Pastor Kimberly Ray-Gavin : A HOLY, HEALTHY, HAPPY CHURCH!!!

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Oh a wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father you are leaders in the womens department celebrate the women of God in this room right now amen amen in bless you all you can have your seats I want to ask you if you will if you'll allow one more thing before we go into the word my baby sister is with me and her name is Tanya ray and I just want you to just hear just a portion of a song that she selects in the presence of God come on clap your hands but Tanya [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on give him a praise right there through your blessing come on give the Lord a praise my hallelujah the Lord has been so faithful he's been merciful he's been kind father in Jesus name we thank you for this service thank you Lord for all of the women of God who are gathered and the men of God gathered here to hear a word from you today speak to our hearts God Lord take our hearts and mold them take our minds and transform them and take our will and conform them to thine own will father we want to take a minute on this Sunday and say thank you lord thank you for life for health and for strength thank you for the activity of our limbs thank you Lord that as we just reflect for just a minute down through the years you've been good to us you've been better to us and we've been to ourselves and we just want to take a minute and say thank you Lord we praise you for how good your arm thank you for waking us up this morning and starting us on our way God we owe you a praise today and we bless you with all that is within us we honor you and we ask that you and move by your power in the matchless and powerful name of Jesus we pray clap your hands in the house of the Lord hallelujah and thank him on today you may be seated in the presence of God again it is for me a distinct pleasure and it is an honor to stand before you today here in Detroit amen God has gifted some of the most amazing people in Detroit amen you guys I'm telling you for real you all are so blessed one more time give God a praise for what he is doing in your midst and for your family and for this amazing amazing church that God has provided I want to share with you the word of the Lord and we're going to third John 1 and 2 just the second verse 3rd John 1 and 2 and I just believe that God has given a relevant word to speak to the women of God and to the men of God as well Amen I want you to let's look real quickly into the Word of God and read what the Lord is saying to us on today I want to tell you all that God loves you before I begin and that you are special to the Lord he cares about you and I believe this word will bless your life on today the Bible says beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thou thy soul prospereth amen we're reading here out of third John and I just want to share with you that this is a letter that was written and it is a letter that teaches us amen that it is not just important for us to experience spiritual things but it is also the will of God that we experience being healthy as well amen it is God's will for us to prosper to prosper means to succeed it means to succeed in activity it also means to succeed in or to achieve economic success it means that you are to become strong and to flourish but that's not all it means for you to bloom for you to blossom to flourish to thrive and so the Word of God is telling us here in this letter and that it's a word that was written even to a man his name was Gaius and Gaius this letter was written he was noted in the book of John as a tremendous man of God described a man as a man of God who was assigned to help the teachers of that time and we learned as we look into this particular verse of scripture that he was truly loved by John the Apostle and as you look into the Word of God you recognize that this particular man was noted because he welcomed missionaries and he helped them understand that Christianity is relationship and it is a lifestyle of righteousness I want to talk to you for a minute and let you know that it is God's desire for his people for you to prosper and to be in health yes I need y'all to know on a Sunday morning that it's alright for you to be healthy to be healthy is the condition of being sound in body in mind and in spirit it is the general condition of your body and I want to tell you all that when you are healthy you have energy you have fitness you have a strength and and it's a blessing to have your health I want to tell you something it's good to have finances and I believe God's about to bless somebody in Detroit on today but I want you to know you better thank God for your help it's a whole lot of things that you can buy but you really need to recognize that it is a blessing to honor God for good health and as I was a little girl getting saved in the church I remember even at the age of 10 and 12 and as a little girl hearing the Saints testify I thank the Lord for being here after being here finding be saved and sanctified and feel with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost to have a mind to run on and see what the end is going to be they used to thank God for the activity of their limbs they would say I didn't wake up on my cooling board this morning but God gave me another chance to live for him you better thank God for your life and thank him this morning that he gave you your health I want you to know that it is the goodness of God that you still have your health and I want you to know that there are many people that take it for granted but I want you to know God has blessed you with life he has blessed you with your health and he has blessed you with your strength and so it is here in this letter that we recognize that it is God's wish for us to prosper and to be in health I want to just talk about your health for just a minute I know that that's a subject some people don't want to hear much about but your health is really really a good thing to have the healthy a healthy lifestyle because when you're healthy you're able to accomplish your dreams and your goals in life some of us are not accomplishing what we need to because we have been affected by something called emotional eating and we've been affected by something called obesity which affects so many people and because of this it really means that you're not taking the time to take care of your respiratory system your circulatory system your your central nervous system the systems of your body you