Best Tips to Pass IELTS in 2021

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hi there it's asiya what can you do to  give yourself the best chance of passing   your ielts exam i once took this exam  myself to study for my master's degree   in london today my score is 8.5 but i still  retake the exam every year to update and   improve my strategies and i want to share my  knowledge with you in this video let's get started   first question is how much time do you  actually need to prepare for your ielts exam   and is it true that the exam is so difficult that  you need to spend months preparing the answer is   no a lot of people can pass their ielts exam quite  quickly when i took it for the first time myself   i had about 10 days to prepare full-time and i  achieved 7.5 that was more than enough to study   for my master's degree indeed 7.5 is enough for  almost everything or anything and most people need   to achieve a score between six and seven i would  say that there are two components for success   your english skills and your ielts skills so right  now your english skills are at a certain level   and with this level you can achieve a range  of scores and ielts let's say between 6 and 7   and your first goal should be to maximize  the score you can achieve right now without   improving your english skills and see  if that's enough to pass your exam   that's because you can develop your ielts skills  quite quickly and you will perform at your best   and you will get your highest score but sometimes  you can do all that you acquire ielts skills   but you still can't get the score you need and  that means that your fundamental english skills   are not at the right level yet and in this case  doing more short-term preparation for example   doing more practice tests or retaking your exam  is not gonna help you need long-term strategies   so in this video we're gonna talk about each  section of the test and what short-term and   long-term strategies you can use to prepare what  i want to say is start your preparation early   even if you have a few months ahead of you  it's much better to take your exam quite soon   and then have your certificate ready for whenever  you need it you know in the past i used to work as   an education consultant and i helped international  students to get admissions in uk universities and   every year i had clients who failed to start  their studies because they couldn't pass their   ielts exam and those were people who didn't  have poor english skills they actually could   speak english pretty well and perhaps for  that reason they thought that they can leave   this exam until the last moment and then something  happened and they didn't have time to correct it   and you can imagine how stressful that was  for them so start your preparation early   acquire your ielts skills when you are ready  take the exam it may happen that you don't get   the score you need but then you will have time  to work on the skills you need and retake your   exam in several months and in this case you will  give yourself the best chance for passing visa   and this whole experience will just be  so much less stressful for you i actually   have a little announcement we are launching a  new telegram channel about ielts preparation   it's called fast track ielts but the link is ielts  fast track because someone's taken my name and   doesn't even post anything but i still can't get  it so there i'll be sharing more resources for   your preparation quizzes pdf guides tips and so  on so please join us if you go there right now   you can take a quiz to check if you know enough  about ielts writing the most challenging part   of this exam search for #FT1 to go straight to  this quiz my next advice may be a bit unexpected   begin with ielts writing i think most people start  with ielts listening and reading i can understand   why but actually these two sections require  less time to prepare it's actually proven   every year ielts publishes average results of  all test takers in this world and every year the   lowest results are in ielts writing the second  lowest iron ielts speaking and actually ielts   listening and reading are higher and that's one of  the reasons why you should start with this section   why are results in ielts writing lower well  there are two main reasons the first one   is about active and passive skills so we have  passive skills that's listening and reading we   don't really need to do anything we just sit  there and we understand that's a passive skill   but when you write or when you speak you produce  something so that's an active skill and active   skills require more practice that's quite natural  also in ielts examiners use a set of very specific   criteria to mark your ielts writing responses  and you need to know what those criteria are   how to meet them and then you need to practice  writing your answers in an order that will   fulfill all the requirements otherwise even  people with quite advanced english skills   may not get a good result so you can learn  all these requirements in documents called   ielts band descriptors there is one for task one  and there is one for task two and another one for   ielts speaking and you can see that there are four  criteria to assess your answers and actually there   are requirements for each band score so ielts  examiners check your answer and they look at   those requirements when they mock you so you need  to know how to meet them in ielts writing it's   extremely important to develop an understanding  of what a high scoring answer looks like let   me show you an example right now you will see a  topic and two