Bhad Bhabie is Forcing Dr Phil to Respond to This...

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hey what's up hope you guys having a great day in today's video we're hopping right back into the whole situation that danielle bregoli brought forth the other week where she accused turnabout ranch for various things and that's the ranch that dr phil sent her to i'll link my previous video in the description of this video but in short in my last video i covered how danielle bregoli went on to instagram live and divulged all the appalling details that happened to her at turnabout ranch which of course is the infamous ranch that dr phil sends troubled teens to but now in recent news she uploaded a youtube video titled bad baby breaking code silence turn them out ranch dr phil danielle bregoli before i watch this video i want to make it clear that these are all allegations from her and her experience there so with that let's see what she has to say i was 13 years old when i went to turn about ranch i feel like it's very important for me to speak on this because i kept my mouth shut for so long i did touch on it a couple of times in different situations but i really want to get my whole story out there and let everything just be out because that's the thing with these places is you have no evidence you don't have a phone there they don't have cameras they're like there's no evidence of none of this and obviously all the staff is in on it so they're not going to snitch on each other so from what it sounds like it's essentially an outdoor prison for miners in a remote location but as she said there's no cameras so it's hard to prove what she's saying so it'll be interesting to see how many witnesses come forward all you really have is the kids that are there so a young lady her name is hannah she recently um spoke out because while she was there she was uh and then when she reported that she was affected she was punished by staff now when i seen the punishment she was given i knew like okay i really have to say something like i really have to have her back on this because i truly believe that they did that so dr phil i am going to give you from now till april 5th to issue an apology not only to me but to hannah and any other child that you sent to turnabout or any other program like this and if you don't i'm gonna handle things my way oh she's directly calling out dr phil now okay i don't know if threatening him is the right move but it will be interesting to see what in my own ways means i'm completely on board with threatening dr phil just for the record okay but this got serious real quick i mean the allegations towards turnabout ranch are horrific but i'm at least glad to see that had babies using her infamous attitude for the better calling out people like this rather than her antics that she's normally been using it for because right now she's using it to call out straight up alleged monsters and if dr phil is sending kids to this place he's a part of the problem part of the whole dr phil show is they send these kids to either turnabout or these other programs that are also in utah but they're all wilderness programs and they're all [ __ ] up again i'm honestly glad that she's coming out and saying some of this stuff like if these facilities are actually ran as bad as she's saying they're ran they shouldn't be allowed to stay open like at the very least they need to have some sort of video surveillance so a third party can look at what's going on and deem if it's inappropriate or not okay so turnabout is in the middle of escalante utah it's a very very very very small town it's got one gas station one one grocery store everybody knows everybody there you see you're in the middle of nowhere you know there's nowhere to run if you try to run out there you're either they're going to find you you're going to get in more trouble or if you do get away you're going to get eaten by a coyote or something because chicken are against my will they give you transporters um transporters are two people a male and a female that come in the middle of the night they don't tell them where they're going they just take them they handcuff them they put them in the car it's basically like kidnapping what in the jebediah hell is going on there really this isn't a prison right so she was 13 years old and she was sent here and she was dragged out in the middle of the night and handcuffed at 13 years old not knowing where she's going with two strangers driving the car yeah that's totally not creepy at all i said this was like prison earlier but now it's sounding a lot more like prison like what is this tent city for minors i won't lie i feel like if when i was a teenager my parents sent me to one of these places like i got home put down my bags and there's just random people there and they handcuff me and take me away in the night i think i would spend the entire time plotting on my parents downfall i'd be writing in my notes like i would never let that go i'd be so mad yeah that does not sound like a good way to rehabilitate your child whatsoever i just cannot imagine how people would think this is a good idea to do traumatizing your child won't fix past trauma that would just push them to a breaking point which we kind of covered in the previous video where you had that whole situation got there i got out of the car and i just seen it was like it looked like nothing it was just super dark i seen like all the circles and stuff and i seen the little cabin and i was like oh i'm not built for this like i'm just a little bougie so for the first three days you're there is no showering they put you in a circle which is a it's a tp it's a little teepee but it's open and you have to sit there for three days they wouldn't let me lay down for nothing like i was falling asleep and they were like ah get up get up so i'm just sitting here like this is going to be really bad dr phil really centered to stay where courage the cowardly dog was based and don't even get me started on the whole sleep deprivation tactic you need sleep seriously forced sleep deprivation that can't be a good lesson for self-control whatsoever that's awful they did that to her and probably many other kids too like three days straight unless she's exaggerating that's awful when i see these people have no sympathy i was like oh i'm really like i'm really doomed they strip you from your whole personality you have to act like just whoever they want you to act like they tell me okay these are what your chores are gonna be i don't remember what they were but they're like these are what your chores are gonna be this is what you're gonna be doing here's your level one binder you do the same thing every day chop wood take care of the animals this place is all about taking away privileges like okay yeah the phone is a privileged tv like all that but they take away like necessity privileges like sleeping on a bed eating good food not being cold uh hello 9-1-1 this sounds like an amish boot camp from hell i remember the first time i got in trouble now this is my first time being here like i don't really like yeah y'all explain to me the rules but i'm 13. like i don't really know like exactly what i'm supposed to be doing there's been times where i i reported um another student acting inappropriate or um just anything like that didn't even have to do with me and i would get in trouble for just witnessing