The weirdest Mario game you've never played

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The funny part isnI could never forget Mario Party Advance

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
ah mario party everyone's favorite way to ruin friendships and to keep the kids quiet during divorce settlements all jokes aside it's a fun game to play with your friends but what if you don't have any or what if you need to keep little timmy silent on a road trip to the grand canyon for some reason they were prepared for this question and created a single player campaign within mario party advance i know that every mario party game has a standard play the boards alone story mode but this one is simply built different instead of many games you have the mushroom challenge instead of this awesome car you now have a shoe instead of competition with friends you have side quests and by the way you're alone the game starts out with you guessed it a personal questionnaire they ask some normal questions like for your name birth month and your hobby and you even get to create a character that you never use my hair's kind of long oh yeah your hair is mad long now there we go that that's weird that's actually you default vc baby had a personal comment and then the real questions come in hey kids what are your biggest ambitions in life that's great what about your silliest little secret i'm not telling them anything nobody can know someone typed out like they're full on so you're like i think my parents are getting divorced as their secret toad introduced such to the grand story of mario party at best oh my god party wait poor toad oh okay so i think there is something wrong now bowser blew them all to shroom city that let's party and go to shroom city yeah bowser knows how to have a good party apparently wait wait up mr bowser sir this loser won't dare come to shroom city now i'm being peer pressured by koopa kid okay if you're not coming to shroom city with koopa kid no offense but you're a little bit of a [ __ ] peer pressure succeeds yet again and we are on our way to shroom city we got to choose from an expansive roster and then our whimsical little journey began this is not a mario party game this is a strategy game dependent on resource management and sheer willpower you have five dice blocks and god damn it you better use them right peach's goal is to travel door to door like a latter-day saint and solve everyone's problems regardless if they want or to or not our first client is none other than hooth the owl who is a gambling addict he is in too deep but just needs one little lucky break so yes let's gamble for him yeah it's not really this isn't a mini game either this is just straight up gamble this is gambling like whenever i think mario party mini games i think we're on an ice cream cone with more ice cream falling or like yeah yo and that's the gambler's fall seeing how it works look he's so happy oh no this game taught kids a very valuable lesson and not a good one now we're heading southbound arriving at the spear thicket i am wanting a duel but you are not having well yeah of course misogyny after meeting burger king's social media manager we were informed of the mushroom challenge this is the only real way to stay positive in your resource management and it's by completing a single mini game i mean the um completing the mushroom challenge our journey took us on a search for equal rights and then it was time for a dance break similar to sex as shy guys some missions cannot be completed as peach since dory is desperate to meet yoshi as we enter the desert we are greeted with competition as hammer bro is ready to throw down i i challenge you yo the challenge okay oh my god you're going to tow i've even closed wouldn't it that would not have been that close see you later i'm going to train more what a good loser yeah he took that loss in stride next door a bullet bill with an unchecked ego is begging to throw hands uh they have hands right hey stay out my way i'm training or do you have a bone to pick with me the the hammer bro was so much cooler about his training [Music] okay you're actually destroying him what is this rubber band not bad oh wait i think he was just [ __ ] talking you first the dialogue scared me for a little bit my ego almost got the best of me here take this i've never related to a mario party character before you got the mini soccer well you beat me fair and square thanks i'm gonna take my ego what a nice bullet bill he learned the dangers of an unearned ego the falls are mighty but that's only if you lose so i'm here with the mushroom challenge in this baby game and i am here to murder all of you well i'm gonna take my ego down a notch nah oh well it's time to fight bowser oh oh oh oh no oh you're all out of mushrooms sorry but you'll have to stop right funds over dude should have checked your ego go paige when you game over all the quests you've already completed are still completed the point of a game over is honestly just to inconvenience you since it's supposed to be a long drive to the grand canyon speaking of wasting time pokey the riddle master has created mental challenges that only among us youtubers could understand i'll take the royal challenge hmm you know what joe this one's all you all me okay i'm great at riddles actually here is my first riddle all right what golf's parties and mario it's mario now here is your second riddle luigi okay now bowser bowser it's here's the last riddle what is luigi luigi oh luigi wahoo 45 quests to go yeah yeah we decided to go to a barren desert and toss the nearby hammer over the distant pyramid to engage in you guessed it more gambling param win at least one coin more than you started with honestly if you're only trying to go up one coin now let's see how good a gamer you are good again i think that's mushrooms right i got all but it's not bad no that's i think the only one left is like insane hammock rewards us with the title of game king and then immediately tells us keep on gaming but never become very good oh that's i'm using that later that's that's a new twitter banner which only leaves me confused on where my ego should be but at least this kids game has taught me that gambling is fun gambling sucks time for a super mushroom challenge it's like the normal mushroom challenge but you know super wow as peach entered shroom city for the first time we realized wow these developers were gambling addicts this is dead-ass slots