gotta take good care of yourself and I just need to talk for a minute and let you know that some of us sabotage our own health because we make some bad decisions I'm gonna make you shout that's alright but I need to talk to you for a minute and tell you that you need to stop eating late at night and ordering the fried chicken and ordering the French fries and all of the hot sauce and the ketchup a man that goes along with the yelling go say nothing some of y'all love your ham hocks and your pig feed and you really enjoy your chitterlings come on somebody but I need you to take your fork to the green section and start eating some salad and eating some tomato and lettuce and some beets and build up your bloodstream and build up your body amen come on somebody some be honest some of the sweetest people you ever wanna meet but when somebody tell you to stop eating something some of y'all turn into a roaring lion cuz you don't wanna let your food go but I came to tell you you gonna have to make some good choices and some good decisions because it's going to affect your help somebody clap your hands in the house of the Lord today and let's get better and let's get healthy come on somebody I know that some of you have been to the doctor and they take they tell you you have type 1 diabetes or type 2 be teased or you're borderline diabetes and and they'll tell you that information and the first thing they tell you is if you really want to overcome this all you got to do is lose about 15 or 20 pounds or or don't get mad at me y'all I just need to talk for a minute they're trying to help you to extend your life and you got to humble yourself and say well whatever I gotta do I'm gonna do it why I want to be healthy for my family I wanna be here when my baby goes to college I want to be here when my daughter walked down the aisle to get married I want to be here I want to be right here come on somebody God is saying to the church on this morning and and the letter that we're reading today shows us that beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper o God I want you to know that he wants you to be in health and I believe in the house of God today that God is going to motivate somebody some of you all you got a desire to lose weight and you got a desire to get thinner and get better but yet when it's time to exercise it look like the devil hit you in your mind and make you just lay down a little longer and sit down a little longer but I speak to your spirit today and I speak to your joy I speak to your soul and I tell you a man that you cannot let the devil take you out like that you gotta speak to your spirit I will get up from here I will do what I gotta do to get healthy I will walk and come over here I hear you in the spirit but you don't understand I don't have the money to join the health club I don't have the finances to go and be a part of a membership I want to give you a word today you can go to the black club membership it's called walk out of your house and around the block and around the other block until you get back to your door you gotta make up your mind I'm getting up from here I'm not gonna stay here I'm tired of being like this I'm gonna get up and I'm gonna get healthy in the name of Jesus can I just get three of y'all to clap your hands and help me announce my touch up look at your neighbor and say I declare that I will be wholly healthy and happy clap your hands right there that's where we're going we're gonna be holy healthy and happy y'all out for a minute it is imperative that we talk about the fact that we want to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to be holy simply means to be separated unto God to be a vessel of Honor consecrated unto the presence into the presence of the Lord I thank God for being sanctified today I want you to know that being sanctified is a wonderful thing it's a joyful thing when you love God you want to wake up in the morning and lift your hand some time and just say lord I thank you I thank you for the rough hills and the mountains that you brought me over lord I thank you for shielding me from the plan of the devil lord I thank you for how you gave me my life and my help and my strength when others didn't wake up god lord I thank you that you opened up my eyes one more time come on somebody we've got to thank God because he's called us first to be holy and then he's showing us that not only our hope to be holy but he's showing us that we can be healthy tell your neighbor you can be healthy you can be healthy you you got to do something called get rid of the enablers in your life oh yeah I know it's not popular but I will share it anyhow enablers are the ones that will bring you the pork chops with the gravy on it late at night they know they know you don't feel good but you're laying in the bed hey man you got a towel across your chest trying to choose some pork chops at 11 o'clock at night you got to tell the enablers that bring you come on y'all won't talk to me in here oh they'll go to the store and instead of bringing you a salad they'll come back oh y'all talk to me in here let sweet potatoes macaroni and cheese here they come with some ham hocks you up here come on but when you need to get healthier sometimes you gotta let go of the ham hocks yo I know you can eat some things in moderation but until you get to the moderation zone you need to break this assignment over you you need to break this pattern over you yes some folk know they can eat whatever they want to eat and they don't gain nothing I ain't mad at you amen but those of us has got to make good choices you gonna have to turn your back on the enabler and tell them no I don't want no pizza today I'm just talking to you cuz they'll bring you a pizza with some pepperoni and a whole lot of cheese and all you know is just trying to lose weight you're trying to get better you gonna have to focus your attention and make up in your mind I'm not going back I'm not getting big again I'm going to be under healthy I know your lingo clap on that but that's alright you got to be holy you got to be healthy and you will be happy somebody clap your hands in the house glory to God is nothing worse then you got people and some motivator to get up and moving motivated to walk motivated to run and everybody around them tell them honey child I know you're doing your little walking I know you're trying to lose weight but y'all up and go over here and give me a hamburger let them go get a fat grease burger you get up and do what you gotta do so that you can be able to breathe every