Mount Huffinpuff πŸŒ‹ 6 FULL Episodes! 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom 🌈

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Mountain Mount up and up [Music] Are We There Yet almost Nick promised it'll be worth the hike remember what they said all I heard what's up actually they said which means squishy splashy Springs is great family fun for all ages uh normally I avoid squishy splashy things but that does sound amazing [Music] oh there's Mount huff and puff splushy splashy Springs is supposed to be right next to it [Music] well with that giant tree in the way we're not gonna do any splishing or splashing in splishy splashy Springs how are we going to move this thing foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] those gushing geysers look like so much fun well playing around in that water might be fun too come on come on little B let's go for a swim well swimming's not really my thing I'm a cat you know but sometimes you gotta dip your toes in and test the water literally gold gold gold gold I think your toes extra sensitive today trust me you do not want to go in there ERG you're a big furry Yeti it can't be that cold [Music] maybe we'll just stick to the geysers today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is it me or is the ground getting rumblier what Mount huff and puff is angry I mean not silly I mean what does a Mad Mountain even look like [Music] you go with the yetis and make sure Brock's okay you can count on me true I'm going to go see what's bothering Mount huffing Puff [Music] s okay stay right here Uncle bartoly's Gonna Get You Down [Music] no please go ahead I think I loosened it there for you a bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] um Mount huff and puff my name's true we couldn't help but notice that you seem a little upset is everything okay I don't think the mountain likes it when we do that [Music] it's burning hot lava oh no that is hot lava I think this is not good it's heading straight for the never-ending forest and all the creatures that live there yeah I can confirm that this is definitely lava which means we definitely have to hurry this up yum yum now everybody [Music] I've ever go warn everyone I'm sorry you're not feeling well Mount huff and puff but I need to make sure my friends are okay I'll be back soon with some help faster faster try to keep up please thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh there you are we're being chased by the lava I'm going to go on ahead and find a place where you'll be safe okay we'll just keep running [Music] a cave perfect [Music] quick phew okay I think we're safe you may be safe from the lava but you're also a little bit stuck I'm really sorry I can't carry you all to safety with cumulo I'm going to need some wish help this help would be good I think sit tight everyone two please don't worry about us too Uncle Bartleby will keep these yetis entertained I'm new fear my furry friends burning hot lava may be boiling hot to the touch but it's perfect if you're in the market for a tasty treat okay the first one always gets burned okay so maybe we have to wait for this lava to cool down a little bit in the meantime we can uh let's see uh well what do we have here we have rocks some more rocks over there and uh boy a lot of rocks in this cave huh I don't know I'm gonna do a fun craft spirit [Music] right back fascinating Pub is erupting oh hi true and I know I've been watching on my face bubble tell me what happened Bartleby and I were there when it all started hey wait a sec where is Bartleby trapped with the yetis surrounded by lava they're actually on Mount huff and puff why yetis took us to squishy splashy Springs and then the ground started shaking first I thought we made the mountain mad but then I thought it looks sad now I'm not sure but Bartleby and the yetis are trapped by hot lava and even worse the lava is Flowing down the mountain toward the never-ending force and Yeti Village [Music] this is serious let's sit and have a think okay true how can the wishing tree help you well the first thing to do is rescue Bartleby and the yetis from the lava good thinking then when everyone is safe we have to stop the lava from reaching the forest wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm I'm ready [Music] [Music] dreams [Music] I have a good feeling about these wishes now let's see what the Wikipedia says about their powers foreign [Music] can handle any temperature hot or cold and not feel a thing Thermo is very protective you're just the wish I need to get across the hot lava Thermo next up is sticky dug loves getting dirty it can also move tons of dirt in no time perfect Diggy dog you can dig a big hole to hold all the hot lava and your third wish is a stretching wish it can stretch super long like a rubber band a longy I'm not sure how you can help with Mount huff and puff but it's hardly a stretch to see you're always helpful Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my pack [Music] thanks for everything Z anytime true good luck okay and just a little rock here and there nailed it looks just like the rainbow King sometimes I impress even myself alright my Yeti friends let's see what you came up with [Music] oh come now don't be shy this is your first rock sculpture after all and remember Uncle Bartleby is a bit of a pro [Music] [Applause] yes well uh not too bad for a first try a little crude but hey we can't all be Master Stone workers With a Little Help from Uncle Bartleby you three have a lot of potential [Music] so disappointing oh well okay everybody true's here so uh let's form a line single file along that wall thank you I'll have you guys out of there soon time for my first wish [Music] you [Music] wish come true [Music] that lava is really really hot can you handle the heat [Music] all right let's go Thermo [Music] You're Gonna Want to catch this wave [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice catch great job Thermo Thermo thanks for saving my friends in such a fun way now back in the pack [Music] okay now let's see about stopping that lava you'll need to think quick true [Music] don't worry I've got this time for my second wish [Music] come true hi Diggy dog there's a big river of lava headed straight for us can you dig a hole big enough to hold it all no damn [Applause] okay diggy dog let's get digging [Music] the truth the love is getting really close let's get out of here [Music] [Applause] thanks for everything Diggy dog now tuck yourself in here I'm not so sure that mountain is mad ERG it's not really a mad face this is a mad face that's it that's the Mountain's face the one you make when someone steps tail so somebody stepped on the Mountain's tail I mean the Mountain's face looks like it's hurt like when something pokes you when something pokes you pokes you I think I know where the mountain is so upset follow me is everyone safe here oh okay be right back [Music] it's just up here we found Crocs sitting on top of that log wow it looks really jammed in that geyser wonder the mountain is having a tantrum that looks really uncomfortable I bet Mount huff and puff would feel a hundred times better if we took it out but stick couldn't even pull it out even after I loosened it for her I'm sure we'll think of something well it's hard to think of any [Music] Bartleby let's go try and get Mount huff and puff to calm down [Music] high mount huff and puff it's me again true and my best friend Bartleby they come in peace we can see you're really upset is it okay if we try to help okay well whenever I'm upset I take a deep