i beat pokemon sword with only mudkip

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hello everyone how are you doing today i don't know if you saw on twitter but i had the most terrifying thing happened to me so i'm gonna be pretty low energy today because i'm still suffering from a little shock if you didn't see um my cat got outside this morning or last night i don't know and i was terrified that that dude is my best friend i absolutely love that guy and like he didn't wake me up to feed him this morning and i was like oh that's weird then my other cat was screaming looking for him and i was like huh that's weird then when i couldn't find him i was like oh my god and then i was like oh is he outside and then i went outside and then i found like his fur because he like sheds a lot so like i found his fur outside i was like oh my god no so i searched all around my neighborhood uh started like made a poster and then i had a friend come over he was going to help me look for him and she was like have you looked in the backyard and i was like yeah yeah i know i've looked in the backyard and i was going through security cam footage and as i see security cam footage of him just sitting outside the door which was adorable and painful she just goes in the backyard and finds him honestly i don't really know where he was but she found him and oh my god oh my god i'm relieved so i might be a little bit low energy because i'm still like reeling back from that honestly it was it was it was a mortifying moment for me it was a it was some of the the most uh intense fear i have ever felt and uh i can't stress that enough but he's safe and i'm happy and now i'm gaming huh so yeah where are we we got all 8 badges though that's pretty good we released uh the other pikachu right that's also pretty good oh and look at that that's dialogue which means oh yeah forget she gets a lab coat now um it looks great yeah couldn't agree more if this is a normie girl it's just normie guy he's just mudkip hmm just mud kit next is wind in time for the big event oh yeah let's uh let's uh actually before we go all the way up where do we do we go to train all right where do i go to like really oh i forget there's a train over here that's what i was thinking about um before we do that let's go grind a little bit because we don't have a second mudkip to depend on right now yeah i missed swamper yeah me too buddy it was their time though you know it was you can fight it all you want but you know it was the right thing to do plus narratively it was the right thing to do if nothing else like you might say it hurts but doesn't a good story hurt isn't that what you want from from a narrative just just a little bit of pain just the right amount of pain uh i don't really know what i'm going over here for because i know there's nothing in there alpha you lied to me about persona well it was persona was going to go up on alfred deluxe but then we found something better which was goonya fighter and that's like one of the best videos on the entire channel uh you know like i'm sorry but just that's just a fact so that video we just we just had to upload it and we meant to upload persona today but i just forgot because i was you know as stated pretty uh my mind was all over the place this morning oh wow it's super effective i need to get waterfall though that's definitely something i gotta do there was a shiny no that's not true shinies don't show up in the overworld nice try buddy they didn't let's go though which was really cool but yeah they just straight up don't show up right what's so good about waterfall uh it's mainly just the the fact it's a physical attack whereas uh mudkip has much much higher physical attack than he does special attack probably should have healed before this actually yeah that's why i was thinking yeah oh i think i'm kind of scared honestly going into this i think i think this fight's gonna be much harder and i i don't think uh i think this is gonna be hard like i honestly think it's gonna be pretty hard because i'm gonna be fighting through teams of six which of course like that's what i did in emerald but i honestly think the emerald trainers are might be like better but i think just i don't know they're so varied it's hard it's hard to go in with the game plan all right and no great dungeon rate things i don't think this is actually gonna be the market finale because i think i just gotta spend a lot of time uh grinding yeah i gotta fight chairman rose gotta fight to turn this i can handle all that but it's just oof oh this is gonna be hard um seeking max raid battle as a link code yes uh i'm just gonna try and guess it come on all right it was worth a shot i feel like there's a non-zero chance that would work um will you let me in will you please let me in i know it's a five star uh i need i need to get in a five five-star oh it's water which i can't offer a lot of help but i just want to help at all feeling good about this one yes germ does not know what he's getting himself in so he's coming in with mole trace and then sees mudkip mudkip queue up and be like yeah ready to go okay switches to zapdos good play i like that they respect the mudkip choice you know he just goes huh interesting interesting indeed mr fish oh this is a stacked lobby isn't it what something there's a powerful aura about mudkip mudkip with that profile picture okay going raichu i'm sure everyone's like confused by the mud kit but they're not saying no to it you know oh it feels so weird seeing seeking there oh and little timmy's with us that's fitting thank you caesar yeah can seeking have lightning rod though so uh let's see if it does because uh there's a chance it does what what am i supposed to do i guess really don't have like a good answer here i think i'm just gonna rock slide my mud keeps just kind of here you know okay is this yeah dynamic zapdos makes sense makes sense it could have swift swim god i really hope so i knew that zapdos was gonna dynamax max lightning's gonna come out and okay reflect thank you i think he was just trying to see what seeking does oh animation oh thank god thank god no lightning rod oh oh what a glorious day yeah the game do be loud sometimes do i need to turn it off just just a little bit or turn it down i mean how do i skip to the end that's a good question i'm trying to figure that one out oh little timmy came in with with the little mud bray right now yeah mudbray okay i always forget which one is the big one not oh strong beefy mudkip survives even a crit there all right we're breaking through uh huh oh let's go mud gray does the rain does rain do anything to electricity like i want to say no uh they're gonna use special so rock smash won't even help there yeah i'm just here to rock slide i guess i turned slow mode on is it not i turned slow mode on and it didn't work so i'm going to do it again because i see one person spamming the same thing rain makes thunder 100 accurate move really that's crazy i doubt any of these pokemon have no that's not true right or is it if it is that sick that's really cool that sounds like a lie but it sounds cool uh oh i forget seeking's desperate again also hi hannah i just saw you uh fly by and chat real quick all right mudkip is holding on like a champ okay so we get one more turn of zapdos and uh at least he's not gonna get super damage gated because at least he's breaking through the boundaries i knew hale makes blizzard 100 accurate but i didn't know that rain makes thunder because you know those two different typings that's that's pretty badass well i looked away and it said something what did it say at the beginning oh pikachu okay so that's only one loss but he took the hit he was a martyr just realized that gigantic seeking had to attack mudkip three times just to make him bleed oh yeah this is a locked battle right here right you give it your all okay so you can use waterfall oh please tell me i get to take waterfall home that's the most important thing i could take here oh william's pokemon i didn't even realize william was here i kind of forgot uh i'm just gonna cheer and say let's [ __ ] go hurricanes 100 in the rain okay interesting lodgeball gango have i done the dragon gym yes yes i have oh that's a big catch for us and a crit and by a big catch i mean uh actually no i would never do that waterfall and surf muddy water hydroponic oh big big xp this is how we do it okay let's go in here let's teach him waterfall that is what we've been waiting for this entire run oh thank god we found it uh replace surf uh it's weaker in power but if you look to the right his attack physical attack is way higher than his special attack so that's that's why it's a better get for us and i like his one health just holding on and learned waterfall instead it broke let's give him some of those candies real quick the boys has ten thousand or thirty thousand insanity insane hmm what are we going to level him up to because like even at level 100 he's still gonna struggle because it is just one mud kit versus the entire pokemon league but at the end of the day it's one mudkip no at the end of the day it's the entire pokemon league versus one mudkip and then i have rare candy but i'm gonna save those let me save very good pikachu nine hours in wow not actually i grinded so much more in the emerald version and also i had speed up so that's probably why it was so much faster um i just need to do some more max raids um what level is this three star um not bad not bad uh search stamps max raids the munchan uh maybe four start yeah i'll take it if you let me in i wonder what pokemon they had okay like i never know what the my friends are gonna have but i'm always positive that they're gonna be surprised at my uh my mudkip oh five star grass fairy well we just okay it's so hard to get into these because they just don't want you to be in here maybe did i miss my opportunity to get into this one please please brother i come back begging on my knees felipe please be looking yes i love gallerian zapdos ginisec mudkip just a very special entertainment okay is zapdos good like hilarion zapdos good i i actually have no idea how the gallerian birds are someone saying that he has one pokemon in the one pokemon in the pokedex he loaded another save no that's not what that means um if you mudkip doesn't even count as the one pokemon actually it the max pokedex you can show when you're saving is 400 because any pokemon in national decks uh don't show up there so that because when i had mudkip initially it said zero pokemon that one pokemon is the toxil that i use to trade for the other modkip yeah mudkip's not in the in the mat the base decks are they're going to let me play are we just waiting i like it they're not doubting the power of this mudkip yeah okay we're just going in what do you think of age calamity um i'm going to be kind of busy the next few days but i think that's a game i'm down to stream don't know if i'll make a video out of it maybe i will i don't know but i'll definitely try that was obnoxiously loud dear god skovit yeah i'll just keep doing rock smash what swoosh x.com this guy's just advertising okay hold on hold on i'm just curious right he got me he got me um yo i was uh expecting a virus a porn site or something but no he's uh advertising his pokemon clan yep sure did interesting interesting he's just a gamer hey the last stream was not on replay