Betting $10,000 on Mario Party CPUs

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Thats a lot of money mr internet funnyman rad

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Kingcat1111111111 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
have funny story this video was recorded in august cost six thousand dollars to make and i never uploaded it funny so recently i was doing my morning ritual of staring at the walls and wondered huh what am i gonna upload today and then i realized i was sitting on this gym of a video so why didn't i upload it you might ask well the video quality looks like it was taken on a motorola razer for some reason the game audio just got erased but then i remembered i spent six thousand dollars making it so here we go leave your comments comparing what the quality of the video looks like to you and then just move on with it if you just enjoy it after that it's all good by me oh and i forgot to mention it features these four guys which is really cool oh yeah what is the video about uh we play mario party but we don't play mario party instead we just gambled on cpus and the winner got 5 000 well we have a sponsor who's putting 5k in and if you guys all want to put an additional 1k we can have a 10k pod oh my god [Laughter] i would buy your plushie with your money that would make me feel great that would be true that's true who who's the person with the animal crossing icon failboat that'll be me yeah what's up hi [Music] can i do an intro for no reason you could do the intro if you want okay top of the morning to your ladies mine we apparently have ten thousand dollars on the pot we're all watching cpu's play and it's a nearly winner take all so failboat i am still controlling waluigi for now tell me when to press a so at least you have to do a really good one for me i'm feeling like now what oh number one got that winning slot this is like primo gambling right here because this map is all duels so the cpus have a lot of agency it's a lot more than normal mario party this is such a long sweat for ten thousand i mean you're just sitting at home watching mario party i mean this is just like essentially playing roulette and putting 10k on black yeah but the ball spins for an hour and a half yeah i think this is a good first game because it just gets the economy up and running oh maybe not no dude easy bad for me you're crushing it over there money bags money bags call luigi is even pressing a direction i feel like they're not i feel like they're doing literally nothing doesn't even need to though let's go just waluigi okay nine everyone got nine coins wow very anticlimactic start well so lud correct me if i'm wrong bonus stars for mp6 we got mini game star we got happening star and then we got uh it's not coin star anymore it's orb star it is orb star yeah yeah honestly if i lose but i win mini game star i'd walk away happy that's fair oh my god i hit nothing but once i'm either the lower roller or the highest roller for those of you who aren't super familiar with this map if you go on the inside that's kind of where a lot of the duals are the concentration dual is very high in there yeah but if you go on the outside there are chain chomps and you can pay them to step on other people you have to still roll dice block and if they step on someone you take a start from them because realize there are 20 stars of circulation we will never have more sometimes if it's stressful and i think it's too long to be stressful yet as good as i have no idea how to play this game so yeah cpu is actually playing better than i would oh oh i won how are we able to throw money around like this well it's all thanks to skillshare on behalf of my account i would like to say thank you to skillshare for sponsoring this video so have you ever wanted to learn something from the comfort of your home you know how this goes you know what it is well on skillshare now you can with an annual subscription to skillshare you can have an access to an online learning community with thousands of classes for creative and curious people for less than ten dollars a month with classes ranging from web development to music production to graphic design skillshare has something for everyone and i'm just listening to classes i've already used because those are honestly mad helpful their classes are made to fit your busy schedule and more importantly your skill level and all the classes are like 60 minutes or less not only that but there aren't any ads you know like this one but if you're interested in exploring some new skills or deepening an existing passion become a member of skillshare today and if you're looking for a cool class to check out how about iphone photography from emily satzger this class revolves around the philosophy of a poor craft and blames his tools kind of thing because trust me with an iphone you can make beautiful things and this class proves exactly that the first thousand people to join using my link in the description will get a free trial of the skillshare premium membership so get there now get there fast and get there free but in