breath like this give it a try better that log sticking in your side must hurt don't you worry we'll get it out but true how are we gonna do that well I've still got one more wish elongi I don't know along he doesn't seem strong enough to pull a tree out of a geyser I think you're right so let's have a think okay Mount huff and puff is trying to blow the log out of its side but every time it tries it just blows out its top instead maybe along he could cover the top so that when Mount huff and puff blows the law gets pushed out instead that sound tough and puff we have a plan it's going to be a little uncomfortable for a minute but then it'll feel better you're going to have to be brave and trust me okay great it's time for my third wish Zip Zap zoo I Choose You [Music] I eat longy here's the plan you're going to stretch all the way across the top of Mount huff and puff and hold on tight yeah can you do it you're the best elongi take us a little closer please quinoa [Music] Mount huff and puff blow again really hard this time [Music] are you okay uh-huh then hold on tight huff and puff blow again really hard this time [Music] ah true I don't think it's working blue hard as hard as oh yeah [Music] we did it that was awesome true it really was let's go see if Mountain huff and puff feels better [Applause] [Music] all better your special stretchiness saved the day Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my pack [Music] see you soon [Music] this log makes a much better seesaw than a um Pokey in your side sort of thing I think Mount huff and puff would agree thanks for bringing us here ergon Snick this turned out to be a pretty fun outing after all yeah although it's too bad the water was so cold and splishy splashy Springs I was really looking forward to taking a dip again [Music] not cold wait a minute is that Steam [Music] it's warm like Nature's bathtub now this is water I can handle you really saved the day [Music] everyone [Music] the sky loves z a little early to be watching the sky don't you think the Lantern Festival hasn't even started yet it won't be long now though four glow lanterns fill the sky with light with light ah well you're about to see something else fly by that's just as amazing look [Music] never seen them up close before they only fly past here once a year when they migrate I agree when it gets too warm they head home to the Chile North [Music] I want to talk to them too [Music] I think they heard us yeah chatting's not my thing I'm more the strong silent type who always keeps us cool you know and blobs biggie Bluffs Sky babies this this thing oh cute puppy baby oh honey with your big blubby baby mouth a whole kitty could fit in there I don't see any Wings they must fly with their tails yes they're very wasteful Flyers it's Landing that they're not so great at wow ninja cat hi can't see not not wanting to be seen shivering with deer now aren't they wonderful Bartleby model B and where'd you go right here too we should really be going to that non-sky blob Festival thingy remember that we were gonna go to [Music] the Lantern Festival I almost forgot okay let's go wanna come with us see thanks Drew I'm good I can see the sky blobs and the Lantern Festival from right here it's the best view in the Kingdom okay Z have fun gotta go bye a new blobs have a safe migration North [Music] let's get this party started so we let these babies go and the music ends right yeah okay time to move with the groove this cat ain't got hooves [Applause] what something's wrong with the sky clubs [Music] Daddy I have a great idea let's watch the festival from under here in case you know it rains no Bartleby true the sky blobs have turned around what's going on I think the music from the Lantern Festival is scaring them that must be it because they're not going to the Chile North now towards the steamy South steamy and warm perfect not for the sky blobs they only like cold weather hot weather won't be good for them at all we have to turn them around can you stop them until we get there I'll do my best oh cumulo foreign sorry we're missing the lantern launch B but we have to help yep it's what we do time to hop aboard why aren't I hopping aboard yeah legs weren't moving for some reason to the [Music] two Z what are you doing trying to calm down the herd of Sky blobs [Music] what did he say to them what did you say to them [Music] come on I need to work on my sky blob call [Music] little blub it's okay [Music] oh no [Music] they're so freaked out right now we're gonna need some wish help to calm them down and turn them around to the wishing tree cute oh right oopsies everyone okay yes did I forget to um did I forget to mention that the sky blobs get upset easily yes but we know now okay there you go little wish buddy [Music] challenge let's sit and have a think about this [Music] how will you get will you get guy blobs to fly to the Chile North First the poor things are so jumpy and startled by unexpected things to make them feel safe again like how you feel when you're with people you care about how warm and lovey The Way You Make Me Feel yeah yeah but it'll be exactly oh could help us do that and if they're still spooked then I'll need another wish that can lead them to the chilly North the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh man [Music] [Applause] [Music] what fantastic wishes let's see what the Wikipedia says about them thank you [Music] your first wish is ah it's his way it's a musical wish that plays music so sweet and enchanting that everyone loves it and wants to follow it that's great tisway can help get the sky blubs to follow us too for your second wish you have a side by how sweet it's a togetherness wish it gives you that warm cozy feeling like when you're with somebody you care about I don't know what's come over me true but I love you more than ever a togetherness wish is perfect it'll help the sky blubs see me as family and let me lead them to the chilly North and your third wish is d flat very interesting it's a shield wish that can deflect anything that bumps into it can you deflect a sky blob falling out of the sky yeah I just I was asking for a friend The Shield which is cool but I'm not sure how it will help us leave the sky gloves home you'll put the wish to good use like you always do true thank you Z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] [Applause] any questions just face bubble me I know a lot about Sky blobs let's get our flying friends to the Chile North [Music] [Applause] ready we're almost at the steamy South you can feel the steamy heat all the way over here that steamy warmth is awful just awful yeah [Music] she's really scared oh she totally is quick cumulo to get ahead of them fast so we can turn them around and I have just the wish to make them feel warm and lovey then I can lead them away all together now side bye [Music] bye we need the sky gloves to feel like I'm part of their family so they'll feel safe enough to follow me can you whoa side bye no wait side boy I want them to follow me what's happening I'm tingly all over even my tingles are tingling uh what's with all this sky blobbing to me you mean like I'm their mama no no no no no no you supposed to be their mama you are uh Side by can we try this again well thanks anyways [Music] [Applause] sorry B sci-fi only has the wish power to do that once [Music] the baby Sky Bluff really loves you now tell her to stop I can't even the baby's mama wants you to be her mama yeah well I'm not ready to play mama I don't even watch my own Paws before dinner until side byz wish power wears off you