Baldur's Gate 3 honor mode was a mistake

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ever since I made my last video on balers Gate 3 I have honestly been a little obsessed with the game I've even played through it a few times at this point it's honestly almost all I can think about so I decided I wanted to try something I've never tried for balers Gate 3 that being a challenge run since I wanted to do a challenge run I decided to try the one that I would think would be the hardest one for me personally so I decided to try honor mode I am someone who likes the best outcomes possible this is why I normally stick with stealth builds and RPGs I like my one shots this run was the best challenge I could think of since I have to live with that outcome of every role I get this is going to be a very difficult run for me personally so I thought that's why it would be a good first challenge run to those who do not know the rules of Honor mode there is no save reloading each decision is permanent and could end the run right then and there if you do not get the proper role you need if you need an 11 and you roll a four tough luck no save for you it's hell upon hell now this is going to be a multi-part series this video is going to contain everything up to the goblin camp in act one I did want to do act one in a big video Al together but unfortunately I ran out of hard drive space and had to grab a new hard drive and I did want to get this video out within a reasonable time frame from my last video with the explanation of the rules out of the way I did have some plans going into honor mode as I knew this would be a challenge for me each decision will be life or death so I mapped out each class and character I wanted to use for the playthrough I planned my character builds first and then I had a character line up with said build and that first character being mine which I am making a gloomstalker a Rogue assassin mixed with a Gloom stalker rang this is good for dealing with enemies right away and taking out big lethal threats in one or two attacks with attacks like stealth extra attack and from the Shadows I will almost always have advantage and can take out big targets from far away with bows and hand crossbows and I knew I was going to need a Healer so the next character I had ended up picking was shadowart she is going to be a Healer and support character so she is sticking as a pure cleric when she gets to be a high level she can use Mass cure on the party for almost full HP and the build is really good once you get to the high levels due to some equipment that is available making it so Shadow har can almost never die and then she heals everyone before they go down my next character I wanted to use was a long range DPS attacker and for that I decided to use a machine gun warlock will honestly fits this build pretty well so I wanted to use him especially if you resck him at level three to change his stat layout for those who do not know the build this is where you mix warlock fighter and sorc into one class and focus on using Aldrich blast over and over to defeat opponents and knock them off Ledges it is the best build part of the squad but it does take a while to max out its potential and it is a little gear dependent so it will be a little bit of a challenge until we get to high levels and last but not least is carlac who I am using as a DPS Paladin Druid this build is all about blasting Smite over and over again to take out big threats and small threats that will in my character cannot get to I ch CarX since she starts off with a good stat distribution at the start so it m takes very minimum tweaking and plus being a tling makes her resistant to fire damage and plus plus she is second best girl I used Lazelle on my main playthrough with this build and it absolutely slammed since I had my character builds out next was the game mode I selected Bal since this was my first challenge run and I'm still kind of learning a lot about the game and this was before I knew you could make custom game modes I have only played in balanced in tactician so I did not know that there was a custom game mode until after this playthrough was recorded with everything mapped out all that needed to be done was to hop in a new save and start the run but before before we do hop into the run if you want to see me do another challenge run like this with custom game modes please make sure to like And subscribe to the channel it really does help out and my goal for the year of 2024 is to reach 10,000 subscribers I really want to make more challenge run videos alongside my ramble videos I make about some video games and after the balers Gate 3 run I was thinking of making a Kingdom Hearts 1 challenge run I haven't put a Kingdom Hearts video out yet and it being my favorite game series I feel like I need to fix that but with all the plugs out of the way thank you so much for listening and let's finally get into this run I start with making my character a Wood Elf having extra movement speed is very good for rogue and having bow proficiency for Ranger is very nice plus I do play as a wood elf in real life DND so it just felt right I wake up from my nap on a ship that is somehow exploding and not liking any of that I tried to get a friend for comfort that is somehow also a brain and let's just say the first rooll of the Run did not go well I meet laelle and almost die as she thinks I'm a wormhead we make up from visions of an alternate life she had had where we were a couple and she decides to join me we free shadowart from a comfy looking pod that is totally not a big threat just looks like a cozy place to take a nap and she is in crank town for not having proper nap time after freeing Shadow her her and lazel will not stop arguing so I just walk forward ignoring all the yelling behind me and we get in some fights with some bad people the fights go relatively well only taking about two total hit points of damage and we get to the transporter finally able to get off the exploding scary ship and really start our adventure we wake up on a beach totally ignoring how we got there walking forward a little bit we see Shadow Hart finally taking her nap thinking about how weird it is she would want to sleep in sand over a nice