uh they take a while to upload the second one is uploaded i just haven't like published it yet but i'll probably launch it tomorrow or after this stream either we'll see thunderous kick oh scovit dies dies i forgot what we got to do this the barriers are just absolutely the lamest thing you can do in this game you know what i mean i'm so glad that in the max raid adventures they don't have those because i honestly don't think i would keep playing them if it wasn't for this i did another recording session i didn't stream but my friends did because i played with kid faye mata and ultrive and we did another pokemon raid and i'll probably get turned into a video eventually but uh yeah i think the rates are fun what if you premiered stream archive oh i think that's an excellent idea all right alpha i have a shiny raid how do you know you have a shiny raid is that even a thing you can know oh yeah let me in let me in let me in i'm i am actually super effective in this fight okay um okay so skovich just give me berries so not even gonna waste my time with that and i would like to see more five stars but or not um i wish i could refresh again i'm just gonna block you yeah yeah i want to block dylan all right now load again what's the best way to like refresh this is maybe disconnect and connect again maybe because like x doesn't always refresh it's only there sometimes okay hello oh yes strong strong let me in let me in brand dog brand dog please please please i need dxp please you oh you want to let me in so bad i love seeing the teams that people bring and then there's me i haven't seen reggie lucky yet cool i can use extra refresh whenever even if it doesn't say so okay then that's a that's an oopsie on my brain hello wolverine just press x yeah i'll do that next time all right he opens with the barrier so this is all about mudkip not dying i think reggie lucky's a good play i mean marsha actually like this is a is a fine team they're all gonna actually i think i might want to do rock smash just to uh you know like it's less damage but it gets the defense down where if everyone else is attacking that's pretty good big bird is that reggie lucky shiny i didn't notice it just looks normal max knuckle oh wait this also buffs the entire squad's base attack right or physical attack and a crit nice we have done such a little damage oh max strike why does everyone go after the mudkip they all think he's actually i think going in with the weak pokemon is the play because the ai just focuses it who would have guessed that mudkip is the best tank in sword and shield that's all i'm getting out of it like that's i don't know if that's how everyone else is interpreting but that's how i see it everyone wants to focus him yet they can't take him down wall rain just you know just like you know just blue wind past him my kid was just not even phased and what sucks is that i know wall rain since it's five star it's gonna bust out another shield yep there we go a mysterious barrier so cool thank you lisa very cool why don't you use rockslide uh because everyone's using physical attacks besides a lucky uh reggie lucky and if i keep using rock smash even though it does less damage for me it lowers his defense one stage so it does more damage for everyone else so i think like rock smash is the is the team player move for now look at him they want me so bad i like how my kip's covered by the rock he just gets mike wazowski'd and also rock smash is 100 hit yeah but when have i ever cared about that you know it won't lower his defense because of the barrier well then who gives a [ __ ] there's a barrier there either way might as well go for 100 hit you know what i'm saying mean they don't even need me we're about to see max knuckle right here oh yeah wait maybe monkey can sneak in one hit one hit my kit market please please maybe no okay there goes max knuckle um yeah how what if i just didn't ever catch that all right um uh ice cream again money money money berries whatever x three xl candies that's crazy whoa that's so nice let's go okay let me back in the game i'm just what uh-huh i can't move okay thank you working as intended uh no scovit no if people are saying you can just press x to refresh it do not be four star yeah let me take it okay then listen that refresh noise i saw another one down here nope not that one this one maybe i feel like i've i've timed out on this one but there's there's faith okay what is this is it four star oh load new okay strong hitmonchan three stars uh we can clean up nevermind we just got to train mudkip but like we have so much saucer gyarados five star let's go rockslide rockslide rockstar let me in nine let me in nine let me in [ __ ] why why why give me offers if you're just gonna make if you're just gonna reject me come on come on okay okay while i'm waiting for it to refresh let me uh let me go to berries i have not berries but exp candy because this should be like a couple levels right oh that's not nice that that skipped the the funny number just just pretend that says funny alphard help people are spamming people do be spamming okay uh xp candy i see that that would have been the funny one dang it oh forget oh look they want lucky to evolve huh okay so focus ash um i like i like focus sash but i think him having evil lights like even better okay let's go back here uh i would like into any of these i'm just gonna disconnect then alpha red his name is pikachu he is a mudkip i i will always call him mudkip despite his name being pikachu pikachu is a nickname you know he's still mudkip at heart load um jelly oh that has a coat on it incredibly powerful yeah grass ferry let me in this is gonna be some mad xp maybe i actually don't know i'm just guessing michael let me in michael it's funny every single time to see them come in with the 100 optimal pokemon and then be mudkip actually charizard isn't the optimal pokemon i guess you could do flying attack i'm sure he knows something come on come on come on let me in maybe i guess we got to wait two minutes so hey what's good ama you got you got any uh things you want to ask me like alfred i need my sabble charizard cool that's it's funny i get it i get that i get the reference uh trans rights is that a yes or no question because uh the answer is yes um how old are you i am 24. i turned 25 in less than a month stop doing raids play the game uh what would what would you do if i told you this is the game if you think pokemon has ever been more than this you were just mistaken um are you having pie for thanksgiving uh i don't know uh why not doing dynamaxx adventures for the candy uh because i would i would have to catch a slowpoke to do that and i i'm not doing that what about the new ace of hearts album uh it's kind of confusing how we're doing it because we're going to release a pr we're probably just going to release an ep of songs we've been sitting on right now soon like maybe three songs ish and then just start working on a completely new album which we already have like six or seven songs like made written for the new album so it's just a matter of it's just time really yellow rays give more candy what i did not know that was a thing am i full timing youtube yeah i've been i've been full-time youtube since a 2015 isn't that crazy where does the [ __ ] time go oh will any of the ep be included on the album no uh the ep actually consists of songs that were meant to be on the original album and then just got delayed so it's a complicated process and i don't know how to like explain it clear like cohe like clearly yet so i'm just gonna not when i answered the q a on discord holy [ __ ] when was the last time i answered q a on discord yeah it's been a while uh i might do it late tonight maybe i don't know but eventually the answer is eventually yes i will poppy's pikachu used iron tail oh wow that's an actual pikachu um did i miss it he better not be using max player yeah max player because won't that just be neutral against grass ferry doesn't he need to do flying it also makes us all faster oh do not use spore on me thank god oh that's yeah i was like that's some [ __ ] yeah he used gmax wildfire cool cool cool fire resist fairy alpha oh was i is fire super effective oh fairy's weak against fire sorry i typings for like i'm always bad at typings i'm really bad at typings it's not four times effective right yeah fire's just neutral on fairy hey alfred is alfred deluxe her second channel uh yeah yeah fire is neutral but resist fairy yeah i was just mistaken on that that was an oopsie on my part alfred do you know that only 74.5 percent of people watching are already subscribed what also is persona 5 coming out on alfred deluxe it meant to go live yesterday but we found an even better series oh my god he just put gmac stars already asleep that's that's infuriating that's just that's just tilting that's absolutely tilting but uh yeah we meant to make it go live yesterday and then it was uh we found something better which was goonya fighter and then the next thing that we're gonna then the reason it didn't go live today was because i simply forgot i was going to schedule everything this morning but i had a frantic uh i don't know just a frantic event looking for my cat that i thought he was lost forever and i was utterly terrified mortified petrified paralyzed eyes you know what i'm saying why is dunya fighter like unironically ironically good yeah like you gotta go into it with an open mind but like if you're there for fun oh you're gonna have a good time hey alfred you put your city your address on twitter kinda no not really i just said what part of la i live in and trust me la is very big even the sub-sections of la are very very big all right bye shinodic mortified means embarrassed if i does not mean scared i can be embarrassed that i lost my cat because i was yay candy i need to fight the yellow raids hey alfred is your logo just the letters in the word alpha red it is the letters the greek letter alpha and it is the letter r oh dioxide rockslide let me in let me let me let me in please please i know i have mudkip i also have rockslide yes yes i love the teams people come in with it always makes me laugh what gym are you at uh i am i am done i have collected all eight badges well you start playing spelunky too now that most things have been figured out dude it's still been like a month or two like i when i say like i want to wait till stuff and splunk he's found i i mean like much longer than that realize i got into spelunky one years after it came out but you know internet's different nowadays so it'll probably only take a few months but i'll have to spend time learning the game and playing on my own time so it's probably not going to be like uh uh oh i start making content tomorrow kind of thing do you think this makes pokemon sword more fun uh honestly like i think it's still pokemon at the end of the day but like i wasn't in one of those uh [ __ ] pokemon kind of game or one of those moods yeah i think this game's lazy and it cuts a lot of corners but i think that's true for almost every pokemon game is is this game like exceptional at that yeah i think this is the worst defender bite easily but at the at the core it's still a pokemon game like i don't really give a [ __ ] what the trees look like but you know it's still a pokemon game at the end of the day i do wish it was better i wish uh they would step away from