are there Mama but don't worry you can calm them down [Music] hey thanks little bloodster soft squishy good okay keep it together me you gotta you gotta listen to your mama okay and your mama needs some space guys they listened to me see you're a natural now let's lead them home right home um Sky blobs [Music] turn around please the chilling North is that away gotta listen to your mother me come on little Bubbies we're leaving to see myself behind Mama B thanks true that's all in a day's work this trip will be a breeze what we're stopping [Music] oh we're going to happy farming Valley whether we like it or not [Music] bye that was terrifying at least I didn't get squares oh no are you okay B I'm okay clouds are as light as well clouds bring it Envy I got you huh true why are you slobbering on me so this is ended in happy farming Valley yes it is and I like their Style no bee you like Tangy tum tums huh I think fed by someone else someone named mama oh but their mouths are huge what if I fall in fall in fall in okay they won't eat you are you sure pretty sure pretty sure oh don't be scared they love you remember and if anything happens I'm right here to help okay um here's Sky blob get your Tangy Tom Tom from your mom mom with the yum yums oh well can't say we didn't try maybe they'll feed themselves now maybe Maybe I see we're having trouble feeding the sky blobs they won't eat the tanky tum-tums ah try holding the fruit in your mouth the moon right there [Music] whoa are you okay B so much floppiness but it didn't eat you right no she didn't that's my super Brave Kitty come on we'll need more candy tomtoms to fill those big Bubby bellies it's feeding time [Music] [Music] [Music] baby feeding Mama B thanks hey fun fact Sky blob tongues feel like slobbery sandpaper okay little blob let's get you and your family home chilly North here we come oh oh well what now are you thirsty itchy need a belly rub what what she's just saying thank you Mama oh wow you're welcome we're getting close to the festival uh oh Bingo bango's still playing the Lantern Festival is still going on oh no oh no oh no Sky blobs cover your ears plug them good Darlings stopped oh good and if the music's done ready three two one lanterns away oh look at that everyone is launching their glow lanterns [Music] stay away from my babies lanterns away from my children huh what happened I forgot the lanterns did that when they land or hit something they popped with the funny sound that way they don't leave any mess anywhere well there's just way too many lanterns we've got to get rid of them all before my sky blobs go the wrong way again but if we pop all the lanterns we'll ruin the Lantern Festival what do we do let's think about this okay let's think if we could make a path for the sky blips to fly through then we wouldn't have to pop all the lanterns just some of them yeah yeah great idea we'll use deflect my shield wished he can clear a path by popping lanterns away right on let's do it [Music] [Applause] which come true get behind me everyone okay cumulo let's pop some blue lanterns it's okay Mama's best friend is taking care of those scary bad lanterns [Music] it's okay your mama and follow me to the Chile North the sky is looking clear it's time to skip the drama we've got somewhere we oughta be better listen to your mama I'm the head of this family here's what we're gonna do we'll fly high up just like the wind and go [Music] okay great job deflect nothing to worry about here Sky blobs crew now back in the back we did it yeah we showed those lanterns who's boss now nothing's gonna stop my sky glove so I'm getting home to the chilly North foreign clouds my babies do not like those but mama can tell these things let's land until they pass good stop this is bad the storm clouds are moving in from above and below so they're all around us not yet they're not it's clear flying through pointy Rock Canyon but it won't be clear for long we have to go now I don't know true Z said the blobs scare easily and those pointy rocks look pretty scary think of some way to calm them down I'll have tisway play some relaxing music that should keep the sky blobs calm and distracted because we I need you wish come true his way we need some music to help us lead our friends through pointy Rock Canyon [Music] that's a little too mellow you have to hurry bee okay okay we need music that'll get their fins a flap and so they'll follow us forward faster fin floppy music coming right up Skyblocks hey you are the best baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] almost there we're nearly two there's only one thing left to do [Music] oh yeah the chili North we're here we're here now I know why they call it the chilly North we help the sky blogs get home come any blob yiki bit less sandpaper tongue please I'm so proud of you B you are a great Mama thanks Drew well side-bye's wish power will wear off soon though then the sky blobs won't see me as their mama anymore Bartleby sideby's wish power doesn't last this long it wore off ages ago it did so the sky blobs love me for being me yep just like I do Bartleby uh-oh what is it baby what I didn't have a Tangy TomTom fruit that time I think that one was just a kiss oh mama is so happy now Little Helpers [Music] [Music] [Music] Wireless [Music] [Music] all right back to work [Applause] huh we have a lot of laundry Bartleby and it's extra heavy today [Applause] oh and now I see why was I supposed to help with that hey you get back here [Music] the line already true I thought you did it um I'm not a sweater although I am incredibly soft turtle v [Music] icky a little helper hi please don't run off little helper I really want to meet you according to the ancient legend of the rainbow city kitties the Little Helpers keep the whole Rainbow Kingdom running foreign sweet thanks little helper I could use three more just like you you guys are the best dude can I keep them with a little more can I can I get it keep him I know they're really helpful and cute but please please please please love you oh okay if you think you can take care of them I can I will I love them yeah yeah come on Little Helpers here we go come on Welcome to our lovely house make yourselves at home why what are you doing oh that's oh that's so so thoughtful wow they're busy little creatures huh oh it was a good Widow helper who is you are and you and you I thought it was your turn to do the dishes B well they are our guests and they do want to help who am I to say no whoops missed okay okay here we go try again he's missing oh no it's so it's the worst I have my grismos out looking for him but I need someone who actually knows what they're doing don't worry I'll find freaky kids oh I mean freaky yeah yeah you want me to go with you don't you that's okay b i this is what freaky likes to go you stay home and take care of your little helpers great yeah that's good give that little drill Factory my love when you find him [Music] yeah I'm one lucky little kitty everybody in the Rainbow Kingdom had their own little helpers like me yeah that's too bad please great thanks [Music] thank you [Laughter] you made my wish come true everyone does have their own little helpers now this is old help ers make me sing cleaning tidying is how you play could I love it more no way Little Helpers keep it going little helpers you are showing helping skills that can't be beat watching you work is such a dream right before my very eyes making things so organized Little Helpers you've been great little helpers made me take a break time to lower the activity chill out relax like Bartleby