so i wonder how this one works uh you go you put in five and just hope for the best yeah that sounds like slots [Music] gg dude we gotta go to the casino after this we have to actually just go to a casino you know what i do like gambling thanks nintendo speaking of playing a kids game chain chomp invites us for a fun little spa in the form of a game he invented called game chainsaw [Laughter] so great game idea all right we're getting a chainsaw um i don't know 2 p.m ready for some russian roulette whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa this is exactly what i expected from chainsaw honey yoshi getting wrapped up in this dude this is actually just mario party this is insane dude this is oh no i'm tired oh no no no no no no no no no i'm tired peace go crazy go crazy go crazy come on peach you gotta want it more in chainsaw all right that's what that's what's chainsaw's all about oh yeah to be fair russian roulette is a form of gambling so there is a chance we might see it later so like any great rpg we now have fetch quests [Music] wow how fun i would like to interrupt this boring ass objective to talk about the mini games in mario party advance and how not a single one is bad they all have clear goals simple controls and just feel satisfying to complete except for this god damn ice rink [ __ ] then thwomp calls us over and shreem luck the detective yeah to solve a robbery apparently someone stole his money so now it's time to play dank and rompa what so swamp created a crime scene because he was lonely and didn't have any friends when he could have just been playing mario party advance i'm alone are you ready for the next mission we've had strength training crime solving gambling misogyny and now it's time for i need your help to find something i'm looking for a lovely seashell it's not for me it's a gift for someone you need to know who it's for it's a for a cute girl named goombetti whom if i give her a gift she might like me oh you know what you won't [ __ ] it we're on a mission yeah no we're gonna get google aid like when else would we be in a position to help goombob get goombas [Laughter] she likes to pick up a lovely seashell yes ah you've returned so tell me did you find me a seashell oh look this one beautiful oh was she just already here bro what was this what are you doing you didn't need the seashell she just dropped in to see you before you had the shelves why is your door on the second floor wait actually that's how did she do that i came in the door i'm on the first floor i i feel like she did not come from the door also goomba you're rich as [ __ ] you don't need a seashell oh i'm really just like i'm not super reading the dialogue because i'm just like she just went to the bedroom wow well we got him yeah me when i'm about to have sex after another fetch quest we were presented with the fetch quest of all fetch quests probably a robbery koopa bank was robbed when the power was out so naturally we started investigating by interrogating the other people who are present at the bank keep in mind moving for a place to place in this game is a challenge of itself and the worst part is that we had to interrupt goomba who i i'm sure he was busy when it went dark i heard the safe open but that's all i know and i didn't do it well how's it going he said it actually let's not ask him yet we talked to paratroopa and they say that they saw someone steal the money and then we brought us to mr i who is a villain in other games so we pinned it on him something doesn't sound right here are you sure you thought this out okay we can guess another person so you couldn't solve the mystery sorry now i can't give you the gadget that's a try again from the start [Music] this is proof that criminals can be reformed as we were just judgmental bastards unfortunately the consequence of our bigotry resulted in replaying the entire quest [Music] it's paratroopa i know it to be true this time for sure why would he do such a thing all right throw in prison that's right i stole the coins i'm oh bro where were you like 30 minutes ago i just wanted a mess dude it was just a prank actually you know you know that armed robbery it was just a prank it was just a joke sorry about that it was actually just a prank detective could you love parachute no he's always been a prankster sorry that's just me did i do that this time he's gone a bit too far he didn't mean it dude he just stole all the money at the joke if koopa insists i suppose i i appreciate it yeah will you forgive this felony just this one time what the hell is going on with this world i don't even get a reward i don't know what lesson we were supposed to take from that well one man's felony is another man's prank if we're being honest the bank wouldn't have even had this issue if they have something more secure like um today's video is sponsored by nordvpn you've probably heard me talk about them before you know super fast servers 24 7 support no data logging 30 day money back guarantee or maybe you remember me talking about all the special awards they've won or the fact that it's compatible with most operating systems and has an automatic kill switch yeah those guys well all that still rings true but this is an extra special time for them because they're celebrating their birthday and for nordvpn's birthday every purchase of a two-year plan will get you one additional month free and a surprise gift so head on over to alpharad and use the code alfred today we stormed through a few other quests in hopes of opening more bowser pipes in hopes of going through them all at once however this quest ultimately brought us back to gambling you see i'm going to propose to my girl i've been trying to win enough to buy a ring but i'm doing badly actually i'm broke i lost everything i can't marry her now not unless you can help me no problem at all bro you're like the third one today see okay this one's not even gambling i don't think oh wait no this is just pachinko all right oh [ __ ] oh and then we won we cured your debt you're welcome get married get laid have fun yep in that order we were too busy focusing on all of these fun quests that we forgot to manage our resources luckily all we needed to do was win the mushroom challenge oh oh my god it went in it's time to change it up and travel the world as mario kama luigi our journey starts with the tournament arc as luigi climbs a daunting tower to face his lifelong rival mouser after that we go through math as