the tried and true formula because it is actually not that true yeah like pokemon colosseum xd gale of darkness i mean the thing is the dlcs like isle of armor crown tundra kind of reminds me more like what colosseum and gale of darkness kind of tried or did i just hate that well it's pokemon thing because it justifies it being lazy that's not i'm not trying to justify it i'm just saying oh it's bad and i would like it to improve but i paid 60 for the experience i wanted and i got it you know like you know maybe i'm part of the problem but i would like them to do something crazy i would like them to step out of it honestly i just want them do what they did with the dlc but make a full game out of just going to regions i've said it before but that's what i want that's all i want heart gold is the perfect game uh yes that is true uh heart gold soul silver the best pokemon games and then i'm biased for gen 3 but also like the ds ones are pretty good too like four and five both what about a diamond pearl remake yeah i mean sure part gold soul silver overrated that's fine if you think that i don't think that so that's why you know i think uh i'll platinum's a good game sure but heart gold soul silver just i don't know i like i like what they did with it plus it like just going to two regions is just cool i'm sorry like that that has a lot of it it's just it's just cool but yeah also platinum has cynthia so that's like a big plus what is the worst pokemon game probably jin won but like unironically what happened to the mystery dungeon series what do you mean we beat it we beat mystery dungeon uh let's go to bag uh we got lots of candy oh yeah drop drop of 81. i think that's about i think the old pikachu ended the game at level 82 so i feel like if we start going to in-game now we will be read to ready to go all right and that gets us to 83 yeah gaming um okay all right let's go over here let's save yeah people are trying to say i loaded another save but that one pokemon is just about the toxin i got for uh uh where is he where is he oh there it is yeah see i got the toxin right here and that's the one pokemon and then i trade it for the mudkip and then i released it because it is uh not in here anymore i'm gonna cycle through all these if you really wanted me to but like the dude's just gone all right and now we're gonna and i already said i just saved town map let's go all the way back up here and now we get to move on in the game i feel much much better given where we're at i'm still pretty scared uh we also have a [ __ ] ton of dialogue to mash through coming up so i hope you're ready for some frame drops kill your pokemon yeah yeah i i'm just gonna i'm just gonna do this use these super pots you know yeah everyone wants me to use the rare candies i'll just i'll just drop them now wait i don't know how i'll do it next time i level up just get maximum value out of it yeah i'm only scared for the champion because like that fight is pretty stacked and it has g-max rilla boom that's terrifying all right it's been a minute so wait how does this work oh no oh no jmr i'm so sorry i just see the thank you for the twenty dollars and you said can you read these donations if so i sent two already and neither are red uh i i don't do i'm not super on it for the for the donations because i feel like if i just read everything not gmax really oh it's just he just dynamics really he uses his gmax no he doesn't you're oh he has charizard that's right i'm not scared of that [ __ ] i'm i'm right i'm wrong but yeah that's fine um with donations i typically uh don't read all of them straight up i do appreciate them but i don't want them to feel obligated and i feel like if i spend the entire stream reading donations then like you you know that's what the stream is and i want to put on i want it to be entertaining and and if i uh just sit there and read donations like that appreciative of course i'm still appreciative but i don't want it to be like other people i don't want them to come and they should be like well this is boring he's just reading so i don't know if people like that mindset or not but that's kind of always how i've been um sometimes i read them but uh it kind of depends on the day and the game but uh that's what zid fell says what about mystery dungeon oh we did do that dylan ten dollars says thank you for prying his entertainment with your dummy thick mudkip have you tried the neptunia series uh jaymar says i shall ask again about the possibility of alfred youtube's oh uh stay tuned that's what i will say and how do i keep the interest of a girl i'm interested in okay like i can't go on these whole like philosophical questions and jmr is asking again from behalf of you community of youtubes is that is that a thing there's a community forum um hey alf are you gonna try nuzlock probably not i thought you could thought you could use these ten dollars uh thank you uh yeah i just don't even want anyone to feel like obligated for like donations because again i'm i'm chilling i'm fine like you're you're essentially just going to buy me an extra extra meal but like i will be eating regardless is what i'm saying i i just don't want to why not get a bot and read donations for you i don't trust you that's what it is i don't trust texas speech donations plus like that's not what i want my stream to be you know like i could do that but i i'd rather just play for you guys talk entertain you guys i don't want to just media share and read [ __ ] so like that's that's just my approach to streaming you guys can agree with it disagree with it that's just that's just uh that's just what i want to do yeah jeffy where's his xp at yeah rockslide is gonna [ __ ] charizard up or probably max rockfall at that point would you ever do max layer with subs probably okay so oh yeah we have waterfall now wait waterfall can flinch really i had no idea that was a thing huh that's cool charizard has a grass move well then we're gonna have to kill him in one hit you know charlotte's not very fast as everybody knows definitely not some of the most impressive speed sets in the game definitely not uh yeah we will uh be sure yeah we'll kill charizard don't worry we'll one shot him and go first wait let me just walk right into a site and call it evasion alvarez you're forced to catch a tournament yeah i know do you think people haven't been uh spamming in my chat for the entire playthrough uh what is this rock steel or ground steel i don't care people asking for liquidation yeah liquidation is a better move but mudkip can't learn it he sounds salty i think i just sound [ __ ] done with it but uh the the eternities thing like to peel back the curtain a little bit i'm just gonna lead up the narrative in the animated video and be like so well i have to catch it even though i know i have to and then i will just make a little um i'll bit you know i'll just make a little bit out of it because uh i know i'm gonna do this so i'll just whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this dude's going whoa crazy absolute insanity oh dang i got played okay but yeah i'm just gonna catch alternatives and then immediately release it why does this guy look like his beard looks like the little magnets where you would drag onto his face yeah i think my er waterfall is really good just because of the flinch chance and mudkip rng it's gonna be clutch rockslide all right well that sucks air slash tailwind is cheating move give mudkip curse for tankiness i think his evil light makes him a little tankier all right noctal also dies to rockslide oh yeah where did i get a master ball from oh you [ __ ] all right well this sucks literally please replace rock smash hey hey hey we're getting there we're getting there i like the thing is we don't really need that i just don't know what we need also clutch turn one wake up yeah i'm just trying to figure out what could i even replace it with eon lex says stop swearing dude i'm sorry but this is a this is a swear stream we do say swear so please don't tell your mom or your youth pastor watch these jukes right from downtown we're almost at the end though we're almost there low kick is an option yeah but like then i'm gonna have to uh go find that tmrtr you get the master all after you beat the champion cool cool cool cool i was just curious all right uh yep goodbye i like the chat comment are you still by like are you are you hoping that i'm gonna come out as header i'm a closet heterosexual and i'm gonna come out just because it's the american way you think this traitor to america is gonna come to the senses one day maybe maybe we'll see we'll see we'll see if i just change my mind tomorrow i don't think low kick works on max mons uh cool yeah i don't know can you turn off exp share i i don't think that makes a difference you know i'll just hit hey hey sir i bet you never get just asked for battles i mean yeah like i have rock slide as a funny move but i think like since i'm double his level it still might just kill actually what level is everyone are they just in them like 50s 60s because if that's the case i might actually be good hmm for links uh yeah i think it's waterfall right here champion level is 62 to 80 or 65. yeah that's good i can deal with that the leon's charizard is 65 yeah i think i'm a really good level then like i could easily make him level uh i still have four rare candies though hmm oh yeah hey you wanna yo you wanna battle you hunt you oh okay i'm gonna walk through i'm gonna walk through and we're gonna battle oh you stupid [ __ ] she doesn't know she doesn't know i'm a solo warrior market's the only thing i need how do you do that oh uh it's because i only had one pokemon and that's a double battle so they just uh let me walk right through okay here we are at the wimbledon or something like that no no no no i just almost spilled my water all over my desk and that was not very good uh okay let's look through our tmtr's uh i can't learn rock tomb just whirlpool funny spin move can learn blizzard it's unnecessary uh he cannot learn brave bird which i'm setting oh fossil net thank you for the 50 saying woo mudkip i i agree uh hydro pump is an option like why would we like i could get super super power but oh well i honestly think rock smash is a fine move because i have a high base attack power and i'm 20 levels above them so like if i need it it might just it might just be acceptable show me hims oh actually show me drugs okay freezes um it's gonna be three for now because i know like there's like a limit and i don't want to like cross that limit and just wasted a lot of money uh so let's uh where is it that would be battle items probably other items yeah cool what what is the limit for it because i know that like eventually there is one i'm just gonna get sell a bunch of [ __ ] actually um we got it's been a hot minute since we sold anything so like uh the limit is 10 is it just 10 of anything or is it just like 10 of one thing max 10 in each stat cool got it we can just get rid of all these cash money oh it's 26 now okay it's 10 individually but 26 total 26 of one thing oh that's insane okay well i will uh use that then uh let's give this hp up protein up oh 26 uh oh only one thing dang let me look at i'll buy one of these then yeah and let me get more protein yes we are coming out uh bag uh where was i iron oh i could just still use iron oh is so did i just max out that do you