Little Helpers you're not true Little Helpers need more to do I suppose there's other jobs I could mention the dusty ceiling needs attention Little Helpers you're over [Music] now I don't know what to do that's it if I can just keep you guys busy outside until true gets back she'll know what to do come over come on my little helpers [Music] if I were a cute little fluffy dog I know where I'd want to go the park [Music] I mean freaky [Music] good care of you good news Griselda I found freaky with some little helpers they were just out for a walk Little Helpers took freaky for a walk hmm well then bring them all home I need Little Helpers tell me feed fluffykins give bats brush fur floss teeth bedtime stories thanks Camilla I'll see you later Let's help ourselves to a fun walk home [Music] [Music] okay look I love yard chores did you get huh yeah yeah uh what are you guys making [Applause] a hammock for me I could get used to this [Music] whoa zipline fishy poofs you guys are so healthy [Music] I'm stopped that's way too many fishy poof crackers whoa did I just say that what am I doing you need more stuff to help with but you've already done everything inside and out up and down all around I've got nothing else for you to do nothing hey don't make a mess oh now you're cleaning it up wait you're making work for yourselves yes you are um okay thanks but uh you already mowed the lawn you don't need to sweep it again already trimmed the bushes and clean what are the little helpers doing how true things are going great the helpers clean the house top to bottom and organize the cutlery and moved all the furniture to sweep the floors but then they ran out of stuff to do inside so I brought them outside to keep them busy they mowed the lawn and empty the garbage and made a hammock and trimmed the bushes did I mention they made a hammock but then they ran out of things to clean so they started to make their own messes just to stay busy I can't stop them I don't know what to do if you need me I'll be in my hammock what was that thank you thank you thank you thank you the Little Helpers are over helping true I'm getting emergency calls from all over the place none of the big jobs around Rainbow Kingdom are getting done buses need to be cleaned the Fruit Harvest is piling up at happy farming Valley and the Rainbow City bridge should be finished by now what in the Big Blue world is happening I have an idea we'll try and fix it Bartleby we have to do something about these helpers yeah but they're so great and they really did help around the house I mean you know for a while anyway I know B but now we need to figure out what to do with them and we'll need some wish help to do it cumulo over here [Music] country [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Bartleby these little helpers showed up to assist me but when I ran out of jobs for them they started helping over helping actually they're over helping in every home Z when the little helpers run out of chores they create messes just to keep themselves busy which doesn't really help not yet anyways it's more of a pain and now the big jobs aren't getting done around the Rainbow Kingdom so we need to round them first things first [Music] open the wishing tree help well the first thing you need to do is make a little helper stop over helping maybe I could distract them so they focus on something else good idea true then I can take them back where they belong so they can help the way they used to which is to do all the things the kingdom counts on the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] share with me tiny wishes [Music] [Applause] [Music] great wish is true let's see what the wishopedia says about them [Applause] [Music] sparkly is the name of your first wish it's a fireworks wish that is so bright and colorful you can't stop looking at it fireworks how wonderful how not wonderful all that boom pop Sizzle makes me jump out of my fur rare but it's the perfect wish to help me distract all the little helpers from over helping all right I'll just plug my ears your second wish is ah yes bloxo it's a box that's small enough to carry your lunch or can multiply to carry a hundred lunches plus dessert that's great we have lots of little helpers to gather up your third wish is his way it plays enchanting music that everyone will flock to I'm not sure how I'll use that wish but maybe the Little Helpers will like tisway's music too thank you Z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me foreign [Applause] [Music] let's get our little buddies back to their work true come to my castle quick the Little Helpers are out of control be right there roselda let's go cumulo [Applause] [Music] thank you buddy hi Griselda true it keeps on getting worse look the Little Helpers will stop walking turkey and now they're doing the same thing with my Christmas oh no first it was great the Little Helpers did every chore in my castle awesome but this isn't great why are they doing this to me true it's because they're not pets they need to go back to doing what they did before sounds good to me no hurry or anything I'm kidding hurry okay Barnaby time to use our first wish and distract them from over helping [Music] Zip Zap zoo I Choose You sparkly wish come true hi sparkly let's make some fireworks so that every little helper in the Kingdom goes ooh [Music] [Applause] [Music] much better [Music] so beautiful it really is and not only that now all the little helpers around Rainbow Kingdom will be distracted [Music] keep going sparkly and I gather up the little helpers with my second wish ready bloxo [Music] Zip Zap zoo I choose [Music] hey bloxo are you ready to carry a whole bunch of little helpers for us [Music] the perfect place for you to watch the fireworks with all your friends and oh my does it need a little cleaning we're taking all of the Little Helpers I can keep just one right sorry Griselda well at least I still have my charismos they help kinda it's working true they love bloxo [Music] my box okay your box step right up little helpers please [Music] so many little helpers [Music] [Applause] [Music] all of them ah not quite but I don't know how many of them blockso can handle oh no sparkly's fireworks are fired fired out thanks buddy they're gonna start over helping again I still have one wish left tis way how should I use it we need to help the Little Helpers get back to where they were before I have an idea with tisway's music they'll all flock to me then I'll leave them all around the Rainbow Kingdom and back to the big drops they came from great idea thanks for all your hard work blocks out time for a rest in the past and now it's time for tisway [Music] let's come true but I don't see any Little Helpers following us you Bartleby [Music] uh it's his way bro okay that was weird if we're not sure which song to play for the Little Helpers we should keep trying until we find one that works [Music] let's keep trying this way [Music] the music's working that's it that's the one okay everybody let's go [Music] thank you thank you [Music] now now no need for a turquoise dizzy the Rainbow City Bridge will be finished soon I'm sure of it [Music] [Music] you're amazing thank you true all across the kingdom things are getting back to normal again I'm so glad to hear that I had no idea the Little Helpers did so much for us they're so helpful I guess this is goodbye don't get sappy on me now I don't feel bad B we can't keep them as pets but they're never far away when we need a little help I'll miss those cute little helper sounds they made [Music] just like that [Music] birthday