know if we make walls the little bugs won't be able able to get over them oh yeah there lucky you're so smart [Music] Leela grasshoppers can fly I can't stop woo that was close yeah Grandpa you're lucky Binger can fly too the walls aren't working the bugs just fly over them some kids ruined a stick bird oh I can show you a trick my buddy Mia taught me if you like it's for after you're upset and angry okay so you have to collect all the upset and all the angry how do I collect upset and angry you just feel where it is and go get it h there's usually some in your belly or your neck and always remember to check your ears okay now you got all that upset and angry in your hands what do I do with it do you want to keep it no I don't want it well what do you do with something you don't want anymore uh give it to you well I don't want it yeah me neither then what do I do with it you throw it away oh uh-uh like Mom said you need to throw this thing really far stand sideway like on a skateboard bend your KNE pleas yep get comfy that's good and with this arm and wo it's going all the way out to sea look for the splash look for the splash there did you see it yes it was a Million Miles Away good throw yeah good one Bingo thanks so how do you feel good yay thanks BL yeah thanks BL thank Mia she taught me it oh and M for ins sorry B can we have a race to Mom yeah Dad do you want to race too yeah okay I'll give you a head start okay ready set go I'm [Music] [Applause] winning here I come I don't understand what's happening no time to explain we have to get to safety but what about Bandit forget him he's done what do we do why's Bingo got Barrel onesie made Bingo crazy she sort of becomes one with the onesie what where'd she go I don't know did you get it the onesie I didn't know I'm sorry don't worry we can live in the car yeah there's plenty of food under the seats yeah and we've got music oh yeah Brandy what was it you wanted to say earlier oh um get hide behind the shed I think we lost her pH Auntie Brandy was there a mediumsized cheetah onesie at the shop um I'm not sure blue can you ring them and ask BL what sorry BL the last time I saw you zeas were your favorite animal they used to be but I changed to cheaters 4 years ago look I have to go this was a mistake no Brandy I'm sorry don't go say goodbye to run save yourselves I think we're just going to have to have a no onesie policy from now on mom why why did Auntie Brandy want to leave is she sad and why have we only seen her once in our lives you know how you really want Bingo's cheetah onesie yeah more than anything but it doesn't fit you so you can't have it and there's not really anything anyone can do to make it fit yeah well there's something Auntie Brandy wants more than anything as well but she can't have it and there's not really anything anyone can do [Music] why can't she just have the thing she wants because it's not meant to be dream about being a fruit B it didn't work oh well you tried where did Dad go he's outside dad [Music] dad dad [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bab yes yeah hey Dad hey blue you're a fruit bat yeah how is it it's great you get to eat a lot of fuit H I bet hey did you see my try yeah I did how good was it so good there's plenty more where that came from yeah I do all right all right see you Bluey come on let's do this see you [Music] Dad [Music] wow hi 7:00 that was a big sleep I had the most amazing dream 1 2 3 4 five six yes mate seven thanks for looking after us 10 you're welcome I've got your favorite Bluey fruit salad yuck no more fruit just some toast [Music] please my couch what's going on here oh Shan's back mom's not listening to me oh really Sean sit wow good Sean how did you do that just stay calm and controlled he's a simple creature really sure you shouldn't have done that Sean Shan that is not acceptable behavior wow this emu Just Can't Be Tamed you know what this IMU needs what yeah what what cookies yeah [Music] cookies well played remember blue calm and controlled calm and controlled got it oh dear stop stop no look at this meth this isn't going well kids I say we just turn around and go home no I can do this Sean that is not acceptable behavior do you understand he listened good boy Sean that's more like hey Bandit how you [Music] going get Li go Li oh no he's chasing the B [Music] yay and the luckiest horse in the world hes can't talk ladies and gentlemen my spous marry GW today socks the wedding is started it's not working get them to say something things you may now say some things uh I'm not marrying him he stinks my heart is breaking I said hores can't talk oh I mean make them get married you may now get married she said you now get married you have to say I do yeah but in horsey talk [Music] have that Sparkles you have to do it [Music] properly Sparkle now we go [Music] a I want poly back [Music] ready go get he's watching the [Music] cricket one [Music] TR arriving the next stop is mother duck daycare thank you Train's leaving oh hello poppy you're just in time for a story story time story time I'll pick you up after work now sweetie give Mommy a hug and this mouse lived in a very special train stopping one day Train's leaving walking are you hungry Mr Polar Bear next stop is the Vets thank you morning morning Dr glender we have a very busy day today one sick tiger and Six Sick skunks that's hard to say oh and one cranky polar bear oh you just need to tickle him here watch tickle tickle see what would we do without you glender train arriving what see you tomorrow bye Glenda Train's leaving next up day it thanks poppy your Mom's here she had a great day today oh that's my big girl train arriving thank you Train's leaving sweet please sleep morning puppy time to get to work goodbye husband train skip in this station hey wait I'm coming trane's stopping up you go um excuse me no food or drinks no feed on seats and that cat needs to be on your lap I just drive the train mate what you cheeky little hang on show me your ticket oh yes here you are hm this looks fine hi Dad hey Chloe what are you reading oh I'm reading facts about octopi oh how come well I thought maybe it will help me play your Octopus Game better oh turns out octopi are actually quite smart really and you were right they do collect treasure see they collect objects to make their houses strong ooh wow so I'm sorry I said you were wrong well I'm sorry I said Blue's dad is more fun than you that's okay he probably is but you're fun too really it's just that every time I do something you say no but octopuses don't do that do I yes well that's funny cuz I feel like every time I say something you say no octopuses don't do that oh well how about this rule no one is allowed to say no but octopuses don't do that okay what should we say instead how about we can say yes this octopus does that yeah but in octopus that sounds a bit like this yeah is there any more things about octopuses well yeah look when an octopus is scared and wants to escape it can shoot out a cloud of ink wow ooh what's that an electric eel it's an eel that can make its own electricity WoW animals don't like being hurt so they do all sorts of things to avoid it oh what else is there well see this it's a flying fish a fish that can fly yeah just small distances but still that's [Music] clever hey blue hey Chloe do you want to play octopus with us oh okay okay this time we're ears got it I'll be a South Mara octopus oh no that's a poisonous one you have to freeze for 4 seconds if he touches you oh okay let's go he got yours 1 2 3 don't worry I'm an electric eel now this next one is definitely not friendly he's a big stinky [Music] Baboo Big Blue Monkey well I rather thought we'd see more movement from the animals what a brute stay back snow drop get up you big a our visitors don't want to see you lying around all day day what monkey sweet monkey sweet that's it for the lady you lazy oh my monkey B but but yeah forget this guy come on let's go see the cook bar come along snow drop [Music] people monkey these cook bars think everything is funny ooh look at these little darling snow drop snow drop snow drop one hug snow drop that gorilla has snow drop snow drop hug monkey [Music] don't worry Madam I'll sort this out straight away you'll be careful with that won't you he's not allowed to do this it's against the monkey rules watch out for my darling snow [Music] drop would you like like to see our reptile section no I am the M who's got her legs no Castle I wonder who lived here maybe this is where the other mermaids live [Music] hello um would you mind moving I need to show this shell to my mom maybe I will just head back I think I've had enough walking by myself oh that's just a blue SP can't go backward can't go forward what am I going to do mom's footsteps your mermaid's just got to be brave I am the M who got her legs but only for a [Music] day thanks for moving Mr pelic [Music] L [Music] mom you keep
Channel: Bluey - Official Channel
Views: 3,173,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bluey, Bluey Disney Junior, Bandit, Bingo, Dog, Pups, Puppy, Australian, Blue Heeler, Wackadoo, disney, disney jr, disney junior, Chilli, bluey disney jr, bluey full episodes, bluey clips, bluey disney junior, bluey australia, bluey and bingo, bluey season 1, bluey season 2, ludo studio, bluey season 3, bluey new, bluey springtime, bluey and bingo springtime, bluey livestream, bluey live
Id: kP1_blnHEtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 8sec (3428 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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