bed that is a pod we shake her awake because it's not fair that she gets to sleep and we do not and she officially joins our party we walk forward on the beach as we want to sight see without any fiery debris and as we walk forward we get into a fight with some walking brains the next battle was very bad as Shadow took lethal damage from one attack but we manage to win and get the two team members to level two which is very ful after the triumphing victory we decide to continue forward and as we walk forward I see my least favorite party member I do not need two Rogues so I kill asked but even though I hate him I revive him so I don't get fan backlash in the comments please I am a Fickle man do not yell at me with my comments now a war zone the adventure is going well for the 5 minutes it has been going we killed a man and resurrected him shadow heart almost died so when I see a weird hand popping out of a purple portal I think a cool what could go wrong and decide to help it out of the purple portal it turns out to just be Gil and I tell him to go to Camp to get him out of my sight a little disappointed it wasn't a magic hand that could follow me around it give me constant finger guns still a little distraught over not having a magic hand that can give me constant finger guns we snap out of it when I hear the cries of help from my favorite party member we run up to the spot where she's being held and we tell the two people that captured her very nicely to leave before I kick them right in the butthole they run away from that and I can now free her as fast as possible I will keep her in the party until I can grab carlac which I should have done with Gail but you know too lazy to grab him now and still a little sad that he's not a magic hand we walk along the coast happy as can be and I see some Bandits hanging out so decide to say hello but they do not appreciate me dropping in they were guarding a trap door which we get open on our last try totally wasn't scared of going into the place the bandits were in not thinking of how awful it would have been of not being able to roll not in 100 years but with my denial out of the way in the hatch was a damp but somehow cozy basement and we wake up the nice skeletons living there I help them get back to bed with no real issues and wake up Withers so he can go back to my Camp I will need him for those respects later and that is his real only use now that all the easy stuff is over it's time for the first real fight of the run the Goblins attacking the Druid Camp since I know there are a few goblins at the top of the cliff I go up there to start the battle my character gets a one shot on one of the Goblins to start the fight and then we get the next Goblin on the cliff in another one turn it does take us a few turns to get the rest of the Goblins that are on the ground since we are using range attacks trying to keep us safe plus missing like every two attacks does make the fight go on a little bit longer but the fight goes well and honestly the battle was way easier than I thought it would be I should go on top of places for the rest of the fights if it makes it this easy since we save the Grove for no real reason other than to boost our ranks we grab our third real party member will we do explore around the droot camp a little bit and doing so gets us to level three but while exploring we did find a beach and on that beach is a kid getting punked into thinking there is a very nice lady singing at him we do try to stop the nasty singing gross ladies to save the child but unfortunately the very last Harpy we cannot save the child and he dies uh whoops at least we got some good loot for our effort we continue forward not thinking of the tragic loss of the child and I meet some crazy people on the road telling me they are looking for the people who survived the ship we were on weary of the crazy people I convinced them to try to kill an owl bear that had just killed their friend/ brother person we follow them so we can kill the owl bear ourselves but I take the C out not thinking of how I could get it in the camp later and the crazy people act as bait to try to take out the owl bear with the bait properly in place we use them to take out the owl bear and after we had taken out the owl bear we want no dealings with crazy people so we take air of that loose and very fast despite all the killing our adventure is still going very well so I decide to grab carlac since we are very close to her after telling will to stop being a dumb dumb since she is very clearly not a devil she joins our party with this we can start to really start ripping our way through the early game since we are all now level three I do take will and carlac to Withers to re respect them and start their real builds before doing any more fights now that we are very strong from the respect and have nothing else on our minds I go find those paladins that were hunting carlac so we can show them who the real Paladin is I smack them down with very big ease and we grab a good sword for carlac until we can grab the spear sorrow later there is not a whole lot I want to do before going to the goblin camp now so we walk to the blighted village and we meet some goblins telling them how nice of a day it is they seem very nice and not evil at all but ignoring the Goblins we find a chest that has the haste Helm in it which is great for my character we pick it up and while picking it up we realize we have a very spooky amount of gold on us wanting to keep our mind off of the spooky scary gold in our pockets I want some more dps4 car so we go grab the spark bow in Boots to have some extra Lightning Charge damage it's not a lot in its current state but anything helps since our next stop is the good old Goblin camp with a lot of our prep work done we can finally make our way to the goblin Camp since I have some things I want to do there once entering the goblin camp we beline it to Menara right away and not knock her out so we can grab her as a companion in act two doing that bumps me to level four and I get to take all her things her fight was somewhat draining so we did do a long rest and once we come back from the long rest uh she is just kind of standing there I think I broke her and trying not to think