party [Music] it's my birthday it's my birthday [Music] my best friend day and I planned a special party for her yeah I'm gonna see my friends [Music] birthday birthday caught my invite so excited got a present can't wait hey you grismos give me apron there's a big picture [Music] that we all celebrate our favorite person in the Kingdom so let's make her day cry [Music] special day with you happy birthday Drew oh okay are you ready for an amazing birthday of course wait I still have so much to do for the party tonight no you don't because I planned your whole party really yep it's my gift to you I'm gonna make sure you have the most amazing birthday ever you won't have to do a single thing today true oh B you're the best I know but we've got some serious birth thing to do let's get going it's my birthday my best friend's birthday it's my birthday my best friend's birthday it's my birthday boy [Music] ready for a treat I made something extra special guess what it is Bartle biscuits I got the idea from the mirror hmm which part should I eat first my ears of course good choice hey this kind of tastes like straw Nilla are we having a straw no cake at my party you'll have to wait and see with wiggly jiggly jelly and bubble to icing yeah and as your best friend I of course knew you'd want all those different flavors together it's definitely not just a basic mellow berry cake you so well Freight on here have another bottle biscuit try eating it as loud as you can loud enough Griselda answer my face bubble [Music] have a birthday emergency out of glitter balloons no we need to change the Mellow berry cake into a straw Lily wiggly jiggly jelly bubble chew icing cake oh that's no problem baking isn't hard all you need is a princess's delicate touch but you don't have a recipe princesses don't need recipes we're amazing at everything we do right grismos hey okay but don't forget the cake is the most important part of our party obvi that's why I'm in charge of it okay grismos you've heard Myrtle Beach mellowberries out and strongello wiggly jiggly jelly bubble two icing is in where's my super fast ever rise powder let's add more more is better [Music] thank you [Music] hey guys everything good with the decorations okay great talk to you soon all aboard the mushroom Town Birthday Express hey yeah everyone's on their way you bet right on schedule great hey bingo bingo you know the way right you turn the left at the never-ending Forest oh yeah um okay I'll take that as a yes who's ready for ice cream lunch ice cream for lunch we can do that there it's your birthday let's put the scream and ice cream birthday lunch perfect ready to bake what are you Christmas doing just needs a princess's Stella delicate touch baking would be hard if I wasn't so good at it okay Bartleby I think that's enough just one last thing to top it off a fishy poof cracker [Music] now I can't wear this to my party ah you weren't gonna wear that anyway cause we're gonna get you a new outfit really but only after you finish all your ice cream challenge accepted [Music] oh no no no no this simply won't do we need to make it pop because all together more is better [Music] birthday nothing's going to stop this express bus to true's birthday party except for this delicious goop hey what's the hold up I gotta get to truth party pardon me I have a party to attend can you please move it along yeah yeah okay this is perfect ready to see my new birthday suit is it as cute as mine I love it in that fabulous outfit you are going to rock this party what's that I don't know but we better go check it out what's going on a traffic jam 's party bus oh hello Rainbow City bus shouldn't you be on your way to some place very important mayhaps well I should but as you can see I'm stuck in this delicious goo it does smell yummy is yummy and it tastes a lot like bubble chew icing Griselda oh well that's wiggling jiggly enough for a regular cake eater but this cake needs to be princess lava wiggly jiggly more is better [Music] hey Griselda do you know anything about some bubble tube icing traffic jam Bartleby I'm in the middle of making the most important cake in my career I need my space I'll talk to you later toodles now where were we ah yes [Music] come on everything [Music] look the trees they're falling we need to go see what's going on okay [Music] but true we got a um come on Bartleby ah we'll be right back to help you out stay put I hope all the forest craters are okay I'm sure the forest Critters are fine you don't really need to do any hero stuff today do you I don't know B but let's go and check it out anyway [Music] what happened is everything okay these trees are blocking your path hmm well maybe the three of us can move it ah true can it wait we still have that ooey gooey traffic jam to clean up if we don't help no one will be able to come through the forest [Music] bingo bingo party decorations we need to move this tree right now that's the spirit this isn't working time for some wish help to the wishing tree [Music] happy birthday true I wasn't expecting to see you until your party the party will have to wait Z there was some kind of earthquake yeah we felt it up here too it knocked over trees in the never-ending forest and no one could get around and there's a sticky situation in Rainbow City a sticky gooey situation and it's causing a human oh that does sound serious but sit and have a sink [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well first we need to get the trees back upright in the never-ending Forest yeah and let's not forget they're super heavy then we have to get the gooey glob off the rainbow city streets the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] what is this [Music] true these wishes are incredible wait till you see what the Wikipedia says about these [Music] [Applause] stop is liftoff this wish is incredibly strong it can lift anything you place on top of it just give it a spin wow livedo you can help us get all the trees standing again next we have Pompa this wish can blow air into anything like a flat tire or a balloon bouquet or a giant gooey glob like the one causing the traffic jam maybe pumpa can blow it into a bubble and float it away oh you're gonna love this one me kakaraka one of the most powerful wishes of all kakaraka is a bursting wish that can help break large things into smaller pieces wow I'm not sure how I can use kakaraka just yet but I'm sure it'll be a blast Zoo zip wishes [Music] fancy spicy good luck you two [Music] okay we're back thanks for waiting let's see if we can move these trees off the road for you time for my first wish [Music] wake up let's go wish come true [Music] see all those Fallen trees we need you to lift them back up again which will clear the path and allow everyone to get where they need to go ah I'm just excited about getting people moving again [Music] come on back down left out okay let's get the rest of this path clear [Music] thanks little now back in the pack [Music] Come on B we've gotta get back to Rainbow City to deal with that gooey globby mess [Music] [Applause] all this baking is making my lips chapped oh what is more important than taking care of my beautiful skin [Music] hi everyone Drew thank goodness I don't think I can eat any more of this delicious goo okay time for my second wish [Music] oh wake up wish come true that giant glob has really gooed up our friends ready to help clean it up great I bet we can blow a huge bubble out of that goo [Music] [Applause] thanks Pompa that really blew me away now back in the back [Music] thanks Drew see you later well