the meantime we will go back to what is honest to god essentially just gambling definitely going to be a slow burn but hey it's free content at the end of the day okay i wouldn't use the word free so lightly there we could just chat for like an hour couldn't we that's kind of the game plan right yeah oh that's a duel though this is where the excitement is here we go can you compete for oh absolutely that's all you got yup don't know this one i think that's okay you have no control yo can we bring out the practice real quick yeah okay who did let me press said get the first one you just call zed i'm canadian i know i know oh my i went back and hit them okay it went bad are they trying to hit every [Laughter] [Applause] needle is he gonna hit both of them okay you gotta admire his gusto i think it's even i think it's i think it's a tie despite everything are you serious just go forward go you can reach it yes i think in most ties closer to port four wins wario just politely gave it up i'm saying ludwig is mad camping around the street it's baby bowser even doing with zero correct me if i'm wrong we have to do this 19 more times that was one round that was two no no no no no right because we had three mini games yeah i think so yeah i'm gonna press start and confirm yeah we're on turn four yeah i remember yeah we're a quarter done oh wait hold up battle mini game this is more important 50 50 hour walk okay you know what we decided to stay anyway oh oh i changed my mind i love hyper sniper hyper sniper is a great game that's one of the worst mechanics of this is if it's a tied vote they just pick one at random and that one got zero votes i mean if it's a tied vote they go to the one that got zero votes yeah that doesn't make sense like always that was the one no one wants to play oh imagine if that's how politics worked and then gary johnson is in office there are so many one-handed oh wario you genius mario get out of here wow 10's pretty good 10's pretty good i think our goal is to walk out of here with something third places yeah all right money backs oh oh whoa oh okay all right that's fine it's fine i think you're about to get wario stomped after this one i hope so oh that's beautiful oh beautiful that's beautiful the star is straight up that's a oh no i'm glad i'm rolling right because it's like the average right yeah oh my god hate this match all strategy why why how does this work no he doesn't he just wasted it he needs to literally roll one yep oh am i gonna be not gonna say yes to the chain jump he just know he just threw away the gold string oh thank you less than 11 less than 11 come on come on [Music] the slow start was all strategy uh oh literally by two that was kind of bm a little bit a little bit using the gold shirt before is super rude oh no it stole two stars it's also great he's closer to orb star now yeah what does this bowser space do it could do anything oh oh what is this 10 coins oh damn he can just pull out a star out of the economy that's crazy on this map in this economy uh-oh oh please oh no well come on yes you're just kind of eating [ __ ] this time okay hit a fatty number you're getting out of there too you're out of the danger zone yeah well i'm so about that she's running so not used to the 3v1 game because i always play teams yeah yeah it's uh oh there's no fear absolutely no fear i'm going to be surprised that if we he can see the code he didn't do it he never yeah he had to walk into it i can't believe mario threw that hard after flexing such proficient movement you know you had two seconds left all right let's do this let's do this oh i think james is back in it after this if he gets back yeah oh yeah oh my god that's three stars that's a six-star net swing right there i got three stars [Music] it's beginning to worry there but okay okay okay you can get it back right back i can't believe you put 100 on this what is this what horse gambling is like i i would go so far to say that this is a little bit more interesting yeah oh darn oh wait actually that is that this put me in second place james you [ __ ] me here i don't [ __ ] all that matters i'm sorry i'm sorry oh wait no i'm embarrassed i'm sorry put a point on the board let's go big man it's like he's he grounds he's just standing still 12 seconds later that was disgraceful uh i love this i love this play oh my god you're thinking no he's gonna say no [Laughter] there's another chain chomp you could have hit what is this hey bro i'm just kidding hey sorry i will never question you again luigi long as he stays in the back like oh wait what is this this is a danger zone right here waluigi wow wow big player you just pick a rope and then the rope will end up on a platform and then maybe yeah it may be and if it's not then it's also r it's only rng like and the rich get richer i was gonna pray it is frustrating how every time they pass the chain chomp they do it yeah and they don't consider their bank in financial state status meanwhile i'm live right now i just have a question uh you've been doing finances for a bit i just wanted to know do we have room in in the budget