day Oh cup your hands in the house and God is going to bless the saints of God to go to a new level of living a new level of Health a new level of strengthen oh I hear you're in here listen with this level of strip karma it's gonna make your shout longer it's gonna make your praise longer it's gonna make you lift your hands in the sanctuary and bless the Lord where are the people that's glad to be shaved glad to be sanctified glad to be filled with the Holy Ghost clap your hands and talk to me and yes Lord y'all sit down sit down I talked to you today to encourage you to motivate you to to tell you that you've got to make some decisions and you've got to use discipline and you got to remove the blame excuse you can't blame everybody else for the state that you're in you can't blame your children some of y'all say honey if I didn't have to cook these three meals I wouldn't be so big but you got to incorporate cooking the right food for them cuz jo-jo getting swole - yeah yeah yeah you got to learn how to cook right for them so they can be healthy - this is a national problem it's not a Detroit problem it's a national problem because our children are sitting and watching TV for hours and hours of the day and playing their video games and in the United States of America our children are getting bigger and bigger but somebody gotta stand up and stop it somebody has to teach your children how to move oh god I can go back to the isle of patmos if y'all want me to it yeah yeah I can talk to you a little bit more about John but I need to tell you that the Word of God is giving us indication Amen that it is the will of God that we be happy to be holy and to be healthy now I begin by telling you that I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and when we declare today that we're going to prosper I'm talking about those of you in this room that have prayed and you're tired of a cyclical assignment where you get so far and then all of a sudden the refrigerator break down then Davinder the motor in the car start acting up you you get so far and then something else start breaking down you get so far and then things start going wrong with the carburetor or with the transmission you get so far and then there is this a spirit called poverty it's a stronghold that tries to attack you in your bloodline but you gotta go back to your bloodline I don't care if he was raised in the projects I don't care if you apart in your childhood God is chained to you today to go in the spirit realm and change the atmospheric conditions and tell the devil I break the assignment of poverty from over me and my children as for me and my house we will serve the Lord you're gonna be blessed in the city and blessed in the field your hands shall be blessed your feet shall be blessed I speak to your Baker counter I speak to your savers a counter I speak to your checking account I speak to your 401k I speak to your investment encounter I speak that you shall have in preacher but the Lord is not gonna forget how you have been righteous he's going to remember you he's gonna reward you those of you that's been living saved and sanctified getting ready to prosper the blessings of the Lord I'm about to be released over your life you'll be blessed going after coming here clap your hands and declare I I am blessed no showdown I want you to hear me today I declare that I will be holy I'm gonna be healthy and that ain't all y'all we can also be happy what a happy Saint said we have any happy choir members happy people like to get along with folk come on somebody happy people like to be kind and loving and gentle to other people happy people rejoice when God bless somebody else happy people aren't just selfish and waiting for things just to happen for you but when you're happy for other people God will start blessing you when you see your brother get elevated to the general board that's when you start clapping your hands and say I know you've been preaching for decades I know he been faithful for years and he deserves the elevation that's when you clap your hand you clap when you see joy in the life of other people can I get somebody to clap your hands in the church today hallelujah you gotta learn how to be happy for somebody else real happiness I want to give you a key the real key to happiness is something called gratitude when you're grateful for everything God is doing in your life when you take a moment and treasure gratitude then you'll recognize that God will bless you with even more are you grateful for the blessings you have some of you God has been so faithful to you he has been so kind to you he's been so merciful and we need to take a minute sometime and just say Lord I'm grateful I'm grateful and when you're grateful you know how to treat other people you know as a woman of God I travel to over 40 cities in the United States and many countries of the world but one of the things I've noted as real true believers that are described even in the book of John here is that they know how to treat people right oh yes y'all do you hear what I'm saying real Christians know how to treat their neighbors right don't speak in tongues and can't speak to me come on somebody don't shout over me and you ain't speak to me but when you're happy and God you're gonna treat everybody right Oh y'all ain't hear me today huh I rose today to tell you that it pays to treat people right it pays to treat people the way you want to be treated I remember as a little girl I reference it a lotta my grandfather was a deacon in the Baptist Church for 40 years and one of the things I noted when we would go down south we would go down to a place called Florence Alabama and down in Florence Alabama at my granddaddy's church they they had a hardwood floor and when they would start singing they didn't have a lot of music back then but they would just have their voices as music huh that voices was the symphony here and when we would sit in there and granddaddy's church we would sit there and they wouldn't let granddaddy start first he would get down on one knee and start praying her and after he got through praying her he would say I will trust in the Lord until I and one of the verses that I love that granddaddy used to talk about he said I'm gonna treat everybody right that's where happiness is you're happy when you treat folk right but when you're mean and lowdown and cantankerous and when you're mean as a junkyard dog you don't have no joy you don't have no peace and you get mad when God blesses other people but I want to tell the haters in the house