well as a race but we have to lose it so the cheap sheep can feel good about himself well i hope you guys are ready to laugh and ready to do it well i need you to comment exactly how you laugh but please only do it when it's funny for it is time to meet comedy dolphin the comical dolphin this dude is not funny so as you'd expect we have to laugh at his jokes anyways our laughter will hopefully attract other dolphins who will just go with it and also laugh so yeah this is what gaslighting looks like woo dolphin are you just supposed to be like spamming laughter is it like i only have i think i'm only supposed to do it in the punchline zone [Music] i thought the girl crying joke was funny man i thought it was i have no talent sorry i can't give you the gadget i'm just such an unfunny loser uh look man no comedian is funny you did the right part you just told us to laugh this mission is so much harder than it looks because believe it or not there is a right and clear wrong way to laugh at a joke the only thing worse than his comedy is his self-esteem and no that was not a punch line so if you laughed it was just incorrect so i'd appreciate it if you took it back after a careful analysis of these sentences he called jokes he finally validated us as comedy geniuses for finding his jokes funny incredible it's at this point where the freshness of the game was starting to wear off and we realized we're just inside quest hell we needed to complete 40 of the 50 objectives so as any sane person would do we skipped over all the fetch quests then as any impatient person would do we just went straight to bowser the gauntlet started off with everyone's favorite evil sport soccer all you have to do is score on bowser three times this is where i would make a soccer joke but i do not know anything about that sport oh okay if we can just do that huh interesting all right you see he bowser you can lay down buddy that's it we won after defeating bowser we had to kill all of the koopa kids around which is a slightly more violent challenge than soccer the next fight was an ace attorney turnabout as we just had to dissect the inconsistencies in a conversation against bowser and a literal child since he lost the war of the minds our next challenge was to assault multiple koopa kids in a game i called hammer bowser then challenged us to trivia over some nerd [ __ ] that we looked up a guide for and then as you guessed it dual peach huh hey kids tired of gambling yet no sounds like you're not addicted then the koopa kid minigame after that left me confused i don't really know what we're doing here but i'm gonna assume it's keeping up with the theme of violence i don't know i just don't get it anymore in today's episode bowser is dying of frostbite so we have to tell him jokes that will warm him up the implications here are simply baffling because trust me i have never had to worry about being funny and i have especially never been concerned for comedy with someone else's life on the line speaking of other lives death to all koopa kids i mean we saved one alongside bowser and then swiftly murdered 49 others perfectly balanced as all things should be why why is it a dating sim why is this a dating sim you have to learn what bowser likes and then pick out an accessory that fits the best but of course the answer would be rings next task on my agenda i guess is to metal gear solid into bowser's castle which it does not have any other meanings our one goal here is just to hold forward and somehow not murder a single koopa kid for once we still have a ways to go before the final fight i think so luigi scoured the city for mundane tasks like finishing a grocery list backtracking or summoning a ufo eventually this run met an untimely demise so it's time to send in our secret agent fun fact the game just tells you no you actually need a hundred percent everything so now we just got to go back yeah mario arrived at bowser's pipe zone in hopes of gambling for his life literally oh no okay that scared me you're insane thank you you are so insane for that one actually this was the final mission before the final mission i think we walk in on bowser in the lab who prepared something truly evil for us lucky for us we got to choose if it was scary or very scary surprisingly enough there was a right answer if you select scary he summons naval piranha plant behind him only for us to play koopa curling against peach this uh this is the end of the game oh actually we need to be yoshi real quick we forgot dory doesn't have any friends that's the act that's the actual last mission so now it's time to face bowser in a dance to the death we have spent all day rebuilding shroom city through hard work and gambling which has prepared us for this very moment bowser show us what you got what alright everyone phase one of the final boss has been completed now it is time to duel bowser one on one mono imano [Music] what huh what that that that was it that was the final boss a game and watch minigame from 1981 was the final boss and then i realized we actually don't fight mauser a single time in this game the closest we got to it was playing [ __ ] soccer and what happened to toad at the beginning we never even saved him did did he just die did bowser make him commit chainsaw what was the point what i have no idea what this game set out to be but i i think i loved it it had its high highs and low lows but god damn it this game had heart every character was shining with well-written dialogue and this game is brimming with genuinely good humor in almost all aspects mario party advance is so impressive in every way it shouldn't be and in case you got attached to what you once thought of throwaway characters the game signs off with a where are they now segment that is six minutes long goomba might move to the beach with goon betty petal guy gave up poetry for career and carpentry ninja sold his dvd when he got bored of cartoons lego two secretly yearns to be a screenwriter penguin still can't afford that old wedding ring no and most importantly bowser wants a clean start at beating mario in super mario mushroom roulette coming soon [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 1,721,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch, mario party, super mario party, mario party 2, super mario party 2, mario party advance, gameboy advance
Id: w8fxexydJuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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