versions of the same body paragraph   read them both and think which one is better  and what the problems are with the other one   please pause the video and then  resume it when you are ready are you ready well there are no grammatical  or lexical mistakes in any of these paragraphs   but the one on your right is much better  that's because in the paragraph on your left   ideas are not developed have you noticed  that and the third idea is not actually   relevant you can hear the full explanation  in this video linked in the video description   but i showed you this example uh to demonstrate  that it's really important to understand what   type of writing gets a high score in ielts and  you should prepare so there are two tasks task   one is different for ielts academic and general  training students academic students get chats maps   diagrams tables and general training students get  a letter there are several types of tasks for each   task 2 is almost identical for all students but  again there are several types of task 2 essays   you need to know all those types and what you  need to do in each so that when you get the task   you can quickly get going you need to learn how to  structure your answers how to link ideas what the   requirements are and how to fulfill them then you  have a much better chance to achieve a high score   in your writing you can find all this information  to prepare in my ielts academic and general   courses i will link them in the description but  once you've learned all this you should practice   writing i know it's such a burden it's something  that we are really unwilling to do but every time   before i take my exam again i practice writing  essays and every time i have to make myself do   that but i know that the more i write the better i  write and the progress is actually very noticeable   so keep on practicing actually finishing both  tasks in 60 minutes is one of the main challenges   of the whole exam so spend some time on that so  far we've been talking about short-term strategies   but even if you master all of them you may still  not get the score you need and that may be because   you make too many grammatical and lexical mistakes  in your writing and those drag your score down   that may also be the case if you don't know  enough complex words and complex grammatical   structures to pull your score high enough  in most cases that's a combination of both   and i recommend taking lessons with an english  teacher if you can take into video lessons   and ask your teacher to check your writing and  to teach you the grammar you need and don't   get obsessed about scoring your essays if you  take your exam you know what the score is and   there are very few people who can score your  essays correctly who are not ielts examiners   and ielts examiners are not allowed to score  any essays outside of their main job so ask your   teacher how you can improve your english and your  writing skills and rely on official ielts results   for your score next start speaking english if  you learn the language in a classroom like i did   then you simply don't speak enough and that's  an active skill so it requires a lot of practice   so you should start speaking to yourself at home i  did it a lot to improve my speaking skills and it   helps it works our brain is built in such a way  that if we use a word regularly we can quickly   pull it out of our memory but if we don't it takes  time and if it takes time to remember every single   word then speaking is just very difficult but  the more you practice the smoother you can speak   in ielts certain topics i used over and  over again so you should practice answering   typical ielts questions don't learn any  answers by heart you'll be penalized   and don't think that you're gonna get exactly  the same question probably it will be worded in   a different way but it's still easier for us to  speak about a topic we discussed a few weeks ago   then something that is brand new then you should  practice answering questions in exam conditions   ielts speaking is quite a time pressured exam  you have not much time just several minutes in   each section and quite a lot of questions so your  examiner will be asking you questions one after   another and you need to quickly provide answers  because you don't really have much time to think   and they may interrupt you and so on so you need  to be prepared for that so practice with the timer   at home to know how much you can say if you have  a friend ask a friend to to be your examiner and   that helps if you're prepared you'll be able to  cope with this pressure better find out what ielts   examiners expect from you what the requirements  are and when you practice at home think if your   answers actually fulfill those requirements but  during your exam please please don't think about   any requirements only concentrate on the  question and you answer and don't think about   any complex verb tenses or any grammatical  structures you need to use no no speak naturally   that will help you achieve a higher score and  the last skill i think you should practice   is your ability to give an extended answer to  each question because if you hear a question   and you just say oh i don't really know the answer  is so simple that there is nothing to assess there   even if you don't know the answer you should still  be able to give an open answer explaining why for   example i really don't know if employees should  be required to wear suits at work in the office   the thing is i'm still a student and i haven't  worked anywhere apart from our student library   so the answer is still i don't know