know them work let me let me wow oh let's get that money back then it might be max attack so let me just let me try a speed you know just see i'll just keep buying them slowly carefully um okay it won't have an effect cool got it we i know where we're staying now uh now we just sell everything we have that isn't healing not going to use focus sash not going to use that but they don't care i'm not going to use lax incense anymore uh she doesn't care about berries all this is fine cool uh oh he's not where i buy the rest of stuff i forgot about like healing items full restores are a little handy someone might say um how many do i realistically need because these are the the clutch factor of the runs we have some we have 30 full heals don't need revives i should buy a bunch of like x items but they don't sell any here why is that hmm also i will use the rare candies when mud kit levels up i just don't want to waste them right now yeah i could go to a different pokey center i'll do that eventually let me just uh let me just get some money real quick because i know i'm gonna have to do some trainer battles coming up and then i can just fly away and then i can go get him let's just see how mudkit can do i actually think he's fine right now how about this pokey center what's good technical machines ice punch i don't think market can learn any of these is this just all the same stuff yeah it is okay cool yeah we just going straight into the the thing then hello what's good might get correct yep that's me so this is it the final stage huh oh i forgot they just they just threw me into it okay then oh wait isn't this like an introduction ceremony where they just say wow that guy only has a mudkip is he smart or is he just stupid beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder and i guess this does not oh or am i fighting what where is the grace on this they just threw me in alrighty then okay here goes nothing i did not know i was gonna be here um i i wonder i think there is a chance that rock smash just kills given that just given the like the level difference you know non-zero chance alrighty then rock smash has a base 40 power but it's all we need it's perfect oh and more pekko this is scary uh he's thinking about camping yeah i bet we're all electric mice and smash bros does oh use torment that's unfortunate but it still let me use rock smash huh alrighty then send out scrappy so i can't use rock smash again but what i can do is get big big mud kip wait max knuckle though that's a different move i found a loophole this this is a i'm i'm just seeing the giant mudkip is so terrifying though like what what a powerful lad what does marty even have after that oh toxic road well they're not gonna you know dynamax that right that would just be embarrassing i guess what do i want to use uh i know it has dry skin so let's not use max geyser uh max knuckles not very effective but my my physical attacks up so i might as well use a physical move uh yeah [ __ ] it we're using max rock ball oh sucker punch that's really cool i just forgot mario just doesn't dynamax that's the dark type thing all right bye bye i was thinking way too hard about that huh if everyone cheers back in me i'm really gonna win this time got it oh i forgot oh she actually does have another pokemon i just don't think i can count very good so what am i what is this fairy very dark so max knuckles not gonna be good max rockfall uh i i who cares i should use max guys i would again stab oh well max knuckles neutral oh true that would have been neutral i'm so stupid i'm so stupid i could have just done that but also like i don't need another plus i think okay gmax grimstar whatever i think it just dies in one hit anyways i think i used the wrong the absolute wrong move in this but i still think it's dead yeah see everyone's thinking a little too hard right now level up nope not today wow that fight gave me a lot of confidence for the rest of the game like i didn't know if we could do it but now i know that we can do it yeah i only have to watch out for leon it feels like oh hi hop i forget you're also in this bracket and you're doing well he says my team you have a team couldn't be me will never be me i have an army an army of one absolute buffoon all right what do i need to do all right do i i'm gonna heal though i feel like that's something i should oh thank you let's go out then if you compare chairman rose to leon rose is a grunt yeah also doesn't he just have steel types can't i just like max knuckle max knuckle max knuckle oh i'm battling hop well this is gonna be cute i can't wait for him to throw 15 fire types at me an army of one is second to none yeah that's badass we battled back in the garden but yeah that was like a year ago buddy we've battled six times since then you know what [ __ ] it who cares let's just max knuckle now just get plus three attack and then just kill the rest of his team we do not need to think much more than that i think i might oh wait actually this is what we're gonna do max knuckle max knuckle max geyser to get it raining and then i just spam waterfall after that turn one dynamax not even scared bye bye oh it didn't kill that's fine who cares bored me i knew you'd be aiming for super he had no [ __ ] hop that's that's the video game we're playing he's like oh i knew you would be trying to win in this competitive event i can read you so well he says while like putting playing with his hands petting his double at least we level up after this oh pinch urchin okay well as long as they don't do anything oh they're slow as [ __ ] boy all right yeah we're just gonna max geyser now they die they die they die they die they die bye bye and now we reign nice fire types idiot what are you gonna do now all right level up we got it oh sends out snorlax it is raining but i like i wonder if just rock smash would kill snorlax with plus two mudkip because it'd be funny yeah we're gonna find out because it'd be funny wow wow we are so winning this game nothing can stop him he's so strong we let this happen he just died all right and now what are you gonna do think you got me back into a corner poppy's like well we both have one pokemon remaining it's raining you have mudkip i'm gonna dynamax cinderace like just look at him look at that menacing stare i could rock smash and kill him i could rock slide and kill him just come on release all the thought poured into my wishing star time for it you're just forcing me to watch a 40th 40-second cutscene man it's like okay all right okay use ice beam for the lulls it probably wouldn't kill because i don't have plus two or plus you special attack yeah nothing is impossible when you have a drugged up fish with legs worse to live by honestly and a fun quote i'm gonna get to reference bye bye cinderease bye bye no rats he says mudkip thanks mate i'm really glad you were the one who kicked my ass oh oh not today not today buddy not today not ever one thing i gotta ask is like how does hop feel by trying all these times to take down this this mud kit it's just a singular mudkip and he cannot get a number and that number is 258 baby at least he shook it off well oh hello how this is awkward and uncomfortable it's just like a guy who's really into cosplay but no one else in the room is like picking up on the vibe oh wait hold up hold up you can't win back my love but you're you're convincing me do you see those cabs i know we're gonna get a smash bros character or pokemon character in the new smash bros new pokemon character in the smash bros that's what i'm trying to say you know what's gonna happen and we're gonna get a ball guy me costume and that's gonna be way more hype than the pokemon they're adding to smash bros i mean cinderace hello challenger mud kit blah blah blah remember when you kicked hops ass what do you think uh yeah yeah i knew i could kick his ass yeah um he was the rival i knew he was uh-huh he almost made my pokemon bleed almost what if you know what my sleeper pick for pokemon is like everyone's saying like ur shifu but what if they put in kubfu where it's the same thing but small small hurt box and obnoxious that's what i want just give me a really fast and hard to hit character everyone would hate it except me because i'd be playing it now i think crash is coming uh both can be true blaziken is a perfect fit for smash i agree but i think blaze can just miss his window you know what i mean i can't ride my bike right now hello man why am i here for this that's that's a very good question why are you here for this more peco oh who could have seen this coming the bad guys are being bad ha ha that's crazy oh not yet though just kidding they're not the bad guys spoilers that'd be crazy if i said that i just want shadow dead ass i am like shocked i am straight up shocked that shadow is not in smash bros as soon as they introduced echo fighters i thought it was like guaranteed that shadow was going to be in i thought it was just going to be shadow with a teleport and then a projectile so like honestly pretty shocked they might give him another move they might give him like a kick instead of like whatever sonic forward there is all right where is the first isn't it like right here in the phone booth oh no it goes to the phone booth the first one is like i see that one but i thought he was like up against the wall yeah hey mudkip this looks awfully shifty but i can't get him to turn around miss selena's here got him simp imagine tails yeah i think tails could get in smash still i think it'd be the most exciting dlc character but i think you'd be like yeah that sounds about right or just save that for smash 6. all right 40 base power rock smash insta kills right yep yep shake bye bye what if they add tails but specifically tails in the mech i'm sure everyone would love that one oh wait did they just buff his speed okay durant you can't hold a candle to us now there won't be a smash six ah who cares buddy what do you know what do i know the answer is no one knows anything i'll just waterfall that's also fine durian be sturdy what if it used first impression then yeah then it you know then that would have happened uh why can't i just tackle him or something why do i have to wait five seconds and then turn 90 degrees um i know he's like over in the phone booth no he's just trying to pretend like he's having a conversation i remember the right one though sakura said he won't be a part of it if it happens okay but that doesn't dude like sakurai not being a part of smash bros is not a condition that has to be met for smash bros like i think there is a a very likely chance that there is going to be a new smash bros that is not directed by sakurai and he's also said that since melee so like come on but i actually do i think he's going all out on ultimate you know he brought every character back he's bringing out some retro bangers some new uh new age characters like steve i say new age but like 2010 ish but i don't know regardless of what happens i think smash 6 is just like scott the was made a video on what he thinks he's going to be and i think he's 100 right i think the roster can get cut down to like 30 characters but they're going to be like all new you know like uh like instead of mario it's gonna be like odyssey mario instead of link it's gonna be breath of the wild link you know i i think it's gonna be cool that's what i want for smash bros anyways people