for a 900 pretzel warmer uh yo yo you're crazy you're crazy bro oh my this is a matching mashing game yeah but you have to do it in perfect succession yeah you have to do it in order super sick mini game what's the average for this oh my god oh no oh it's easy 14 40. i'm so squat it's just yo check this he just out turn the whole time hey do you think we're not strategizing this is all pathing mm-hmm oh smart actually oh genius oh my god oh my god left gives a right so this looks pretty bad unless they swap okay left gives you right let's see what happens there's some stars nothing greedy we're ju oh oh wait this is everything for us this is a total swap so we swap everything yeah that's actually just robbery everything hey pleasure doing business with him your stream id yeah i saw a few target plushes in that exchange right there this game can just switch i love how nice this mini game looks because this was the e3 mini game this was the one they used in trailers so they made it look really shiny whoa whoa the takeover begins i actually never realized that it does look beautiful all right now luigi the only thing we can't do here is use the chain chomp that would be a mistake that would be a misplay i agree we're just gonna hit no and go right by it got too much money to say no we got money to burn we're just going to walk right right coaching they're coaching again are we all getting perfect this is people okay [Laughter] there we go we got one we got one warrior to success oh i guess maybe three x three dice brave that's brave as long as i get one here if you roll three die come on yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah one that's only one probably right oh mad close mad clothes you're still behind the next chain chomp which is big yeah this is good for us we're gonna pass through two chain chops here if you take the first you lose for sure okay nice true okay good play fail thank you thank you man wow thank you oh good name i'm gonna go so far to call that play brave it was bold let's see if anybody can pass the middle statue this might just drain our economy waluigi looks like a drinker he could probably navigate the things no one's getting through it there's gonna be zero coins across the board wow is this what republicans think communism is man zero they were rp this is a 100 winning matchup for the one here um sorry can i ask a question alfred yeah have you seen my movement that that's kind of insane movement right now oh come on baby shake it up get up no go back i love i love that luigi is just making direct icons i think wario has the best movement right here [Laughter] eye contact never breaks leave it to moneybags to want us to keep all of us dumb and poor whoa okay well okay we get it you have 10 coins yeah his frivolous bending is frustrating for me i don't know why he did that i genuinely don't know this seems unfair you have like we're all computers and you just get more computers are our computers better than yours three down kings remember what we talked about remember we talked about circles yes that's what we talked about come on come on baby come on baby baby oh bring it up here oh no no fear budget get him got all four shy guys and then just choked oh good play good play oh here's another one for you oh actually a brilliant play yeah brilliant depending on where it takes me i think you actually protected failboat there too i did which is bad for me that was the ten cents mini game we've had so far and then he just like remembered his pass with waluigi and just couldn't pull the trigger it's like he was showing flashes of hard cpu uh skill and then he was like oh wait gotta tone it down yeah let me let me run to the line and pretend to be bad again so you're gonna see how my nintendo gamecube handles this mini game because it handles it very well i've heard it handles it quite well the original nintendo of gameplay gamecube and they never fix this one just yeah really yeah oh it's wall luigi yeah oh big stacks come on baby oh no oh this is bad for us we really need warrior to win i think warrior's thinking about it yeah oh yes come on all the way down do that thing where you just jump yes oh oh this is the hardest thing about it yet come on you got it oh for warriors come on come on come on please the more chance you have him getting it think about it please oh a monkey [Music] i will say it was a questionable play at best wow wario is coming out against waluigi oh no what does this do oh they swapped spots ah it's actually not it's not huge that kind of the duel [Music] oh [Laughter] luigi's in need of a major comeback why are you hitting the lightning bro it's over it's cold i do appreciate the play wario did so we get double duels with waluigi it just didn't pay off yeah it would have been great if my guy was clutch i think he lacks the clutch factor yeah smaller definitely carrying his weight i will say that if you uh double up on the same button as someone else you don't move forward oh no i see don't be again oh now this is pretty good if i gotta admit you guys weren't oh coward absolutely he's running away