of the atrocities I have now acted on my act two party member I really want to go grab the sword that sings from the underd dark the best way to get to the underd dark in this point is just by sneaking through guts room but the guard in gut's room makes it a little harder than I would like it we constantly walk up to her trying to make her uh realize that we live here but she does not buy it and after the fourth attempt I just get a little annoyed and just kill her we finally walk into the puzzle room and cheat by just pulling a lever on the wall letting us go underground now that we are in the under dark I can grab the singing sword by pulling it out of the ground like the tough guy I am this is one of the best items for act one and I cannot wait to abuse it in thinking about how I can abuse the power of this sword though I remember I need to go to the mushroom camp for my new hand crossbow and so we jump past the weird burrow monster monster since I am far too weak to fight that monster right now and will cannot push it off the ledge finally making my way to the mushroom Camp I grab a hand crossbow finally having two if you are wondering where the second one came from I had bought one from Damon earlier with my Act One build really strong I head back to the goblin Camp to take out the rest of the leaders since I took out menora already I wanted to break down the drums so they cannot call for backup I do get caught for the first drum I break and rolling a nine means I have to pay some money so I can break the other one but I decided to follow Frank's advice and just start blasting I think about how I took out the other goblins with relative ease so I want to te gut in my first encounter for the leaders I realize that there is a beam on the top rafter and start to try to pick them off one by one with that strategy we totally pick off gut with no issues at all and almost did not die by being pulled off of the top rafter totally not being panicked and thinking about how I almost killed the Run we take out the rest of the goblins with a now very very bruised butt I totally got my commant from what I said to those teelings before it does not feel good since SC is now dead we grab her parasite so we can get luck of the far Realms I really need this skill for an honor run and being able to get a crit anytime I need it is a huge help speaking of which we decided to use it against the last goblin boss we see they are trying to speak to a dead mind flare realizing it's one of the ones we killed we quickly pull a sick nasty lie to the Goblin King and do what we do best hide in the rafters we start the fight by shooting the Goblin King using our new skill lock of the far Realms to take out a lot of his health right away honestly this fight was not very hard it was quite easy but it was very long my whole party was on the top Rafters of the map and the enemies really didn't know how to handle us I even got us some payback from being pulled off of the top rafter by gut and it got me an achievement sweet sweet Justice never tasted so good we take out the rest of the goblin supporters and grab us some very nice loot but before I get ahead of myself thinking of all my gold coins I realize that there is one thing we forgot to do before we leave the goblin camp we forgot to rescue Howen the Druid that The Druids asked us to help a long time ago like a school child who forgot he was supposed to meet his friends an hour ago at the park I run to the room that he is locked in being stopped by a few straggler goblins I take them out with exem ease finally in the room on time and as very much planned this way I get Hal out of his cage and we take out a few Goblin children trying to tattle on us to no one cuz they are all dead and the rest of the goblin people who somehow managed to summon a big ass spider that makes absolutely no sense but we take them all out nonetheless and hson is now safe we talk to hson and he is is very much impressed on how we took out all the bosses Before We rescued him thinking about how it was all planned and we totally don't just look at him shaking our heads variously that this was totally the plan now that the coblin camp is defeated we go back to the Druid Camp to go grab our rewards and the tling stop us at the front telling us that they want to go get absolutely blasted in our camp we tell him to hold on a moment so we can go grab our Rewards and after we grab the words we go get blasted ourselves in the camp during the party I tell carlac I have the hots for her and we kiss for a while before my skin melts on my lips I wake up with very serious Burns and I enjoy the one last party before the true hell of act one shows its big fat nose thank you all so much for watching part one of my honor run in balers Gate 3 the next part will come out pretty soon since I did get a new hard drive and can record the final footage for act one I have almost all of act one done right now I'm in the final story parts of act one and only have about two things left to do so it shouldn't take that long for the next part to come out I did have a lot of fun doing this run so far and if you enjoyed this part please make sure you like the video and subscribe for the next part coming out I promise you you won't be disappointed as you can tell I did get a huge upgrade to my setup I did finally get a new microphone I apologize for the quality of my previous microphone and it was very sucky but thanks to the support of my good friend Brad he gave us a great recommendation for a new microphone and I quite like it so far so again thank you so much for watching I hope you all have an amazing rest of your day and as always take care everybody
Channel: RikuOftheEarth
Views: 2,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, bg, baldur's, gate, baldur's gate, d&d, dungeons, and, dragons, dungeons and dragons, baldur's gate 3, rpg, challenge run, run, challenge, new mic, small youtuber, youtube, new, new video, dungeon's & dragons, edited, edited by me, series, new series, fail, challenging, hardcore, no saves, talking, rambling, scripted, honor, honor mode, honor mode was a mistake, mode
Id: rJDLg1NZ1qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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