can disagree but that's what i want i just want 30 banger characters instead of like but why because i think it's going to start a new generation of smash bros they can focus on new characters and they just like pass it on to a new director because like you had your sakura era of smash bros and now someone else gets to take it i think that's pretty badass it already is breath of the wild link bro it's literally smash four link but they gave him a blue bomb don't act like it's a breath of the wild link what what well alfred he he doesn't have gail boomerang i he didn't in ocarina of time either in melee gotcha buddy i'm just gonna waterfall bye bye stelix well three communities melee ultimate smash six players uh that just depends on how much they change it i'm you know because i feel like brawl players turn into smash four players turn into ultimate so i feel like ultimate players will just turn into smash six players whenever that time comes i feel like smash ultimate players just not very loyal to an engine they just want whatever's new which is how i am so like you know i can't i'm not faulting it i'm just saying uh some some people always want to play the newest smash and then there's melee and they'll always want to play melee speaking of melee free melee [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] dude [ __ ] nintendo and shutting like they might have the legal right but it just upsets me it genuinely obsessed me but they're just pulling a a douchey move of shutting down the big house that [ __ ] sucks just let people play their illegal game that's all i'm asking oh yeah i need to do my uh or if you guys don't know nintendo hit uh hit a like one of the longest running smash bros tournaments it was actually the first competitive tournament i watched after like joining the community was big house five and so like holds a special spot in my heart you know it just sucks they they aren't making any money on melee anyways like it's all you know there's no money going to nintendo anyways so it's just like uh who gives a [ __ ] will you do a video over it to bring more attention what can i really do just say hey this [ __ ] sucks as they continue doing it yeah i don't know i don't think there's a lot to be done i mean nintendo league legally can't let a company make money off an emulator version i mean legally they can let people do whatever the [ __ ] they want it's a it's on them if they want to take action on it or not and they did decide they wanted to take action on it yeah maybe maybe i will i don't think it'll change anything but you know on on the off chance that they it does change something i'd like to be a part of it yeah we'll see i'll think about it i was like i'm i'm just so melee adjacent where i'm not like super in the know i guess like i kind of got a lot of information from being on the outside but i'm still pretty uh adjacent to it you know does that make sense all right i'm going to waterfall bye bye oh not crunch yeah like if i made a video i just wouldn't want to do it unless i'm like fully informed and that's that would take time and i that's not something i have right now oh yeah this is uh the trial let me uh let me mash these mf rare candies real quick though hey shut up hop i'm not following you yet okay uh we're still fully healed no we are not actually uh okay we got four rare candies yeah we'll just let him rock all right we'll get to level 88 not bad oh i got scared i got scared i don't know why i'm always surprised when the screen pops up if i haven't seen it 87 times what do you think the likeliness of melee hd is uh i think the likeliness is who cares because melee players like melee because it's melee not because i like i don't even think melee players are stubborn i just think they like a thing and they want to play that thing you might say they don't want to play anything other than melee and i'm like who gives a [ __ ] they they just want to have fun and playing melee is fun for them so how i see it is uh they just want to play melee let them play melee if if they do melee hd and it's not one for one with hd graphics the melee community will not accept it they like what they have will this be on alpha red replay yeah it will be there are melee players that also play ultimate yeah and they're ultimate players that also play melee there there is some overlap but they're honestly i think melee and ultimate should be viewed as like two separate platformers in the sense that like tekken is different than street fighter you know what i mean just two completely different sets of skills will this be animated like sunshine yes it will be or the sunshine and uh the other video you just said the sunshine and the other market video yeah i'm stupid sorry is alfred rewind gonna be canceled like youtube rewind uh the channel's not even named that it's it's it's a alpha rad replay but yeah no all right keep it up pikachu you're doing great and tekken is a 3d fighter while street fighter is a 2d fighter i mean yeah like that that is a more stark difference but like i would even say melee is that different from smash ultimate mean if you want a better comparison you can say oh it's like you wouldn't call street fighter players uh think of literally any fighting game and i'm blanking like fighters players like anime fighters there you go is that a better comparison i think he meant rewind of alfred 2020 oh uh probably not because those are just like highlights oh [ __ ] i gotta get started on that [ __ ] now they have the same goal but completely different rules of gameplay i think that's a really good way to put it because like in tekken and street fighter your objective is to get your opponent's health to zero whereas in melee and ultimate your goal is to have your opponent lose all their stocks but the methods on doing that is so different in melee than it is an ultimate which is so interesting uh what do i want to do just waterfall just spam waterfall it works we are making progress i was honestly pretty scared that we wouldn't be able to do it and i know we have not gotten there yet but like i am feeling good thank you double for the thank you it's like the difference between soccer and basketball baseball and kickball yeah it's just like obviously skills from melee transfer over to ultimate and vice versa but you know each still has its a very wide variety of skills unique to the title why would you play pokemon and curse uh i i don't have an answer to that i think my favorite comment i ever got was from a first name last name just like you and they said why look at these geniuses who play mario and say swear words yeah right kids are watching and it was just i like the energy behind it so much look at these geniuses if you play mario you don't swear i'm sorry those are the rules bucko pokemon is a good christian game melee is about edge guarding while ultimates about ledge trapping i mean that's that's that's only like kind of true i don't think either game should be like simplified that much i think like smash 4 was much more ledge trap heavy than ultimate just like the top tiers had better tools for leg trapping i feel and also ledge trumping was so much different led trumping was so much better for lead trapping i don't know why people act like they hate it now smash 4 is a really cool game i liked it i mean literally gave me a career like you know i would not have any other things in my life that i have now if it was uh was not for smash bros for wii u in 3ds yeah i think i think like honestly cloud and bayo is like whenever people think of smash 4 they just think oh cloud and bayo and not like anything else but like you know the game kind of existed for uh like over a year without those characters like almost two years actually right no no i think it was like a year and a half maybe smash is so sick i think the characters are just really well designed in smash 4. oh yeah we're at the top oh yeah cool i don't she studied me right she knows that all i have is a mudkip right so she shouldn't be surprised but i feel like everyone who battles me is one of two things if you see that your opponent only has one mudkip you're either overly confident or terrified and i feel like both our appropriate reacts are both appropriate uh yeah both are appropriate reactions that will uh ultimately all end in death oh [ __ ] you oh yeah that's what i thought [ __ ] i was like if she really opens with the willow wisp on my physical mud kip huh my how cheeky to do such a thing to hurt my partner yeah whatever wait hold up this theme doesn't get credit this theme kind of slaps i haven't hm i never hear people talk about this song but this is kind of cool rock smash yes epic cool i can't believe she lost the coin flip on that willow wisp right there because if it's not if it's not a hundred percent guaranteed it's gonna hit it there is a 50 chance of it hitting every single time poison gas who really cares about that just gas mask it you got this isolazzle cough sonic and smash ultimate what does that money what what was the last thing i said i don't know but maybe maybe something hello the show dynamics yeah y'all's yells dynamaxx max geyser probably won't kill would be funny if it did nails max knuckle i'll buff that attack power and then i'll kill that little poison bastard that she has after this yeah i don't think pikachu's going to be level 100 for the before the pokemon league but it was uh pikachu 1 was not level 100 in the first time we did this yeah let me just buff max knuckle twice that's all i need to do aqua ring oh thanks idiot i'm a water type oh that's not what that move does is it i'm just stupid which happens to the best of us especially the stupid ones okay max knuckle again though the second time will be even stronger and you'll be even more dead and now she sends out garbage pokemon and now i hit him with a physical max geyser and he might just die if not he dies the next round so all's good this is my last pokemon seriously i'm speaking a third person okay you know someone's lost that when they're speaking in third person have you ever met someone who speaks in third person like unironically because i feel like the only people i know who do that are like muscle heads in like sitcom tv shows i've never met anyone who actually or person himself in third person are there people who do that honestly because i never want to meet them i'm just curious if anyone has someone says yes what oh yes my teacher did like let's say okay let's say kevin is eating a cake is kevin going to be like kevin hungry like is kevin really going to do that do you guys know a kevin in your life oh my god you people do that's so terrifying that's terrifying we did it though we murdered her pokemon oh that's the face of someone who lost to mudkip oh you really are a hopeless woman jesus but thanks for the seven thousand dollars okay all right match 3 more dialogue typical mudkip what do we even do because i know we come back here okay but is this a weird cut scene that doesn't have audio or what is this this is weird i thought leon was gonna be a bad guy in this moment and i said wow that's scary that'd be sad and there's mudkip oh and leon but now we gotta go do a battle i hope we get to do a battle i hope he doesn't do anything bad i hope he doesn't do anything bad uh i hate that we're gonna have to fight eternitis is there a way to clip out of bounds any like what if