I was hoping you wouldn't need to do any of that hero stuff today but you took care of that pretty easily I did didn't I I wish you the most happy birthday Griselda may I please talk to Bartleby about nothing to do with cakes sure sure okay doing what I told him to do stay the words batting cake are not something I want to hear what's going on well it turns out more is not always better the strong Ella cake layer is a bit bigger than I expected like oops it's so big we're gonna be eating cake for a week at the oven [Music] what was that a super huge birthday cake super huge totally on purpose birthday cake B you shouldn't have I really shouldn't have that'll be for me Buckle me the strangest thing just happened I'm suspended in these scrumptious stronghilla sponge cake I've been stuck in a traffic jam before but never a traffic jelly cake is going straight to Fergie's obedience school I believe hi bee hi Drew there might be a small problem with the party a giant birthday cake that fell over on mushroom town and has all our birthday guests stuck inside the delicious ooey gooey icing uh-huh that wasn't part of my plan true I hate to ruin your day but I think I really need your help now it's okay B helping people is my favorite thing to do okay [Music] we've got a cake problem to the mushroom town and it looks delicious too should we just eat our way through because I'd be okay with that well as yummy as that sounds it might take too long it's time for my third wish [Music] [Music] come true hi kakaraka we have a giant cake problem we need your help ready kakaraka we're rooting for you kakaraka okay now wait for my signal on my count three two one [Applause] [Music] day [Music] happy birthday true oh my rainbow kitty whiskers [Music] amazing it's just so [Applause] let's get this party started [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I guess we should just leave the party planning to you next year huh what do you mean Bartleby well nothing worked out the way I wanted it to and besides you don't even have a cake Bartleby I had the most incredible day mostly because I got to spend it with you I love the picnic and the ice cream launch and I love my outfit everything you did today came from your heart and that made this the best birthday ever huh what [Applause] [Music] it's raining cupcakes I don't think anyone's at a birthday party like this before [Music] way to go kakarak Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my past [Music] party this party is amazing thanks everyone this is even better than the best birthday party ever and it's all thanks to Bartleby great job finally ah Shacks thanks Jude you deserve it true hey where'd she go now for your birthday entertainment [Music] may I please present to you our great guests [Applause] together for the rainbow Kingdom's favorite birthday girl and friends it's true [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the nine-eye tree yeah looks like we're officially ready for camp out Yeti style almost officially ready nope too hard too soft too leafy Ah Ah that's just right [Music] maybe too got a job hmm I think this cat nap needs a Yeti wake-up call oh ah hi hi [Music] the campers are here [Music] hi everyone welcome to camp out Yeti style I'm excited to learn all about the yeti traditions oh is that a Yeti tradition it is having fun is a yeti specialty so is recycling your sleeping bags are made entirely out of fallen leaves and when you wake up in the morning you've got a nice healthy breakfast [Music] well that Yeti tradition looks like a lot of fun I want to try that sure everybody grab a Yeti buddy and have this is so much fun [Music] [Applause] thanks for the delivery [Music] dinner is served ah everything looks good enough to eat that was delicious thank you uh now uh what should I do with my plate is there garbage yetis don't believe in garbage they reuse everything including the plates which are edible oh okay oh you know this tastes pretty good for a plate huh I was right everything is good enough to eat now that we've seen some Yeti Traditions do you think they'd like to learn some of ours definitely what were you think well when we camp out we like to gather around do some dancing and roast numble Berry marshmallows and the best part is we do it at night oh the Yeti's only like daylight they never go out after dark never ever ever oh message received guess we'll only have to collect half the knuckleberries now yeah yeah yeah yeah would you like some help getting ready for night time oh come on bee got any dessert puts now that's Hospitality phobi can I ask you why you don't go out at night time you're scared of the dark hey me too that's why I always carry a security blanket and a security snack and a security best friend always so what do you do to feel safe when it gets dark foreign [Music] fruit I've never seen one before so pretty oh the yetis have been using the nine eyes for thousands of years them feel safe at night nine oh my God oh bad the yetis can't join us at our campout yeah well I heard they don't like being outside when it's dark well maybe they need some lights like those ones up there hey that gives me an idea [Music] we made it now the yetis can join us for camping campus yeah call them oh yeah it is we found some nice lights for you foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] those are happy house maybe it's too bright for them that's probably it I'll be right back is everyone okay we heard howls unhappy owls don't worry Drew I'll turn off those bright night lights no no [Applause] [Music] oh I feel terrible it's not your fault you didn't know but those yetis won't be able to go night night without their nine turn those nine eyes back on there must be a switch or something we can't turn them back on we have to get new ones from the 9i tree what about these little lights couldn't they work instead those lights are nice but they're too small and not nearly bright enough no the only thing we can do is get more nine eyes a great plan and we'll wait till morning and leave when it's sunny right [Music] I don't think the yetis can last that long in the dark bee where is the nine-eye tree how deep oh so really deep can you show us the way don't be scared don't worry we'll be fine we'll stick together and I'll go get some wish help me [Music] we'll be back before you know it till then stay together yeah there's safety in numbers unless you're a fishy poof cracker [Music] a minute Z the cam boat night is ruined true Bartleby is everything all right I heard howls no everything is not all right those are Yeti howls why are the yetis howling because they're scared of the dark not that there's anything wrong with that that's right and the citizens accidentally put out their nine eye lights and now everyone is upset they put out their nine eye lights but the yetis have been using those for thousands of years we know first things first let's sit and have a sink [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well we need to find the nine-eye tree so we can bring back more nine eyes to the yeti Village but snicked too scared of the dark to show us the ways so we need a way to light our path through the forest and keep Snick and Bartle be calm wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready [Music] share with me tiny wishes [Music] wow [Music] true these wishes are incredible I can't wait to see what the Wikipedia says about their powers [Music] first up we have whoa glow hi again hi again well glow I could never forget your bright personality [Music] as you know logo is a light wish it can