that after a while when God start blessing you ain't nothing they can do about it but don't let their sadness affect your gladness you'll be glad in the Lord and rejoice in God because God has been good to you and God has been faithful I need you to put your hands together right there and give Him praise I'm almost finished I'm almost finished I gotta talk to you for one more minute tell your neighbor I'm going to be holy I'm going to be healthy and I'm gonna be happy say tell somebody else I am going to be I'm going to be holy I'm going to be healthy and I'm going to be happy bless the name of the Lord I want you to know that in the life we're living in now you gotta make up your mind that no matter how people act that you're going to go on with God anyhow I feel God's joy coming alive in Detroit today and I believe in my heart amen and I want to give you a very quick quote that I heard Joyce Meyer say she said I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you that's the greatest gift that you can give to somebody I also want to tell you that it is really important to have a healthy attitude a healthy mindset may I share with you today that when you really think about it you got a make up in your mind first that I'm going to be alright the scripture says beloved I'm worried that you will prosper and be in health and the scripture says even as thy soul prospereth so herein is the truth is that you've got to have a prospering soul now I know you want to have your health together and I know you want to have prosperity but you got to get your soul right what is your soul it is your mind your will and your emotions it is God's will for you to have a mind that is stayed on the Lord and a mind of peace Jesus said my peace I leave with you and so you should not be walking around tormented by the enemy every day all day long but you got to learn how to captivate every thought and bring it into the obedience of Christ and think on those things that are true and are just and are lovely you gotta tell your mind I'm gonna think of those things that are of a good reporter the Bible says be steadfast and immovable always abounding in the work of the Lord but as much as you know your labor is not in vain you gotta keep your mind elevated you gotta say I woke up this morning with the line and it was stayed on Jesus will you have Jesus Christ as your Savior he gives you peace and he gives you joy I remember when we would get sanctified back in the day and get filled with the Holy Ghost we came through shouting and praising God I don't know how many folk in here came that way but we got saved real good the mothers was telling you the whole of who he was telling you to say yes Lord he was telling you to say thank you Jesus when you have the Spirit of the Living God he satisfies your soul my soul belongs to God he is the captain of my soul I'm the peace of God which passes all understanding it'll keep your heart and your mind through Jesus Christ saints of God this is your hour this is your day this is your time to be holy and to be healthy and to happy not just happy because your prosper it I know you're bout to prosper some of you getting ready to get new keys to cars and get new keys to houses I see blessings coming to the Saints in Detroit somebody all about to move out of your old neighborhood and step on to some new ground some blessings are about to come in your life that you've never experienced before and all you got to do in order for you to get these things is to start giving God the praise and start giving God the glory you gotta praise him with everything that's in here you gotta lift your hands and lift your voice ah behold bless she the Lord which there but not in the house of the Lord lift up your hand in the sanctuary and bless the Lord bless ye the Lord out of Zion somebody put your hand again and I have b-flat brother oh yeah yeah yeah b-flat thank you oh yeah yeah y'all clap your hands one more time I feel my happen here oh yeah my son I said I feel my helping here I wanna prophesy and tell the saints of God that the earth he is alone and the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell there he has founded it upon the Seas and established in into the house of the Lord he that hath clean hands and a pure heart who have not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully but this is the generation of them that seek Him lift up your head oh yes he ever lost a daughter and be he lifted up the king the king of glory [Music] [Music] you shall be holy oh yeah somebody say oh yeah [Applause] say oh yeah I wish our holla back oh yeah [Music] [Music] it's time for Yoda touch one more neighbor tell him this is your time come on this is your time to be holy to be healthy and to be happy oh yeah take it away oh yeah yeah got the victory huh because God's been good with us somebody say yes [Music] somebody praise him y'all sit down hallelujah back there give God a praise break come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on your feet I want you go to class or three people she'll be home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] people have got a new motivation to get healthy serious motivation game polish out like the bones that you're about to reach [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] when you're trying to lose weight and get healthy you hit something when you get to a plateau look like it's harder to break through it when you're trying to lose weight monomers but I believe the holy ghost it's gonna empower the Saints step right through let's see let's call shoot to stop every time you try when I count to three I want you to shout that the black hole it's going to beat the feeling in Jesus name somebody say with me say 1 2 3 right throw the peso [Music] [Music] relationship [Music] [Music] Oh a wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father
Channel: Kingdom Minded Ministries with Pastor J.K. Rodgers
Views: 21,771
Rating: 4.7948718 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Jimmie K. Rodgers, minjimmierodgers elderjkrodgers pastorjkr, Kimberly Ray-Gavin, Jaqueline Denise Ray, Tanya Ray, Cheryl Ray, Angie Ray, Holiness, The Clark Sisters, The Ray Sisters, The Barrett Sisters, Matteson Illinois, Chicago Illinois, Apostle Richard D Henton, Monument of Deliverance, Jesus Christ, HOLY, HEALTHY, HAPPY, CHURCH ON THE ROCK
Id: cVQ0on3cDbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 47sec (2747 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 05 2018
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