what if there's a way to clip out of bounds oh i did turn cutscenes off didn't i hell yeah uh yeah show me the way to win the stadium thank you we still have modkit let's just save because there's a lot of dialogue we went through there's a glitch relating to a bike and a berry what there's a niche way to clip out on a single route okay but that's not that's not gonna help me here right there's no there's no way right have you caught eternities off stream huh well that's a great idea it absolutely counts yep so all your pokeballs i already have i forget all the boys are here and b and nessa could have modded to turn this into a mud kit yeah if i like thought i could and like that'd be funny but you know like modding mudkip into the game is one thing but making the win condition possible only by modding it's just kind of lame to me you know so that's why i didn't want to do that oh this is the opening ceremony i forgot it's now a bracket baby we're in the finals yeah yeah we got top eight whatever and now just pretend you watch the cutscene everyone say wow that cutscene was so cool wait you oh no could it be someone's crashing the bracket that's definitely illegal and we're not gonna allow it right oh wait it is illegal and we're allowing it oh that's crazy okay okay i just can't believe how beefy this mudkip is compared to everyone else they just can't do anything about that so this is gonna be fairy type uh this is steel fairy so max knuckles neutral really i think the play here is always just max knuckle max knuckle max geyser it's raining we got plus two attack everything dies that sucks we'll have plus one attack well that's i'll take the plus one uh pikachu's max knuckles yeah nintendo wants to take down melee for modding their game take me down baby i modded pokemon i got mud kit baby what are you gonna do about that eh yeah so now i'm neutral attack right because that was minus one plus one now plus one so i'm gonna be uh i'm gonna have two or not this plus one attack gardevoir okay now you get max geyser and die instantly oh my god we can do this we can totally do this like max knuckle max knuckle into max geyser absolutely the play we get our attack up and then we're just chilling absolutely chilling in the rain oh rapid dash oh that's glaring reproduction is true true all right bye bye baby mudkip time so we're about to murder a cake after this right we're just gonna spam waterfall they're faster than me that's fine look at that damage oh baby damage for a baby little pikachu let's uh break her legs yeah yeah and now he's gonna waste our time by summoning a giant cake but have you seen the cake on that mudkip feels weird now that i said that out loud i thought it'd be funnier uh yeah we're gonna waterfall again we'll show you a truly great shut up it's gonna die in one turn i'm still wondering how he's gonna get around ground enemies oh i get pikachu all right there's something really funny about a theatric cutscene that lasts 20 seconds to dynamax and then mudkip just goes and it dies i love mud get pop off yeah yeah yeah stay mad stay mad i couldn't win yeah damn right well i lost true true nothing but facts over here true true so true okay bye-bye just stop talking just go leap you weren't even allowed out here so now let's uh fight but for real yeah that's crazy that that happened huh back to the finals should i save i mean there's no reason to save but like honestly yeah we're gonna save this should be safe all right the trainer endorsed by the champion himself mudki oh yeah and then nessa well i'm just gonna spam waterfall anyways so i don't really care what you do wait i don't even need to do max geyser now this [ __ ] gonna keep it raining the most foolish thing she can do is rain dance oh my god if you make it rain you are just stupid you're utterly foolish if you make it rain all right let it rip beyblade beyblade sonia might be disappointed but i'm going to wash your team why are you bringing sonia into this um what is this bug [ __ ] what is this what is this i want to say bug fighting but is that true yeah let me do a research on my pokedex a bug water oh god it's a water trainer i'm so stupid literally a water team all right well they're gonna hit me with first impression right you're just gonna hit me with first impression uh i don't oh yeah if i go dynamax it doesn't matter yeah again i really think the play is to just get plus to attack and then kill everything else i think plus two attack is just broken bro just rock slide no i don't care this is not about killing the pokemon it's about killing every other pokemon oh first this is fine i'll gladly waste all the dynamax right here i'm just buffing the mud kit yeah y'all aren't thinking long term plus this is the rain girl i can get plus three attack and i'll still be chilling oh emergency exit bye bye now what what do you got for me huh seeking i think the sea king dies oh but what about pelican oh my god you need to do max rockfall you need to do next rock ball you all would lose to a solo mudkip that's all i'm saying come on bye bye seeking yeah yeah look at that plus three attack now all right bring them back out huh yeah yeah yeah okay she's like yeah okay he could deal with a baby mudkip now i'm sure mudkip's not that scary this thing is a beast oh what do you want now you want to see rockslide now y'all want to see that rockslide oh first impression very cute you got damage in there how does it feel nessa you're not going to have that feeling again you really have to out prioritize a level 88 mudkip that's where your life's at right now can't even hold a candle to him oh vera scuda all right fine you can outspeed me i'll allow it it just doesn't matter it just doesn't matter drill run oh that's fine that's that's fine ow okay well let's not get too confident here we we've uh we've seen uh things go wrong in the past uh where are where where are we when are we raining girl oh pelipper oh you're gonna make it rain right definitely make it rain i don't think there's anything oh yeah let's go let's go pelipper thank you you're so stupid you are so stupid i'm in the rain right now so i'm chilling let's heal my kid that sound good to you yeah let's get let's hit one of these real quick oh i like how she's using pelipper to set up her her dreadnought but she does not know what's about to happen oh yeah cool pelipper tailwind yo your dreadnought's gonna be so fast and cool oh my god how do you do it nessa this is the most dog [ __ ] option i've ever seen like i won this fight from the moment we walked in looks like i'm down to the last one pokemon pretend i have reading comprehension or just reading you know all right and this move is going to be neutral we got stabbed it's rain and we're plus three i think she's gonna gigantomax dreadnought and he's still just gonna die does she have a gigantic max now i know she just dynamics the first time yeah okay gigantomax oh turtleneck turtle oh i get it anyways he dies oh but he's so fast though she thinks she did something here when she knocked out a fifth of my health uh-huh wow oh no no you [ __ ] why would you do that you're just scared and i didn't even need the rain oh nice try so desperate so desperate for anything she really just wanted to change the topic as fast as she could she knew what she was that was a towel that was a white towel if i've ever seen it yeah yeah a game of rage game of rage how is that rock faster than you uh might keep having low base speed stats and also peliper used tailwind last round oh yeah there's a bracket who cares mudkips that player who's just like yeah i'm good i don't need to look at bracket oh wait one of these for the fans though you know they've forgotten about it strike a pose i wish i could get mudkip doing that like the actual pokemon oh now we're running back with b after this we could fight leon though right am i really about to fighting type fighting type b is that what we're doing uh yeah i shouldn't i'll just rock slide here and then i'll do fighting for the other ones oh hi jump kick what have you missed to be funny okay that's also fine i forgot neutral huh yeah uh well okay well while i'm here this will kill and i'll just be a little tankier yeah in that moment i forgot that fighting also resists rocks ice beam is super effective yeah that's okay oh look look at that idiot can't even hit wait that's actually bad because now i don't get my max knuckle that was a wasted turn ah that was a wasted turn at least if i killed them i would have gotten the plus one attack oh what a genius play by do being absolutely awful at the game i never saw that one coming oh so now i'm only plus one attack oh a greek tragedy leaf blade what the [ __ ] excuse me i mean okay make it rain then i yeah but how did halucha miss that that was the biggest mudkip the world has ever seen he just walked right by it maybe just shot in between the legs if so i understand oh flinks okay well we raining no i'm not i like blade leaf blade makes sense now but like in the moment i was definitely like what the [ __ ] just just not what i expected by for links okay so we only have plus one we only have plus one right now can we really get all the way through i should heal after this because i know that machamp is gonna have like that one gmax move that crits a lot that's a little scary oh wait she's bringing in the dubstep hold up oh the beat drops uh yeah you know what we'll run the risk i think machamp dies here there is like a chance i die here but i'm willing to risk it because mudkip's very cool and fast oh yeah he's fast why am i even worried i always like create these narratives where i should be scared and then they never come to fruition my arrogance gets rewarded every single time and i could not be happier colin d love mudkip such a big mud kit fan yes sir no sir no we ain't doing that today challenger mudkip has shown his skill thank you for a wonderful match i really enjoyed battling with you and your team team team yeah yeah team yeah why do people think oh and now it's oh i forgot i have another battle right here sis you shouldn't be forcing your way in here what what are we doing dialogue oh no it's going so fast i can't read i feel like they should make the dialogue slow down you know i just don't have time to read it right now i mean i have enough time to read it because i'm very smart but i'm sure you guys don't you know yeah i'm just trying to get the best viewer experience possible all right we are ready to go okay who's gonna battle leon so this isn't gonna be a double battle right is this a double battle did i send pikachu home too soon or i think they just let me 1v2 them i think this is kind of badass wait hold up i'm i'm about it i think this is a true test of skill right here oh no no it's a single battle it's a single battle okay so he uses turquoise drought right because he's setting up for charizard yep i think i'm just going to combat it it gets the sunlight burning real harsh i uh i'm just going to dynamax and max geyser this will probably still kill torquel maybe and hope it'll it'll make it rain oh i forgot i said charizard as if i thought i was fighting leon for some reason yeah sorry that is for tertinator yeah oh well i mean that was a good chance though a good try i mean he does torquel die really wow drought max geyser still kills crazy i think torkel was trying to use solar beam that was the play right well