illuminate any space no matter how dark it is even say that I don't know the never-ending forest at night dark don't worry B well glow can brighten any path next we have Bumbershoot Bumbershoot has fantastic parachute powers Bumbershoot can fly you down to the ground safely from any height that'll come in handy if we get stuck somewhere really high mustard are we planning on getting stuck somewhere really high and finally we have gravity gravity is super sticky and stretchy it can help you grab things from far away that's amazing I'm not sure how we'll use your power grabba Diddy but if you like Adventure stick with us Zoo Zip Zap wishes in my pack [Music] let's go find the nine-eye tree oh no we don't have any wishes to help the yetis oh I have an idea be right back okay we'll meet you on cumulo bring snacks [Music] okay oh is that the snack bag no snacks just ingredients for a glow potion tell the yeti stay calm until you get back great idea let's go hi hi guys this is my friend Z he's here to help um hello true I didn't realize there'd be such a big crowd I'm used to potioning in front of small groups he'll do great Z Pro tip maybe don't go overboard with the science talk but not all my talking signs talk well good luck with that snake are you ready to show us the way to the nine-eye tree [Music] [Music] don't be scared I'm here to bring you radiant energy uh I mean I'm here to bring you illumination [Music] I'm here to bring you light observe [Music] stick if you're saying this is a gloomy dark and spooky shadowy Forest I'm right with you it is getting pretty dark out here but I've got just the thing it's time for my first wish [Music] caught it true glow can you light up this Gloomy forest for us this um gloomy dark spooky Shadow so many scary words for us see much better all right okay you know things are looking up I can see the ground I can see the trees I can see my fishy poop crackers oh can we stop for a quick snack breakthrough shirby how about a bottle of rest will glow [Music] one for snake and one for true and one for the giant scary plant creature [Music] foreign don't be scared it's just this cute little flower Shadow see okay it's gone thank goodness everybody relax don't do that shadow thing again okay true not all Shadows are scary B some are fun here you shine low glow on my hands hey it's me I'm famous delightful daffodil I'm so pleased you like my shadow puppet show you're so good at making us not scared Drew I couldn't do it without my lovely assistant woglow oh sorry I know it's in here somewhere nope not that yes pollen from Rainbow King's favorite flower and Celestial particles [Music] ah I mean I mean sprinkles [Applause] a good scientist always knows when to check on his experiments foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay I do not remember a waterfall being here he's never been here before B oh yeah that's why I don't remember it the 99 tree down there oh yeah she said all we have to do is follow the river oh how are we supposed to get down there easy we're going to jump I was afraid you'd say that that'll be we're going to have to be brave the yetis are depending on us to bring the nine I light back to the Village time for my second wish [Music] Zip Zap zoo I Choose You can you help us float down safely from here you sit on my shoulder okay Bumbershoot we need you to get as big as you can uh-huh okay everyone one two three [Music] [Music] now back in the pack [Music] okay gang we're on the lookout for a giant glow-in-the-dark tree come on [Music] this is something I call lightning in a bottle First We Take frozen rain pellets at a tuft of storm cloud a sprinkling of negative electrons and Shake [Music] performing in front of a big crowd is kind of great I don't know why I was so worried lightning in a bottle [Applause] [Music] hey Snick my paws are getting kind of tired is that 993 close by oh yeah [Music] well I guess that's the nine eye tree oh thanks for your help logo now back in the pack [Music] ah true why is the nine-eye tree so dark I don't know let's go take a closer look at that says the nine eye tree is all lit up during the day then why do you think it looks So Different At Night oh it's sleeping of course it's all dark even nine eye trees go to bed so how do we wake it up [Music] nine [Music] wow so beautiful look at all those nine eyes but true they're so high up how are we gonna get them down [Music] hi grab a diddy I need your super sticky power to help us catch all those nine eyes [Music] brother [Music] [Applause] [Music] way to grab grab a ditty thanks for your help grab a diddy gravity now back in the pack [Music] we're sorry to wake you now I tree but my friends and I were visiting the yetis somebody threw water on the nine night lights and they just went out wasn't me just saying anyway the yetis are a little Afraid of the Dark not that there's anything wrong with that um is it okay if we borrow some of your nine eyes oh thank you nine eye tree we better get back to Yeti Village sweet dreams nine eye tree [Music] oh [Music] I'm sorry all my potions are destroyed there's nothing else I can do to bring you lights hey there's some light those look like 99 lights [Music] hey we're back now we have enough nine eyes to light the entire Yeti Village and I wasn't afraid of the dark or my shadow well maybe a little I just want to say how truly sorry we really are it's just that we got so kind of caught up in the yeti traditions we didn't realize we were causing any harm well isn't there anything we can do to help the yetis now hmm [Music] [Music] ity [Music] ready already okay some balance issues perfect execution hey look at that cloud it's a kitty Netty ninja cat like me hmm are you sure because that kitty Natty doesn't look like it's falling down at all good one true Bartleby look is that what I think it is Oh you mean that cloud shaped like a fishy poof cracker oh yeah but I meant a little lower in the tree oh it's a cute little birdie that's not just any cute little birdie it's a bird you mean the magical bird that only appears when a baby is being born in the Rainbow Kingdom yes yes someone is having a baby the babies are here oh hey where you going she must be showing us where the baby's going to be born follow that fertilized [Music] hey where'd it go I don't see it anywhere wow what is that hi [Music] oh Myrtle Beach this must be where the yetis live bertaloo [Music] oh the birdaloo went right into ergon snake's house oh no that means it's a yachty baby [Music] hello hi may we come in thank you and a tweet tweet to you too bartolu we followed you all the way here so where is the baby is it here here oh is it in here oh you dropped a stitch no baby oh the baby's not born yet [Music] congrats sorry bertaloo we didn't mean to scare you that is really the baby can't be born unless the bird to lose here oh and she doesn't like loud noises we're just really real excited about the baby will be quiet excited now yay I guess we should get going now we can't wait to meet your new baby you know I'm really good with kids they love cats I mean I mean who doesn't right if you need names I'm your guy okay Bartleby if it's a boy or Bartleby come on Bartleby what snake can rest [Music] you know who else loves babies you're not going to believe this the yetis are having a baby a Yeti baby I so have to reveal this week [Music] [Music] the yetis are having a baby oh this hasn't happened in a thousand years [Music] no wait wait bartled B no I already used that one oh I I got it how about whatever name the yetis choose I'm sure it's going to be one cute baby I wonder