but  there is more vocabulary and grammar   to assess okay now let's talk about ielts  listening and reading i'm gonna talk about   ielts reading and listening together because  i think preparation for both is pretty similar   as in other sections of the ielts exam the result  depends not only on your english skills but also   on your preparation in both sections you're not  given enough time to slowly find all the answers   so the question is not just how many answers you  could theoretically find but how many you can find   within the time allotted that means that you  really need to learn how to use the time to the   maximum first of all you should learn the exam  format how many questions you're going to have   how many sections how those sections are organized  how much time you have in each section all those   little details nothing should surprise you  during your exam then you should learn the   strategy for the most difficult types of tasks  when you see a task you should know straight away   how you're gonna solve it that will save you  from spending time on figuring out what you   are actually supposed to do and that saves a  lot of time next learn how to manage your time   you need to feel how much time you have and how  quickly you need to go through the questions   to finish everything before the time runs out  next you should take some official practice tests   and here the emphasis on official practice  tests only those tests are exactly like   the real tests with the same level of difficulty  with the same types of tasks i took a number of   unofficial tests and they are all different some  are easier some are more complex some are just   different so concentrate on official papers  and you can get links to all the free official   practice tests in my ielts study plan it has  links to all the essential resources for your   preparation too and will help you to get started  and these are all the short-term strategies you   need to prepare yourself for these two sections  and then you take a practice test you time   yourself you count how many questions you answer  correctly and you know what score you're gonna get   what if the score is lower than the one you are  required to achieve in this case repeating and   taking more practice tests is not going to help  that's time to switch to long-term strategies   so for ielts listening that's listening in this  section you need to listen and read and write   almost at the same time you need to switch very  quickly and the less effort you need to pay to   your listening the more questions you'll be  able to answer correctly basically you need   to understand what you hear quite easily luckily  ielts listening is the ultimate passive skill if   you just watch tv in english you listen to a book  in english you listen to your news in english   and your skills are improving without  you doing too much so try to listen to as   much english speech as you can what about ielts  reading well here you need two skills reading fast   and knowing words so for reading fast you  really need to practice reading i suggest   reading articles in english the guardian and  the bbc are two great sources which are free   if you're preparing for the academic  exam then read articles on bbc science   or the science magazine those are pretty similar  to the real articles and yes ielts reading is the   most demanding section in terms of how many words  you need to know because ultimately if you don't   know the key words you won't be able to find the  correct answer and there is no way around it so   you need to work on your vocabulary the next step  is choose the correct type of the ielts exam there   is a paper-based exam and a computer-based exam  and you need to find which one is right for you   i personally find that ielts computer-based  is more convenient in many regards   and it actually leaves you a little bit more time  because you don't need to transfer your answers   you don't need to write anything but at the same  time you need to be able to use the computer   confidently and perhaps most importantly you need  to type quickly if you can type more quickly than   you can write with the pencil then perhaps it's  a great option for you but if you really need to   look for each letter on the keyboard then you  have to stick with a paper-based exam i have a   detailed video with all the differences in each  section i will link it if you'd like to see it   and another piece of advice is if you're planning  to take your ielts exam in late spring or in   summer then book your exam early that's because  at this time of the year the demand is so high   then quite often there are just no tests available  for weeks not even in other cities sometimes not   even in neighboring countries so think about  it and just book yourself a date in advance   okay these are all my tips for today and  i hope they were helpful if you go to the   telegram channel right now you can take a quiz and  check if you are ready for ielts writing and i'll   be really happy to see you there please join us  the links are in the video description box below   and thank you so much for watching me today good  luck with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, ielts writing, ielts writing academic, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts 2021, ielts testing, ielts tasks, written ielts, ielts reading tips and tricks, ielts reading exam, ielts listening test, ielts speaking, ielts listening, how to pass ielts, ielts tips 2021, eilts, eilts exam
Id: 6TzyT2BUjt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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