it if you reported another kid like getting bullied by like their peers or something they would just say well maybe that's what they need or like something like that nobody turn about ranch we need to bring back bullying [Music] thank you turnabout ranch even though there was written rules if if a staff was angry at the moment or if you just did something that they felt was bad you then you would get your own punishment like they would make up their own punishment for you it's really frustrating because even if you don't know the rules if you you're still in trouble there's not no i didn't know you're still you're still in deep from what she's saying it seems like the staff is sadistic as hell like who would want to send their child here isn't the job of being a parent to protect your children i don't think you're doing that job very well if you're sending your kids here that's minor is major to them so if you do something like the tiny tiniest thing you get a check if not you have to be on reflection reflection is punishment when you do something so bad or if you do anything that ticks them off you have to go on reflection if you walk in the arena for hours on end you sit outside in the cold on the on the floor you have to pick up piles in a wheelbarrow of horse and they want big piles so if you have to do 25 piles you're really doing like 50 wheelbarrows so i think what they decided to call reflection is actually called child labor in the real world so while i was there just a lot of crazy things happen i seen a kid get held down for trying to leave just honestly i don't think he was trying to run away i think he was just trying to like walk out the door and just like get some time to himself and they restrained him they held him down they they had no problem holding kids down which is against the law you're not supposed to touch the kids but they had no problem doing that it's just our word against the staff's word when you're there because there's no witnesses there's no cameras you don't have a phone there's none of that that's why i was always so scared to speak out because like no one's going to believe me a lot of things that like happened to me that i was it hurt me so bad because i was genuinely like confused i'm writing letters to my mom like mom i will do anything like you don't understand what this place is like like you can't do this to me like i will do anything i'll do therapy every day like i will go through an outpatient program all that like just please let me come home this place has to be under investigation after this i would definitely say that these allegations are grounds for that one of the kids he had tried to steal a car or something everyone was screaming on the walkies like it was really crazy and he ended up killing one of the staff members they made all the kids that were at rowdy come down and then they didn't they told us how to tell us anything a day later they have us all every kid that's at turnabout they have us in a circle and they're like listen there was incident i know some of y'all heard it over the walkies jimmy and so we're all freaking out because jimmy was like i said he was one of them that was there the first day i got there he was really sweet not only did jimmy but one of the other staff members that was there at the time alicia who was the daughter of the nurse alicia she was also injured and two years later she and she was also left disabled after being attacked by clay so the mother of the kid clay who killed the staff she was married to the brother of the president of the program which i also believe is a conflict of interest i don't know why they would do that so it was really sad like they wouldn't tell us what happened and all that and any of the kids that were there like they couldn't talk about it but they were like really traumatized by it even the ones that weren't there with traumatized by like i heard it over the walkie like that's scary like i'm just sad these kids had to go through this i mean they went there against their will to be fixed and they just ended up with more trauma my mom had always threatened me as like oh i'm sending you away i'm sending away but she never did it this was the first time she really did it like i i never thought my mom would do this so what parents need to understand is if your child is acting out because of trauma like or maybe like the kids parents got divorced or just anything like that you don't send your kid to a program like this you need to send your kid to a program where they're not being punished and it's not about everything's not about you're in trouble you're in trouble and it's just it's just really up you're you're just using children to keep your ranch going and you're not even feeding them or letting them sleep in decent condition just doing things that no one would ever want done to their child to any parents with a troubled child if you were even considering something like this i really hope you see this video and reconsider oh i'm not really sure why dr phil still sends kids here it just it really doesn't make sense like are you trying to help them or are you trying to hurt them even more because i mean we all know he's a phony as it is but like don't be sending kids somewhere just to make make it like you're trying to do something oh snap okay she pulled the uno reverse card four years later on dr phil now dr phil's in the hot seat i was already lawsuits before i went there there's now many more after but there was one as far back as 2012. now this place has been going since the 90s i think so i could just imagine like how much bad stuff has happened there these are documented things that have happened and just the abs the the malnourishing physical dismantlers all that and this place is still up and running it just doesn't make sense well that concludes our video i'm glad she spoke out about this it's a very brave thing to do and i'll be interested to see how this whole situation pans out i'm really wondering how dr phil will respond if he even does and i'm also wondering what her taking this in her own hands means well hey what do you guys think about all this do you think dr phil will actually respond to this or do you think he'll evade everything and if you want to see something very cute here's scary oh yeah gary also has a youtube channel i'll link one of those videos on the end of this video please let me know in the comments down below if you're new here i will come to my channel be awesome you subscribed if you want to follow me outside of youtube you can find me as a tosie on instagram or twitter links will be down description down below but on that note i'll see you guys next video peace baby i'm crazy you know i get so jaded my mama told me i made it but i'm still not up on no playlist and i still hit up all my haters everybody else is so faithless saying if you it don't play it but maybe i'm the one that needs changing but i don't really want change no think i get to where i wanna go
Channel: Atozy
Views: 192,713
Rating: 4.9373174 out of 5
Keywords: bhad bhabie, dr phil, danielle bregoli, phil, dr, bhad, bhabie, Danielle, Bregoli, Bhad Bhabie is Forcing Dr Phil to Respond to This, drphil, cash me outside, dr phil show, catch me outside, satire, comedy, commentary, atozy, react, reaction
Id: 2gzVOsKHmvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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