how Oregon Snicker doing anyway I'm sure they're doing great what's wrong really you'd better come inside but come on in please make yourself at home I have a seat so what's happening you can't find your pink underwear I have that same problem sorry you were talking really fast here have some tea it'll make you feel better works for me aha nothing beats a cup of warm crunchy tea because it's too noisy and Yeti Village yeah that can't be good we need to go see what the problem is Pronto come on if we hurry we can catch the bus non-stop service to the yeti Village [Music] I'm sure everyone will be quiet once we get there huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome back to the yeti baby Palooza we've got Yeti mugs Yeti hats and our number one seller Yeti sweaters muddled by frooky of course [Applause] this is terrible agreed Yeti baby Bonanza sounds way better I only told Griselda because I know she loves babies I didn't think everyone would find out yeah baby daddy this is all my fault this is way too loud for the Birdo isn't it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we have to do something foreign is everything okay oh the noise from the crowd must be bothering bertaloo [Music] don't worry we'll find a way to calm the birdaloo down she seems pretty upset you're right Bartleby wait a minute looks like she's heading for the window oh no you don't I'm trying to get out wait now she's heading for that window over there uh sorry bertaloo [Applause] [Music] Hey look it's the yeti baby yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no your poor house oh wow this is different I don't know ERG where did the bertaloo go [Music] oh dear mama yeti looks kind of cold let's give her a Yeti sweater I want one of those too you're in luck it's two for one Yeti sweater everybody hello [Applause] it's no use they can't hear me what I can't hear you I have to fix this we need wish help [Music] we'll be right back to the wishing tree please [Music] [Music] see greetings true in Bartleby the yetis need our help I know I've already started on this lovely little gift basket no they need a different kind of help when I heard they were having a baby I got all excited and had to share the news and now everybody's way too excited singing and cheering and buying silly souvenirs [Music] there's a big crowd at the yeti Village making a huge racket the merlu got really scared and er tried to catch it but ended up knocking the whole house down and without their house or the birdaloo the yetis can't have their baby negative electrons that is a serious problem but and have a sink [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well first I need to fix ergon's Nick's house right they definitely need their home to have their baby then I need a way to make ergon snick's home quiet again so the birdaloo can come back [Music] the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes I'm ready [Music] wishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] [Music] no magic power [Music] positive protons what a Winning Collection of wishes [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop we have go go is a speed wish that can help you move super fast wow go go you can help us fix ergon snake's house in double time for the baby next we have hashabai hi it's always great to see you is a soothing wish hush your body can calm you down with its sweet soothing music That's How we'll make things quiet hashabai you can make the whole crowd feel calm and relaxed finally your third wish is pinpoint oh pinpoint has a remarkable ability it can capture anyone's attention and they won't be able to take their eyes off of it a wish that likes to be the center of attention I can relate yes Bartleby but it actually helps people who are distracted to focus hmm I'm not sure how focusing power can help but I can't wait to find out [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go help the yetis see ya May the wish be with you [Music] hi Eric slick I'm back with some wishes [Music] first things first we need to fix your house time for my first wish [Music] [Applause] hi GoGo we need to put this house back together again can you help us move super fast go go go you need go go Speedy power too you unready [Music] [Applause] thanks GoGo you did everything so fast we hardly got to spend any time with you now back on the pack [Music] welcome don't worry Snick the Bertola will come back once I get the crowd to quiet down and be calm yeah but how are we gonna do that wait and see time for my second wish Zip Zap zoo I Choose You wish come true come true hi hashabai I need your lullaby power I've got a crowd full of Yeti fans down there who are just a little bit too loud great okay Hushabye sing us the sweetest lullaby you know [Applause] [Music] what a sweet sweet song it's so I don't know [Applause] did you see the new Yeti trading cards [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but I don't think the crowd can hear you let's try a little louder [Music] oh and she's got a wish it's so cute it's not as cute as this no Yeti baby doll I just got get your cute baby Yeti dolls here squeeze them and they'll talk mine's broken yeah [Music] what's going on did I miss the baby it's not working B ushabye you were the perfect wish but no one can hear you can you keep trying while I figure out what to do next [Applause] thanks Hushabye [Applause] [Music] don't worry [Music] don't worry the portaloo will never come back if the crowd is this loud and I know hushabai could calm them down but they aren't even paying attention to the lullaby [Music] come on true Focus [Music] on the way time for my third wish Zip Zap zoo I choose you wake up pinpoint wish come true pinpoint I need your help to get a really excited crowd to calm down and focus yes I know that's your specialty [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la oh I feel so much calmer yeah now I really just want to be quiet and listen to what true has to say me too what's how I feel as well it's working sorry true everyone it's but we need to remember this is not our home it's home I know the yetis are usually very noisy but when they're going to have a baby they need everyone to be very quiet oh you did such a great job wishes thank you so much now back in the past [Music] now that we're all quiet maybe we'll be able to hear a very special song by a very special bird [Music] wait I think I hear it I do too far I'll be look [Music] oh [Music] it's time for lunch remember we have to be quiet all right we keep forgetting [Music] oh my goodness [Music] I'm pleased to present the newest member of the rail Kingdom but that's not all and the second newest member of the Rainbow Kingdom Here triplets and now as part of the Yeti tradition it's time for us to celebrate loudly [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's been a thousand years [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 1,519,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, cartoons for kids, cartoon, cartoons, for kids, rainbow, true and the rainbow kingdom full episode, true cartoon, true and bartleby, true and the rainbow kingdom grizelda, grizelda, bartleby, rainbow king, zee, true and the rainbow kingdom zee, true and the rainbow kingdom episodes, true song, true in the rainbow kingdom, kids cartoon, netflix jr, guru studio, true, rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom
Id: HZaPwT4jA3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 7sec (7927 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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