good attempt oh goodra uh i could use max hailstorm and be super effective but i want to keep the rain here and i want to buff my attack so we're going to max knuckle yeah because gujarat dies next round so it's all good oh thunder nice as long as i don't get paralyzed [ __ ] come on come on come on okay as long as you use max knuckle i was happy all right so we got plus two attack we snuck it out of there and now we get to use a full restore next time everything's great oh flygon can't do [ __ ] some mudkip if only mudkip could be a ground type you know if if only there was anything market could do to have a dual typing you know like i feel like that would have been so much better oh flag on you sandstorm damn you're a [ __ ] i sure just ice beamed that hoe [ __ ] wait let the winds blow no shut up you're just wasting your turn you could have gotten attack in there i sure just used ice me earthquake very cool yeah i'd still probably have gotten out sped but i wouldn't have taken earthquake damage dang no no rain kind of hurts my game plan a little bit dang alright so this is fire dragon ice is neutral waters neutral uh ice is special i water's physical and stab i use water and he dies in one hit yeah yeah that's how it be sometimes i don't know if i got hit by the sandstorm you do realize i'm the great ryon right oh okay i didn't even get time to dramatically read that all right so what this is a steel dragon waterfall's not very effective rocks you i like waterfall is still stronger than rock smash but wouldn't it be funny wouldn't it be funny we're just going to waterfall him there is going to waterfall there's going to waterfall them rock smash for the fans would like rock smash for the fans is when it's not optimal rock smash was actually optimal there yeah rock smash would have been funnier also you can't make dynamics pokemon flinch i saw some people praying for flinch g-max depletion evio light baby we ain't dying today we're getting close today i just want to see if water kills okay look at that how much damage it did with uh uh just how much damage it did despite being quad weak it wasn't quad reek was it ah who cares we're just gonna rock smash for the fans now because now anything would kill but we're still gonna rock smash okay nice sandstorm hit ouchies that was weaker than your gmax depletion i think they're only allowed to use their g move once though i think it's just how the game be mate i don't know max knuckle a little late buddy oh mudkip's never been on the receiving end of this but watch this here it comes for the fans rock smash oh he lived i did not expect rocks wait now it's time to do rock smash for the fans [ __ ] oops rock smash for the fans there we go we be smashing rocks i think like having rock smash this late in the game is just insulting to the competition but mudkip stay winning so like you know if it ain't broke don't fix it we need a funny move in this game it keeps things interesting all right and now we've made it yes the big moment's finally here eh oh hello cinderace why just go what are you here for you got nothing to do oh blah blah blah oh why do i need to heal i'm acting like there's something i gotta do i am gonna save right here though just in case uh something might happen hey haha guys we're gonna go fight the gym champion league thing oh and it's totally gonna happen nothing else is gonna occur just one good old fight no plot no mashing through dialogue whatever guys i think something's gonna happen oh never mind we're getting into position something ah nah it's okay it's all good wait hold on look at the monitor they were saying look at the monitor before anything was on it oh thank you base cutscene skip lee mudkip yeah what's thanks hop i'm glad the meeting of the minds we're all here right where we need to be ah yeah whatever hop i know what i got to do easy for you to say hey hop let let me go let me go i got a world to save if you would uh oh we gotta oh we gotta go there first but come on just let's go let's let's stop this for a while that cutscene was so cool right what a cool cutscene what a sick cutscene oh hello sonia what's good oh yeah where my frames go oh thank god i got revives oh we know i'm going to use those prevalent hops sorry ass thanks mom all that matters is that i'm i'm gone who are you talking to yeah this is just the speed running strat actually all right don't tell me i have to fight a level three skovit uh i'm i'm uh i'm feeding the edge of the map oh come on oh and everything was dodged nothing of value was lost why is there still more oh i forgot there's still more oh yeah this is where the stronger ones are oh yep and i just got to keep going north not that north this north not that north either no no no no no okay oh [ __ ] he got me he got me so good uh no bye bye uh i'm getting there slowly but sure hello hop i found it just as fast as you did it's not just north it's it's the northeast north northeast yep that's what i said uh-huh i did graduate from elementary school also dog hello what's good yeah me too okay they disappeared that's crazy what if we kept walking forward oh hello just appears there did mom say it's my time to play xbox yet let's go get the sword and shield it's so crazy i am surprised i guess like the reason they didn't release a new pokemon game this year was because they released the dlc for sword and shield so i wonder what they're going to do next year wait is this a cut scene i did not sign up for this this is a cut scene oh no they have a text box on it so it's not a cut scene diamond pro remakes i feel diamond pearl remakes happening honestly it's gonna happen maybe though i think it's about time gen 4 but with dynamaxing lol all right i am now strapped with the sword i wish i saw mudkip holding the sword that would have been a very powerful image oh and that settles it i'm taking the shield okay what whatever you want all right cool oh damn you just want to escort me what a what a gentleman hop is oh hello rhihan i hope you're not salty after the battle it was kind of funny though losing to rock smash right that was pretty funny okay but um of course i am i'm i'm gonna be the champion and it's gonna be funny remember in the alpha red deluxe play through a pokemon shield where we almost lost against the champion because of munchlax hey remember me you were being a [ __ ] and [ __ ] trying to take over the world where's the other [ __ ] at oh yeah now she's scared of him okay let me just okay all righty then am i healed that would be a nice thing to have an answer to i'm gonna assume yes cool level 89. hello chairman rose what's up i'm just here to stop the darkest day do you know anything he he pogged at me he was like true oh but he's also here too we all agree we don't know what the plot of this game is right right imagine busting out your dark souls theme just to have a boy with a mudkip stop your entire plan excavalier yeah more like shouldn't even be here uh yeah i mean i'm just gonna plus three max knuckle because like i wanna see his giant pokemon die but specifically to max knuckle or rock smash for the fans yeah this theme is not for chairman rose this is the theme of mudkip this is his boss battle music if anything rose is a skater look at him don't you think that's unfair he's asking for easy mode in dark souls who is he this max knuckle kills though all right bye bye isn't it unfair that you're stronger than me facts oh ferrothorn yo can we talk about [ __ ] this pokemon high key one of my least favorite pokemon in competitive ever i hope this dude died you know what i don't even know why i'm complaining about ferrothorn i should just have a giant level 80 or 89 mudkip and then it's a no-brainer easy game all right halo clean clang do you know do you know what mud gives about to do to you you're about to see wait hold up you want to see rock smash for the fans right wait what if i show you the most cracked for the fans ever come on take them that's not don't paralyze me all right we living we living all right it's over ggs ggs just like that though all right rock smash for the fans bye bye so now what does he have berserker oh wait this is dark is it dark steel yeah i'm just gonna heal because i know this is a free dubski right here i have a max potion right who cares i'm not going to use all these anyways yeah this is absolutely the theme of mudkip and it's not even up for a contest anymore chairman rose forfeited rights to the song rock smash bye bye bye bye oh it's just steel i thought it was dark steel huh i did not know his mono steel uh oh down to my last pokemon huh this isn't looking too good he's thinking about camping hey watch him come over i'll show you a move that'll hit so hard you'll be speechless is he gonna get to it does he even get to use a move or is he just wasting my time with the cutscene okay we'll see what happens here look at that tiny mudkip crit nice for the fans i love seeing the size difference of the mud kit versus copper oh that felt good felt so good oh no one's happy about that one oh okay i forgot how great okay all right buddy it's just funnier to me when you see the size difference of mudkip and copperaja although i think stop talking now yep a champion should have captured tournaments by now if you're curious take the lift up all right thanks for being my friend after plotting world domination i think or you know trying to power up the city i don't really know what you're doing give me a moment give me a moment i just want to make sure i'm healed i feel like they're just going to auto heal me anyways and let's not really act like it matters just trying to get infinite energy sure the copper aha isn't the h sound oh it's copper raja oh i just assumed the ha was there that that's my spanish minor speaking it just looks very spanish look at this eternitis this you see this pokemon and you just what the [ __ ] is this this is the most yu-gi-oh pokemon ever you know what i mean thanks hop and you mudkip you two have really grown tremendously but no need for you kids to worry uh-huh and then what and then what happens i'm spanish and that's no way spanish okay well i'm sorry then oh look he threw a pokeball it'd be crazy if it stayed in there huh thank you charizard the the the turn oh pokeballs do that that's so badass i just can't believe that he just threw a pokeball at it i mean it's not like i have a pokeball or anything i'm not spanish and that is spanish my guy all right eternity is exerting pressure uh all right well there's there's no way waterfall just kills it in one hit right oh flamethrower uh interesting play uh questionable now what okay that's fine like i can't use high speed but it was just special so i didn't want to use it dynamax cannon is a badass move though because it like is the antithesis it's very anti-meta for what they introduce in this game i think that's kind of cool it's dragon type spew ice beam yeah but like mudkip has better uh physical so i just wanted to see what happened okay bye bye that was a good match now what just imagine hearing all this this lore about this pokemon eternitis and then seeing the singular mudkip take it down what was charizard even doing also here's a cutscene i can't skip thanks hop now isn't this where we do the the dynamaxx raid uh oh this pokemon that can't be dynamaxx is dynamaxing how does he do it mudkip looks so confused and alarmed and i can't say i blame