give me another give me again is it me again as long as i uh am able to get to a chainsaw i definitely think you winning this is kind of like predicted well actually it's already been it's already been like made right all the ones and zeros it's all it's all that's true whatever right yeah what is the outcome the seed has already been planted oh my god one shot [Music] they have no chance wow before becoming a brother he was a math guy oh here it is gloria give me something give me something good i i've been i've been sandbagging the whole round just for that that's like the best thing an individual person could get yeah that's that's amazing i think you can get a star maybe but he's not not enough i think you're getting started you wasted those 40 coins you wasted those 40. well no he throws the 30. he still has the 30 though well luigi what are you doing me and waluigi actually have great lines here it's the mirror man like it's a mirror they have the exact same ai they're just playing the flow of traffic right now we are doing the exact same thing okay mixing it up a little bit great turn great turn it's going up we're deviating waluigi is definitely taking the scenic route on this why did i stand underneath him oh [Music] [Music] guys oh i grieved you i dreamed you no you're no no no no look at that look up oh go yes oh this is i think i think cooper kid got it that's easy koopa get bigger wait man this is grandma crossing the street material yeah james i feel like you have not won many many games i don't think i have yeah oh oh oh oh oh oh god i would have okay i'm not a fan what happens if they get all three of the same numbers that's something special i think you just pop off points i think i don't know if it happens oh maybe not during change no i think it's during all i don't know actually maybe is that all is that all three is that the triple no i don't think i can last no way oh my god luigi is large right now and i'm rich too waluigi please waluigi please questionable play right here from super bad play it's a very bad play he's gonna wait wait this might be smart cause he's gonna swap spaces you guys don't know what uh you guys don't know what i'm planning you'll see i don't all of us are confused at every move you're making [Music] [Laughter] i am waiting though you have me on the edge of my seat i like the strat of going by yourself because that way you can't get punched by anyone yeah i think luigi is here oh koopa kid there it is oh wow he gets the game too oh my god ludwig you're the it's like it's so predictable that you would win this look it's not it's not curtains yet alfred but honestly we just put our best game out there we've been prepping for a while uh we just hope we get the results we wanted [Music] that's not the results we wanted oh you're grinding the 1v3 i do think koopa kid has been silently feeding the orb star in the background yeah i think he might have orb big play oh no don't be the oh the middle do the switch through the switch please revolution in this i don't even know i don't think revolution's in this okay it's a mini game no all their coins oh no that's all i need please that's all i have pit boss ludwig i feel like if everybody loses their coins that's good for you though it might be but i have the most as well so if we tie because he gets some bonus stars i win yeah are we all gonna lose we're all gonna lose our coins again yeah we are likely all gonna lose okay if you guys don't die this is really bad wow they are really close to that i didn't just don't run into it i believe three balls no oh yeah oh my god is everyone just going to get taken out first rotation okay we're good oh my god you're good [Applause] [Music] oh the resolve the resolve from both of the players oh [Music] oh [Music] if you land on me right now it'll be two duels and then you can take how many times we have left one turn one turn after one turn after that really there's no way yeah well luigi land on it it's looking good but even if waluigi gets the seven three bonus [Laughter] i think luigi forgot about the ball too i'll be right back i also forgot if there's nobody here it cannot be stopped here we go it's just two more left come on come on what a throw for content that's classical another mini game in the bucket i am terrified though it's up to who gets second place now yeah oh my eighth congratulations whoa oh my god rough yeah you guys barely pass them when you put them together you really really didn't all come down to that little tank game yeah all right all right the mini game starter i think that's [Music] [Music] oh whoever had more coins between you two did we all get a boy that was a fourth place from wario fourth man [Music] all right well lud i feel like pretty good game do you think what's your paper best the best alpharetta [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 2,039,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch, mario party, odd1sout, theodd1sout, failboat, smallant, ludwig
Id: VWTwHhTf0Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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