him all right this is just the the cutscene fodder right this is such a cool form this is not in the game go on pikachu apparently it has the highest total slash mini pokemon really that's crazy they just wanted us to be strong yeah yeah we'll just spam this then oh i forgot i can't attack that's so crazy i wonder if they'll play another cut scene ha ha oh sound effect bring it home baby bring it home it's not even strong it's just a wall look it's dogs can everyone say wow dog but try and sound as unenthusiastic as possible but this song though this song slaps they come into such a badass way though i will give it credit like it's sick and then you just say oh and yeah have it back that's fine oh it's like pokemon sword and shield and now we're going even further beyond oh that's them not me because mudkip's been further beyond i think mudkip would beat goku i feel you know i hate that the dog just holds a sword i think that's such a bad design i think shield dog's sick but sword dog just you know intrepid sword buff that attack buff that defense oh it turned to this wow this legendary pokemon is exerting pressure that's crazy um you know what i'm gonna rock smash for the fans oh thank you my attack rose huh don't mind if i do okay thank you for the light screen coward just hold forward just attack him max wormwind okay look at mudkip take that hit baby not even scared like i know i'm doing a funny challenge run and sending my mudkip out but hop why the [ __ ] are you throwing dub wool out this is like the moment you've been waiting for his defense is down though long game long game strats all right you know what hop just what else do you have show me what else you got because i just don't think this doubles cutting it all the budget went into that animation and you know it what is this one i don't remember what this animation looks like is it as cool like so not as cool so not as cool oh yeah steel type or is it steel fighting steel fairy are those the two typings of them go double yeah uh speaking of double bye double oh god can't even die right yeah this animation's sick and then he just cool dogs do not look at explosions positions just fairy ah i see that's weird that they make some of them like one of the mono one not that's very strange max ooze oh take it take it take it yeah i'm not scared that's a special attack buff and then don't i no all right good job he just died a oh my god who do i even attack now yeah all right it just failed how fine fine i'll focus on the bad guy i realize that this is like honestly impossible for me to like lose i don't know how i could have lost this battle because literally the dogs did everything i even tried to kill hoff and i failed in that he's so incompetent where he could only do it to himself oh wait this is it i don't wait i don't have a pokeball look away everybody look away everybody look away what are you guys talking about we didn't catch it nothing happened oh you guys actually don't see it right now but uh uh pokey sound effect uh oh you just hear him did you just hear him come out of the pokeball oh it didn't even catch oh he actually that was embarrassing oh and he just ran away wow i can't believe that he just he wow so unfortunate so unfortunate that that happened oh so i'm going to have to pull some loopholes out because i'm not i don't want the run to end there because i i want to beat it ten days later three days later something i can't believe hop caught it yes i wish hop caught it yeah that is story force which is you know kind of similar to cast form let's just say the force catches don't count look okay i'm still gonna beat the game with only mudkip you know so uh what a duo where one of these pokemon just outclasses the other entirely and uh bye bye all right on to the next one we never used it it's gone the most powerful being in the universe just out there it's gone by infinite energy demon okay i just released him inside of a hotel oh god oh [ __ ] uh let's hit a hit of fatty save on that one we have caught two pokemon all right challenger mudkip actually you know what i got infinite energy coursing through my body we're just gonna go uh right to the stadium that hotel is never gonna recover from that and that is how luigi's mansion 3 started that's the spin-off of pokemon sword all right leon it's finally time for an actual battle but for real this time because this victory isn't just for me it's not just for the fans but it's for the swamper we left behind who's living their own life now and we're gonna have a champion of a time oh leon good job that sure is him slap slap clap clap clap these [ __ ] cheeks he threw the k-pop oh wait oh oh okay opening with aegis slash interesting i can't just spam max knuckle but what i can do it's one of the dudes of the champion to get the crowd fired up you don't think the crowd's popping off for a mudkip right now they see solo mudkip and grands i promise you people are popping off because uh i'm uh popping pills while they're doing that are the people popping off oh stance change that's what i wanted why even waste time attacking him right now shadowball that's okay take it tank it take it okay okay okay okay more damage than i'd like but just pop the waterfall go first yeah we're fast boy bye bye uh-huh drag a pull oh another ghost okay this one's also incredibly fast but but you know oh that's not good that's not good at all uh no paralyzed aiming for super effective hit okay the apple does not fall far from the tree waterfall insecurity drag bolt so beefy he's gonna attack me again he's gonna attack me twice uh waterfall here pray for not crit that's fine i can deal with that what if i get a crit now i might get a crit and that'd be funny i didn't though yeah i'm gonna risk it all the same he's gonna use thunderbolt and it's not gonna crit no use ice beam ah who cares like the thing is i want to use waterfall because i already have plus two attack oh oh oh oh okay really boom actually uh uh there are dynamaxx for the people oh knock off oh my evio light no that's actually huge uh we're gonna dynamax ah this is this isn't this isn't uh i'm just gonna farm i'm gonna farm max knuckle right here i know this is not the time to farm but this is a make or break moment for pikachu oh this is bad this is really bad evil light losing evil light is huge oh no we essentially just got a defense buff or nerf oh no no no no no endeavor oh she's an idiot i got minuscule health okay plus one plus one plus one why didn't i use ice because i'm farming endeavor that's fine oh you have 247 health oh that's cute that's really cute can't relate could never be mean okay we are now plus four attack so uh things are pretty good yeah i'm playing long game right here sending out haxorus oh break that mold baby okay so you might say he's gonna use a dragon use max hailstorm but i don't need hail i need to make it rain just make it rain make it rain and then i can comfortably heal because this is going to kill him no ice beam required all right okay all right okay right here i can absolutely heal during this oh wait okay now i'm baby mud kip against ryperio and charizard and charizard has a grass type move okay okay so this it's it's pikachu against the world right now this is it's go time earthquake okay we can take that we can take that wait no evil light no evil light please please be faster than ryperior thank god thank god thank god i don't think we can live a super effective move oh my god especially from charizard oh and he's gonna be dynamaxx with max overgrowth oh no oh no oh no okay okay okay i'm not gonna out speed charizard let me just heal let me just heal we know what he's about to do oh no no no no no no no no no come on don't let it in here we know what he's gonna do okay if only we had evil light things would be different maybe he won't go for the grass move you know maybe maybe he wants the rain to stop there's a there's a chance oh no oh no runs dead runs dead i think runs dead because of the knockoff oh come on come on max overgrowth max overgrowth no no don't die don't die much this is winnable this is winnable i need your energy i need your power cheer this mudkip on he can do it he he can [ __ ] do it keep letting him rip baby keep letting him rip he may use max wildfire oh no he's going to keep spamming max up okay no crit no crit no crit no crit no crit keep them coming keep them coming keep them coming we're getting even stronger we're getting even stronger all right if we can just if he does not hit me with gmax wildfire and change the weather i think we're good we still raining boys no no water's dead rain's dead right rain's dead we got this come on chant for pikachu chan for pikachu full restore is he gonna two part solar beam me tell me you're going to try and solar beam me so ho ho absorb the light all you want you wouldn't even make it sunny you absolute fool okay we don't even have rain so let's just let let's drop the rocks on them top through the solar beam i know you can pikachu no crit thank god for the fans oh oh you're looking at a new pokemon champion with the crit pretty good and mudkip does it again hide that shame [ __ ] hide that shame who could be upset though with the mudkip taking home the gold oh i know what you want but now's not the time you'll complete your arc just like the pikachu before you one day but until then mudkip has become the champion oh and then we release them yep yep yep yep oh what a run what a run there there were a lot of uh technicalities on that one but you know we still we still got a w at the end of the day i know what you might be thinking technically but there is no other way to do this so i took all the wins i could wow feeling good i i'm feeling good are you guys ready for the video the fully animated video i i'm going to make a fully animated video as well as a highlight video and it's going to be very cool wow am i gonna do the dlc i don't think i can oh that donation dropping for the two hundo can't become a champion without spamming full restore very true very true you should shiny hunt i am not a fan of shiny hunting honestly all right so who are we going to raid now because that was that was the stream uh i think i think you guys remember sarah we we uh who's playing with her right now do i even know them i don't think so i'm not gonna load the stream all right we're gonna rage sarah everyone just say colon three that's all we're gonna do and then this stream is gonna be uploaded to alpha red replay very soon immediately dare i say so everyone just hit her with a colon three if she asks where you came from just say colon three all right goodbye everyone oh wait wait we gotta get to the title screen first can i can i skip this hey hey hold up hold up hold up hold up we aren't doing it just yet i see you're already feeding uh her stream but that's fine that's fine i i'm gonna stay right here until we get to the victory screen because it's important and it's powerful uh-huh we'll get through this eventually you're forgetting the post story now we just ain't doing it i'll post a picture of it oh well follow me on twitter go to sarahstream bye bye
Channel: Alpharad Replay
Views: 165,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad
Id: WqgtCxlm-qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 24sec (9864 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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